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Aemilianum College Inc.


Rizal St. Piot, West District, Sorsogon City
Sorsogon, Philippines 4700
Contact No. (056) 211 – 6012
Email Address:
TERM: 1st Semester
ACADEMIC YEAR: 2021-2022


Family is a key social institution in all societies, which makes it a cultural universal. Similarly, values and
norms surrounding marriage are found all over the world in every culture, so marriage and family are both cultural
universals. Statuses (i.e., wife, husband, partner, mom, dad, brother, sister, etc.) are created and sanctioned by
societies. While marriage and family have historically been closely linked in U.S. culture, with marriages creating
new families, their connection is becoming more complex, as illustrated by the opening vignette and in the
subsequent data on cohabitation.
Sociologists are interested in the relationship between the institution of marriage and the institution of family
because families are the most basic social unit upon which society is built, but also because marriage and family
are linked to other social institutions such as the economy, government, and religion. So, what is a
family? Family is a socially recognized group (usually joined by blood, marriage, cohabitation, or adoption) that
forms an emotional connection among its members and that serves as an economic unit of society. Sociologists
identify different types of families based on how one enters into them. A family of orientation refers to the family
into which a person is born. A family of procreation describes one that is formed through marriage. These
distinctions have cultural significance related to issues of lineage.


- Family Structures
- Classifications of Family Based on Internal Organization
- Classifications of Family Based on Descent
- Classifications of Family based on Residence
- Classification of Family Based on Authority
- Functions of the Family
- A Healthy Family


1. Describe family as an institution.

2. Discuss the different classifications of family.
3. Discuss and appreciate the importance of family.
4. Know your responsibility as part of the family.
5. Enumerates the signs of a healthy family.

It is generally accepted that the family is the first and oldest social institution in society. Archaeological
proofs on primitive men are proven by burial remains and artifacts. The family consists of parents and children
who interact with one another. Through this socialization process, parents are able to hand down socially
acceptable cultural practices that serve as initial training for the young to become future responsible citizens in
the future.
According to Zaide (1998), the family refers to a group of people united by ties of marriage, blood or
adoption. As a group, the members of the family live together under one roof and that they constitute a single
housekeeping unit.
It is a universal institution that has the following common characteristics:
1. The family members associate with one another in their respective roles as husband and wife, mother and
father, son and daughter or brother and sister.
2. As the members of the family enjoy life together playing their different roles, they tend to create a common
subculture where a member is made to feel aware of his role through a long period of socialization during

Different structures emanate due to changing family patterns and cultural variations practiced by family
members in a given society. The nature of each family structure and the interactions therein has been observed to
influence the personality development of its members.
Panopio (1994), states that family structures are based on internal organization, descent, residence and authority.
1. Conjugal family
- Conjugal family is composed only the husband and the wife as in newly-wed couple.
2. Nuclear Family
- Nuclear family is often referred to as either a primary or an elementary family. It is composed of the
married couple and their children.
3. Extended Family
- Extended family is composed of two or more nuclear families or several generations of families living
together under one roof.


Families tend to trace ancestry from either the paternal or maternal sides. It does not mean, however, that the
genealogical ties are closer than others. On the bases of descent, families are considered as:
1. Patrilineal Family
- Patrilineal family wherein family members trace their relationships and affiliates with relatives on
the father’s side.
2. Matrilineal Family
- Matrilineal family wherein a person traces his relationships and affiliates with relatives on the
mother’s side.
3. Bilateral Family
- Bilateral family a person traces his relationships and affiliates with relative on both parents.


It is based where the couple prefers to stay. It may be the:
1. Patrilocal Residence
- Patrilocal residence wherein the newly married couple lives with or near the domicile of the parents
of the bridegroom.
2. Matrilocal Residence
- Matrilocal residence wherein the newly married couple lives with or near the domicile of the bride’s
3. Bilocal Residence
- Bilocal residence wherein the couple chooses to stay with either the groom’s parents or the bride’s
parents, depending on factors like the relative wealth of the families or their status, the wishes of the
parents or certain personal preferences of the bride and the groom.
4. Neolocal Residence
- Neolocal residence wherein the couple resides independently from the parents of either groom or
5. Avunculocal Residence
- Avunculocal residence wherein newly married couple is prescribed to reside with or near the maternal
uncle of the groom.


