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a) gl ae i0 Beyond f Pec cL Pee ere aL macrnillan education Vocabulary (4): Numbers 1-20, introductions, colors nar (4): Pronouns; Possessive adjectives; Be My things Talk about your things Vocabulary (1): Things ENINTD The alpnaet ry Giwythings aa UNIT REVIEW page 19) Family and fiends Jiao new prone Have Talk about your family and rionds | Read text messages Talk about your things, Ideas, Vocabulary (1): Family ae Load SEED The /e/ souna | i Dee) (© Family and friends [UNIT REVIEW page 29 PROGRESS CHECK 182 pages 30-31 ‘Adopt a pet fi your pet Engle Imperatives and object I, | pronouns Give orders and instructions Talk about pets Ce CT UNIT REVIEW page 44 Free time ‘We can! nfean't | Talk about your froetime activities | Read anartiele ona website | Talk about the things you | ‘can do | PLAY Vocabulary (4): Freetime activities poges 42-51 RSET UNIT REVIEW page 54 PROGRESS CHECK 384 pages 52-53 aa ‘Grammar (2): Be: negative, questions, and short answers; ‘quostion words PSO ea ML WL) Pe LCT) This/that, these/those | il Is ttnew? | Deseribo things Whose?; possessive $/s" and possessive pronouns Talk about your things, family, and frlends There is / there are Describe a room t | Ask for and give things ‘Simple present Talk about habits and routines rd Psi) ay Pt cg Bay pT WEATHER Cy Weleome to Tomorrowtown Taik about jobs ‘Vocabulary (2): Jobs (GEMINI The far! sound [Welcome to Tomorrowtown UNIT REVIEW page 63, ce My perfect job | simple present Read a questionnairo ‘Ask and answer questions ‘about habits and routines ‘Our vacation home Talk about homes Vocabulary (1): Homes Bout vacatien noma” mone Comparative adjectives Compare two places, people, or things UNIT REVIEW page 73 pages 74-75 What are you wearing? Talk about clothes Vocabulary (1): Clothes The st! sound 10 What ate you wearing? | /A message for the King Present progressive [ Read part of a play Talk about things happening UNIT REVIEW page 85 ‘World weather ‘Talk about the weather Vocabulary (1): Countries, the weather CID The fev souna UNIT REVIEW page 95 pages 96-97 ‘My dally routine Usten to a radio show Vocabulary (2): Dally activities CPA eee oa 2) ‘Adverbs of frequency ‘Say how often you do things LANGUAGE & BEYOND | SPEAKING © Ask for and givo reasons ‘Anormal day (message) Waite a wobsite post ‘Mime show Present progressive | School skills Hove acting TR day in the city Listen to descriptions Ask and answer | Be polte Talc about things you | *8528®) a ‘questions about ke Wit a short message Vocabulary (2): Action verbs things cae Simple past Tow are tings? Talk about events In Ask how people are the past GID sino post veros | eee Ren) EXTRAS PROJECTS 0: Number two number four THINK AND READ 1 ©X@D Read the story. What's Emily's favorite color? 2 Read the story again and do the exercises. RECA 1 NUMBERS 4-20 1 (XD Work in pairs. Complete the numbers with a, e, /, 0, and u. Then listen and repeat. tone 6s _x mooi von 16s xt 0 2 w 7s von iw W 17 sv _ont n 3 the 8 ght 13 th ot n 18 gnt n af en) 14 t n 19n nt n Sf v tot n 15 f ft a 20 tw nly » Work in pairs. Student A: say a number from 3 PRONOUNS AND POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES 1 to 20. Student B: Close your book. Write ‘Complete the table. Use words from the pictures. the number in letters. Student A: Check the number. Then change roles. (Tm Ben. _|(2)__My__name's Bon. 2 INTRODUCTIONS You're Emily 3) name's Emily a Put the words in order to make sentences. ) ‘SEfie, | His name's Exc Marla: Hi, Maria, / I'm Hi (1). Tm Maria She's Karen, Her name's Karen. Erie: Hello. Eric. / My / name's © ' a house.| Its address is 20 Hill Street. Hello. (2) Marla: is / This / Mark We're Bon and Karen. | (6) names are Ben 8) IE and Karen. SEND Listen and check. Then listen and You're Emily and Eric. | Yournames are Emily and Eric. repeat, They're Lucy and Maria,| Thelr name are Lucy and Mara,| Hi Emily. this, ismysister, Hello, Emily. My name's Karen. He's my friend. ) me Me That's casy. ties blue. What's your favorite color? The girls in white are Lucy and Maria, The boy in greenis Eric. He's on my soccer team. And the girl | inbrownis Find Emily and Leo in the picture. Emily inmy clase. is in her costume. It's her favorite color. 4 KD Complete Karen's sentences with words from the table in Exercise 3. Then listen and check your answers. 1 “Lucy's here with her _ friend, Maria.” 4 “Hi, Ere sunglasses are great! 2. “This is Mark, and this is brother.” 5. “The cat? It lives next door name 3. “The pizzas? ‘re on the table.” is Star” 5 COLORS IMD Match the colors to the words in the box. Lis fhe. isten and repeat. dite black blue__—=sbrown_—sgteen_—_orange pink purple red._—=Sswhite——xyellow — 6 BE m a Complete the sentences with am, are, or is. Karen: They (1) are ___ my fiends from school. We (2) in the same class. Ben: Eric (3) number 7 on the team, and | (4) number 11 Karon: His name (5) Mark, You (6) at the same school Ben: Kayla (7) from Canada. Karen and Keyia (8) really good friends. b @IED Listen and check. 7 HAVE A PARTY Write an invitation for your party. Use the Invitation in the story to help you. Workbook, pages 4-5 see b: This game's Buzz. We count from 1 to 100, but: AT THE PARTY for 5, 10, 15, 20, and s0 on, you say “Buzz.” OK, one more game. First, we say our [J birthday months. When | say "go," you | stand in order, with January here. THINK AND READ 1. EHP Read the story. Who's Maximus? 2 Read the story again and do the exercises. RECALL L_ NUMBERS 20-400 HN) Match the numbers to the words. Then listen and repeat. 20 9% 4% 60 thirty twent forty 80 50 seamen 4 one mare 70 seventy : gt Fiety ninety 2 DAYS OF THE WEEK 3 MONTHS 1 GED Write the days of the a Work in pairs. Write the months in order. week in order. Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. April August December Febrary March May January July June October September November Fridey Saturday Sunday Thursday Wednesday January, February, Manday b @2ED Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. Tuesday 4. BE: NEGATIVE, QUESTIONS, AND SHORT ANSWERS (©2ED Complete the conversation. Then listen and check. b Work in pairs. Close your am are aren't. is isn't ‘mnot books. Write the days. Then check your spelling. err enn: (1)___Is__ that your real name? No, it (2) = And | (3) really a gladiator. f(A) you one of Ben's friends? Yes, | (5) + but we (6) friends from school. In this game Monday’ 1 ‘Tuesday's 2, and so on. Ready? What's Thursday plus Sunday? Seeyouat school.) — Leo, wha phone numbe It's 677-8252. 5 QUESTION WORDS a Match the question words (1-5) to the pictures (a-e). 1 Who? _e 4 When? 2 What? 5 How old? 3 Where? b @iED Complete the conversation with question words. Then listen and check. How ald are you? Emily: (2) "s your birthday? Leo: It's in October. And your birthday’s in May. Emily: That's right! (3) are you? Leo: I'm Maximus, Emily: (4) 's your real name? 6 PHONE CONTACTS Work in pairs. Complete the contact information for your partner. Whats your... ? Name How old ... ? Birthday: Addres: When's your... ? YY> Workbook, pages 6-7 IN THE PICTURE My things Talk about your things WORK WITH WORDS Things 1 Work in pairs, What things can you CQ name in the pictures? What's this? 2 a Match the things in the pictures itsa/ an... (4-15) to the words in the box. ‘ They'e .. backpack bike car _geme console | don't know. ice cream jeans laptop notebook orange phone sandwich soccer ball sunglasses Tshirt website @XND Listen and check your answers. Then listen and repeat. 3 a Work in pairs. Write the words in Exercise 2a in the best categories. Clothes: Food Game Technology _ | Transportation b Compare your answers with the rest of the class. “ED Listen and check your answers. 4 a Work in groups. Add other words to the categories. b Which group has the most words for each category? Make a class list of all the words. 5 GEA © watch the video. Write the categories in the correct order. 6 a ©359 G@MLLD Listen to the alphabet. Repeat the letters. > Work in pairs. Student A: spell a word from this lesson. Student B: write it. Say “stop” when you know it. Bi Stop! Is it “bike”? Yes, that's right. / No. Try again! 10 WRITE AND SPEAK 7 @ Work in pairs. Write your favorite word for each category in Exercise 3a. Then compare with your partner. Do READING World Peo micc ticle book SPEAK AND READ errenna oO 4 \ Work in pairs, Look at the words in the box. Then answer What's bus in our language? the questions. pesgentetcetd bus café coffee hotel music radio taxi train Café is the same / vory similarin Algplane is different in hat are ur language? which words are the samo or very similar in your language? “ Citole then 2 ©XKD Read the beginning of the article. What's an international word? WIDE WORDS FOR KIDS are the same or very similar in many janguages. With international words you can talk to different countries, When you go on vacation, these things and use the international words in bold 1. Take a taxi or metro. (Bus and train are similar in some languages, but they aren't international words.) Fi hotspot: internet on your telephone to check emails, isten to the radio, or watch music videos. 3. Go toa café or a bar. Drink +taa (with lemon) or coffee. 4 Gotoa restaurant, Eat a pizza with a salad. 5 Visit a museum, go toa park, or go to a movie theater. Or stay in your hotel and watch sports on television! 