(2021년 기출) 광교고등학교 (경기 수원시 영통구) 2-1 기말 영어Ⅰ 족보 (YBM (한상호) ) (Q)

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영어Ⅰ 4.A Trip for Cultural Diversity ~ 6.

Nature and Environment

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existence of color photography. By highlighting

※ 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. that reality, we become conscious of current
limitations and thus open our minds to new
1. zb1 )
possibilities and potential opportunities. World War
I was given that name only after we were deeply
Over the centuries various writers and thinkers,
embattled in World War Ⅱ. Before that horrific
looking at humans from an outside perspective,
period of the 1940s, World War I was simply
have been struck by the theatrical quality of
called "The Great War" or, even worse, "The War
social life. The most famous quote expressing this
to End All Wars." What if we had called it "World
comes from Shakespeare: "All the world's a stage,
War I" back in 1918? Such a label might have
/ And all the men and women merely players; /
made the possibility of a second worldwide conflict
They have their exits and their entrances, / And
a greater reality for governments and individuals.
one man in his time plays many parts." If the
We become conscious of issues when we explicitly
theater and actors were traditionally represented
identify them.
by the image of masks, writers such as
Shakespeare are implying that all of us are Change of Names along with the History
constantly wearing masks. Some people are better Differences between the Two Worldwide Wars
actors than others. Evil types such as Iago in the Add the Descriptive Phrase and Uncover the
play Othello are able to conceal their hostile Gaps
intentions behind a friendly smile. Others are able
When Did the Black-and-white Photographs End?
to act with more confidence and bravado - they
Adjectives: Words that Describe the World
often become leaders. People with excellent acting
skills can better navigate our complex social
environments and get ahead.

Strategies toward Bringing out the Rational Self

Human as a Natural Role Player in Social
Context ※ 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Advantages of Learning Social Skills for the

Shakespearean Play 3. zb3 )

The Burden of Acting and Playing in Different Every farmer knows that the hard part is getting
Social Situations the field prepared. Inserting seeds and watching
Human's Unawareness on Potential Acting Skills them grow is easy. Though the community
during Interpersonal Transactions prepares the field, society tends to give all the
credit to the individual who happens to plant a
successful seed. Planting a seed does not
necessarily require overwhelming intelligence;
creating an environment that allows seeds to
2. zb2 )
prosper does. We need to give more credit to the
community in science, politics, business, and daily
Let's return to a time in which photographs life. Martin Luther King Jr. was a great man.
were not in living color. During that period, Perhaps his greatest strength was his ability to
people referred to pictures as "photographs" inspire people to work together to achieve, against
rather than "black-and-white photographs" as we all odds, revolutionary changes in society's
do today. The possibility of color did not exist, so perception of race and in the fairness of the law.
it was unnecessary to insert the adjective But to really understand what he accomplished
"black-and-white." However, suppose we did requires looking beyond the man. Instead of
include the phrase "black-and-white" before the


- 1 -
treating him as the manifestation of everything The performance of computers needs to be
great, we should appreciate his role in allowing checked by humans because of possible errors.
America to show that it can be great.

Communities should be the subject to which

credit for success goes.
Collective intelligence is nothing more than a
cradle for an individual hero. 5. zb5 ) 밑줄 친 dip a toe in이 다음 글에서 의미하는
There are advantages of individual wisdom over 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
communal ideas. John Hanks, a vice president at National
The success of a group is a function of the Instruments (NI), a company that makes scientific
intelligence of its individual members. equipment, was deciding whether to make a big
Recognition of an individual's work should be no bet on wireless sensors. The technology had a lot
of promise, but some of NI's customers were
less than that of a community's performance.
skeptical. Hanks didn't feel like he had enough
information to make a wise decision too. What he
needed to do, he realized, was ooch. To ooch is
to construct small experiments to test one's
hypothesis. Rather than jump headfirst into the
4. zb4 )

