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Education in Emergencies’
Strategic Intervention Materials

Curriculum Implementation Division(CID)
Learning Resources Management and Development System (LRMDS)

Education in Emergencies’
Strategic Intervention Materials


Published by the
Department of Education
Region III, Central Luzon

Copyright © 2019
by ______________________________

Copyright Notice:

Section 9 of Presidential Decree No. 49 provides:

“No copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government of

the Republic of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the
government agency of office wherein the work is created shall be
necessary for exploitation of such work for profit.”
Use modals 1
Express appreciation for sensory images used 6
Explain the literary devices used 11
Scan for needed information 16
Understand and explain literary devices used in poems 21
Compose a persuasive text of three paragraphs expressing one’s stand 26
on an issue

Identify parts and features of argumentative essays 31

Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the theme of 35
a particular literary selection

Differentiate formal from informal definitions of words 40

Evaluate literature as a way of expressing and resolving one’s personal 45

Present information using tables, graphs, and maps 50

Determine bias and prejudice based on the ideas presented in the 54
material viewed

Give technical and operational definitions 58

Explain how the elements specific to a selection build its theme 62
Compare new insights with previous learnings 67
Differentiate formal from informal definitions of words 72
Explain how the elements specific to a selection build its theme 76
Transcode information from linear to non-linear texts and vice-versa 81
Explain illustrations from linear to nonlinear texts and vice versa 85
Observe correct grammar in making definitions 89
Answer Card 92
Title Card

Use Modals

Guide Card
Title Card
Hello, dear!
I want you to learn a new lesson and
this is about MODALS.
I am Zeus, the god of thunder and I
am going to help you tread the road to
your better understanding of
MODALS by using this SIM.

This SIM will guide you and

give you an enjoyable trip to
Mt. Olympus while learning.
You will surely enjoy our
travel as you master the use
of MODALS correctly!

Hi, I’m still Zeus in different

form. Hurry! I will introduce you
to my beautiful daughter who
will be your guide in this
enjoyable learning activity

May I remind you that at the

end of our journey, you are
expected to use MODALS
Activity Card
Title Card
As I said earlier, I would like to
introduce you to my daughter, the
goddess of wisdom, Athena, to
help you in this lesson.

Hello there! I am Athena

I am here to help you understand what modals are
and how to use them correctly.

Modals are auxiliary verbs performing specific functions.

Some of these are :
 Must – expresses obligation
 Need to – indicates necessity
 Should and Ought to – express sense of
obligation to do or to become something
 Shouldn’t or should not have or ought not – indicate
prohibition or disapproval of something that
was done in the past

Let us use each in a sentence:

 You must submit all the necessary requirements before the deadline.
 A student needs to have more willingness to learn.
 You should think again before you bully someone.
 You ought to know more about your lesson than any other things.

Okay! I think you are now ready to answer the activities my father, Zeus, and I
prepared for you. If you answered correctly, your reward will be a tour to Mount
Olympus, the abode of the gods and goddesses.

Activity #1. Underline the modals used in the following sentences.

1.You must participate with your group mates in your activity.
2. You need to study more if you want to get good grades.
3. You should focus more on your studies and less on love.

Activity #2. Identify the function of each underlined modal.

(obligation, necessity,prohibition,sense of obligation to do or to become
_____1.Students should give more time in their studies.
_____2.You must be in school before the first period class starts.
_____3. They need to meet to talk about their school project
Activity #3. Put a check ( ) before the sentence if the underlined modal is
correctly used and cross (X) if it is not.
___1. A student must respect not only the teachers but also the students.
___2. We need to follow the school rules strictly.
___3. You should not be a bully for you can destroy one’s future.

Congratulations! You did great. I know that you can

really answer the task easily. Now you can identify
modals in different sentences.
It shows that you really want to go to Mount Olympus!

Oh! I can see Mount

Olympus. Do you
see it?
We better get

Assessment Card
Title Card

Hello there! Athena here and I am going to test your skill once more.
If you answered correctly, then, I can truly say that you are ready to
go to Mount Olympus.

Assessment #1. Identify which modal is being described by each group of

words. Choose from the modals inside the parenthesis (need to, should/ought
to, must, shouldn’t/should not have/ ought not)
a. expresses obligation - __________
b. indicates necessity - ___________
c. express sense of obligation to do or to become something - __________
d. indicate prohibition or disapproval of something that was done in the past

Assessment #2. Fill in the blank with the correct module to complete the
thought of the sentence. (need to, must, ought to, should not)(Sentences are
taken from the story “How Odin Lost His Eye?”)
1. Odin, the king of gods, _____ have more wisdom.
2. He _______ know more about his enemies.
3. The price of a drink ______ be a great sacrifice.
4. He ________ offer his son as a sacrifice.
Enrichment Card
Title Card
Hello, I’m back. I know
you are very eager to go For your final journey
now, but there is more to to Mount Olympus,
do. You will need to do this answer the assessment
because this will give you activities made
passage to our home. especially for you.

Enrichment. Underline the modal in each sentence and identify its function. (obligation,
necessity, obligation to do or become something, prohibition or disapproval)

_________1. You must surpass all the challenges you meet as you reach your goal in life.
________2. Students need to have control over the decisions they make.
________3. To be able to overcome challenges, you should have several ideas on the
value of dealing with challenges positively.
________4. You ought to know more some ways on how to deal with problems.
________5. To win over challenges, one must turn to or seek his parents’ help for they
are the best persons who could help us.

Congratulations! You did a great job! You are

now welcome to go to Mount Olympus and be
ready to meet the other gods and goddesses.
Remember, you are in the abode of the gods and
goddesses so you need to behave well.

Reference Card
Title Card
Fermin, Edizon & Papango, Maria C. (2015).Celebrating diversity through world literature. Pasig
City,Philippines,Rex Bookstore Inc.
Kto12English Curriculum Guide Grade 10, Revised May 2016. pages 222-223
Retrieved from
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Title Card
Explain the Literary Devices Used

Guide Card
Title Card
Hello, there! How are you today? I am Spicebush and
I am a Swallowtail Caterpillar hoping to become a beautiful
butterfly. someday.

I have to undergo metamorphosis and I need

your help. Will you help me? Really?? That’s cool!

Well, all you have to do is work with me in understanding and explaining/using

appropriate modals expressing simple futurity and willingness (EN10 LT-IId-
2.2.2). As you will see, modals are very important when you want to convey messages
signifying future happenings and your willingness, too, to involve yourself into something
useful and beneficial.

As you complete each task, I, too, shall move to my next stage in becoming a
butterfly. Let’s start our journey together!

Activity Card
Title Card
Modals are used as auxiliary or helping verbs with
special functions. There are different kinds of modals according
to their functions and I know you have studied some earlier. This
time you will study modals of futurity and willingness.

Shall – indicates simple futurity and obligation

Should – expresses past obligation

Will – expresses simple futurity and willingness

Would – expresses invitation or past possibility

May – expresses future possibilities mixed with doubt

and uncertainty
Might – used in reported speech for past time

What are the modals of futurity and willingness
again? Yes, you’re right! They are shall, should, will, would,
might and may.

Let’s now use each modal in sentences. Sentences

1-4 are lifted from “The Analects” and “Zen Parables: The
Thief Who Became a Disciple”.

1. You, shall I teach you what 2. His only anxiety is least he should
knowledge is? fail to recognize theirs.

3. Don’t take it all. I will need some 4. I would say, “Let there be no evil
to pay the taxes with tomorrow. in your thoughts.

5. The teacher told us that she might 6. The lady was not sure but she may
give a test about analects. be able to overcome the challenge.

I am more than excited because at this point, you

will now test yourself if you’re ready to take challenges. As
I help you understand modals you are also actually helping
me pass through this stage of being a caterpillar to being a
chrysalis or a pupa. Ready?

Activity #1: Identify the modals used in the paragraph. Write your answer in
your answer sheet.