3. Read the rest of the article. Match sections 1-5 to the categories in the box. Drinks Food Places __. Technology Transportation 4 Read the article again. Which words in Exercise 4 are MOVE BEYOND international words? Read the article again. Make ‘a phrasebook of international REACT words. Transportation: taxi, metro 5 Work in pairs. Choose your five favorite intemational words. rae Then compare with your partner. Fry YY workbook. page 8 GRAMMAR Plural nouns; a/an, the pS > Miele raison erauarencen san: READ >>> Grammar in context 4. Read Stella's list of likes and dislikes. Which of your likes and dislikes are the same? SOCIAL SCENE Dye big cies (They're really noisy!) the school bus [i's always full) video games toring! 2 «+ sunglasses {School lunches ree tmath classes (We have a great teacher) the people in my drome group Gn icecream cone ona hot day old jeans * the internet STUDY 2 Complete the examples. Use Exercise 1 to help you. class > > buses Junch > city > aes man > men ‘woman > women person > _ a foot > feet ‘See onawinan axasise, page 98. 3 Complete the examples. Use Exercise 4 to help you. We have ___a___great math teacher. Use an before a, ¢, 1, 0, u. Ilike an cone ona Use the for specific things. The is always ful Don’t use the for general things in the plural form, I don't like the video _ i day. ‘See onannan pana, page 98. PRACTICE 4 Write the singular nouns. singular plural 1 category categories 2 videos 3 sandwiches 4 women Y) Workbook, pages 10-12 » ee 5 White the things in the pictures. apple day glass man sandwich story Janvey, ow a - S 63 | 7 a 1 three days 4 aH a> 6 Choose the correct options in the profile I'm from Washington, DC. It's (1) a / @h@)caital city of the USA. It's (2) a / the very big city. Hove (3) the / - ears, and | have (4) a / the big poster of an Italian sports car in my room. | like (5) the / - video games too. | have (6) a / an Xbox and (7) a / an PlayStation, My favorite sport is basketball. | play on (8) a/ the school basketball team. 7 Complete the sentences with a/an, the, or ~ RETO pace ge 1 ike apples. 2 I don't like color orange. 3 I take taxi to school 4 Ilove internet 5 Ihave oid phone. 6 I don't ike pizza. WRITE AND SPEAK 8 a Write five sentences about you, three true and two false. Im ... My favorite Lhave I like / don't like b Work in pairs. Say your sentences. Your partner says “true” or “false, u LISTENING AND VOCABULARY It’s a small wor! >>> Listen to a description of where things are from WORK WITH WORDS Countries and nationalities 1 > IED Work in pairs. Write the correct numbers in the table. Then listen and check. Mawber | Country | Neivality ‘ Braet | Brain, i @ | ee few i tal al. = [ape Sipe Such Apica | Suth Aven ' Tinley | Tovb, { Try to complete the nationalities. Add -an, -ese, fan, -n, of ish to the words. Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. 2 Work in pairs. Think of something famous for each country. Then make a class list. SPEAK AND LISTEN 3 a Work in pairs. Guess where Steve's things are from. Use countries from Exercise 4. Id! Se # CC) Before you listen, think: “What do | know about this topic?” Use your answer to help you understand. b ©XED Steve Is talking about where his things are from. Listen and check your Ideas. 4 ©XED Listen again and choose the correct answer. L Steve's from @the USA. B Italy. © Turkey, 2. Steve says, “It's a small world” because his things are all from ... A the same part of the word. E aifferent parts of the world. © very far away. Where's Steve's friend Ricardo from? A Colombia B Brazil C the USA REACT 5 \ Work in pairs. Say where your things are from. 14 Ci} My jeans / sunglasses are from ... Where's your Tshirt / bag from? What's on the label? It says ... on the label. | don't know. MOVE BEYOND Do the Words & Beyond exercise on page 106. | YY) Workbook, pages 12-13 GRAMMAR This/that, these/those pS Meme ee ata rel READ AND LISTEN >>> Grammar in PRACTICE cnmtent 3 Complete the sentences with this, that, these L_ @HED Read and listen to the conversation. and those. Write the names of the fruit. 4 Mike ehase Tshirts, 2 blue Tshirts nice. 3. What about sunglasses? 4. I don't like bag 5 jeans are cool Wafasd we BAT 8 Do you like soccer shirt? : OK. What about those bananas? 4 Complete the conversation with this, that | don't ike bananas. But these apples are these, and those. delicious. They're very green. What's the name of those purple things? ‘Those are grapes. They aren't my favorite fruit. And what's this? Zoe: It’s a watermelon. But look at that fruit salad. ‘That has a lot of different frutt init Rose: OK. Let's buy fruit salad. STUDY Wow! Look at these things. 2 Complete the table with words from Exercise 1. : Yes! love (1) those. Great postcards! And (2) 's@ really old tennis racket Wee What's (3) in English? It's a bow Use this and these to talk about objects near you. Use that and those for objects far from you. It's nice. And what are (4) ee ee They're sports cards. And (5) s Here ‘There an album for the cards. aa SPEAK 5 Work in pairs. Put your things on your desk ee Ask and answer questions about them. Singular Singular Z What's this? Look at fruit pit ee ts my salad. Plural Plural : apples are Those are grapes. Theyre my 7 delicious. What's that? ‘See craumune oxasase, page 98, YY Wortooo, page 14 So mn Es PaCS SPEAK AND READ 4. a Work in pairs. Match the situations (1-5) in the picture to the des # a benoisy descriptions (a-e). be ney es bb Do you do these things in class? Write never (0%), sometimes © be quiet and listen to the (50%), or always (100%). Then compare your answers with the teacher rest of your class. throw trash in the * wastebasket fe use a phone bo 2 a Work in pairs. Write the things in Exercise 1a in the correct, column, Can you add more things? |e bad to ... in class. It’s good to ... in ela: b Why are the things good or bad? Complete the sentences with a word or phrase from Exercise 1, 4 Hyou'e you can hear the teacher. Cc 2 Ityou'e you can't hear other students. PHRASE BYTES 3 Ifyou s they can understand the lesson too. Pm / t'm not 4 Ifyou the classroom is clean. ee carte ozsuee We need to ... more: REFLECT 3 © Talk about the questions. Then read the (G0a LD. 1. Ate you a good classmate? 2. Why is it important to be a good classmate? 3 What can you change in your class? If you're a good classmate, you respect the teacher and other EXTER students. When you're a good 4 © Work in groups. Write two good things and two bad things for classmate, all the students in one of these situations. the class can learn. H's good/bad ta .,, at home. ot e's good/bad ta ... with my friends. 16 YY Workoook, page 17 SPEAKING Is it new? SPEAK 4. Work in pairs. Match the adjectives to th opposites. 1 big anew (for things) 2 old —_b horrible 3 quiet c small 4 nice d_ noisy LISTEN 2 @XED Listen to the conversations. What things do the people describe? at Becca: | can’t find my (1) Kent: What color is it? Becca: It's red, and it's really (2)_ Kent: Is that it on the chair? Becca: Yes, that's it (4) What's your house like? Is OK, but the neighbors are really Me What about your (8) __?isit (9) 2 Lily: No, my room's very (40) Do you like Vieky’s (3) 2 They're Theyre very (5) Thanks. They're (6) 3. ©EED Complete the conversations. Then listen again and check. [fTTiT Ci) @ies oO 4 ©JED Listen and repeat the sentences from the conversations. ACT 5 © Work in pairs. Complete the tasks. Choose a conversation from Exercise 2. Write a similar conversation about a different thing, Practice the conversation, Present the conversation to other students. Don't read it. YY Workbook, page 15 ‘Ask for a des What color is it? What's / What are your ... like? ion of something Is it big / smal? Describe something Ws black / red. They're Italian / Brazilian They're very / really nice The neighbors are noisy / quiet WRITING My tl 18 SPEAK AND READ 1 a Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and describe them. Note the adjectives (big, blue) you use. b Read the descriptions. Do they use the same adjectives? Ac ele aa Ce cu ad enacri)} Le ce eT bike. It's cool and really fast. eerie uty ceca lesen een ieee “ae” 2 Read the tips in the box. Then DISCUSS Fase oat adlectives in the ploture 4 Taik about one thing you have at school. What ; color is it? Is it old or new? Do you like it? Is it Ce, oo write @ description ofa thing inte = Use am / are / is + adjective: its cool. = Use adjective + noun: my favorite T-shirt, i Weitere! desorption of three = Use really / very + adjective: really fast. 4. Choose three things. Use photos or draw pictures of the three things, 2. Use adjectives to describe each thing. What color is, PRACHCE it? Is it big or small? Is it old or new? 3 Put the words in order to make sentences, 3 Remember that adjectives come before the noun. ; Start sentences about your thing with “It” 1 phone. / my / is / This / new ee if See the (LIED) box. 2 nice / are / sunglasses. / really / These 3. of Japanese / This / collection / my / SHARE ee 6 Take turns reading your descriptions. Listen to your classmates. Name one picture and description 4 very / My / fast. / isn't / computer oe id é you like. really / jeans / are / favorite / old. / My YY) Workbook, pages 16-17 Sa | VOCABULARY Things Countries and nationalities | 1 Complete the things. 2 Complete the countries and | % nationalities. : Coin natn renee eg | cee She's from Rio de enero in / 4 5 cota | Braz ! 2 These jeans are from i a ' ital I fove ital ] Pp fashion. | 3 Mydad’s South afc, and Gi NE South Afric is my favorite UN ‘soccer team. | 4. Iwant to go to Turk ove : a8 B Turk food! 5 'm Yoshi, and !'