This is based on who wields authority in the family. According to this, families are classified as:
1. Patriarchal Family
- Patriarchal which is the type of family where authority is vested in the oldest male in the family,
often the father. The son, specially the eldest, also enjoy special prestige and privileges. The males
speak for the familial group with regard to property relations, legal obligations and criminal offenses.
This type of family is characterized by family solidarity and ancestor worship.
2. Matriarchal Family
- Matriarchal which is a type of family where the authority is vested in the mother of the mother’s kin.
This type is very rare and can be found in societies where the mother dominates the household.
3. Egalitarian Family
- Egalitarian which is a type of family where the husband and the wife exercise a more or less equal
amount of authority.
4. Matricentric Family
- Matricentric which is a recently emerged type of family type found in the suburbs of the United States
where the prolonged absence of the father gives the mother a dominant position in the family, although
the father may also share with mother in decision-making.


Regardless of family structure, the family as a basic social institution needs to perform several vital tasks.
With the passage of time, these functions were either weakened or strengthened due to social and cultural changes.
Several sociologists enumerate the functions of the family.
1. Socialization of children
- Parents act as basis socialization agents for their children. They transmit to their children standards of
behavior, value systems, basic skills, motivations and work attitudes. These are integrated in their
personalities, which they use to further socialize as they go beyond their family, peer group, school,
and work group.
2. Regulator of sexual behavior and activity
- Among Cordilleran’s especially those in the highlands, liberal sex is frowned upon. The resentment
for incest is very strong. Universally, incest taboo is a regulation. It forbids marriage between closest
and kins. This norm minimizes sexual competition within families by restricting legitimate sexuality
to spouses. It also forces people to marry outside of their immediate families. Reproduction between
close relatives can mentally and physically impair offspring. The close reproduction among close
relatives would also confuse kinship ties and threaten social order.
3. Social Placement
- The reproduction of children maintains social organization. Birth is preferred to married parents where
they can confer their own social identity in terms of race, ethnicity, religion or social class.
4. Material and emotional security
- To a greater extent, most families look to kin for physical protection, emotional support and financial
assistance. It is no surprise that people living in families tend to be healthier than those living alone.

A healthy home is a place where every member is taken seriously as a person and where he/she knows he/she
is valued, respected and loved. Happiness always resides in a healthy family. Porachin (1998) enumerates the
signs of a healthy family as follows:
1. Healthy families maintain a spiritual foundation.
- A shared religious core supported by a church affiliation gives stability to the individual and his family.

2. Healthy families make the family a top priority.

- Mother Teresa made this observation on the modern family: I think the world today is upside down,
and is suffering so much because there is so very little love in the homes and in the family. We have
no time for our children, we have no time for each other, there is no time to enjoy each other.” Make
time to be together. Do not allow work or other activities to infringe upon family life.
3. Healthy families ask and give respect.
- Respect is a two-way street. In order to receive respect, you must first give it. The most effective way
to gain respect from children is to treat them with respect.
4. Healthy families communicate and listen.
- Respect other people’s points of view even when it differs from your own. In the book by Mark Durkin,
Making Your Family Work, she says the following five qualities are common to active listeners:
a. Giving the other person opportunity to express ideas and feelings without interrupting,
b. Making an honest attempt to understand those ideas and feelings,
c. Setting aside preconceived opinions about the other person,
d. Showing respect for the other person’s right to hold a view different from your, and
e. Demonstrating your appreciation of the effort the other person is making.
5. Healthy families value service to others
- Place little emphasis on working to raise children to become the biggest, the best, the prettiest and
brightest, or the most popular – but focus on raising children who care about others and who work to
improve conditions for the less fortunate.
6. Healthy families expect and offer acceptance
- A good family provides a psychological safety net that makes members feel accepted.

“A family is a little world created with love”

Aemilianum College Incorporated
Rizal St. Piot, West District, Sorsogon City
A.Y: 2021- 2022 (1st Semester)
Instructor: Kevin H. Hapin, LPT (FINALS-Module 1)

Name: ________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Year/ Section: __________________________ Score: ___________________________
Directions: Please be reminded of the following: GOODLUCK AND GOD BLESS.

1. Read each instruction carefully and comprehensively.

2. Erasures are prohibited. (white out, correction tape or any type of erasures)
3. Do not leave any item unanswered. Unanswered item will constitute to invalid test number.