Freedom has different meanings to each individual

person. For some, it may mean being free to be with their own
chosen friends. For others, it would be having to do what one
wanted to do since their consciousness allowed them to think
of their own good. Add also people whose definition of freedom
varies – they will be truly free once they will be left alone
minding their own business. There are also those few or rather
quite many who will choose to be like a butterfly so they shall
be free in choosing and fluttering around beautiful flowers with
different kinds of personalities.

Activity #2: Identify the function of the modal used in each sentence. Write
whether the function is futurity, obligation, past obligation, willingness,
invitation or past possibility, possibility but with a degree of uncertainty, used for reported
speech in past time. Write your answer in your answer sheet.

1. Some teens may feel that being with friends and peers is freedom, some responsible
citizens feel that loving their country is the true definition.
2. Being a butterfly, I wish I could also enjoy all the tastes of nature and also spellbound
and bring smile to the faces that would enjoy my flight.
3. It would love to see the variety of flora and fauna in the natural world away from the
artificial world of bricks and walls created by the humans.
4. Since butterfly was the focus of the class discussion yesterday, the teacher said that
might let the students bring a picture of a butterfly.
5. We shall be like a butterfly which is free but knows and does still its responsibilities.

Activity #3: Choose from the modals in the parenthesis to complete each statement.
Write your answer in your answer sheet.

1. Yesterday, he said he (would, shall) arrive before eleven o’clock for our practice, but in
fact he arrived at noon.
2. We (shall, would) arrive at eleven o’clock. Please wait for us.
3. Peter (will, may) hand in the report later today for sure.
4. I (may, might) go over to your house and do our project in English.
5. You (should, would) have done your assignment before going to bed.

Hello! Looking for me? I am right here! I am

now a Spicebush Cocoon and that’s thanks to you!
You’ve overcome the initial challenges of
understanding modals of futurity and willingness.

Learning is fun, right? Both you and I grow as we learn.

So, are you ready to tackle the next challenges? Ready

to pave the way for your success? Then, come on! Let’s
continue our journey.

Assessment Card
Title Card
Assessment #1: Match the appropriate modal in Column B to the statement in Column
A to complete the thought of the sentence. Write the letter and the modal in your
answer sheet.

Column A Column B

____1. If one aims to have a brighter future, he/she __ have to start a. may
planning his career path now.
b. might
____2. A teacher once said that to ensure success, the youth __ be
c. will
willing enough to focus on what is more essential in life.

____3. More so, although one cannot really predict what __ happen in d. shall
the future, one can still foresee it depending on his current attitude
e. should
and skills.
f. would
____4. The teacher informed us that the youth ____ be in danger of
losing a brighter future if no careful planning is done.

____5. So, you want a brighter future? You __ have started planning

Assessment #2: Read the dialogue below then, supply the missing modal of futurity or
willingness to complete the sentences. Choose from the words inside the parentheses.
Write the appropriate modal in your answer sheet.

Kevin: Several companies _____ continue developing the humanoid robot. (may, would)
Adel: They _______ have improved what they have started. (might, will)
Kevin: Sooner or later, Japan ______ see the birth of a whole new customer market as
right now they are really into upgrading progressively their technology. (shall, will)
Adel: Yeah, you’re right, Kevin. I totally agree with you. Who knows as reported earlier in
the news, the Philippines ______ follow suit if it wanted progress to happen. (should,
Kevin: Yup, I thought too that eventually Philippines _______ do the same. (will, would)

Hooray for the two us!

Congratulations! You deserve another round
of applause for your determination, hardwork.
Because of your willingness to help me, look
at me now! I am almost out of my cocoon!

For our final journey, you have to undergo one last

challenge for your enrichment. We have to make sure that
you and I can enjoy flying because of your new found
knowledge and my new set of fresh wings. Ready? Come on
and let’s do this!

Enrichment Card
Title Card
Enrichment Activity #1: Underline the modal in each sentence and identify its function.
(Refer to your activity card.)

__________1. In life, one will encounter many setbacks that

__________2. may or may not hinder one’s growth and development.
__________3. In order to succeed in life, one should make sure that such obstacles be met
with strength and courage.
__________4. Shall we then allow ourselves to fall into the pitfalls of life and suffer the
bitter consequences of despair and loneliness?
__________5. If our goal is to really succeed in life, then we will have to muster fortitude,
perseverance and prudence and eventually fly like a butterfly in celebrating
our success!

Whoa! That’s amazingly awesome! You did
it! You are indeed marvelous and your
determination is impressive! You have a long way
to go, my friend!

Look at me! With you by my side, I also successfully

metamorphosed – from being an egg to caterpillar to pupa, I am now a
beautiful Spicebush Swallow Butterfly.

Reference Card
Title Card
Bermudez, V. F., Cruz, J.M., Nery, R.F. & San Juan, M.A. (2010).English
expressways II Rev.Ed.Quezon City:Book Media Press, Inc.
Retrieved from on
February 13, 2019
Retrieved from
butterfly/113390 on February 13, 2019

Photo Credits
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spicebush-swallowtail-papilio-troilus/ on February 13, 2019
Retrieved from on February 13,

Title Card
Scan for Needed Information

Guide Card
Title Card

Ohhhh, you’ve caught me in my musing! I am

actually thinking about my friend, Hope, who asked
me to scan some travel brochures; she’s planning for
our midyear get-away.

I, Liam the Bookworm, am busily reading for my

school report right now but she’s asking me for the said favor,
so, what I need to do now is to scan the brochures she sent
me. I need to look for the specific information she needs.

Scanning you asked? Yup, you heard me right. I am doing

scanning. You want me to teach you? Alright, from now on I will
be your guide in your English lesson on scanning for needed
information (EN10SS-IId1.5.2).

This SIM will help you improve your skill in reading particularly when you are in a hurry to
locate specific information in a reading material to save time and to get the most from what you
are reading.
So, make no fuss, make no hush, and let start our reading together.

Activity Card
Title Card

Hello, there! I am Liam the Bookworm’s friend. My name

is Rhode and I am here to help you, too.

Do take note that scanning involves moving your eyes

quickly across a line or down a page to locate particular
information. You scan the material to look for a specific fact or
for specific information, such as a date, a definition, or a number
and name in a telephone/cellphone directory.
Through guide questions,
you can be easily directed to the
specific meaning and information
you are looking for.

Here are some guidelines when scanning.

1. Read the questions.

2. Decide what kind of information you are looking for – person’s name, date, functions, etc.
3. Look only for these information. Do not read every word in every sentence.
4. Find the sentence that you think answers the questions. Read this sentence to be certain
you have the right answer.

Let’s practice! Read the questions below before

scanning the paragraph below. Then, supply the needed
answers on the blanks provided. Time yourself! You
have to find the answers within thirty to sixty (30-60)
seconds only per activity.

Activity #1:

2013 Manila Social Good Summit

The Social Good Summit is an annual, global event that brings together movers and shakers
to discuss how technology and social media can be used for social good. For 2013, the summit
focused on how to use social media to help prepare for, respond to, and minimize the impact of
disasters. Listed below are key content from the summit.

1. What was the main focus of The Social Good Summit? __________________________.
2. Who were the participants in the annual summit? ______________________________.
3. Was the information presented in the paragraph complete? Justify your answer.

Activity #2:

The 2008 National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) revealed that one in five
women aged 15-49 has experienced physical violence since age 15; 14.4% of married women
have experienced physical abuse from their husbands; and more than one-third (37%) of
separated or widowed women have experienced physical violence, implying that domestic
violence could be the reason for separation or annulment.

1. The stated reason for marriage separation or annulment is ________________________.
2. From what agency was the source of information? _______________________________.
3. The percentage of separated or widowed women who have experienced physical violence.

Activity #3:

1. What line of hair care is introduced in the print ad? ______________________________.

2. What do the shampoo and conditioner do to your hair? __________________________.
3. Which product smoothly smoothens and reduces combing friction? _________________.