™m Jap 3 7 I'm ftom Osaka, in the south of Jap 6 fe you from Germ? 1 want i ¢ > to practice my Germ in a fia ove % 8 2, 1A 5 « oe b c e —/8 GRAMMAR Plural nouns; a/an, the —_This/that, these/those 3 Complete the message 4 Complete the description with this, that, these, and with a, an, the, -, or the those. plural of the noun in parentheses. Yourmings My name's Vasily, and | live in Af (1) city in Russia == Hi, everyone! (1) is called Gatchina. It isn’t one ‘my coom. All my favorite things 2 of Russia's famous (2) (city), ate inhhere. (2) are but it's (3) interesting place. my favorite jeans. [love them! Hove technology and (4) 8 phone isn't very computers. (5) sclenoe ‘new, but | stil se it (4) teachers at my school are great, and | leam sunglasses are from my local ‘alot in their (6) (class). love matket. They're really cool. (7) internet too. | have © ‘s my game console, (3) website with a lot of my And you see (6) soccer ball? (9) (video) on i. Iehas Neyenars signature on it. © ae Your score: - SKILLS CHECK I can read an article from a book “47 Yes, | can. No problem! {ican listen to a description of where things are fror V¢- Yes, can, But | need a little help. I can be a good classmate. Y Yes, can, But I need a lot of help, | can describe things, ’ I can write a description of a thing. >>) Workbook, pages 18-19 WORK WITH WORDS Family % IN THE PICTURE Family and friends »>. Talk about your family and friends Write the opposites. You have one minute. END Work in p: ung (for people) 2G Work in pairs. Look at (TESTE ST) he pictures on 12yearold sink the boy / girl in picture 1 0's phone. Which are f : riends? Which are family eee ees eee think the man / woman in embers? picture ... is b ©HED Listen and cheek your s. Match the names > the correct pictures. arlos Dan Emma 1 HED Listen again. Match the family words to the pictures. rother dad father grandchild grandfather grandma grandmother grandpa mom mother only child sister » (OED Listen and check. | OED GMIEIN Listen and repeat the /~e/ sound in these words. Dad bad banana b BED Listen and repeat these words. m black café grandma grandpa Japan Saturday Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Who's in picture 3 That's Leo's grandma and grandpa, © Watch the video about Leo's friend, Dan. Who does Dan moet? Are they family or friends? SPEAK 7 @ Work in pairs. Draw a picture of your family or show pictures. Talk about your family. Workbook, page 20 This is my dad / sister. He's / She's ... years old He's / She's from Chile. Do the Words & Beyond exercise on page 107 READING | have a new phone >>> Read text messages SPEAK AND READ a oO 1 & Work in pairs. Write eight names for your phone contact list. Lucy is a friend from school ‘ Then tell your partner about your list. Alex is my brother. 2. ©IZD Look at the pictures and read the first sentence of each Pablo is from that big house message. Who are the messages from? Who are they for? si y Patra (P) Look at the type of text. tcan help you understand what it's about. Hi, Emma! This is Loo. have a new phone! | Well, its my dad's old phone. But it has a fantastic camera. This isa picture of me in { any room, i, Carlos. | havo anew shone! We can sent Pressages in class now! Gool! Sorry, my grandparents and my mom's brothers and sistors are here now. Its my CM, (Ciccane ta) @ i bn Thae sow pos Ucn @ Yes, ites. We can pay yanes\ J oe Rina pee aL {toget Ones ANE ery eet A efor gan 3. Read the messages and write the name(s). 1 are game players. 4 is at a birthday party. has the wrong number 5 have a lot of homework. 3 isin hs room. 6 isn’t happy about text messages in class. 4 Write the words from the messages In Exercise 2. i} In my school It's OK / it isn’t OK to use phones in .. use my phone for calls / pictures. _ MOVE BEYOND QD Write a message from Leo to a different person from pages 20-21. Write one or two sentences. REACT 5 © Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. to use phones at your school? When and where? 2 2, What do you or your friends use your phones for? 22 Y) Workbook, page 21 GRAMMAR Have READ AND LISTEN >>> Grammar in context 1 @EED Read and listen to the conversation. Complete the sentence: It’s Clara's dad's doesn’t have a ‘on Saturday. Clara Ihave a problem. What? don’t have a present for my dad's birthday on Saturday, Does he have a pen for his tablet? That's a 00d present. No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t have a tablet. He has a laptop. OK. Do you have an idea? No, | don’t. And I don’t have much time for shopping. Oh. You're right. You have a problem. STUDY 2 Complete the examples. Use Exercise 1 to help you. Pri ‘Affirmative - have Negative - don't have Ihave _aproblem. I a present, Questions Short answers Do___ you have a problem? Yes, | do. you have an idea? Affirmative - has Negative - doesn’t have No, I Clara has a problem. She doesn’t have a present. He alaptop. He a tablet Short answers hhe have a laptop? Yes, he hhe have a tablet? No, he Questions Does doesnt ‘See arama oatanase, page 99. Y)) Workbook, pages 22-29 >>> Talk about your things, ideas, and problems PRACTICE 3 Complete Clara’s sentences with have or don't have. 14) a great room! It's very big, but 1(2) a TV. We (3) one television in our house, but it isn’t in my room! 1(4) ‘a computer. I's old, My brothers (5) ‘an Xbox. It's new, and they (6) a lot of games ~ only four or five. Write about Albert. What does he have? What doesn’t he have? He has three sisters. have. @ 5 GED Complete the conversation. Then listen and check. Clara: (1) ___Do__you have a favorite movio? Lila: No, | (2) What about you? Clara: Yes, | (3) i's Schoo! Days. Lila: (4) it heve Kristin Stone in it? Clara: No, it (5) t's with Mila King, Ula: Oh yes. (6) you have it? Clara: Yes, | (7) We can watch it together. 6 Write three more questions for a partner. Survey * Do you have a TV in your room? * Do you have a big Family? # Do you have a favorite movie? SPEAK . 7 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions you both wrote in Exercise 6. 23 LISTENING AND VOCABULARY Whose is it? 24 >>> Listen to a quiz show WORK WITH WORDS Parts of the body CI L & Look at Mandy's pictures of parts of | think they're the body. What do you think? (eiod) Crewe 2 a GEED Listen and point to the correct | lke / don't ike parts of the body in the pictures. them, b @XED Listen and repeat the parts of the body. aim back ear eye face foot hand head leg mouth nose teeth 3 a Work in pairs. Student A: look at page 145. Read the description to your partner. Student B: draw and color the picture. b Student B: look at page 146. Read the deseri partner, Student A: draw and color the picturo, ion to your SPEAK AND LISTEN 4 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and choose the correct answer. ier aes A B Gy i 5 GED Listen to the quiz. Check your answers. Who's the winner - Li. Ki im or Alan? I think / don’t think it’s a good 6 RED Listen again, What's special about the things in the five game pictures? I have blue eyes / nice feet. 1 Her smile is special. 2 His hands are Theve: le fest: My dedihes Bie feet too. iaasaie 1 have long legs tke my mom. 7 G Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Md e2) 1 Is this a good quiz gome? Do the Words & Beyond exercise 2 Do you have the same eyes or leg s as people in your family? ‘ons 107. YY) workbook, pages 24-25 GRAMMAR Whose?; possessive ’s/s’ and possessive pronouns >>> Talk about your things, family, and friends READ AND LISTEN >>> Grammar in context 4 1 @JND Read and listen to the conversation. Which legs in the picture are Amy's legs? Amy: Nick: Amy: Hi, Nick! This is a picture from our camping trip! Cooll Whose legs are they? My mom's, my dad’s, my sister's, her friend's, and mine. My two brothers’ legs aren't in the picture. Which legs are yours? My sister's friend Ellen is in the middle. On the right are my mom's and my sisters legs. Theirs are together. Dad is on the other side of Ellen. Those legs with the big feet are his. ‘And mine are the nice legs! Nick: STUDY 2 Complete the examples. Use Exercise 4 to help you. ee eed 5 Noun +s My sister has two legs. > My _ sister's _ legs Regular plural noun + s” My brothers have two legs. -* My Whose + noun legs are they? legs 3. Complete the table with possessive pronouns. Use Exercise 1 to help you. etre My legs are the nice Mine _ are the nice legs legs. Which are your legs? Which legs are 2 ‘Those big feet are my Those big feet are PRACTICE Complete Amy's sentences with 's or s’ and a part of the body. Those are 1 That's my sisters 4 tooth (my sister). {imy grand). 2 Those are 5 Those are s(rmy brothers). (my fiends). 3. Those are 6 That's (my grandparents). Tem Complete the answers with the correct possessive pronouns. Teacher: Whose homework is this? Student: | think it’s Lucy's homework. Yes, it's (1) hers Whose pen is this? | think it’s my pen. Yes. it's (2) Whose bags are these? 2 | think they're Diego's and Felipe’s. Yes, theyre (3) Whose tablet is this? | think it's Mir Cole's. Yes, it's (4) Whose books are these? | think they're our books. Yes, they're 6) Whose glasses are these? | think they're your glasses. Yes, they're Teacher: Student: dad's feet. (6) Ms, Carter! These big feet are my These big feet are hers. mom’s feet. SPEAK ‘lof these legs are Allo these legs are ours.‘ ‘Play Whose chair is it? our legs. are together. Their legs are together. ‘See onsvansn paseast, page 99, YY Worktoook, page 26 Walk around the room. When your teacher “Stop,” sit down. Say whose chair you're in Vm in Velentina’s chair. Yes, that’s hers. That isn't hers. That's Ana's chair. 