wireless market, Hanks and his colleagues decided

It is important to remember that computers can to dip a toe in. Rather than choose "all" or
only carry out instructions that humans give "nothing," they chose "a little something." That
them. Computers can process data accurately at strategy - finding a way to ooch before we leap -
far greater speeds than people can, yet they are is another way we can reality-test our
limited in many respects - most importantly, they assumptions. When we ooch, we bring real-world
lack common sense. However, combining the experience into our decision.
strengths of these machines with human strengths quit the option altogether
creates synergy. Synergy occurs when combined
commit fully to the opportunity
resources produce output that exceeds the sum of
the outputs of the same resources employed follow the opinion of the majority
separately. A computer works quickly and test the decision on a smaller scale
accurately; humans work relatively slowly and believe in one's intuition and give it a go
make mistakes. A computer cannot make
independent decisions, however, or formulate
steps for solving problems, unless programmed to
do so by humans. Even with sophisticated artificial
intelligence, which enables the computer to learn ※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
and then implement what it learns, the initial One of the most devastating and historically
programming must be done by humans. Thus, a significant plant diseases is potato late blight.
human-computer combination allows the results of Epidemics of late blight nearly ⓐannihilated the
human thought to be translated into efficient potato crops in Europe in the 1840s leading to
processing of large amounts of data. mass starvation. One of the most significant
Artificial intelligence might soon replace humans. effects of the disease on the population of the
Humans and computers both have pros and U.S. was the Great Irish Potato Famine from 1845
to 1847, where up to one million Irish people died
from the loss of their staple food crop, and nearly
Humans and computers complement each other
the same number of people ⓑmigrated to the rest
to create synergy.
of Europe and the U.S. to prevent starvation and
Computers cannot enhance their speed without death. Several factors contributed to the
human computer synergy. starvation, but the main cause was the near total


- 2 -
ⓒdependence on the potato as a food source for chemical aids.
the poorer working population in Ireland at the
time. Late blight is now widely known to be
caused by a fungus-like microorganism,
Phytophthora infestans, which is fatal to potatoes,
tomatoes, and some other members of the plant 8. zb8 ) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?
family. However, for many centuries, the ⓓ
consequence of crop failures, including that of What finally triggers a collapse? The most
potato failures, was a mystery, even for the common factors are changing groundwater
19th-century potato famine in Ireland. At long levels or a sudden increase in surface water.
last, years of scientific explorations on potato late During long periods of drought, groundwater
blight have finally shed a light on the fact that levels will fall, meaning a cavity that the water
plant diseases were actually caused by once supporting may become weaker and
microorganisms. This led to the birth of plant collapse. Conversely, a sudden heavy downfall can
pathology as a field of science. Late blight still add dramatically to the weight of the surface soil,
continues to be a major pest of potatoes, but the making it too heavy for the cavity beneath to
disease is manageable through the uses of ⓔ bear. Sometimes the trigger can be man-made.
resistant potato breed, proper sanitation practices, Most sinkholes we are seeing these days are
and pesticides such as Paris green, a toxic indirectly related to human activities, such as
chemical used for making green paint. drilling, mining, or construction. They may also
occur because of broken water pipes, heavy
*potato late blight: 감자 역병
traffic, and the excessive use of groundwater.
**pathology: 병리학 Collapses from these man-made causes can
have especially dramatic effects because they
often occur in the middle of a street or in
6. zb6 ) 윗글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이
housing areas.
적절하지 않은 것은?
ⓐ ⓑ
ⓒ ⓓ

9. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 옳은 것은?
7. 윗글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
zb9 )

zb7 )

For hundreds of thousands of years our

Potato late blight brought catastrophic damage to
hunter-gatherer ancestors could survive only by
European nations in the 1840s.
constantly communicating with one another
From 1845 to 1847, almost two million Irish through nonverbal cues. Developed over so
people had either escaped from the country or much time, before the invention of language,
died from food shortages. which is how the human face became so
Potato is not the only crop that can be harmed expressive, and gestures so elaborate. We have
by the fungus like microorganism of late blight. continual desires to communicate our feelings yet
Scientists adopting the technique of plant at the same time the need to conceal it for
pathology finally solved the mystery behind proper social functioning. With these
potato late blight. counterforces battling inside us, we cannot
completely control what we communicate. Our real
Late blight is more controllable now compared to
feelings continually leak out in the form of
the past with the stronger breed against the
gestures, tones of voice, facial expressions, and
disease, a better hygienic procedure, and
posture. We are not trained, however, to pay


