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with two objects- Exercises

"ex. 1: Use your instinct and mark each sentence true or false.
1. He bought for us some ice-creams. r r
2. She chose him a new silk tie. r r
3. They awarded him first prize. r r
4. She offered to us some coffee. r r
5. They showed him their new car. r r
6. He gave it his mother. r r
7. She fetched him a chair. r r
8. They served to us tea in the garden r r
9. I've bought for myself a new laptop. r r
10. I owe the bank a lot of money. r r
11. Can you find some string me? r r
12. He told to us a story. r r

"ex. 2: Rewrite the sentences in a way that includes the preposition TO or FOR.
1 Jill gave Jack a present.

Jill gave a present to Jack.
2 She made him a daisy-chain.

She made a daisy-chain for him.
3 Jack sang her a song.
sang a song to her.
4 He brought Jill a present.
He brought a present for Jill.

"ex. 3: Choose the correct verb to complete the sentences and add a TO or FOR in the
second gap.
EG. She owed quite a lot of money to the bank.
1. Daddy's _____________________ a new bicycle ________ me for my next birthday.
buying for
2. The workman _______________________ the electric drill _________ his assistant.
handed to fetched
3. She _____________________ a piece of cake _________ the vicar, who politely declined.
offered to handed

4. They ____________________ two tickets on the Orient Express ________ themselves.

booked for offered
5. She's ______________________ a new song __________ the children.
teaching to
6. She _____________________ the frisbee _________ her dog, which caught it easily.
threw to
7. promising
They're __________________ a reward _______ anyone who gives them any information.
8. He went and _________________________ something _______ her to write with.
fetched for telling

9. I've __________________________ the last piece of cake ________ you.

saved for threw

10. He's always ______________________ stupid jokes ________ anyone who will listen.
telling to
"ex. 4a: Who did they give a present to? Five friends gave each other birthday
presents. Put the words in the right order and write sentences.

wrote a poem to somebody.

made one of the boys a scarf.

gave a present that uses electricity to somebody.

bought Varsha something to wear.

baked some cookies for somebody.

didn’t give Ayaz a present.

Somebody gave something to eat to Leonie.

"ex. 4b: Now do the logic puzzle. Use the sentences and pictures in 4a to fill out the

Sakura a poem
Dayton a scarf
Ayaz a speaker
Varsha a pair of shoes
Leonie some cookies

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