Good job, our dear friend! You nailed the first

three activities. I hope you recorded your time
answering the activities?
Let’s now try a longer text. Again, time
yourself; you have a minute or two to look for the
answers and write them in your answer sheet.

Assessment Card
Title Card
Assessment #1

Each Man is an Island

Fr. Joseph A. Galdon, S.J.

One of the contemporary writers, James Baldwin, says that each one of us is an island unto
himself, and the bridges that lead to other people have been destroyed by conflicts, race, sex and
self-interest. We live in a world that destroys all the bridges that ought to exist between men. Because
we are threatened by others, by the problems of law and order, by mistrust of government officials,
and afraid to walk the streets at night, we tear the bridges down and retreat behind our walls and
the security of a locked gate.
We read of the problems of others--- the thousands who do not have enough to eat, who
cannot educate their children, or plan for a better tomorrow. But we take love, which can be the only
solution, and we quarantine it in a little room of selfishness. We hug it our hearts content but never
share it with those who are so hungry for it.
We share our love only with our children and our friends, and refuse it with those millions
around us who need it just as much. The tragedy of our lives is the wall we build around our houses
and the shards of glass we put on top of the wall. They are a symbol of the wall we have put around
our hearts. “I am a rock,” the Simon and Garfunkel song says, “I am an island. I build walls that none
may penetrate.” Yet, of all the commodities in the world, love is the only one that we lose when we
keep it.

1. List at least three situations that affirm the title.

a. ________________________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________________________

c. ________________________________________________________________________

2. What is that commodity that we lose when we keep it? _________________________________

Assessment #2

Each Man is an Island

Fr. Joseph A. Galdon, S.J.

We know that every day children are dying of malnutrition, that people live in the slums, that
they cannot earn a decent day’s pay. When we know this and do nothing about it, we only condemn
ourselves to death. When love is quarantined, it withers away and dies. After a while, we find that
there isn’t any love left for ourselves.

Yet we persist in locking love up in a little room because of the individual ego and the social
code--- because of our own selfishness and because everybody body else does it. If only we had the
courage to embark on what Teilhard de Chardin calls “the great adventure of universal love” and
ignore the raised eyebrows of our friends and neighbors! How often we fail because we are not sure
of ourselves, or because we really do not know what goes on in the hearts of others. If we had the
courage to reach out first, how many are there who would join us?

There is a strange paradox in all of these. Although many others need us --- and some of
them need us very badly --- we also need them, and some of us need them very badly. Those in
need help us to grow, to be more of a person ourselves. It is constantly a recurring miracle of human
existence that a man grows only when someone else needs him, and he responds with all the power
at his command.

1. When do we condemn ourselves to death?

2. How is the Teilhard de Chardin’s “the great adventure of universal love” achieved?
3. According to the text, when does a man truly grow?

Indeed a good job you did there, buddy!

Scanning as a reading strategy is almost becoming a
part and parcel of your learning. Keep on reading and
enjoy the perks of being a skilled one.

Let’s finish the last activity with flying colors

but, let’s review the tips before embarking on our last

Enrichment Card
Title Card
Here are some guidelines when scanning.

1. Read the questions.

2. Decide what kind of information you are looking for – person’s name, date, functions, etc.
3. Look only for these information. Do not read every word in every sentence.
4. Find the sentence that you think answers the questions. Read this sentence to be certain you
have the right answer.

Each Man is an Island

Fr. Joseph A. Galdon, S.J.

Christ became man 2,000 years ago to build bridges – between heaven and earth, and among
men. In a rather startling statement, He identified Himself with all those in need. “Whatever you do
to the least of these, you do to Me.” At the Last Judgment, what will Christ say? “You did not feed
the hungry. You did not give drink to the thirsty. There was crime and injustice and you were afraid
and you locked yourself away from it. You never talked with a person who was a poor or in need.”

There is something we can do. We can build bridges. There is a gift that all of us can give, no
matter how poor in money or in talent: hold out your hand and let your heart be in it.

1. Why did Christ become man 2,000 years ago? __________________________________

2. When will Christ possibly say that you haven’t touched or met the needs of our poor and needy
kindred? ____________________________________________________________

3. What is this that we can build no matter how poor in money or talent we are?

Reference Card
Title Card
Bermudez, V. F., Cruz, J.M., Nery, R.F. & San Juan, M.A. (2010).English expressways II
Rev.Ed.Quezon City:Book Media Press, Inc.
Bermudez, V.F., Cruz, J.M., Gorgon, E.R., Nery, R.F. (2007). English expressways IV .Quezon
City: SD Publications, Inc.

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Retrieved from on February 18, 2019
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18, 2019
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Retrieved from
reading-a-book.html on February 18, 2019
Retrieved from
Title Card
Understand and Explain Literary Devices
used in poems

Guide Card
Title Card

Hello there! My friend Adel and I are

busy reciting “The White Doe” a poem Therefore, today, Matthew and I are
translated by Anna Maria Armi. We have here to help you understand and explain some
heard, however, that you are also interested literary devices used in poems (EN10GIi-3.6).
in what we are studying and that’s good The more that you will appreciate poems once
news! you’ve mastered this lesson.

Activity Card
Title Card
Let’s begin studying while having fun! Our goal is to reach
our destination to the Land of the Petrarch and Shakespeare but
we have to pass through different Filipino poets first. Read
carefully what I have to tell you so we can champion our way out.

Literary devices are ways to make our writing clearer and more descriptive. These are
devices we used to make our poetry better. Some examples of literary devices are as follows:

1. Simile - a comparison between two things which are essentially dissimilar. The comparison is
directly stated through words such as like, as, than or resembles.
Use the noun simile when describing a comparison between two fundamentally different
things, such as: "His voice was smooth, like butter in a warm pan."

2. Oxymoron - Jumbo shrimp? Open secret? Use oxymoron to refer to a word or phrase that
contradicts itself, usually to create some rhetorical effect.
When Shakespeare's Juliet says, "Parting is such sweet sorrow," she is using an oxymoron;
her apparently self-contradictory turn of phrase actually makes a neat kind of sense. Oxymoron is
sometimes used to describe a word combination that strikes the listener as humorously contradictory,
even if the speaker didn't intend it that way. The word oxymoron is itself an oxymoron; in Greek, oxy-
means "sharp" or "wise," while moros means "foolish."

3. Rhyme – is the repetition of the same or similar sounds occurs in two or more words, usually at
the end of lines in poems or songs.
Rhyme scheme - any pattern of rhymes in poetry. Each new sound is assigned the next
letter in the alphabet. Some poems have a pattern rhyme at the end of each line. For example, words
rhyme in pairs (aa,bb) or some have a skip-skip pattern (abab). Check out the rhyming patterns of
your favourite poems or make up some of your own.

4. Stanzas - are the building blocks of formal poetry, like paragraphs in a story or verses in a song.
Stanza is a fixed number of lines of verse forming a unit of a poem.
While there are many dozens of obscure forms, here are a few common stanza examples:
Closed Couplet: A stanza of 2 lines, usually rhyming
Tercet: A stanza of 3 lines. When a poem has tercets that have a rhyme scheme of ABA, then
BCB, then CDC and so forth, this is known as terza rima. One famous example is
Dante’s Divine Comedy.
Quatrain: A stanza of 4 lines, usually with rhyme schemes of AAAA, AABB, ABBA, or ABAB
Cinquain: A stanza of 5 lines
Sestain or Sestet: A stanza of 6 lines (when discussing Italian sonnets the appropriate term is
sestet; the Italian sonnet form starts with an octave and is concluded by a sestet)
Octave: A stanza of 8 lines in iambic pentameter or hendecasyllables, usually with the rhyme
scheme ABBA ABBA

Here are some

examples that you need to
ponder at so you will be
ready for your initial tasks.