- 3 -
attention to people's nonverbal cues. By sheer ruinous. Some sinkholes attract tourists who are
habit, we fixate on the words people say, while interested in the mystery and the beauty of
also thought about what we'll say next. What nature. Some notable sinkholes include Sima
this means are that we are using only a small Humboldt in Venezuela, which is 314 meters deep,
percentage of the potential social skills we all and Xiaozhai Tiankeng in China, 662 meters deep
possess. and 626 meters wide. Sinkholes can form
underwater, too. Underwater sinkholes are called
blue holes. The Great Blue Hole in Belize is one of
the most spectacular; it is 300 meters wide and
124 meters deep. Sinkholes typically occur in
areas where the rock beneath the surface soil is
limestone, carbonate rock, sandstone, or some
other ⓑhard rock that is easily worn away by
water. These kinds of rocks are found in many
zb1 0 ) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임 parts of Florida, Texas, and Kentucky in the U.S.
이 적절하지 않은 것은? They are also common in the U.K., Mexico, Belize,
Slovenia, Croatia, and China. When rainwater ⓒ
Many inventions were invented thousands of
sips down through surface soil, it eventually
years ago so it can be difficult to know their
reaches bedrock below. Slowly and continually,
exact origins. Sometimes scientists discover a
sometimes taking hundreds or thousands of years,
model of an early invention and from this model
the water ⓓerupts small parts of the rock, creating
they can accurately tell us how old it is and
cracks underground. As the process continues, the
where it came from. Sometimes scientists can only
soil above is gradually washed into the cracks, and
find pictures or written references of an ancient
it creates a space in the soil. It is not seen on the
invention. Even without an actual model, texts and
surface. As the space becomes too large to support
pictures are not only proof that the invention
the soil above, it ⓔcollides, and a hole opens up on
existed but also sources for us to determine when,
the surface. Though sinkholes form gradually, the
where, and by whom the invention was created.
final subsidence of the surface happens suddenly.
This is the case of the compass. Scholars have
found a clear description of a sinan 1개 2개
(navigational device) in a Chinese text dating back 3개 4개
more than two thousand years. While no actual 5개
models of this invention have been found to date,
the description in this ancient text leads us to
doubt that this ancient form of compass was
invented as early as 2400 years ago in China, and
it took more than 1000 years for it to be
introduced to the West in the 13th Century AD.
zb1 2 ) 빈칸 (A), (B), (C)에 들어갈 문맥에 맞는 낱말로
가장 적절한 것은?

The ___(A)___ for one purchase to lead to

another one has a name: the Diderot Effect. The
Diderot Effect states that obtaining a new
possession often creates a spiral of consumption
which leads you to acquire more new things. We
are ___(B)___ prone to downgrade, to simplify, to
eliminate, to reduce. There will never be a level
zb1 1 ) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임 where you will stop wanting things. You buy a
이 적절한 것은 모두 몇 개인가? dress and have to get new shoes and earrings to
match. You buy a toy for your child and soon
Unlike the dangerous sinkhole in Florida, not all
find yourself purchasing all of the accessories that
sinkholes are disastrous, destructive, and ⓐ
go with it. The Diderot Effect tells us that your


- 4 -
life is only going to have more things in it, so 14.
zb1 4 )

you need to understand how to manage, eliminate,

and focus on the things that matter. One way to The availability heuristic refers to a common
fill your life with the optimal amount of things is mistake that our brains make by assuming that
to let go of wanting things. Realize that wanting is the instances or examples that come to mind
just a(n) ___(C)___ your mind provides, not a easily are also the most important or prevalent.
command you have to follow. For example, most people are shocked when they
hear that they are currently living in the least
(A) (B) (C) violent time in history. If this is the most peaceful
tendency hardly necessity time in history, why do I hear about rape,
curriculum seldom alternative murder, and crime every day? The answer is that
we are not only living in the most peaceful time
inclination rarely option
in history but also the best reported time in
tendency commonly essential
history. Information on any disaster or crime is
curriculum rarely present more widely available than ever before. The
overall percentage of dangerous events is
decreasing, but the likelihood that you hear about
one of them (or many of them) is increasing. And
because these events __________________, our
※ 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. brains assume that they happen with greater
frequency than they actually do.
zb1 3 )