25 Hello, I'm Tina. Hi, 'm Helen, TINA: Like your shirt, Thanks. TINA: Do you have brothers and sisters? Yes, | do. Two brothers, TINA: Ihave one sister. Are you in the computer club? No, I'm not, but I'm in the movie club. lili: OK. What's your favorite movie? High Schoo! Story. TINA: That's mine too! ... What's your phone number? It's 334-7521. | READ = 1 ©@3ED Read and listen to the conversation. What do the girls have in common? MAKE FRIENDS B - IT’S EASY! dO 2 Number the “Make friends” tips in the correct a Ask for an address or phone number. order. Use Exercise 4 to help you. b Ask questions about favorite movies| 3. Match the sentences to tins a-e in Exercise 2. or stars, or clubs and teams. | There's an extra sentence © Say something nice. | 4. Your shoes are nice. d_ Smile © and say hello. | 2. Do you have a brother? Ask questions about family. } 3 What's your address? : Se 4 Hello, 5 Who's your favorite soccer player? ms oO & Are you on the soccer team? 1 have REFLECT IMy fonds are from school. Its easy for me to make new friends, | ike to talk to people. It's hard for me. I'm quiet. 4 © Talk about the questions. Then read the (EUaD- 1. Do you have a lot of friends? Or do you have one or two good friends? 2. Where are your friends from (school, clubs, teams, your street)? 3 Is it easy or hard for you to make new friends? EXTEND REFLECTION 7Z7@ >OINT 5 a Write questions to ask about your family and favorite things: POINT movies, TV programs, stars, and sports teams. It isn’t important to have @ lot of friends. But new friends are b Make new friends In class. Walk around and ask other interesting. Talk to people and students your questions. make new friends! 26 YY) worknock, page 29 SPEAKING On the phone >>> Talk on the phone SPEAK 4. How many phones does your family have? Do you have a cell phone? Does your family have a phone in your house? LISTEN 2 @EED Listen to the conversations. What happens in each phone call? A The person has the wrong number. B The person has a new number. © The person spells a long name. Felix: Um .... Can you spell (3) Mrs. Zemontas: Z£-MON-TAS. Felix: OK, Mrs. Zemontas. Mrs. Zemontas: Thanks, Felix. Bye. please? Hello? Hi, Felix, this is Mark. Is Kyle there? No, he isn't. Can you give him my new cell phone number? Sure. W's 830-0316. 830 .., Sorry, can @) repeat that? : 830.0315. 830-0315. OK. Thanks. Bye. 3 a JED Listen again and complete the conversations. b @SED Listen to the sentences and check. Then listen and repeat. 4 Work in pairs. Read and practice the conversations in Exercise 2. ACT 5 © Work in pairs. Read the situations below. Act out the conversations. 1. Student A: call Student B. A: Ask for Student B’s father. Your name is Jo Honeycomb. B: Your father isn’t at home. Ask the person to spall his/her name. 2 Student B: call Student A. B: Ask if Student A is at the museum. Ask if it’s Ben. A: You don’t understand. It's a wrong number. 3 Student A: call Student B. A: Ask for Sam. Your name's Charlie, and your phone number is 7655421. 8: Sam isn't at home. Ask Student A to repeat his/her number. YY Workbook, page 27 Kelly: 1 Folix: Hello? Mrs, Zemontas: Hi, Fells. This is Mrs. Zemontas. Can | speak to your (a) ? Felix: She isn’t here right now. Mrs. Zemontas: OK, (2) she call me, please? It's Emily Zemontas. fj 2 Hel... Hi, are you at the movies? (4) don't Understand. What movie? Is this Josh? No, it isn’t. You have the wrong (5) Oh, I'm sorry. Bye Ci? ‘Make a call Can I speak to ... ? Is this ... ? Is... there? an he / she call me, please? Answer a call Can you spell thet, please? Sorry, can you repeat Sorry, | don’t understand You have the wrong num! Bye. / Goodbye. 27 WRITING My favorite person >>> Write a description of a person READ 1. Describe the people in the pictures. You can use words from the box. friendly funny greyhair happy nice old small smart 2 Read Kim's description of her grandmother. Match it to the correct picture. Underline the important words. can Write about: your favorite senior. My Grandma, by Sophie My grandma, Daley. friendly. She has black and haa four grandchildren, but Im the only girl Her house fs ver big yard It's near our house in Chicago. 3 Read the tips in the box. Then circle the apostrophes in the description in Exercise 2. Are they for missing letters or possessives? use apostrophes (’ Use for a missing letter (you are = you're). Use with possessive § or s'(my brother's eyes, my two sisters” eyes). : PRACTICE 4 Read the description. Put in apostrophes. My brothers 14. He has very big feet. My brothers room has a lot of clothes and things everywhere. My two sisters rooms arent like that, ismy dad's mother She's about 65. Shes very emart-and gray hair very omall feet, and a emall nose. Grandma ry nice, and ithas a DISCUSS 5 Talk about an important person in your life. Is this person a friend or family? Describe the person’s face. Talk about the person's famil WRITE 6 Describe an important person in your li 1 Say who the important person is. Describe the person's hair and eyes. Describe his or her family and favorite things. 2 Use “has” or "doesn't have" to write about the person's family or things. 3 Use apostrophe s ('s) to write about thing features the person has. See the box. SHARE 7 Take tums reading your descriptions. Listen to your classmates. Which person do you want to meet? Name one interesting thing you remember about each person. YY) Workook, pages 28-29 VOCABULARY Family 4 Complete the picture description. This is my family. Here's my \ (ym and | (2) f (ad (Se m and my (6) & t = My(3)m {call them (7) 6 and (9G -1'm their only Qe (10) 0 c have (14) b sor (12)s s. GRAMMAR Have 3 Complete the interview with the correct form of have and do, does, or don't. You (1) ‘a cool house. (2) it a lot of rooms? Hakan: Yes, it (3) tt (4) 10 rooms for my family and me, All the rooms (5) TVs and music players. Kate: (6) you 1a special singing room? Hakan: No, | (7) «Using in all the rooms! // 7 Yes, \ can, No problem! Y¢ Yes, can. But Ineed a little help. ¥ Yes, | can. But | need a lot of help. Workbook, pages 30-31 SUPERSTAR HAKAN AT HOME ‘are my number one fans. This is my +80 | don’t ae) Parts of the body 2 Write the parts of the body from the box. arm back ear eye face hand head leg Whose?; possessive ’s/s’ and possessive pronouns 4 Choose the correct options to complete the conversation. (1) Wh This is my (2) mom's / mor Those sunglasses are (3) he ‘And this room is (4) mi Ihave a lat of friene (6) friend's / friends’ things. These clothes are (6) 0 /14 | can read text messages. | can listen to @ quiz show. | can be frienaly to other students. | can talk on the phone. | can write a description of a person. foot mouth nose / Whose room is this? oor teeth Those are all my Your scor 29 PROGRESS CHECK READ 1 Complete the five conversations. For each question, choose A, B, or C. Example: Whose book is this? Do you have a brother? 2 Are these your pictures? That's a nice bag. Can you spell your name, please? 5 You have the wrong number. 30 > > ) it’s mine, Ua Ua io @ answer multiple-choice questions It her. = Look at the example, = Read each question. Read Theyre Lucy’. the answer choives (A-C). = Decide which choices are definitely wrong. Look at ‘meaning and grammar to help you. = Read the question again. Check your answer. Yes, | do. No, | have a brother. Yes, one sister. No, it isn’t. No, they aren't. Yes, theyre yours. ean’ find it It has internet. Thanks. It's new. PLEASE. Its PEREZ. Yes, it's Felipe Perez. Sorry, don’t know. Oh, I'm sorry. Sorry, she isn't here. Reading: 740 battle) ete eg LISTEN US aL 2. @RED Listen to a phone call about a drama group. Complete Iyshee eee © ston and compete notes sel arsaser" f= Look at the example. It fee a ; jal shows you what to do. @ ¢ 8b VeueuuLYE = Read the other notes before |” Souristen | m Decide what type of Information you need Day: (0) Sabirday-marning thames, number) Number of people in group: (1) Listen for this information i Age of people in group: (2) years old Write the numbers or words. Place: (3) Vietoria ceded ohelteeeeltnrazel Name of teacher: (4) Ms. Teacher's phone number: (5) | ————— iistening 740 WRITE 3 Read the descriptions and complete the words for parts of ‘the body. aT co Example: © complete words from ©. You heer with them. ears oenaee Tr erioameen z wt Look atthe example, Then look at each question. 2 Theyre on yourams ’ Al «Rod the dann ante eS enioae in paeineah i first letter Gan you think o the word? 4 You stand on them. . m= Check the number of letters. uae 7 (One line is one totter) = Check your spelling, 4 Read the message from your new friend Jason. Write a reply. Deed ke Tell Jason about your family (25-35 words). © ‘ply to_an email or message Tall me about your family. Do you have a big or @ a Read the email or message. small family? Do you have any brothers or sisters? si Wite your reply Answer all How alder the people in your fey? Tellme Mace era a eneramaiiel about them. oe Use the correct number of i words: / Writing: 710 ‘ Progress check score__/30 : a )> Deus ex ssoing svn om mnnacnilngoejnt = IN THE PICTURE Adopt a pet Talk about pets WORK WITH WORDS Pet animals £ Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and write eight parts of the animals’ bodies. You have one minute. 2 a Match the pictures (a-j) to the words in the box. bird cat chicken dog fish hamster horse mouse rabbit turtle b SEED Listen and check your answers. Then listen and repeat 3 a Read the messages and write animals from Exercise 2a. > @HED Listen and check your answers. 4 a (©XKD Listen to five people talking about their pets. Write the animals from Exercise 2a. 1 Julia rabbit a me 2 Brian ard Dak, and my ames Rank. Png 2 Bion Fm asap amt ge = 95 er 4 Leo 5 Nic : i : {Lisa Please adopt mel inane fh CRED Listen again and answer the fel. |have two bg brown oes, four legs, questions. uo.tinyolow, 1 Whose pet is named Minnie? Leo's pet is named Minnie. 