1. Simile
a. “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” -Sonnet XVIII by William Shakespeare
The addressee is being directly compared to a summer’s day.
b. “Her eyes were brighter than the radiant west.” –Laura translated by Morris Bishop
Eyes and west are compared. The use of ‘than’ signifies such comparison.

2. Oxymoron
a. “Her sight was so suavely merciless that I left work to follow her at leisure.” –The White Doe
Suavely means superficially gracious and sophisticated. Merciless means without mercy.
The two words are directly contradictory in connotation.
b. “Procne and Philomel, in sweet despair, and all the colors of the Spring.” – Spring
Since when is despair or utter loss of hope sweet and pleasing?

3. Rhyme and rhyme scheme
“A pure-white doe in an emerald glade glade – a
Appeared to me, with two antlers of gold, gold – b
Between two streams, under a laurel’s shade, shade – a (shade has the same sound as glade)
At sunrise, in the season’s bitter cold.” cold – b (cold has the same sound as gold)

Glade, gold, shade, cold are the last syllables in The rhyme scheme in this stanza is therefore
every line of the stanza. Now, let’s start abab.
identifying the rhyme scheme by assigning letters
to each sound the syllables/words produce.

4. Stanza
a. “So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.” – Sonnet XVIII Couplet (The stanza has
two lines.)
b. “By chance, or nature’s changing course untrimmed:
But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Quatrain (The stanza has
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st, four lines.)
Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade,” –Sonnet XVIII

Welcome to the Land of He wrote Tagalog

Jose Corazon De Jesus poetry during the American
known also as the King of the occupation of the Philippines
Balagtasan and as Makata ng (1901-1946).
Puso. His most famous work is
the Tagalog poem Bayan Ko.
Ready now to answer
the activities his land has
prepared? Let’s begin!

Activity #1: Identify the literary device being defined. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
1. It is the fixed number of lines of verse forming a unit of a poem.
2. Any pattern of rhymes in poetry. Each new sound is assigned the next letter in the alphabet.
3. Is the repetition of the same or similar sounds occurs in two or more words, usually at the end of
lines in poems or songs.
4. a comparison between two things which are essentially dissimilar. The comparison is directly
stated through words such as like, as, than or resembles.
5. A word or phrase that contradicts itself, usually to create some rhetorical effect.

Activity #2: Match Column A with Column B. Statements and terms are about types of stanza.
Write the letter of your answer in your answer sheet.

Column A Column B

__1. a stanza of six lines a. Octave

__2. A stanza of 8 lines in iambic pentameter or b. Quatrain
hendecasyllables, usually with the rhyme scheme ABBA ABBA c. sestet
__3. A stanza of 4 lines, usually with rhyme schemes of AAAA,

Activity #3: Identify the dominant literary device used in each line or lines of a poem. Write your
answer in your answer sheet.

__________1. “Once upon a midnight dreary,/while I pondered, weak and weary,” –‘The Raven’
by Edgar Allan Poe
__________2. “Being alone together with an awfully good looking man with a cool passion
for bitter sweet chocolate was sadly crash landing into an awkward defining
silence.” – Bitter Sweet Boy by Sophia Ratevosian
__________3. "You are beautiful and faded/Like an old opera tune/Played upon a
harpsichord;” – ‘A Lady’ by Amy Lowell

Assessment Card
Title Card
Way to go, our dear On January 5, 2017, he
friend! This time you have to was announced as the new
pass through the Land of chairperson of the National
Virgilio Almario who is a Commission for the Culture and
National Artist for Literature. the Arts (NCCA).

I hope you are ready

to answer the two activities
his land has prepared for you!

Assessment #1: Read the poem below then, answer the questions that follow.

SONNET XXVII 1. What is the rhyme used in the last

six lines of the Shakespearean sonnet?
Weary with toil, I haste me to my bed, A. ababcc B. cdcdef
The dear repose for limbs with travel tired;
C. efefgg D. cdefgg
But then begins a journey in my head,
To work my mind, when body's work's expired:
2. What figure of speech is used in this
For then my thoughts, from far where I abide, line: Which, like a jewel hung in
Intend a zealous pilgrimage to thee, ghastly night.
And keep my drooping eyelids open wide, A. hyperbole B. metaphor
Looking on darkness which the blind do see D. simile C. personification
Save that my soul's imaginary sight
3. What literary device is used in this
Presents thy shadow to my sightless view,
Which, like a jewel hung in ghastly night, line “Looking on darkness which the
Makes black night beauteous and her old face blind do see”?
new. A. simile B. oxymoron

Lo! thus, by day my limbs, by night my mind,

For thee and for myself no quiet find.

Enrichment Card
Title Card

Wow! You did great! At an early age, he

Now you have to pass through wrote a poem titled “Sa Aking
the Land of Dr. Jose Rizal, our mga Kabata”. He was indeed
national hero. genius! His Last was “Last
Farewell” written at Fort

Ready now to answer

the last activity his land has
prepared? Let’s begin!

Identify the literary device defined in each statement. Write your answers in your answer

1. When repetition of similar or same sounds occur especially at the end of lines of poems, this
device is achieved.
2. Deafening silence, bitter chocolate, sweet nightmare are words expressing ____.
3. Two dissimilar objects are compared using as, like, resembles to, compared to.
4. A pattern of rhymes in poetry. Alphabet letters are assigned each sound.
5. Building blocks of formal poetry, like paragraphs in a story or verses in a song

Congratulations! Now, you may enter the Land of

Petrarch and Shakespeare whenever you like.
You are indeed awesome!
You have all the right to enjoy the poems they
Your hardwork finally paid
have written which are rich in literary devices.

Reference Card
Title Card
Retrieved from on February 17, 2019
Retrieved from on February 17, 2019
Retrieved from on February 17, 2019
Retrieved from on February 17, 2019
Retrieved from on February 17, 2019
Retrieved from
petrarchan-and-shakespearean-sonnets.html on February 17, 2019
Retrieved from on February 17, 2019
Retrieved from on February 17, 2019
Retrieved from on February 17, 2019
Retrieved from on February 17, 2019
Retrieved from on February 17, 2019
Retrieved from on February 17, 2019
Retrieved from
unrequited-love on February 17, 2019
Retrieved from on February 17, 2019
Second Quarterly Examination In English 10 S.Y. 2017-2018, DepEd Division of Pampanga

4. What should the conclusion of a persuasive essay state?
A. Provide a new strong idea.
B. Include a call to action.
C. Leave the reader wondering
5. What part of the persuasive essay describes the problem, the reason why the audience should
care, and the point you are trying to make.
A. body B. conclusion C. introduction

GMA News TV: Read the example of an argumentative essay, then answer the questions that
Why Students Should Eat Breakfast Every Day
A lot of people, especially young people, go through the day without having breakfast. Many people
believe that it is not necessary, or they say that they don’t have time for that, and begin their day
with no meal. I believe that everyone should eat breakfast before going to their activities.
The first reason why you should eat breakfast before going to school is for your health. When
you skip breakfast and go to school, you are looking for a disease because it’s not healthy to have an
empty stomach all day long. It’s very important to have a meal and not let your stomach work empty.
All you are going to get is gastritis and a lot of problems with your health if you don’t eat breakfast.
Another reason for eating breakfast is because you need food for to do well in your classes.
You body and your brain are not going to function as good as they could because you have no
energy and no strength. When you try to learn something and have nothing in your stomach, you are
going to have a lot of trouble succeeding. A lot of people think that they should not eat because they
are going to feel tired, but that’s not true. Breakfast is not a very big meal, and on the contrary,
you’re going to feel tired if you don’t have breakfast because you have spent the entire previous night
without food.
The last reason to have breakfast every day is because you can avoid diseases if you eat
some breakfast in the morning. If you don’t eat, you are going to get sick, and these diseases will
have a stronger effect on you because you’re going to get sick easier than people who have breakfast
every day. You have to realize that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and you cannot
skip it without consequences for your health, your school and your defense mechanism. It is better to
wake up earlier and have a good breakfast that run to school without eating anything. It is time for
you to do something for your health, and eating breakfast is the better way to start your day.