are forgotten easily

To get the most out of life, you have to keep can occur again at any time
your thinking and life ______. We all have set
have taken place consecutively
patterns in life. We like to label ourselves as this
are readily available in our minds
or that and are quite proud of our opinions and
beliefs. We all like to read a particular newspaper, are not covered in the news in detail
watch the same sorts of TV programs or movies,
go to the same sort of shops every time, eat the
sort of food that suits us, and wear the same type
of clothes. And all this is fine. But if we cut
ourselves off from all other possibilities, we 15.
zb1 5 )

become boring, rigid, hardened - and thus likely

Risk often arises from uncertainty about how to
to get knocked about a bit. You have to see life
approach a problem or situation. One way to
as a series of adventures. Each adventure is a
avoid such risk is to contract with a party who
chance to have fun, learn something, explore the
______________________________. For example, to
world, expand your circle of friends and
minimize the financial risk associated with the
experience, and broaden your horizons. The
capital cost of tooling and equipment for
second you are offered an opportunity to have an
production of a large complex system, a
adventure, to change your thinking, to step
manufacturer might subcontract the production of
outside of yourself, go for it and see what
the system's major components to suppliers
familiar with those components. This relieves the
closed flexible manufacturer of the financial risk associated with
positive organized the tooling and equipment to produce these
crystallized components. However, transfer of one kind of risk
often means inheriting another kind. For example,
subcontracting work for the components puts the
manufacturer in the position of relying on
outsiders, which increases the risks associated
with quality control, scheduling, and the


- 5 -
performance of the end-item system. But these consume the fruit? The plant uses the color of
risks often can be reduced through careful the fruit to signal to predators that it is ripe,
management of the suppliers. which means that the seed's hull has hardened -
and therefore the sugar content is at its height.
has a strictly planned schedule
Incredibly, the plant has chosen to manufacture
can provide advanced technical teams
fructose, instead of glucose, as the sugar in the
is experienced and knows how to do it fruit. Glucose raises insulin levels in primates and
uses incentives to promote effectiveness humans, which initially raises levels of leptin, a
performs critical evaluation on their work hunger-blocking hormone - but fructose does not.
In other words, ______________________________.
As a result, the predator never receives the
normal message that it is full. That makes for a
win-win for predator and prey. Because the
animals keep eating more and more fruit and
zb1 6 )

therefore more seeds, the plant has a better

An interesting phenomenon that arose from chance of distributing more of its babies.
social media is the concept of social proof. It's
the level of leptin and the sensation of hunger
easier for a person to accept new values or ideas
are not in inverse proportion
when one sees that someone else has already
the main role of leptin is to act as a starvation
done so. If the person that one sees accepting the
signal when its level isn't low
new idea happens to be a friend, then social proof
has even more power by exerting peer pressure the hormone that reduces appetite is triggered
as well as relying on the trust that people put in once fructose raises insulin levels in primates
the judgments of their close friends. For example, the ineffectiveness of hormone on the
_____________________________ and it becomes prohibition of hunger can be caused by one's
more credible if it got thousands of likes. If a consumption of glucose
friend recommends the video to you, in many fructose is associated with an insufficient level of
cases, the credibility of the idea it presents will insulin and leptin, which may contribute to an
rise according to the trust you place in the friend increase in hunger
recommending the video. This is the power of
social media and part of the reason why videos or
"posts" can become "viral."

a video delivering a new idea can be dependable

with a single like 18.
zb1 8 ) 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
an algorithm exploits our cognitive vulnerabilities
In one survey, 61 percent of Americans said
without compensation
that they supported the government spending
the overload of information generates intense more on 'assistance to the poor'. But when the
competition for one's attention same population was asked whether they
modern technology strengthens biases in harmful supported spending more government money on
ways by raising suspicion 'welfare', only 21 percent were in favour. In other
a video that your peers pressed a "like" button words, if you ask people about individual welfare
informs you of the incredibility programmes - such as giving financial help to
people who have long-term illnesses and paying
for school meals for families with low income -
people are broadly in favour of them. But if you
ask about 'welfare' - which refers to those exact
same programmes that you've just listed – they're
zb1 7 )

against it. The word 'welfare' has negative

When is the right time for the predator to connotations, perhaps because of the way many


- 6 -
politicians and newspapers portray it. Therefore,
the framing of a question can heavily influence
the answer in many ways, which matters if your
aim is to obtain a 'true measure' of what people
think. And next time you hear a politician say
'surveys prove that the majority of the people
agree with me', be very wary.