2 Whose pet has big ears? My name's Sand. mix months od. fm Perfect pet because | give you food. Adopt ‘me and eat eggs every day. 3 Whose pet has small eyes? 4 Whose pet doesn't have a name? 5 a (XG GEIWUG Listen and repeat the /1/ sound in these words. ee “= § TmPoty. tm eight months old.tm vey » (ERD Listen and repeat these words. ‘riendly.'m green, yellow, and black, big sik give city sit Usten tome sing 6 © Wate the video and wit the names of the animals you see. Then watch again. How many of the animals are there? WRITE AND SPEAK 7 a Choose a pet from one of the pictures in Exercise 2. Give it anew name and complete the form. AWPe OF ANEMAL: NAME: coLoR bescRzPrxom: b Work in pairs. Tell your partner about your new pet. My pet's a/an Its name's rts Ithas uy ook, page 32 AMAA i Aa aN READING Teach your pet English SPEAK AND READ 1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. | have ... Use pictures to help hat pets do you or your friends have? My fiend has ... you understand new 2 What are their names? words. Its name's 2 CXMB Read the web page. What three things are important to remember? lide Qusdunds gusts Do you have a pet dog, bird, or rabbit? Do you talk to your pet in Spanish, Turkish, or Russian? Now you can teach your pet English. Use these simple orders and instructions. Don't forget — they aren't for all kinds of pets. DIS NGC sel Cun CG CoC CONTACTS Comer at Beers RISE en - Here are some more unusual instructions «.. Good boy! / Good girl! pet in Enalish: Saosin atch (Find somet Remember: Always be aice to your pet. Say ... Finally, here are some more things to say to your if Ere) Dawn (iedown) ixsert) It's important to say the Hello / Good morning / Good night (+ name of pet) orders in the right way. Wolk time! (t's time For a walk.) Food! (It's time to eat.) 3 Work in pairs. Student A: mime an instruction from the web page. Student B: say the instruction without looking at the page. Then change roles. REACT 4 © Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1 Are pets popular in your country? Which ones? 2 Do you talk to animals? In which language? 3 Do animals understand you? 34 Sine Viithsiieaiiz cs oO are popular pets in Halk to my... im o.. My dad talks to ... Animals understand / don’t understand me. CC Write the orders and instructions in the article in your language. YY) Workook ge 33 GRAMMAR Imperatives and object pronouns >>> Give orders and instructions READ AND LISTEN >>> Grammar in PRACTICE commen 4 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences. TIPS ABOUT HAMSTERS oop (Gon Fasp your hamster na hot plece. Be / Don't bo rico tit Give / Don't ive i water and fod every day. Say / Don't say bad tings to your hamster 4. a Read the conversation. What pet does Laura Hil Banteeiy witht have ~ a horse, a chicken, or a hamster? 5 5. Bie / Rare tae your ad eee hamster to your English class. Don't look! OK. Open your eyes. eee - =f Laura: Wow, is that for me? A pet. 1 5 Match the sentences (1-6) to the pictures (a-e). i's for you. Find a quiet place for it. Is it a boy or a girl? it’s a boy. a Don't put him in your room. They play at night, Dad has a book for us. euguan Dad: Yes. It says, "Give them some food and ea water every day.” Don't forget o% Laura: Yes, Dad. Thanks! te Dad: I's all Mom's idea, Thank her! b IED Listen and check your answer. 1 Don’t walk on the grass. ¢ STUDY 2 Close the door. 3 Please be quiet. 2 Complete the examples. Use Exercise 4 to 4 Don't cross the street help you. 5 Don't play ball games. Complete Laura's teacher's instructions. Use object pronouns. Affirmative Negative " ; 1. "Class, 'm your teacher and I'm talking. Look: ‘anetiaper dies. Dont __ look! at__me___ (your teacher). ‘ him in 2 “Jack, go to the door and open ° ieee ‘See oramman oatasase, page 100. 3 “Helen, find some pens and give {the pens) to Roberto.” Subject pronouns | Object pronouns 7 6 “Laura, we have something for you. Here's © eae Find a quiet place for ___ if. ‘small present from {me and your 1 Is that for classmates).” he Don't put in your room. SPEAK it Find @ quiet plate for 7 Work in pairs. Take turns. Give and follow we Dad has a book for instructions. they Give some food and Gansta oo YY Workbook, pages 34-36 36 WORK WITH WORDS Things in your room ii 4. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. | can see a / an Wat animals can you see in the pictures? Room 4 / 2 is my favorite 2. Which room is your fevorite? Why? because It has / | like 2 a Match the things in the pictures (a-1) to the words in the box. bed _¢ chair clock computer desk door floor light picture table = wall window > RMD Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. 3 Write the words from Exercise 2a In the correct category. Parts of a room: door, ... Other things: clock, .. Furniture: bed, SPEAK AND LISTEN 4 HED Listen to the conversation. Which room is it, Room 4 or Room 2? 5 a ©HEB Answer the questions. Then listen again. Compare your answers with a partner. a 4. Who's talking ~ people or pat animals? 2 Who's the new neighbor ~ a boy, a girl, 2 cat, or a dog? 3. What happens at the end? b Look at page 1415 to check your answers. 6 @ Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 2. Of course there's @(1) window. Youve fooking in I!” “There's a small (2) next to the bed with a (3) on it.” ‘There are some (4) on the wails.” There are two ( And there's a (6) with @ computer” “ighe there?" - "Yes! He's on the (7) 7 q STs oO b >2E Listen and check your answers. My favorite room is That REACT jere’s a / an 7 Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Le Med ie 4 What's your favorite room in your house? 2. What things are in that room? Do the Words & Beyond exercise on page 108. > Workbook, pases 36-37 GRAMMAR There is / there are P22 Ari mae) READ AND LISTEN >>> Grammar in PRACTICE context 3 Look at the picture of Mario's computer room: 4. @IED Read and listen to the conversation. Are the sentences correct (C) or incorrect (1)? What's wrong with the computer room? Rewrite the incorrect sentences, There are some windows. I There aren't any windons There are some brown chairs. There's a clock on the wall There's one door. There aren't any pict There ave three computers the walls. oanen 4 Write questions about your classroom. Then Natalie: What's your English classroom like’ real andl ereuer Bonk: It’s OK. There's a table and a chair for the teacher, There are desks for the students, 1. (a clock) Ir there a clock? There are some windows. Oh, and there are 2 (windows some pictures of the USA and the UK on the 3 (@ table for your teacher) wall, but there isn’t a picture of Australia. 4 (pictures on the wall) Is there a clock? 5 (a bed) Yes, there is. It's next to the door. Why? 6 (computers) The questions are for a school survey. Are 5 Gomplete the conversation with the correct computer room, | don't like the computer room, There aren't any windows OK. (1) There's __ a bec able 3 (2) a computer on th table? sTUDY -— 2 a Complete the table. Use Exercise 1 to help y (4) * any pictures on the you. walls? Yes, there are. (5) some Use there is / there are to describe what's in a place. Marlo: Yes, (6) Asfirmative Negative There's a table. ‘There Isn'ta picture of Australia, SPEAK There are_—_‘There any Pease {ae 6 Work in pairs. Complete the tasks. SS Draw a plan of your room and the things in Questions: ‘Short answers: room. Don't show it to your part Is there Yes, there No, Ask questions about your partner Ke a clock? there isn't a list of his/her things ‘Are there Yes, there are. / No, there = Compare yo ith your partner's pie ‘any computers? ‘See cramunn oxaas, page 100. pel areata ee Are there any... ? b Underline examples of there is / there are in Exercise 4. No, th YY) worknook, nage 38 eo acronis >>> Prepare your ttt SPEAK AND READ i} 1 a \ Work in pairs. Look at the pictures for one minute. In picture A there's @ notebook. Then close your books and write the things you remember. In picture B there are some ... . Open your books and check your lists. 2 Work in pairs. Which desk is it (A, B, or A and B)? 1 It's before school. A and & 3. The homework isn’t finished. 2. The desk is neat. 4 This person’s ready for school. Do 3 & Do you usually do these things before hed (A) or before school (B)? Circle your answers. Do homework A/B Ask for bus money A/B Prepare clothes for school A/B Prepare lunch A/B Pack your backpack A/B Find keys. A/B b Where do you usually keep these things — on a table, in your pocket, or in your backpack? School books Keys money pens phone 4 Work in pairs. Compare your answers to Exercises 3a and 3b. When is the best time to do the things in Exercise 3a? Are the places in Exercise 3b good or bad? e's good to keep your phone it... Li's bad to keep your money ... It’s good to prepare your school things and do homework before you go to bed. It’s good to keep your ‘school things in a special place. You can find them quickly and not be late for school. REFLECT 5 \ Talk about the questions. Then read the (ETGL>- 1L_ When is it good to prepare your school things and do homework? 2 | it good to keep your schoo! things in one place or different places? 3 Are you ready for school in the morning? EXTEND Se oO © Work in groups. Think of three tips to help students organize : their things at school and be ready for each class. feet Li's goad 0 ... / 18 int good to... Keep your things ... nee teen egee ered It's good to keep things ... 'm ready / I'm not ready. 