IDENTIFICATION: Read each item and write your answer on the space provided before each item.
________________________1. A type of descent family wherein family members trace their relationships and
affiliates with relatives on the father’s side.
________________________2. A type of in which it composed only the husband and the wife as in newly-wed
________________________3. It refers to the family into which a person is born.
________________________4. It describes one that is formed through marriage.
________________________5. It is often referred to as either a primary or an elementary family.
________________________6. A type of family residence wherein newly married couple is prescribed to reside
with or near the maternal uncle of the groom.
________________________7. A type of family authority in which is a type of family where the husband and
the wife exercise a more or less equal amount of authority.
________________________8. A type of family authority in which is the type of family where authority is vested
in the oldest male in the family, often the father.
________________________9. A type of family residence wherein the couple chooses to stay with either the
groom’s parents or the bride’s parents.
________________________10. It refers wherein the newly married couple lives with or near the domicile of
the parents of the bridegroom.
________________________11. It refers where a person traces his relationships and affiliates with relative on
both parents.
________________________12. A type of family that is composed of two or more nuclear families or several
generations of families living together under one roof.
________________________13. It refers to a group of people united by ties of marriage, blood or adoption.
________________________14. A type of descent family wherein a person traces his relationships and affiliates
with relatives on the mother’s side.
________________________15. A type of family residence wherein the newly married couple lives with or near
the domicile of the bride’s parents.
________________________16. A type of authority family which is a type of family where the authority is vested
in the mother of the mother’s kin.
________________________17. A type of family residence wherein the couple resides independently from the
parents of either groom or bride.
________________________18. A type of family authority in which is a recently emerged type of family type
found in the suburbs of the United States where the prolonged absence of the father gives the mother a dominant
position in the family.
________________________19. He states that family structures are based on internal organization, descent,
residence and authority.
________________________20. According to him, the family refers to a group of people united by ties of
marriage, blood or adoption.
Aemilianum College Incorporated
Rizal St. Piot, West District, Sorsogon City
A.Y: 2021- 2022 (1st Semester)
Instructor: Kevin H. Hapin, LPT (FINALS-Module 2)

Name: ________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Year/ Section: __________________________ Score: ___________________________
Directions: Please be reminded of the following: GOODLUCK AND GOD BLESS

1. Read each instruction carefully and comprehensively.

2. Erasures are prohibited. (white out, correction tape or any type of erasures)
3. Do not leave any item unanswered. Unanswered item will constitute to invalid test number.

Enumeration. Supply what is/are asked.

Enumerates the signs of a Healthy Family:
Functions of the Family:
Classifications of Family Based on Descent:
Classifications of Family Based on Internal Organization:
Classifications of Family Based on Authority:
Classifications of Family Based on Residence:
21. 24.
22. 25.
ESSAY: Explain Briefly. Please refer to the Scoring Rubric below.
1. Why is it called that family is the “first and oldest social institution in society”?
Scoring Rubric:
5 Clearly explain the question.
4 Clearly but moderately explain the question.
3 Moderately explain the question.
2 Less moderately explain the question.
1 Did not meet the expectations.


I understand that
I realize that

- General Sociology (Society, Culture, Population Dynamics and Gender Development)
By: - Roberta L. Omas-as, Ed. D.
-Ricardo B. Capule Jr., M.A.
-Josephine A. Guimpatan, Ed. D.
-Rebecca L. Simbajon, Ed. D.
-Jocelyn C. Morales, M.A.
-Digna R. Fernandez, M.A.

Family planning allows people to attain their desired number of children, if any, and to determine the spacing
of their pregnancies. It is achieved through use of contraceptive methods and the treatment of infertility.
Contraceptive information and services are fundamental to the health and human rights of all individuals.
The prevention of unintended pregnancies helps to lower maternal ill-health and the number of pregnancy-
related deaths. Delaying pregnancies in young girls who are at increased risk of health problems from early
childbearing, and preventing pregnancies among older women who also face increased risks, are important health
benefits of family planning.
By reducing rates of unintended pregnancies, contraception also reduces the need for unsafe abortion and
reduces HIV transmissions from mothers to newborns. This can also benefit the education of girls and create
opportunities for women to participate more fully in society, including paid employment.



- Classifications of Family Planning
- Abortion


1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of family planning.

2. Enumerate and discuss the different types of family planning.
3. Know the side effects of different family planning methods.

