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Unit 2/ By M.

A Trần Lâm Hồng/ 097 892 7768

a c b h v r s d w q
p e n c i l c a s e
n m e c p e r s g m
l h b o e d u u b c
j k l a n v b w a e
p e n c i l b r g b
c g k r u l e r m l
e w x x r t r u j k
1. Look and find : Nhìn và tìm từ

2. Look and match: Nhìn tranh và nối

a bag a ruler

a pen a rubber

a pencil a pencil case

3. Look and write: Nhìn tranh và viết r...le... ru...b...r

b....g ....en c....s......

4. Look, read and write: Nhìn và làm theo mẫu

Unit 2/ By M.A Trần Lâm Hồng/ 097 892 7768

What is this? What is this? What is this?

It is a pencil. It is a ………………… ………………...........

What is this? What is this? Is this a rubber?

………………………… ............................... .......................

Is it a notebook? Is this a bag? Is this a chair?

Yes, it is No, it isn’t ..........................

Is it a book? Is it a desk? Is it a pen?

………………………… …………………… ...........................

Is it a bag? Is it a chair? Is it a classroom?

...................... ......................... .................................

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