38 DY) Workbook, page 41 SPEAKING You're welcome pSSWitoa re ekuies SPEAK 1 @ Work in pairs. What things can you see in the pictures? LISTEN 2 a Complete the conversations and write the missing words. Use the pictures to help you. Can I have some (1) _ ‘Yes, of course. Here you are. Thanks. You're welcome. __. please? Mla: — Excuse me. Can | borrow your (2) a Sure. Here you are. Thanks, You're welcome. Hi, Kevin, Can | borrow your (3) 2 No, sorry. Oh. OK. You can borrow mine. Thanks, Donne. You're welcome. b © Listen to the conversations and check your answers. 3. Complete the sentences with have and borrow. 1 Ifyou ask to something, you don't keep it. 2 Ifyou ask to 4 ©IED Listen and repeat. 5 (©3E@ Put the sentences in order to make a conversation hetween Kevin and his dad. Then listen and check. Please, Dad! OK. Here you are. No, sorry. ‘Thank you. Dad? Can | have some money? You're welcome. ‘something, you keep it ACT 6 @ Work in pairs. Complete the tasks. "= Prepare two conversations - one at school and one at home. = Use borrow in one conversation and have in the other. = Present your conversations to other students. YY wordook, page 29 a) Thore’s a There are some Frmsomon Ask for something an Ihave a / some ... , please? Excuse me. Can | borrow your ... ? Give something Here you are. React Yes, of course. Sure. You're welcome, Thanks. No, sorry. 39 40 WRITING Don’t forget READ 1. Match the notes to the pictures. o a y ie} Don’t forget! Give Harry William!! Call Barbara some food and water before 4 p.m. Basketball There’s cat food on the practice is at 6 p.m. Dad. fable. Sue. 2 Read the notes again and answer the DISCUSS tions. eee ae 5 Talk about work you do at home. Do you help ie ae make dinner? Do you feed the dog or cat? Talk Saataeben ae about instructions your parents give you to do 3. Who or what is Harty? ous 4 Where's Harry's food? 1 job. 5 Who is Dad's note for? 6 What time is basketball practice? WRITE Sead the tips in the €][IHI box. Then circle _Write a note to give instructions to a family the imperatives in the three notes. member or friend. (CCN 9 tne person ou ave vt to? vat instructions doos the person need? Is your note © ite important information. about your pet, a schoo! activity, or food? vt 2 Write your note using imperatives. Remember Use imperatives (Remember / Don cee eae to start with Don’t to tell the person not to do Don't write long sentences. comer 3 Write a short note. Don't 2d information that is not important. Read the tps inthe @IETRID box. PRACTICE . 4 Underline the important words in these sentences. SHARE 1 Class C: German class is in Room 17 today. 7 Read your note to other students. Vote on who 2 Dear Hilary, Enjoy your vacation. Please write and —_—zhad the clearest instructions. send me a posteard. 3 Don't forget to put the keys on the table for your aunt and unele, > Workbook, pages 40-41 AL VOCABULARY Pet animals 4. Write the words for the pets. a Nkeol aie hts AsacUra ALL PETS ARE WELCOME! stosecge7a GRAMMAR Imperatives and object pronouns 3. Complete the text with the words and phrases in the box. come don’t forget don't stay eat him them us you SKILLS CHECK Things in your room Choose the correct options to complete the text. Al our rooms have four (1) clocks / wails, a (2) door / floor (with a special key), a big (3) bed / window to look at the street, and a (4) floor / picture (if you don't sleep in a bed). There's a big (6) bed / table to sleep on (if you don't like the floor). There's a small (6) light / table next to the bed with a (7) light / table on it. Ifyou want the internet, sit on the (8) chair / computer at the (9) desk / door and use the (10) computer / window Its free! What time is it? Look at the (141) clock / picture ‘on the wall, There's also a (12) table / pleture ‘of me on the wall. Have a nice stay! There is / there are 4 Match the sentence halves. | can read instructions. ¥¢1 Yes, | can. No problem! Yes, can. But | need a little help. ¥ Yes, 1 can. But | need a lot of help. I'can listen to a description of a room, | can prepare my things for school can ask for and give things. ican write a note. 3) Workbook pages «2-4 an URE Free time Talk about your free-time activities 5 Free-time activities Work in pairs. Find 10 “free-time” words and phrases. You have three minutes. (Clue: Look at the pictures for help.) BiH Bit|B s|Hlo|p)p/ijn|@jole|m KE} D/Alvivin|/Pl/Plojtju xisfofc/cle|rit(etlclvs vitfolelolcl|almle|s|ife e}cly|cjo|tjel1|N|x|s|« elr{ile{niols|sfelulilw vivialnie|x|ziv{miolK ERED Work in pairs. Complete the free-time activities with the words in Exercise 1. Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. 6 play 7 play 8 reada 9 ride my 10 watch (CXMB Listen to Jade. Match her free-time activities to the pictures (a-j). 4 GET © watch the video and write the free-time activities. 42 = ALBUMS WRITE AND SPEAK 5 a Complete the chart with your top five free-time activities from Exercise 2. b_ Work in pairs. Compare your top five activities. What's your number one / next activity? My number two / next activity s That's my favorite too. Really? Mine i Workbook, page 44 READING We can! pS Mice nice) 7 Z 3 SPEAK AND READ 1 Work in pairs. Match the disabilities to the pictures. Py blind deaf ina wheelchair Before you read a text, think: “What's it about?" Read the title, headings, and first sentences. 2 Look at the website article. Answer the questions. 0's the boy in the picture? Where's he from? What's his disability? Home News Articles About Jason Collins »: Miami, Florida, the United States Hi, Jason. Can you hear me? | can, but please sit in front of me. How much can you hear? {can’t hear in my right ear. In my left ear I'm 50 percent deaf, but my heering aid helps. Yhat's it like for a deaf boy at school? It's OK, Sometimes people say bad things when they see my hearing aid. They think | can’t do normal things. But | can play soccer, watch TV = all the things they ean do. ‘You write @ very popular blog. Why is it popular? Because when people read it, they can understand my problems. It’s not easy for a deaf person in a noisy world. San you use sign language? Yes, | can. | use sign language with a deaf girl at school. ‘an other students understand you? No, they can’t! But they can say, Hi, how are you? and I'm fine in sign language! 3 ©2209 Read the article. Complete the sentences with TWO words. 4 He's completely deaf in his 2 There's a in his left ear, 3. Jason's deaf, but he can do 5 Cc 4 His blog is 5 The blog is about the life of a in a noisy world. | think it’s difficult to hear / listen 6 He talks to a deat girl at his school in to 4 a Look at the pictures in the article. What’s Jason saying? I think it’s difficult when there's alot of b Work in pairs. Practice the sign language. REACT oT Think of another question for Jason. Imagine his answer. 5 \ Work in pairs. What do you think? Tell your partner. it's not easy for a deaf person in a noisy world.” $ do you think are difficult for a deaf person? Jason sai 44 What thin Workbook, page 45 GRAMMAR Can/can’t >>> Talk about the things you can do READ AND LISTEN >>> Grammar in context 1 ©MD Read and listen to the conversation. What's Maya's disability? Jan: Can you pass me an orange, please? Maya: I'm sorry | can’t see them. Jan: Oh? Are you blind? Maya: Yes, but I can see some things. Jan: Can you see me? Maya: Yes, | can, but | can't see your face. Most blind people can see light and dark things. But my teacher's completely blind. She can't see anything. STUDY 2 Complete the examples. Use Exercise 1 to help you. Affirmative Nogative 1 can see some 1 can't see things. ‘your face. They see light She see ind dark things. anything, Questions Short answers Can you Yes,! can me? No, she your teacher see your face? ‘See onawinan oassase, page 103 PRACTICE 3 Choose the correct options about Maya in Exercise 1. 1 Maya@aid/ can't see people. 2 She can / can't watch television. 3 She can / can't read normal books. 4 She can / can't listen to audio books. 5 Her teacher can / can't see people. D> Workbook, pages 46-47 4 a Work in pairs. What do you think Mateo can do? Write sentences with He can and He can’t. ride a bike 5 play soccer 6 play basketball 4 swim 4 2. walk 3. take the bus. b MB Listen to Mateo and check your answers. Put the words in order to make questions. 4. swim? / you / Gan Can you swinn? 2 Can / yes in German? / you / sey 3 tennis? / Can / play / your teacher 4 people / in Now Zeaiand / English? Can / speak 5 with your foot? / you / touch your head / Can 6 you and your classmates / for 10 minutes? / be / Can / quiet b Answer the questions. Use short answers. 1 Yes, Lean. / No, I can't. SPEAK 6 Work in groups of three. Ask questions with can. Find: three things that you can all do. = one thing that you can do and your partner Can you ride a bike? What fanguages can you speat | | | 25D Match the instruments to the Then listen and repea arums guitar keyboard piano violin a © Work in pairs. Listen and match the pieces of music (4-5) to the types of music in the box. classical hiphop Latin pop rock @AID Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. (©20D GMILIED Listen and repeat the /v/ sound in violin. ZED Listen and repeat these words. video movie interview television Work in pairs. Ask and answer. YES: What instrument? 1 Can you play an instrument? <~” “* NO: Whet instruments do you like? Can you sing or dance? What kind of music do you like? 2D Listen to three interviews. Are the people musical? Write Yes or No. Dora Penny Neil Riana ©250 Listen again, Complete the sentences with names from Exercise 5. 1 writes songs. 