One very important of population education is family planning which is generally understood as the
regulation of fertility so as to have limited number of children. to attain this, one must understand the advantages
and disadvantages of each method of family planning and choose which suits them best. Family planning methods
are classified as: a) folk method, b) behavioral method, c) mechanical contraceptives, d) chemical contraceptives,
e) intrauterine device, f) oral contraceptives, and g) surgical methods of sterilization.
1. Folk Methods
- The folk methods consist of the postcoital douche or douching and prolonged lactation strategies.
a. Postcoital Douching
- Postcoital douching is done by flushing the vagina with medicated solution immediately after
intercourse to remove or kill the sperms. This practice is relatively ineffective as the sperm cells may
have entered the cervical canal and are unaffected. Frequent douching may also damage the vaginal
b. Prolonged Lactation
- Prolonged lactation, an ancient practice of preventing pregnancy, is prolonged breastfeeding which
delays ovulation. This practice is safe and free but it may not be effective to those whose ovulation
period returns from two to four months after a baby’s delivery.
2. Behavioral Methods
a. Natural Method or Rhythm Method
- The natural method of family planning does not require the use of any drug, chemical or plastic
sheaths. it is commonly known as the rhythm method because its success depends upon the woman’s
monthly menstrual cycle. The husband simply refrains from having sexual intercourse with his wife
during latter’s fertile period.
b. Ovulation Period
- The fertile period could be determined through the use of the calendar, thermometer or appearance of
cervical mucus or vaginal discharge in the vaginal canal. For women with normal regular cycles, the
body temperature usually drops sharply a day or two before ovulation and rises sharply after ovulation
has occurred. The presence of mucus or vaginal discharge in the vaginal canal which usually occurs
three days after menstruation is a sure indication that ovulation is soon to occur. This is the time that
women feel “wetness”. Although one does not see it, the first discharge of mucus is usually yellowish
which soon turns clearer and more slippery. This is referred to as the “peak symptom” and sexual
union should be avoided. For the rhythm method to be successful, both husband and wife must have
open communication, understanding and high motivation.
c. Withdrawal Method
- The withdrawal method is known as coitus interruptus because the act of sexual intercourse is
interrupted by the withdrawal of the male organ prior to its ejaculation. this calls for maximum self-
control and precise timing on the part of the male. However, even if practiced perfectly, this method
could be unreliable due to the emission of pre-ejaculatory fluid over which the husband has no control.
This fluid may contain enough sperm cells that may cause pregnancy. Another disadvantage of this
method is the deprivation of considerable physical satisfaction for both husband and wife which may
later have psychological effects.
3. Mechanical Contraceptives
a. The Condom
- A condom is a thin sheath of elastic rubber worn by the male over the penis during sexual intercourse.
The sheath prevents the male sperm from entering the female vagina, thus preventing the possibility
of conception. This method is cheap because condoms are sold cheaply and are readily available. One
of the advantages of using condoms is that the risks of contracting sexually transmitted diseases such
as AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea etc., is minimized.
b. The Diaphragm
- The diaphragm is a shallow rubber cap with a flexible spring that is compressed and inserted into the
vagina so that it fits snugly over the cervix. It is usually covered with spermicidal jelly or cream to
prevent the entry of sperms into the uterus. When used correctly and properly, it can be very effective.
A doctor has to check it annually to see that it stays in place. Sometimes, diaphragms are dislodged
during sexual union.
c. Cervical cap
- The cervical cap is made of rubber with a tapering dome appearance designated to fit snugly over the
cervix. When fitted by a doctor, it stays in place during sexual intercourse and over longer periods.