No less than three-quarters of respondents

thought the government should raise spending
zb2 0 ) 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?

on 'assistance to the poor'. On the last day of our trip, we visited the Little
The number of people who didn't favor the Penang Street Market, a street market that is held
government's spending on 'welfare' was almost on the last Sunday of each month. It was one
two out of ten. of the reasons why we decided to take this trip
near the end of January and is famous for being
People are skeptical about the government's role
the best place to see local crafts, including full of
in increasing spending on 'assistance to the
beautiful ethnic goods such as clothes, shoes,
wood carvings, woven baskets, and much more.
Different terms referring to the same thing In the world of crafts market, handmade almost
aren't influential on the respondent's answering. always comes with an exorbitant price tag, which
With a politician using the survey result for his is a factor to consider when opening a market
or her own interests, a listener should be yourself. My parents bought a small wooden
cautious. sculpture of a funny-looking monkey, a perfect
souvenir for remembering the festive spirit of the
market. The seller explained cheerfully that it
was traditional artwork made by the Orang Asli,
the inhabitants who have lived in Malaysia the
zb1 9 ) 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 longest. After having lunch at a food stall, we
headed for the airport, thinking that Malaysians
가장 적절한 곳은?
and Koreans might be sharing the same positive
Imagine the night before an important maths spirit of living in the moment.
exam; you have only the last few hours to study
and are starting to panic.

Many positive illusions have a beneficial effect

for the self: they make people feel happier. But
the need to have a positive view of yourself is so
strong that it can backfire and, perversely, make
your life worse. ( ) This is exactly what
※ 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시
self-handicapping does. ( ) When
self-handicapping, you're engaging in behaviour
that you know will harm your chances of
succeeding, and I bet you've done it. ( ) In this 21.
zb2 1 )

situation, have you ever found yourself suddenly When Lithuanian artist Ernest Zacharevic
deciding to go out with your friends? ( ) Or penned the original mural installations for the
turning on the TV and watching a sitcom George Town Festival series "Mirrors of George
marathon? ( ) Afterwards, you collapse asleep Town" in 2012, I was in Uzbekistan without an
exhausted, your books untouched. At least you Internet connection. I managed to take a look at
will feel happier for you have a reason for your images of "Little Children on a Bicycle" and his
expected failure while you might have made your other artworks from the flimsy internet connection
life worse. of a guesthouse in Bukhara.


- 7 -
consequence of the rat's actions, this
(A) But when I returned to Malaysia at the end of influenced its future behavior.
my hitchhiking trip from Singapore to Italy (B) Initially, the rat might press the bar
four years later, change had switched to high accidentally, or simply out of curiosity, and as
gears: Penang street art had started to lure in a consequence receive some food. Over time,
both local and international tourists, and the the rat learned that food appeared whenever
main issue was that Penang Street Art was the bar was pressed, and began to press it
NOT complementing the island's multicultural purposefully in order to be fed.
UNESCO heritage - it was taking over it. (C) A rat was placed in one of these boxes, which
(B) The worst part is, because of UNESCO and had a special bar fitted on the inside. Every
local policies, street art in Penang grew to be time the rat pressed this bar, it was presented
the opposite of what I consider "art" because it with food. The rate of bar-pressing was
lacks artistic freedom. If an artist wants to pen automatically recorded.
a mural, he needs to seek the permission of (A)-(C)-(B) (B)-(A)-(C)
heritage authorities, which also have the final
(B)-(C)-(A) (C)-(A)-(B)
say in the type of artwork allowed. It must be
"Penang heritage", even though nobody really
knows what this heritage is, especially now
that George Town is filled with overpriced
cafes and boutique hotels.
(C) "What the heck is that!" I said to myself
browsing through his works, as I couldn't quite 23. zb2 3 ) 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
understand the need for painting over the Sociologists have proven that people bring their
walls of a nice historical lane such as what own views and values to the culture they
Armenian Street was before the tourist crowds encounter; books, TV programs, movies, and
arrived. When I first landed in Penang in 2008, music may affect everyone, but they affect
there was no such thing as street art and different people in different ways. In a study, Neil
frankly speaking, it didn't need any of that Vidmar and Milton Rokeach showed episodes of
gentrification - it already was a fantastic place the sitcom All in the Family to viewers with a
full of rich history. range of different views on race. The show
(A)-(C)-(B) (B)-(A)-(C) centers on a character named Archie Bunker, an
(B)-(C)-(A) (C)-(A)-(B) intolerant bigot who often gets into fights with his
more progressive family members. Vidmar and
Rokeach found that viewers who didn't share
Archie Bunker's views thought the show was very
funny in the way it made fun of Archie's absurd
racism-in fact, this was the producers' intention.
On the other hand, though, viewers who were
zb2 2 )