2 doesn't like pop music. can dance likes classical music. likes Latin music. and play an instrument. » Work in groups. Are you musical? Explain why. i} lean play the I ike the ... Like ... musie / hip-hop, cd oO 1 think / don’t think I'm . I'm definitely not 'm not sure. can / can't Do the Words & Beyond exercise ‘on page 109. YY) Workbook, pages 48-49 GRAMMAR Simple present SS Fi eete ene aces READ AND LISTEN >>> Grammar in context 1 GED Read and listen to the interview. What's special about the group? TV host: Hello. On today’s show we have The Wilsons. Jackie, tell us about your music. Jackie: Well, we play pop music, but it has a traditional sound too. | play the guitar and I sing. My sister plays the violin. She teaches the violin too. That's my brother Max on keyboards. He writes our songs. And this is @ new song, It goes like this, STUDY 2 Complete the examples. Use Exercise 1 to help you. Affirmative Use the base verb for |, you, we, they. 1 play the guitar. We pop music. They play different instruments. Use the verb + 5/-e8 for ho, she, it. He _ writes _ our songs. My sister the violin aw like this, She the violin too. regular Verb it 4 traditional sound too. ‘See onanman oxaaise, page 201. PRACTICE 3. Write the verb +s, -es, or ies. verb he/she/it verb he/she/it 4 listen listens 5 practice 2 waten 6 do 3 read 7 study 4 talk 8 amive YY) Worktoot, page 50 4 Complete the descriptions with the verbs in Exercise 3. Carlos is quiet. In his free time he (1) reads a lot of books and he 2) {0 his friends on the internat, He also (3) to a lot of different kinds of music ~ pop, rock, hiphop, anc classical. Sofia’s crazy about music. She (4) music at a music school three days a week after school, and when she (5) home, she (6) the piano for hours: Juan's very active. He (7) alotof different activities in his free time. He's also a big soccer fan. He (8) soccer games on television on weekends, co 5 Complete the message with the simple present form of the verbs. Hil We're The Lateens, and we (1) _ live (live) in Santiago, the capital city of Chile. We (2) (play) Latin pop musie with hip-hop Influences. My name's Sofia, and I'm the singer. 13) (come) from a musical family My mother (4) (teach) piano. Carlos 6) (play) the guitar and keyboard. His guitar hero is Jimi Hendrix, and he (6) (copy) all his solos. Juan plays the drums. Our group only (7) (have) three members, so for concerts, we (8) (invite) other people to play with us. WRITE AND SPEAK 6 a Work in pairs. Wi two or three sentences about a famous group or singer. Don't write the name. b Work with another pair. = Tell the other pair about your femot singer, (Don't read your sentences.) = Listen and write the name of the other pair's . singor or group. = At the end, check your answers. wesday Tuecday, February 16 Feit Ei nc fy nage 35 Exe 1 lke page 35 aed er | 2) Weite about your fice time for Friday. 2) In your notebook your pen pal about your free-time >»> Write down your Mesures SPEAK AND READ 1 Choose the correct option for you. Then compare with a partner. LI get a little / a lot of homework 2. | get homework two or three / three or four / five days a week. 3 Ido my homework at home / schoot 2 a Read the lists. Then check (/) the things you can see in the picture. How teachers can give homework: How students can write down homework: Write it on the board. Make a note on a phone. Tell students. Write it on a piece of paper. Put it on the school website. Write it in a homework planner. b Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Ci]? 1 How do your teachers give homework? : ; 2 Howe you me or? ur En echo / Do write it down in / on... 3 Work in paits. Look at the homework planners above. fame Then answer the questions. 1. Which homework planner answers these questions (1, 2, or both)? What is the homework? What books do I need? { 2. Which planner has more information about the homework? Yes, can. / No, | can't. Not always, but ... REFLECT The best way is to ... 4 © Talk about the questions. Then read the (20 00- i 1 Can you always remember your homework? LECTION | ee ect cael REFLECTION (% 3. What's the best way to remember homework? Give details. POINT ; Ie’s important to write down | EXTEND your homework. Always ask: What's the task? What do 1 5 Make a note of your English homework in English. For help, need? Where do I do it? look again at planner 2 In Exercise 3. When is It due? 48 YY) Workbook, page 63 SPEAKING What time is it? SPEAK 4. @ Work in pairs. Look at the picture. What can you see? Late O Where are Kelly and Mike? In this picture What's ... in English? LISTEN 2 ©ZBD Listen to the conversations. What do they decide to do at the end? What time is the movie? It’s at seven o'clock, What time is it now? It's a quarter after six. We have time. Kelly? What time is it? Its six thirty. thirty? The bus is late! Mike: Kelly? What time is it now? Kelly: It’s six thirty-five. Mike: Twenty-five to seven? Oh nol Where's the bus? Kelly? What time is it? It’s a quarter to seven. Let's go home. Good idea, 3. Read the conversations. Write the times under the clocks. 3 4 5 1 seven o'clock 2 4 @YSD Listen and repeat the questions and the times. 5 a Draw clocks with these times. Use Exercise 3 and the picture to help you. 1. Its five o'clock. 2 It’s ten to twelve. 3 It’s a quarter after nine, 4 It’s eleven thirty. 5 It's a quarter to four. 6 It's twenty-five past six. b @ Work in pairs. Student A: close your book. xo EC) past Ask the time hat ime si? What time is the ... ? Student B: point to a clock and ask the time. Repeat for the Say the time other clocks. Then change roles. Its ... o'clock, Wes ten after / 10 acy It’s a quarter after, 6 @ Work in pairs. Complete the tasks. It’s a quarter to ‘= Write @ conversation between two people before @ movie, concert, itsat or exam. Include two time questions and two times. = Practice your conversation. Then present it to ather students. > Workbook, page 51 ae 50 WRITING My free time >>> Write an email SPEAK AND READ 1 Ss Work in pairs. Circle the correct options for you. Compare [LNCS oO your answers. Do you write emails? Yes, I do. | write to CB No, I don’ | write emails. |Yes | No | think emails are a good way to .. Emails are a good way to send messages to: friends fomily| | pen pals clossmates Read the email. Who's Clara? EST Hi Clara, It's great to have a new pen pal in Argentina. I can't speak Spanish, so we can practice our English. You ask about my free time. Well, I meet my friends, go shopping, and go on the internet. On Mondays | have a guitar class. My sister ‘teaches me too. She plays in a group. ‘Write soon, Greta Mag eal fe 3 Read the tips in the €]]M[D box. Then circle DISCUSS other examples of capital letters in the email. 5 Talk about your free-time activities. What [TG £0 YH 60 fe Sooo oon te wootant ; _ Can you play a musical instrument or a se 920 special sport? Do you have special lessons or = Use at the start of a new sentence: [t's great to... . activities on one day of the week? © Use for the pronoun "I": have a guitar cass. «Use for the names of people and places: Hi Clara. WRITE «Use for countries, nationalities, and languages: 6 Write an email to a pen pal who lives in Argentina, Spanish. another country. = Use for days of the week: Monday. = Use at the start of an email message: Dear, Hi 1. Write to your pen pal about things you normally = Use at the end of an email message: Write soon, do autsldeltischool: Wik abouttspeeia| things: you can do. 2. Use verbs in the simple present to write about activities you normally do. Use can for special Rieenee things you know how to do, Remember to use 4 Rewrite the email with capital letters. don't and can't in negative sentences. i greta, 8 Use capital letters correct. See the sau bbox and check your email for errors. ‘thanks for your email, it's great to nave a pen pal in germany. is german difficult? i think i'm a typical ‘teenager. | meet my friends in my free time too. on saturdays we go to the movies. at home i listen to SHARE ‘™musio, but i can’t pley an instrument. 7 Take turns reading your descriptions. Listen to best wishes, your classmates. Are your free-time activities clara different or the samo? YY) Workbook, pages 52-53 a aA Ae VOCABULARY Free-time activities 1 Complete the ad with the words in the box. abook friends music my bike shopping soccer television the internet. the movies video games ~ | CLUB LEARN - PLAY » RELAX THE QUIET SPACE lay (7) read (1) listen to (8) 0 0n (2) ON SATURDAYS WE GO THE SPORTS SPACE = DOWNTOWN, WHERE YOU play (2) CAN... rei(a) go t0 (9) THE PLAY SPACE 0 (10) meet (5) watch (6) {10 =) GRAMMAR Can/can’t 3 Complete the interview with can/can't and ‘the words In parentheses. Lou: (1) (W/study) music at the TLC? Dina: Yes, you (2) «We have a fantastic teacher. She (3) (play) five instruments. (4) (you/play) an instrument? Lou: No, | (5) « But I want to sing. (6) (she/teach) me to sing? Dina: Oh yes. But are you free on Tuesdays or ‘Thursdays? She (7) {not come) on other days. 18) (bo) here on Thursdays. Great! See you next Thursday, then. /16 ¥%7 Yes, | can. No problem! ¥/~ Yes, | can, But I need a little help. ¥ Yes, I can, But | need a lot of help. Music. 