1. Which sentence in the introductory paragraph is the thesis statement?

A. A lot of people, especially young people, go through the day without having breakfast.
B. Many people believe that it is not necessary, or they say that they don’t have time for that,
and begin their day with no meal.
C. I believe that everyone should eat breakfast before going to their activities.

2. Which statement best supports the argument that everyone should eat breakfast?
A. The first reason why you should eat breakfast before going to school is for your health.
B. It’s very important to have a meal and not let your stomach work empty.
C. It is time for you to do something for your health, and eating breakfast is the better way to
start your day.

3. How many reasons were given why everyone should eat breakfast?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

4. Which of the following reasons supports the argument why everyone should eat breakfast
because you can avoid diseases if you eat some breakfast in the morning?
A. You body and your brain are not going to function as good as they could because you have
no energy and no strength.
B. When you skip breakfast and go to school, you are looking for a disease because it’s not
healthy to have an empty stomach all day long.
C. If you don’t eat, you are going to get sick, and these diseases will have a stronger effect on
you because you’re going to get sick easier than people who have breakfast every day.

5. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons why everyone should eat breakfast?
A. It is for your health. B. You need food for to do well in
your classes.
C. You avoid diseases. D. You can gain some weight.

Title Card
Differentiate Formal from Informal
Definitions of Words

Guide Card
Title Card

Activity Card
Title Card

Remember: Connotative meaning is very important in persuasive writing. It

can also be positive or negative meaning.

Synonyms have the same denotation but have a completely different


Example: slender and lanky are synonyms for the word thin. This is the
denotation of both words.

Slender sounds appealing and positive.

“The slender dog was able to jump through the hoops with ease.”

Lanky sounds not-so-attractive and negative.

“The lanky dog looked like his bones would break in half with every jump.”

Assessment Card
Title Card
Assessment 1. In the first paragraph, underline the words that have a positive connotation. In
the second paragraph, encircle the words that have negative connotation. If needed, use a
dictionary to help you.

Positive Connotation

Amelia has been a (valuable, costly) member of our organization this past year. During
that time, she has been very (helpful, overbearing) to other members of the class. She has
(strong, militant) opinions, but she is (reasonable, satisfactory) in dealing with others, and has
shown herself to be a (leader, tyrant). Her problem solving abilities are (unusual, weird) but she
always solves her own problems, helps others to solve problems too.

Negative Connotation

Mary is a (easygoing, lazy) babysitter. She is (patient, disinterested), (serious, dour) and
(funny, sarcastic). My brother tried to explain this to my parents, but they were (skeptical,
suspicious) of his motives.

Assessment 2. In each of the following sentences, the italicized word has a fairly neutral
connotation. For each word in italics, list two synonyms (words with similar denotations): one
with a negative connotation and the other with a positive connotation.

Sometimes my thin friend annoys me.
Negative connotation: scrawny
Positive connotation: slim

1. I recognized the familiar smell of my roommate's cooking.

2. Scrapple is an inexpensive meal.
3. Kevin's interest in model cars has turned into a hobby.
4. My parents are committed, conservationists.
5. The teacher was mildly intimidated by Kim's assertive behavior.

Enrichment Card
Title Card
Excellent! You’re doing
great! We can now
proceed to your final task.

Look up each of the words below then fill in the chart below.


1. gaudy
2. guerilla
3. show-off
4. valuable
5. talkative

Wow! That was great! You did so well in

identifying the difference of denotative and
connotative meaning of words. You deserve
to get a round of applause.

Reference Card
Title Card

Title Card
Evaluate Literature as a Way of Expressing
and Resolving One’s Personal Conflicts

Guide Card
Title Card

Activity Card
Title Card
Hello there! My name is Pharsa. I’m going to take you
to not so distant past. Read along and let us get to
know more about Oedipus Rex. After you read liiterary
piece, get ready to answer challenging activities.
Oedipus Rex Vengeance have blinded me!

Assessment Card
Title Card

Enrichment Card
Title Card

Enrichment Card
Title Card

Reference Card
Title Card
Hamilton, George & McDonalds, Grey (2004). Literary Devices.
Retrieved from https:// read/1G1-

Title Card
Present Information Using Tables, Graphs,
and Maps

Guide Card
Title Card

Hello class! I am teacher

Jewels, today, we are going to talk
about the different character traits of
Filipinos. We are going to discuss in
this SIM the different ways in
presenting information using
tables, graphs and maps

The figures shown above are good

example of non-linear text. Non-linear
texts are organized in a network structure.
Readers could start from any node that
they care. A guide or encyclopedia would
be a perfect example, as readers are
supposed to solve specific problems. It
doesn't make sense for them to read

Activity Card
Title Card

Pictograph- a pictorial Linegraph- a type of chart which

representation of statistics on a displays information as a series of
chart, graph and computer screen data points connected by a straight
line segments.

Pie graph- is a circular statistic Bar graph- a diagram in which the

graphic, which is divided into numerical values of variables are
sectors to illustrate numerical represented by the height or length
proportion. of lines or rectangles of equal width.

Those mentioned above are

different kinds of graph. I can see
now that you are ready to answer
some activities.

ACTIVITY 1: Interpret the data presented in the bar graph. Write your answers in your

1. Which of the two groups of

people has a higher projected life
a. Male b. Female

2. In what year does the projected

life expectancy of both male and
female groups shoot up?
a. 2005-2010 b. 2010-2015
3. What observation could be made regarding the graph?
a. Females have higher life expectancy rate than the males.
b. Males have higher life expectancy rate than the mates.
c. Both groups have the same life expectancy rate.
d. None among the choices

ACTIVITY 2: Use the graph titled AC Electronics.

1. About how many customers came from the 19136 and

19149 zip code areas combined?
2. Which zip code area had about twice the number of
customers as the 19124 zip code?
3. Approximately how many customers came from the
19137 area?

ACTIVITY 3: The graph below shows the performance of two stocks, ARL and CTR, over
a 5-week period. Use the line graph below to answer
items 1 to 5.

1. On March 26, what was the approximate cost of one share

of CTR stock?
2. Which stock has shown the greatest increase in price over
the 5-week period?
3. Guido bought 5 shares of ARL stock on March 5.
Approximately how much did he pay for the shares?

Assessment Card
Title Card
Very Good! Let’s move to the
next visual representations of

ASSESSMENT: Use the pictograph below to answer items 1 to 3. Solve each problem.

1. What was the approximate average salary of a professional hockey player in 1997?
2. Based on the average salaries in 1997, about how much more did a basketball player earn
than a football player? (1) $1,125,000 (2) $1,132,500 (3) $1,500,000 (4) $1,875,000 (5)
3. Write True or False for each of the following statements.
a. The average 1997 football salary was more than one million dollars.
b. The average 1997 baseball salary was nearly three times greater than the average football
c. The average 1997 basketball salary was more than twice the average hockey salary.
d. There was a less than $250,000 difference between the 1997 average baseball salary and
hockey salary. 199 P R O G R A M 3 6: Data Analysis, Part On

Enrichment Card
Title Card
Kudos to you my dear! You are almost
done completing this SIM! You only need
to finish one more task to prove that you
do know how to interpret graphs.

ENRICHMENT: Based on your

observation what values and qualities
must people possess to attain harmony
and solidarity? Write these values on the
slices of pizza

Reference Card
Title Card
. N-mjxNnvPM%253A%252CwVBAlHSf-b8N5M%252C_&usg=AI4_-kSgEZHprMPAI

Compendium of Modules in Filipino, English, Math, Science and Araling Panlipunan Fourth Year,
copyright 2015 by DepEd Divion of Pampanga, CSFP

Title Card
Determine Bias and Prejudice Based on the
Ideas Presented in the Material Viewed

Activity Card
Title Card

Assessment Card
Title Card

Through your effort, we survived! Before the final wave,
do the last challenge.