4. Chemical Contraceptives
a. Vaginal Suppositories and Tablets
- The vaginal suppository is a small bullet-shaped substance containing chemicals capable of killing
sperms. It is inserted into the vagina 10-15 minutes prior to intercourse. Likewise, the vaginal foaming
tablet is moistened with water or saliva then inserted into vagina 10-15 minutes before intercourse. It
melts inside the vagina and forms a coat of foam to prevent the sperms from entering the uterus. These
suppositories and tablets are very convenient and need no prescription from a doctor. They, however,
are not readily available.
b. Jellies, Creams and Vaginal Foams
- Jellies, creams, and vaginal foams are often packaged in bottles and sold with plastic applicators. They
are inserted into the vagina just before sexual intercourse. The purpose is to immobilize or kill the
sperms. These spermicides, however, only last for least an hour. There should be no douching or
washing of the vagina for six hours after intercourse for effective usage.
5. Intrauterine Device
- The object known as the intrauterine device resembles a coil made of plastic or metal and is inserted
properly into the uterus through the cervical canal by a doctor. When the IUD properly fits the cervical
canal, it becomes safe to perform sexual intercourse. However, many women refrain from using the
IUD as it usually causes bleeding. Sometimes, it is expelled through minimum pushing during sexual
intercourse. When used in sexual intercourse, the IUD should be properly inserted and regularly
checked by a doctor.
- The latest form of intrauterine device (IUD) is the cooper T380A. This prevents fertilization primarily
by creating an intrauterine environment that is spermicidal. A foreign body reaction of the
endometrium, heightening the inflammatory response; it increases local protogland in production and
inhibits endometrial enzymes. The contraceptive efficacy of copper-containing intrauterine device
(IUDs) is said to be directly proportional to the surface area of exposed copper. They are now highly
considered effective in preventing pregnancy (Zaide, 1998).
6. Oral Contraceptive: The Pill
- The pill or oral contraceptive is taken in through the mouth. It is made up of synthetic hormones that
prevent contraception by inhibiting the ovaries from releasing egg cells. The pills have to be taken
regularly for 21 days based on the woman’s menstrual cycle. The first pill is taken on the fifth day of
menstruation and continued for 20-21 days each month. when it is stopped, menstruation occurs. The
pill, however, is known to have caused some side effects, the most serious of which is blood clotting
especially among women over forty years of age.
7. The Injectables
- One of the latest methods of family planning is the use of an injectable contraceptive drug known as
Dep Provera (DMPA). Instead of taking pills, a woman is injected with this drug at the hip muscles.
The effectivity of one injection lasts for three months. Some side effects women derive from using De
Provera (DMPA) were reported to include headaches, bloating of the abdomen or breast and mood
8. Surgical Methods of Sterilization
a. Tubal Ligation for Women
- Tubal ligation refers to the act of trying or cutting the fallopian tubes to make a woman sterile. When
the fallopian tubes are severed or tied, no egg cell could pass from the ovary to the uterus. Thus, when
the egg is prevented from meeting the sperm, no pregnancy occurs. The tubal ligation method is 100
percent effective. So, before a mother submits herself for ligation, she must be very sure that she does
not want to conceive anymore.
b. Vasectomy for Men
- Vasectomy for men is a minor and cheap operation done within 15-20 minutes wherein the male vas
deferens, a tube-like passage that stems from each testis that produces the sperms is cut or tied. The
sperms pass through the vas deferens to the seminal vesicle where they mix with the semen before
they are discharged from the male organ into the female genital tract during sexual intercourse. Once
the vas deferens is cut or tied; the sperm cells cannot mix with the semen thus preventing pregnancy
on a woman. The male body will still continue to produce sperm cells but these are absorbed by the
body. This process is medically known as phagocytosis.