2 Complete the words. THE LEARNING SPACE YOU CAN LEARN THESE INSTRUMENTS: > 1 or 2 3 ke 4 pl 5 wi AND THESE KINDS OF MUSIC: is 6d 7h n 8 la 9p 7 tor 9 ‘Simple present 4 Complete the email with the simple present form of the verbs. Hi Ursula, How are you? | have a new freetime activity! | (a (go) to singing classes. The teacher's name is Helen. She (2) ( from Russia. She (3) (study) music at the Music School, and she (4) (teach) in the afternoon. We (5) (have) class on Thursday when schoo! (6) (finish). My friends (7) (want) to take classes too! Write soon, Lou e) Your score: _ | can read an article on a website. I can listen to street interviews. can make a clear note of my homework. Ican tell the time. ican write an email Ss ba ele ite 1 Read the sentences about Oliver's free time. Choose the best word (A, B, or C) for each blank. ‘complete sentences with . ‘multiple-choice answers m= Look at the example. = Read each sentence and the choices (A, B, or C). Decide which words are ‘wrong. For each word, check: = Does it have the correct meaning? = Can you use it with the words before and after it? | Read the sentence again. Check your answer. Example: 1 Inthe evening |__ television. took B see © watch After school | go on the A internet B_ movies © shopping listen music on my phone. | A at B with cto 3 My favorite kind __ music is Latin. | A in B of i © at 4 can play the soccer B piano © video games 5 | _ my friends on weekends. A play B listen © meet Reading: 740 82 t PROGRESS CHECK ppsideeid Peco) co 2 @PED Listen to Delia and Luke. What animals or pets do the people in Delia's family have? For questions 1-5, write the @ match things in two lists correct letter (A-H) next to each person. = Read both lists, Example: f= Listen for the words in the 0. Mom B lists = Use only five of the words PEOPLE PETS from A-H, 4 Dad A bird E mouse 2 her brother B cat F fish 3 her sister © chickens G horse 4 Grandma D dog H_ hamster 5 Grandpa Ustening: WRITE 3 Complete Alice's emai to her fiend. For questions 4-10, write SEIU aaa 79) one word for each blank. @ complete a text with blanks = First, read the text quicl = Look at the words before and after each blank, = Use only one word in the Example: Thanks (0) for _ your email about your free time. On school days Hom 1) homework after school. On weekends | 2) = Use the correct form of my bike or |) shopping with my mom. ! have (4) verbs. Check your spelling dog. Her name's Cookie. I take (6) to the park at a quarter © seven every morning, She's old and a ttle deat, s0 sho a har me, But she's a smart dog. She (@) play soccer! Bo you (9) apet? (10) ‘soon! Alice Wing: 710 Progress check score 730 YY Download extra speaking activities from ww.macmilangabeyond.com. sere Talk about jobs WORK WITH WORDS Jobs di Work in pairs. Write the places, You have two minutes. 2 a Match the people (a-) in the picture to the places (1-8) in Exercise 1. 1-9 > ©2MP Listen and check who the people are and where they work. Complete the sentences with the Jobs in the box. farmer teacher doctor soccer player actor cook sales clerk nurse “Hi. 'm a(n) = I work at the 6 ‘Tomorrowtown hospital.’ ' work at the hospital with the doctor. 'm 7 a(n) 2 “Hello. I'm a(n} me at the Tomorrowtown Theater.” Youcansee 8 4 "Welcome to Tomorrawtown Hotel. I'm 9 a(n) at the hotel.” 5 “I'ma(n) My farm is two 10 kilometers from here.” ‘> @2MD Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. 84 receptionist waiter/ waitress ina clothing store. There are a lot of stores in Tomorrowtown.” sm a(n) "I'm a(n) ‘at Tomorrowtown's, italian restaurant.” "We work at the Italian restaurant. I'm a(n) and he’s a(n) “rm a(n) People come to see me play at Tomorrowtown Soccer Stadium.” “rm a(n) at Tomorrowtown High School. | teach all the kids in Tomorrowtown.” ©2XD EMMI Listen and repeat the /ar/ sound in these words. wT 7 doctor farmer teacher D Find three more jobs in Exercise 3 with the /ar/ sound. nok a the cTomonr enn Then listen and check, Se cate pane people, Croo: Tip: Choose a ciffer 5 © Watch the video about Tomorrowtown. Which job in Exercise 3a is NOT in the video? Wie Introduce yours Work in pairs. Read and follow the Tomorrowtown instructions. Hi. My name's... !'m aan a Hello, Alex. 'm ... 'm a/an eee a Q Introduce yourself to other students in the class. What are their 9° the Words & Beyond ex jobs? Which Is the class's favorite job? on page 1:10. Workbook, page 5 READING My perfect job SSS SPEAK AND READ Ca) L_& Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Um ... years old iow old are you? What do you do? Vma/an.. 2 Go 46 years into the future. How old are you? What do you do? How do you say ... in English? | 2 ZED Read the instructions for the questionnaire. Decide if the et Sentences are comect (C) or ncomtest()- Conect the incorrect {LN Cy) 7 sentences. It’s important to read instructions The questionnaire helps you find the perfect type of job for you. slowly and carefull. 2. For each question, you cen choose one or two answers. 3. You check (/) the answers you choose, Yen you finish, you count your answers (A, B, or C). 5 i your answors are 1A, 2C, and 3A, you road the section Mostly As. ‘Complete the questionnaire and read your results. | i ig . “GO 97)" % / My perfect job Instructions Find your perfect job of the future. Read each question and circle one of the answers, A, B, or C. Mostly As Then count the number of A, B, or C answers and Neier at read about your perfect job, Pee teenies nee ts Cae aa Which of these free-time activities Mostly Bs do you do? San ae cea ‘meet friends or go shopping. Which musical instrument do you irae B I play soccer or ride my bike. want to play? 2 1 go to the movies or read a book. Al want to play the guitar in a pop group. Sonn B I want to play the drums. € | want to play the piano and sing, Do you play games? ‘A Yes, Ido. | play video games with my friends B Yos, | do. | play ball games such as soccer and basketball. © No, I don't. | like to make things, 4. Add waiter/waitress to one of the groups. Which group is the best (A, B, or C)? The questionnaire says | agree. / | don't agree. REACT My perfect job's a / an... {ike / don’t lke questionnaires. They're fun / borin | 5 % Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Meco : eaten 2 7 : 1 Do you agree withthe results ofthe questionnaire? oT =: | 2 Is your perfect job in the questionnaire? 3 Do you like questionnaires? Why or why not? Write another question for the ‘questionnaire and three possible answers. 56 > Workbook, page 57 GRAMMAR Simple present SSW ener eta emene mer tsiiest READ AND LISTEN >>> Grammar in PRACTICE Context 3 a Complete the sentences with the correct 1. a Read the questions and answers. Where form of the verbs. does the mystery person work? What's her Job? ask buy do ge help simile watch work 4. 1_work with animats 2 People things from me 3 The waiter my food to people. 4 You ime piay Soccer. 51 people. 6 Your teacher the same job. 7 = FWould you lke to order now?” al at people in a hotel. Q: Does the mystery person work on a farm? b @3ED Make the sentences negative. Listen AA: No, she doesn’ and check. Then identify the mystery job. Q Does she work in a hotel? 4 I dew? work with animals. 1A: Yos, she does. But she isn'ta receptionist. ; fe Wre ae aes eee 4 Complete the conversation with do, don't, does, A: | don't know. or doesn't. (4) Dée__ you know Jenny? No, 1 (2) Does she work in the hotel restaurant? : Yes, she does. But she doesn't cook. Be Q Do people ask her for things? 8) she go to our school? A: Yes, they do. Yes, she (4) She says. Q: What do they ask her for? her mom and dad are famous. ‘As They ask her for food. Really? What (5) they do? Q Is shea pee? : Her dad’s a soccer player, and her mom's an Az Yes, she is. actor. ; 2 b (©2E Listen and check. poe ee ie 116) know. It's @ mystery m you believe her? STUDY ‘Yes, | (8) C2) Really? 2 Complete the examples. Use Exercise 1 to help you. 5 Write questions about a mystery person. Sioa 1. play / soccer / the mystery person? 2 arenaties nega Does the mystery person. play soccer? leah. fine Aer, 2. Where / live / the mystery person? She cooks. she cook : eM _____SIB IO What / do / the mystery person? {Questions and short answers Do____ you know the answer? 4 you / know / the mystery person? Yes! da. No,!_ don't sleet coe teomanucia she ina hotel? Yes, she 7Woshe people ask her for things? ‘SPEAK eyites, ettnstt ans 6 Work in pairs. Question words Student A: look at page 145. Student B: look at time does she start work? page 116. Choose one of the people. Don't tel! do they ask her for? your partner. = Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 5. = Gan you guess the name of your partner's mystery person? ‘See onannan nxasuce, page 102. Is the mystery person @ man or a woman? She's @ woman. / He's a man DY» Workbook, pages 58-59 87 LISTENING AND VOCABULARY My daily routine 58 WORK WITH WORDS Daily activities _ Match the daily routine activities to the pictures. 1a Work in pi ie) do my homework finish school go home go to bed go to school get up have breakfast have dinner have lunch take a shower > ©229 Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. 's in Exercise 4 in order for your day. Then compare with a partner. rst | Then Next | SPEAK AND LISTEN 3. & Work in pairs. Describe the pictures. Li} In picture A the time's There's a Ican see. 4 ©22B Listen to the radio show. What does Daniella’s mom do? Where does she work? 5 a (229) Listen again. Read the questions and choose the correct picture (A, B, or C) from Exercise 3, 1 What time does Daniella get up? 4 What does she do after school? 2. How does she go to school? 5 When does she go to bed? 3 What does she have for lunch? b Write five sentences about Daniella. eet oO She gets up at .. Daniella gets up at ... l get up at .. School starts at REACT My mom / dad goes to work at 6 © Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 1. |s Daniella’s daily routine the same as yours? What's different? a) 2 When does school start and finish in your country? Do the Words & Beyond exercise Does your mom or dad work? When does she/he work? oon page 110. YY) Workeook, pages 60-61

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