Enrichment Card
Title Card
Let’s power the plants before zombies bring to bear on the
battlefield. Do the final task.

Enrichment: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. All of the following indicators point to bias in written work
a. The writer's omission of crucial facts.
b. The writer's lack of citation.
c. The writer's inclusion of extraneous information.
2. What is NOT a reason for bias?
a. People have different life experiences.
b. People have different points of view.
c. People make different amounts of money.
3. In the statement “Women are bad drivers." It is an example of
a _____________
a. Bias
b. prejudice

Congratulations! You pass all the tasks. An A1 work!

Reference Card
Title Card
Celebrating Diversity through World Literature, p 123, how the elements specific to a
selection build its theme (EN10LT-IIa14.2).
Pictures from google search
Title Card
Give Technical and Operational Definitions

Guide Card
Title Card

Activity Card
Title Card

Wingardium Leviosa!. Sounds fun right? Well, I challenge
you to answer the tasks below. I will teach you more spells if
you accomplish them correctly.

Activity 1
Encircle the meaning of the following underlined words, then identify how the terms are

defined. Write Operational and Technical on the blank.

____________1. “Hey, buddy,” he called to the giant bird, and the eagle grabbed the fry.
a. an animal that walks on two legs and flies. b. A game bird
____________2. This little stream can become a deluge when it rains heavily.

a. drops of water falling from a cloud in the sky. b. problem

____________3. We have frequently played this air in the presence of the King-Emperor and
have reason to believe that he was perfectly satisfied.
a. melody b. the mixture of gases that surround the Earth.

ALOHOMORA! Unlock windows are opened for

you because you did it! Try next to have more

Activity 2: Your task is to try to come up with operational definition for emotions, behaviors and
states of being. For each of the following statement, please provide an operational definition
and technical definition for the underlined words by choosing answers in the pool of words. Write
the letter of your answers on the blank. For operational, write it on the left; for technical, write it
on the right.

Operational Technical
a. How long someone sleeps 1. Tender attachment
b. Grade point average 2. intelligence
c. How many times they smile at their parent 3. range from lack of sleep or excessive exercise
d. How loud they yell at a pep assembly 4. one who tends to rebuff, avoid, or ignore

___1. Boys show more affection towards their father than toward their mother. _____
___2. College athletes are not as smart as regular students. ____
___3. Does this drug help people overcome their tiredness? ____

Avada Kedavra! I know I want you to kill all the bad
spirits in the context of The Inferno’ by Dante Alighieri. So, let’s
do this.

Activity 3
Fill out the table according to technical and operational meaning of the
words below.
1. a state of great happiness 1. Devil
2. A place where God and the angels live. 2. Sin
3. the place where the spirits of the dead are 3. used to express

1. heaven 2. hell 3. evil



Assessment Card
Title Card
Lumos! comes from the Latin word "lumen,"
meaning "light."

This spell ignites the tip of my wand. You will also

shine as you accomplish the next task.

I hope the concept of Operational and Technical

meaning is clear to you.

Now, are you ready for the next task? If yes, you may
start. I will teach you another magic spell once you
answer the tasks correctly. Enjoy!

Assessment 1: Write T if the term is technically defined and O If it is operationally.

___1. All life on Earth supposedly came from a primordial ooze in existence many
millions of years ago. (existing from the beginning)
___2. It is very evident the omnipotence and care of God to man.(Unlimited power)

___ 3. He also had committed blasphemy by threatening the uniqueness of God's

presence. (disrespectful)

Assessment 2: Give either operational or technical definition of the underlined words.

1. Dictators, in short, are the scourge of the earth. - _______________

2. A throng of officers surrounded him. ________________

3. Amid great lamentation, the hero's body is laid on the funeral pile and consumed.

Enrichment Card
Title Card
Sonorus Latin word "sonare," meaning "sound,” this spell works like a
magical megaphone.

A resounding applause for you, for doing great in distinguishing

operational and technical meaning of words.

I’m sure that you mastered the lesson in this SIM. I have one last
challenge and once you finished the last challenge I will give you a
reward and I’m sure you will love it.

Are you excited to proceed on the task? You may start once you’re ready.

Enrichment: Yes or No. Write ‘YES’ if the defined words are correctly classified as
Technical/Operational Definition, and write ‘NO’ f they are not.

1. A snake wraps itself around a tree.(Coil) – Technical

2. You had begun to feel better but then your condition worsens to where it was a few
weeks ago. (retrograde) Operational
3. A foul and loathsome person earned his nothing but some time in jail. ( despicable)

“Wingardium Leviosa” it is the levitating charm.

Definitely you are now ready to hover and read different passages and you are now
confident to understand unfamiliar words through operational and technical meaning.

Here is your reward, the Nimbus 2000, the fastest broomstick during my first year at

Reference Card
Title Card
Celebrating Diversity through World Literature, p 125, Giving technical and operational
definitions (EN10V-IId13.9)
Retrieved from
Pictures from google search

Title Card
Explain How the Elements Specific
to a Selection Build its Theme

Guide Card
Title Card
Hello friends! The Archangels protect and guide us, bringing peace on
earth. Their divine power and wisdom inspire us to our highest good
and potential.
As you explore the Divine Comedy, ‘The Inferno’ by Dante
Alighieri, you will be arriving at the gate of hell and you may see
what’s in the Underworld. So with the help of archangels, you will
understand what’s in the text, and further learn the theme of the
Use this SIM to explain how the elements specific to a selection
build its theme. (EN10LT-IIa14.2)
However, be careful folks, bad fellows will come along your
way! Stay focus!

Activity Card
Title Card
AHA! I am Hades in Hercules! More "sassy gay friend" than evil villain,
Disney scrubbed most of the scary right of the god of the underworld.

Well, speaking of the theme, it is a life’s lesson, the story teaches


Example: Theme of Jealousy in Heracles (Hercules): The Twelve Labors.

The jealousy of Hera, queen of the gods, is the biggest source of conflict
for Heracles' entire life. As one of Zeus' many illegitimate
children, Heracles is a constant reminder of Hera’s husband's cheating
Oopps! Too rude example Hades! Don’t’ be afraid. I am archangel Michael. I
will remove fear from your life.
I can clear spaces, thoughts, and people of any negative or lower energies.
I am your guide to know more about themes. As we say, themes are the
fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work.
Like in the first words of Paradise Lost by John Milton state that the
poem’s main theme will be “Man’s first Disobedience.” Paradise
Lost presents two moral paths that one can take after disobedience: the
downward spiral of increasing sin and degradation, represented by
Satan, and the road to redemption, represented by Adam and Eve.

Well, it is time to try. Identify the theme of the story and the other
elements. Read first the selection and do the given tasks.

Activity 1: Read the passage and identify the elements of the

story theme through understanding the text.

The Brave Boy and the Multicolored Ghost

Once upon a time, a boy went on his holidays to a great castle. He ran through all
the rooms and corridors, apart from one wing, which he never entered for fear of
the darkness there.
In that part of the castle lived a frightened multicolored ghost. He had never left that
area because he was afraid of the light.

Both the boy and the ghost tried to overcome their fear several times, but without
success. That was, until one day when the boy summoned up all his courage,
and started crossing the dark corridor. He managed to do this by imagining that his
friends had organized a surprise party for him, and were waiting in the darkness.
The boy and the ghost met there, and soon became great friends. So friendly did
they become that the boy helped the ghost overcome his fear of the light.

1. What are the values highlighted in the story?

a. love and passion b. courage and overcoming
2. The main lesson in the story emphasizes on the following:
a. Every child can overcome the fear of the dark by modifying his/her own
thoughts and expectations.
b. Every individual can do the best he can to uplift the hearts of others
3. Where does the setting take place?
a. A large enchanted castle b. a far away palace
4. Who are the characters in the story?
a. A prince and a princess b. A child and a ghost

Awesome! You’ll get a reward for a great

job! Here is Archangel Gabriel to protect
you in your way in the next level.