- Abortion is the interruption of pregnancy before the fetus is mature enough to survive outside the
womb (Zaide, 1998). Catholics strongly believe that abortion is immoral and illegal and do not accept
it as a family planning method. Abortion deprives the unborn child of its right to life. Abortion places
women’s lives in grave danger.

“Once that living love destroyed by contraception, abortion follows very easily”
-Mother Teresa-
Aemilianum College Incorporated
Rizal St. Piot, West District, Sorsogon City
A.Y: 2021- 2022 (1st Semester)
Instructor: Kevin H. Hapin, LPT (FINALS-Module 3)

Name: ________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Year/ Section: __________________________ Score: ___________________________
Directions: Please be reminded of the following: GOODLUCK AND GOD BLESS.

1. Read each instruction carefully and comprehensively.

2. Erasures are prohibited. (white out, correction tape or any type of erasures)
3. Do not leave any item unanswered. Unanswered item will constitute to invalid test number.

IDENTIFICATION: Read each item and write your answer on the space provided before each item.
________________________1. It is a family planning method consist of the postcoital douche or douching and
prolonged lactation strategies.
________________________2. It is known as coitus interruptus because the act of sexual intercourse is
interrupted by the withdrawal of the male organ prior to its ejaculation.
________________________3. It is a type of family planning does not require the use of any drug, chemical or
plastic sheaths.
________________________4. It is is made of rubber with a tapering dome appearance designated to fit snugly
over the cervix.
________________________5. It is a minor and cheap operation done within 15-20 minutes wherein the male
vas deferens, a tube-like passage that stems from each testis that produces the sperms is cut or tied.
________________________6. It is the interruption of pregnancy before the fetus is mature enough to survive
outside the womb
________________________7. It is the latest methods of family planning is the use of an injectable contraceptive
drug known as Dep Provera (DMPA).
________________________8. A device resembles a coil made of plastic or metal and is inserted properly into
the uterus through the cervical canal by a doctor.
________________________9. It is a shallow rubber cap with a flexible spring that is compressed and inserted
into the vagina so that it fits snugly over the cervix.
________________________10. It is a thin sheath of elastic rubber worn by the male over the penis during sexual
________________________11. It is an ancient practice of preventing pregnancy, is prolonged breastfeeding
which delays ovulation.
________________________12. It is fertile period could be determined through the use of the calendar,
thermometer or appearance of cervical mucus or vaginal discharge in the vaginal canal.
________________________13. It is a small bullet-shaped substance containing chemicals capable of killing
________________________14. It is done by flushing the vagina with medicated solution immediately after
intercourse to remove or kill the sperms.
________________________15. It refers to the act of trying or cutting the fallopian tubes to make a woman
________________________16. It is made up of synthetic hormones that prevent contraception by inhibiting the
ovaries from releasing egg cells.
________________________17. It is moistened with water or saliva then inserted into vagina 10-15 minutes
before intercourse.
________________________18. STDs stands for?
________________________19. - 20. Catholics strongly believe that abortion is ____ and _____ and do not
accept it as a family planning method.
Aemilianum College Incorporated
Rizal St. Piot, West District, Sorsogon City
A.Y: 2021- 2022 (1st Semester)
Instructor: Kevin H. Hapin, LPT (FINALS-Module 4)

Name: ________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Year/ Section: __________________________ Score: ___________________________
Directions: Please be reminded of the following: GOODLUCK AND GOD BLESS

1. Read each instruction carefully and comprehensively.

2. Erasures are prohibited. (white out, correction tape or any type of erasures)
3. Do not leave any item unanswered. Unanswered item will constitute to invalid test number.

Enumeration. Supply what is/are asked.

Classification of Family Planning Methods:
Two Types of Folk Methods:
Three Types of Behavioral Methods:
Types of Chemical Contraceptives:
Types of Mechanical Contraceptives:
Two Types of Surgical Methods of Sterilization:
Aemilianum College Incorporated
Rizal St. Piot, West District, Sorsogon City
A.Y: 2021- 2022 (1st Semester)
Instructor: Kevin H. Hapin, LPT (FINALS-Module 5)
Name: ________________________________ Date: ____________________________
Year/ Section: __________________________ Score: ___________________________
Directions: Please be reminded of the following: GOODLUCK AND GOD BLESS

1. Read each instruction carefully and comprehensively.

2. Erasures are prohibited. (white out, correction tape or any type of erasures)
3. Do not leave any item unanswered. Unanswered item will constitute to invalid test number.

ESSAY: Explain Briefly. Please refer to the Scoring Rubric below.

1. In what level do you think should sex education be taught in school? How should it be taught?

2. Is abortion a family planning method? Why is it illegal and immoral? Justify you answer
3. Who has the first responsibility of educating the youth on sex education: the school or the family?
Justify your answer.

4. Is population a major factor in country’s development? What programs and policies have the
government instituted to address population concerns? In what ways will these programs and policies
contribute to the quality of life of individuals and the nation?

Scoring Rubric:
9-10 Clearly explain the question.
7-8 Clearly but moderately explain the question.
5-6 Moderately explain the question.
3-4 Less moderately explain the question.
1-2 Did not meet the expectations.

I understand that

I realize that

- General Sociology (Society, Culture, Population Dynamics and Gender Development)
By: - Roberta L. Omas-as, Ed. D.
-Ricardo B. Capule Jr., M.A.
-Josephine A. Guimpatan, Ed. D.
-Rebecca L. Simbajon, Ed. D.
-Jocelyn C. Morales, M.A.
-Digna R. Fernandez, M.A.

Prepared by:



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