themselves bigots thought Archie Bunker was the

While working as a research fellow at Harvard, hero of the show and that the producers meant to
B. F. Skinner carried out a series of experiments make fun of his foolish family! This demonstrates
on rats, using an invention that later became why (A) it's a mistake to assume that a certain
known as a "Skinner box." cultural product will have the same effect on

(A) Comparing results from rats given the "positive (1) 다음 영영 뜻풀이에 해당하는 한 단어를 윗글에서 찾아
reinforcement" of food for their bar-pressing 쓰시오.
behavior with those that were not, or were
presented with food at different rates, it
became clear that when food appeared as a


- 8 -
ⓐ An amount, as of goods, (1) <보기>의 단어를 올바르게 배열하여 윗글을 한 문장으
services, or money, considered to 로 요약하시오.
be a fair and suitable equivalent <보기>
for something else; a fair price or because / help / they / also / People / so /
norms. / helping / them / do / socialized /
ⓑ Monetary or material worth
Meaning advantages, / because / gives / but / are / to /
ⓒ Worth in usefulness or
through / social
importance to the possessor; utility
or merit
ⓓ A principle or standard, as of <조건>
behavior, that is considered 1. <보기>에 주어진 단어를 모두 한 번씩만 사용할 것.
important or desirable
2. 단어를 주어진 형태 그대로 사용할 것.

(2) (1)에서 찾은 단어가 윗글에서 사용된 맥락을 고려하여, (2) 다음 예시문을 읽고, 밑줄 친 부분의 행동을 설명하는
ⓐ~ⓓ 중 어느 뜻으로 사용되었는지 기호를 쓰시오. 규범이 무엇인지 각각 윗글에서 찾아 쓰시오.
Dave Tally, a homeless man, found $3300 in a
(3) 윗글에서 언급된 'All in the Family'의 내용과 관련하 backpack that a university student had misplaced
여 밑줄 친 (A)의 근거를 한글로 쓰시오. on his way to buy a used car. Instead of using
the cash for food and shelter, Tally turned in the
backpack to the social service agency where he
volunteered. To reciprocate Tally's help, the
backpack's owner thanked him with a monetary
zb2 4 ) 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. reward. Hearing about Tally's self-giving deeds,
dozens of others also sent him money and job
Why do we help? One widely held view is that offers.
self-interest underlies all human interactions, that
our constant goal is to maximize rewards and 답: 1. the ______________ norm
minimize costs. Accountants call it cost-benefit 2. the ______________ norm
analysis. Philosophers call it utilitarianism. Social
psychologists call it social exchange theory. If you
are considering donating blood, you may weigh
the costs of doing so (time, discomfort, anxiety)
against the benefits (reduced guilt, social approval, 25.
zb2 5 ) 다음 글을 읽고 난 뒤에 나눈 두 친구의 대화를
good feelings). If the rewards exceed the costs,
완성할 때, 빈칸 (a)~(f)에 들어갈 적절한 말을 <조
you will help.
건>에 맞게 쓰시오.
Others believe we help because we have been The End of Hunger
socialized to do so, through norms that prescribe
Hunger was a common part of everyday life in
how we ought to behave. Two such norms are the
17th-and 18th-century Europe. The average
reciprocity norm and the social-responsibility
European not only often went hungry but
norm. The reciprocity norm is the expectation
sometimes even starved to death. Many countries
that we should return help, not harm, to those
suffered nationwide famines at least once every
who have helped us. In our relations with others
decade. The potato changed all that. Not only did
of similar status, this norm compels us to give (in
potatoes grow well in much of Europe, but they
favors, gifts, or social invitations) about as much
were also very nutritious. Once Europeans began
as we receive. On the other hand, the
to grow potatoes, their food supplies doubled in
social-responsibility norm is the expectation that
quantity and increased dramatically in quality.
we should help those who need our help-young
Throughout Europe, potatoes quickly became the
children and others who cannot give as much as
main source of nutrition for the majority of
they receive - even if the costs outweigh the
common people. By the end of the 18th century,