You have to get this right. You can do it. I

am at your back.

The Boy who Made a Country Smile

There was once a truly miserable land where everyone was depressed.
There was no reason for this to be so: the people were normal, and they led normal lives, but
they were very sad.
One day, a baby boy was born. He was a really good child; always thinking of others, always
clean and tidy, always quick to do as he was told... he was equally good in all such matters.
As a result, the boy managed to cheer up everyone around him. People saw him and wanted
to be like him, so they behaved cheerfully, and, in turn, cheered up others. The boy
travelled the whole land, bringing smiles to people's faces, and happiness to their hearts.
He ended up transforming the entire country from one of sadness and depression to one which
could even be called Happy land.

1. What are the values highlighted in the story?
The joy of __________________
2. The main lesson in the story emphasizes on the following:
A pervasive _____________ atmosphere can be dispelled by the presence of one
infectiously ______________individual
3. Where does the setting take place?
A ____________ land
4. Who are the characters in the story?
It seems that you are guarded and guided accordingly by
your guardian angel. Let’s see the next if you still can do it.

Don’t be afraid! You can do this

once more!
A _________
Activity 3.

Fill in the table the theme appropriate to the values and title of
the story. Write the letter of the correct answer.

a. If we spend more time worrying about what is ours, instead
of sharing and using it, we all lose out.
b. We can all achieve great things, and we have within ourselves
all that is needed to do so.
c. This spirit helps you to put up with difficult circumstances until
things improve.

Title Values Theme

1. The Angry Brothers Generosity
2. The Ugly Fairy Self-acceptance
3. That’s Enough Sacrifice

Excellent! You got an award! I think you are ready on the next task. Don’t
worry another angel goes along with you. He gives guidance through your
intuitions, thoughts, ideas to make things work.
He is Archangel Raphael.

Assessment Card
Title Card
Hi there! I am Archangel Raphael to help you breath
in case there will be fire along the way!

I will heal your wounds in case you get harm!


Summary: Canto III, INFERNO by Dante Alighieri

Abandon all hope, you who enter here.

Virgil leads Dante up to the Gate of Hell, upon which they read a foreboding
inscription that includes the admonition “abandon all hope, you who enter here.” As soon as
they enter, Dante hears innumerable cries of torment and suffering. Virgil explains that these
cries emanate from the souls of those who did not commit to either good or evil but who
lived their lives without making conscious moral choices; therefore, both Heaven and Hell
have denied them entry. These souls now reside in the Ante-Inferno, within Hell yet not truly
part of it, where they must chase constantly after a blank banner. Flies and wasps continually
bite them, and writhing worms consume the blood and tears that flow from them. The souls
of the uncommitted are joined in this torment by the neutral angels—those who sided with
neither God nor Satan in the war in Heaven.
Virgil leads Dante to a great river called Acheron, which marks the border of Hell. A
crowd of newly dead souls waits to be taken across. A boat approaches with an old man,
Charon, at its helm. Charon recognizes Dante as a living soul and tells him to keep away
from the dead, but after Virgil informs him that their journey has been ordained from on
high, Charon troubles them no longer. He returns to his work of ferrying the miserable souls,
wailing and cursing, across the river into Hell. As he transports Virgil and Dante across, Virgil
tells the frightened Dante that Charon’s initial reluctance to ferry him bodes well: only
damned souls cross the river. Suddenly, an earthquake shakes the plain; wind and fire rise
up from the ground, and Dante, terrified, faints.

Assessment 1: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What was Dante’s first reaction to the wailing?
a. He cried. b. He laughed.
2. Who were the cowards in Canto III?
a. 5. The cowards are those who were contended to make a decision.
b. The cowards are those who were afraid to make a decision.
3. What is Dante’s reaction to the sights and sounds of Hell at the end of Canto III?
a. Dante is frightened and falls into a swoon.
b. Dante is excited and thankful like in heaven.

Assessment 2: Check the highlighted theme of Dante's Inferno:

_____1. In Dante's Inferno, Dante represents the everyman who has become inattentive to
his sinfulness and need for repentance.
_____2. The punishments meted to each group of sinners are intended to fit the crime
_____3. Many of the characters that Dante encounters in Hell have changed into hideous
monsters that manifest the ugliness of sin.

Congratulations! You survived the fire! No harm

was done. You are in good faith!

Enrichment Card
Title Card
Enrichment 1: Giving the Values: Morality and Divine Justice which was
emphasized in the poem, choose the theme based on the given evidences.
Write on the blank the correct letter of your answer.

a. Dante matches the sins and sentences in terms of both degree and kind. The sins
fall on a scale: the graver the sin, the harsher the punishment.
b. Gluttons wallow in mud like pigs. Greedy souls hopelessly roll huge bags of gold
c. Dante, the poem’s protagonist, undergoes a difficult journey through hell,
purgatory, and finally heaven. In the process, he learns to once again walk the
divine path.
____1. In Inferno, Dante crafts an underworld in which the punishment fits the
worldly crime.
___2. Each sin is also met with a punishment that reflects the essence and
character of the sin.
____3. The poem tracks one man’s path through religious struggle and into

Reference Card
Title Card
Celebrating Diversity through World Literature, p 123, how the elements specific to a
selection build its theme (EN10LT-IIa14.2).
Pictures from google search

Title Card

Compare New Insights with

Previous Learnings

Guide Card
Title Card

Activity Card
Title Card

Assessment Card
Title Card

Enrichment Card
Title Card

Enrichment 1: Write true if the statement about the theme is correct and write false if

wrong. Write your answer before the number.

_______1. Most often readers have to infer the theme based on character traits,

motivations, actions, emotions, and values.

_______2. The theme is often discovered at the beginning of the story.

_______3. Theme maybe implied or stated in the text/story.

_______4. Themes should be expressed as generalizations about life or human nature.

_______5. Works of literature always have only one theme.

Reference Card
Title Card
Images and emojis downloaded in google images
Common core Graphic organizers for literature standards grade 5

Title Card
Differentiate Formal from Informal
Definitions of Words

Guide Card
Title Card
Hello! I am Thor the God of Thunder.

I am the son of Odin, the King of Asgard. Welcome to the Asgard.

The home of Norse Gods and Goddesses

I am here to guide you in exploring this SIM as you go further

you will learn how to differentiate formal (denotation)
from informal (connotation) definitions of words.
(EN10LV-Ii-13.9) However, I want you to help me discover
the mystery of how my father Odin lost his eye through
comprehending the reading text in this SIM.

Try your best to understand the content of this SIM. There

are exciting activities await you.

Activity Card
Title Card
Heads up! For the first journey will you help me identify which is the connotative
and denotative meaning of the word thunder in my hammers below. Take note!
encircle the hammer that shows denotative meaning and box if it shows
connotative meaning.
Resounding power

Did you get it right? Well, That’s awesome!

Denotation is the dictionary, literal meaning of words while Connotation is the emotion that a
word generates in addition to the actual meaning. It is also the common associations that people
make with words (positive or negative)

The word thunder literally means a loud or resounding sound and it connotes power that
appeals to the emotion that a word generates in addition to the actual meaning.
Since you have an idea with the differences of denotative and connotative meaning of word
prepare yourself for the challenges of my brother Loki.
Activity Card
Title Card
Hello! I am Loki the trickster god.

I am here to challenge you. I want you to accomplish the different

tasks that I have below. I will give you reward later once you
accomplished the tasks correctly. Goodluck!

I want you to group the following words according to its

denotative and connotative meaning of the given words.

