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Name : Rizaldi Abyannata

NIM : F1D022158

Class : A

Reflective Diary

Definition of Technopreneurship
Technopreneurship is a combination of two words, namely technology and preneurship which
means business or business that utilizes technology so that they not only have knowledge about
entrepreneurship and business but must follow the development of technology.

What do you get from the TP-ship course?

1.       How to start a business without capital

2.       How to promote products effectively

3.       How to sell fast

4.       How to start a business with the possibility of success

5.       Knowing the psychology of sellers and buyers

Case illustration
There are two kinds of promos that are carried out to attract buyers, the first is by giving a 50%
discount and the second is giving a buy 1 get 1. In a survey conducted, many people will
choose to buy with promo buy 1 get 1, here we know that it is important to know the psychology
of target marketing. When you know the psychology and desires of the buyer and apply it in
your entrepreneurship or business, the buyer will receive a good experience in buying and
selling activities, this is a plus from shopping at your place so that buyers are likely to come
back again to shop. An example of the difference in user experience is the difference in user
experience that Shoppe e-commerce users get with Tokopedia e-commerce, both of these e-
commerce have different user experiences so they have loyal users in each e-commerce and
they will find it difficult to switch from one e-commerce to another e-commerce. One form of user
experience that we often encounter is when we open social media or e-commerce the
application will immediately display interesting things for users based on something that has
been searched for in the application before, browsing that has been done and others. It is very
useful to give something that is wanted from the user.
Psychology of people who buy:
1.       want

2.       Able

3.       Need

These three things determine whether someone will buy an item or service. The first thing is
want. When someone wants an item or service and is added to being able to buy food, that
person is likely to buy the goods or service as well as need. For example, someone wants to
buy a certain pair of sneakers but he is constrained by the price offered for the sneakers, so he
will prefer sneakers that are more affordable.

The main key to the buyer's consideration

The main key to the buyer's consideration is the wants and needs. This shows that comparison
is the main key for someone to buy something.

Case illustration
Nasi padang and popcorn have almost the same price but both have differences where both
have their respective markets, for example, nasi padang is more normally consumed in the
morning while popcorn is more normally consumed at cinemas or festivals.

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