- 9 -
potatoes had taken over most European farms, different perspectives as there are always two
and famine had become a rare and unusual sides to every story.
incident. At long last, Europe was able to feed Rick : I couldn't agree more. Speaking of
itself. potatoes, I'd better get some fish and chips for
myself right now! Would you like some, too?
James : Sure, I know a good place around the
The Industrial Revolution
Thanks to the fact that the potato was
답: (a)________________________
inexpensive and nutritious, many Europeans
escaped famines, and the populations in European (b)________________________
nations increased rapidly during the 19th century. (c)________________________
Furthermore, the potato indirectly led to the (d)________________________
Industrial Revolution in 19th century England. It
was easier to grow potatoes than many other
crops, so fewer people were needed for farming. (f)________________________
People who no longer worked on farms came to <조건>
the cities and became factory workers, enabling 1. 본문에서 각 단어를 찾아 필요시 변형할 것.
new manufacturing industries to grow more 2. 각 칸에 한 단어씩만 쓸 것.
quickly. With the larger populations and more
advanced technologies, European nations became
powerful enough to venture into other parts of
the world and colonize them.

Rick : It's just fascinating to have learned about

how potatoes changed the world, isn't it?
James : It really is. I can't believe the people of
___(a)___ have been owing so much to
potatoes for such a long time.
Rick : Right? The funny thing is that I've never
realized how much of ___(b)___ value potatoes
have even though I eat them almost every day!
James : Every day? That explains your vitality.
"You are what you eat' as they say.
Rick : Haha, thanks. The most impressive part for
me is to see how seemingly irrelevant
___(c)___ in history are actually connected
with one another if you look into them closer.
For instance, the surplus labor force in the
farm having moved to the city eventually led
to the ___(d)___, which can't be viewed as all
positive if you were the people of 'the other
parts of the world.'
James : I couldn't agree more. ___(e)___, which is
the period of social and economic change
from an agrarian society into an industrial
society, began in England and did contribute
to the overall growth of the European
population and technological ___(f)___. It's
necessary, however, to view history from


- 10 -
2021년 1학기 기말 24) [중] ⑴ People help because helping gives
광교고 them social advantages, but also because
they are socialized to do so through
norms. ⑵ 1. reciprocity 2. social
1) [중]
25) [중] ⒜ Europe ⒝ nutritious ⒞ incidents ⒟
2) [중]
colonization ⒠ industrialization ⒡
3) [중] advancement

4) [중]

5) [중]

6) [중]

7) [중]

8) [중]

9) [중]

10) [중]

11) [중]

12) [중]

13) [중]

14) [중]

15) [중]

16) [중]

17) [중]

18) [중]

19) [중]

20) [중]

21) [중]

22) [중]

23) [중] ⑴ value ⑵ ⓓ ⑶ 시트콤에 등장하는 한

인물에 대해 사람마다 각각 생각하는 것이 다르
듯이 특정 문화가 모든 사람들에게 똑같은 영향
을 주리라고 판단하는 것은 잘못된 일이다. / 문
화적 산물에 해당하는 시트콤 All in the family
의 Archie Bunker라는 인물에 대해 시청자들은
제작진의 의도와는 관계없이 자신의 관점대로 그
인물을 판단했기 때문이다.

◇「콘텐츠산업 진흥법 시행령」제33조에 의한 표시 ◇「콘텐츠산업 진흥법」외에도「저작권법」에 의하여 보호되는 콘텐츠의 경우, 그 콘텐츠의 전부
1) 제작연월일 : 2022-03-23 2) 제작자 : 교육지대㈜
또는 일부를 무단으로 복제하거나 전송하는 것은 콘텐츠산업 진흥법 외에도 저작권법에 의한 법
3) 이 콘텐츠는 「콘텐츠산업 진흥법」에 따라 최초 제작
일부터 5년간 보호됩니다. 적 책임을 질 수 있습니다. I410-ECN-0199-2022-001-000168432 - 11 -

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