Activity 1: Fill out the table according to denotative and connotative

of the words below. Choose meaning in the word pool.

grave heart dove

An excavation for burial of body love an organ in chest

Peace death a small wild bird



Oh! You’re doing great! But still, I want to test your knowledge
further. Answer the following item below:

Activity 2: Encircle the letter of the correct answer by identifying

the denotative and connotative meaning of the underlined word.

1. Home is where my heart is. What is the connotation of the underlined word
a. a dwelling place b. comfort
2. Freya is feeling blue today, she doesn’t want to go to the party. The word blue
a. depressed b. a pigment or dye color
3. Balder was bitten by a snake while laying through the grass. The word snake
a. treachery b. a poisonous reptile
4. Frigg was so hot when they took away her son Balder. The underlined word
4. a. high temperature b. angry
5. Loki is good at brainwashing the Gods in Asgard. The underlined word denotes.
1. a. deceiving b. trickster

Awesome! You really did great in completing my challenges. You deserve a

reward, with that I will let you know the story behind how my father lost his
eye through the reading passage. My father Odin will guide you.

Assessment Card
Title Card
Hello! Kiddo! Can’t get enough with the challenges my sons given
to you? well, as a reward of doing great in accomplishing each
task I will tell you the story behind of losing my left eye. Prepare
yourself for the tasks awaits you.

Read the story comprehensively and enjoy reading!

Odin, king of the gods, wants to protect humans from evil frost giants. To gain
knowledge of the future, Odin must sip the water of a special well.

This water will then reflect the images of the past and future. The guardian of the
well, Mimir, requires a great price for the water: he asks for one of Odin’s

eyes. Odin promptly plucks out the eye. After Odin drinks the water, he sees that the
future holds sorrow and death for humans. He also sees that it will be redeemed by
an event of great promise. Odin’s eye settles at the bottom of Mimir’s well as a

reminder of Odin’s great sacrifice.

Did you learn something in my story? Yes! I sacrifice my eye to gain wisdom for the sake
of the human to keep them safe and live peacefully. This only shows that in life there are
some things that is hard to sacrifice but the rewards are worth it in the end.
How about you, are you willing to sacrifice for others?
Now, I want you to distinguish the meaning of the following words in
the activity below.

Assessment 1: Below are the words from the story. Give the denotative and
connotative meaning of the following words through the table.

Assessment 2: Identify whether the underlined word used as denotative or connotative

meaning in each of the following sentence. Write D if denotative and C if connotative write your
answer before the number.

_______1. Odin has to pay the price of his actions through sacrificing his one eye.

_______2. Mimir gave the horn full of the water in his well.

_______3. He sat on the chair and watched the sunset through the window.
_______4. When he knelt at the edge of the well, he saw the mirror of life.
_______5. Odin gazed across the world from his high throne in the shining city of the gods.

Enrichment Card
Title Card
Wow! You answer the items easily.
Uh Oh! I really want to test your knowledge. Let me give you your last
mission on Asgard before I let you go back to the earth. My sons Thor
and Loki will assist you to the final task once you accomplished it
Enrichment 1: Give the denotative and connotative meaning of the words found in
Viking’s ship. Then, write a sentence using the word depends on how it will use/ mean in
a sentence. The first sentence was done for you as an example.
Word: summer
Connotation: joyfulness, exploration or warmth.
Denotation: the warmest season of the year
Sentence using the word: Frigg and Freya love camping out in summer holidays.

Come aboard! Choose words on the Viking’s ship as rainbow

you work on the last mission. Once you’ve ancient
accomplished the task, we will sail the Baltic sea and gray
go to our final destination. light
Have fun!

Word: ____________________________________________
Connotation: ____________________________________________
Denotation: ____________________________________________
Sentence using the word: ___________________________________________________
Word: _________________________________________________
Connotation: _________________________________________________
Denotation: _________________________________________________
Sentence using the wod: _________________________________________________
Word: _________________________________________________
Connotation: _________________________________________________
Denotation: _________________________________________________
Sentence using the word: __________________________________________
Word: _________________________________________________
Connotation: _________________________________________________
Denotation: _________________________________________________
Sentence using the word: _________________________________________________

You did great in our journey! Here is your reward

the helmet wings of Odin as a sign of your
strength and wisdom.

Reference Card
Title Card
English 10 Learners Manual pages 82-84,,
Learning Competency how to differentiate formal (denotation) from informal (connotation)
definitions of words. (EN10LV-Ii-13.9)
Images and clip arts from

Title Card
Explain How the Elements Specific
to a Selection Build its Theme

Guide Card
Title Card
Tweet! Tweet! Hello folks. How’s your day? I am
That is right! for us to be Maya and I am with my sister Myna and brother
freed you need to find the Malaya. Will you help us come out of this cage?
keys. As you search for the We will be pleased if you would help us to gain our
keys you need to explore freedom and to fly high across the sky again.
with the different activities
in this SIM. There are
exciting activities awaits
you. In this SIM you will learn how to
explain the elements specific
to a selection build its
theme. (EN10LT-IIb-14.2)
through reading the story
entitled Federigos’s falcon

Our friend Bagwis will help you on

your journey in finding the keys.

Try to comprehend each concept in

this SIM. Enjoy!

Activity Card
Title Card
Hi I’m Bagwis. I’m here to guide you in finding the keys, for us to get the keys we
have to face different challenges in attaining the keys. We need to understand
each stories that we will encounter in our journey and the most important is
understanding its theme so our first task is to understand meaning of theme.
Theme is life lesson, meaning, moral, or message about life or human nature that
is communicated by a literary work. In other words…
Theme is what the story teaches readers.
Reminder, keep in mind the meaning of theme because it will guide you in
identifying the theme of our story.
Let us now perch on the nest and find the first key.
Are you ready? Hold on tight

Look the key is under the eggs. For you to get the key you
need to finish the tasks in the eggs. I want you to work on
the first task before you proceed to the passage about Mr.
Dog and Mr. Pig and Identify the theme of the story.
Sounds exciting right? Once you’re ready you may start.

Activity 1: Draw a line to match the theme to its message.

1. Courage a. Stand by your friend in good and bad times.

2. Hope b. Don’t give up.
3. Friendship c. The opposite of violence.
4. Peace d. Devotion that you want something to accomplished
5. Loyalty e. Face your fears and don’t be afraid.
6. Perseverance f. Believe in something that will happen
7. Dedication g. Share your common interests and passions.
8. Honor h. Bearing thing/someone in mind
9. Remembrance i. Pay respect to someone or something
10. Patience j. Waiting for the right time and moment.

Read the passage and identify the theme through understanding the text and
answering different questions.
Mr. Pig and Mr. Dog were hanging out at the food court of the animal shopping mall. Mr.
Pig was eating a huge feast of pizza and drinking a large jug of fruit punch and Mr. Dog was
watching him eat. “Hey, Mr. Pig. If you give me a slice of your pizza, I’ll let you have the next
bone I find.” Mr. Pig declined, even though it hurt his stomach to eat the last three slices of pizza.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Dog,” Mr. Pig said, “but I paid for this pizza and it’s all mine.” Mr. Dog sighed and
waited for Mr. Pig to finish, and then they left the animal mall together. On the way out, a hunter
spotted them and gave chase. Mr. Pig normally could have escaped the hunter but since he was
weighed down by such a large meal, Mr. Pig collapsed and the hunter killed him. Mr. Dog easily
escaped. Later that night while returning to the scene, Mr. Dog caught the scent of something
delicious and began digging around a trash can. He found a large ham bone with lots of meat and
marrow still stuck to the bone. Mr. Dog happily ate.

Activity 2: Now, Let’s answer the following questions:

1. Who are the characters in the story?

2. Describe the characters in the story.
3. How did the character react to the obstacle?
4. What did the characters learn?
5. What is the theme of the story?
6. What happen in the story that leads you to believe this?

Activity 3: Fill in each box to analyze how the theme is developed over the course of the text.
Beginning: What happens that contribute to the theme.

Middle: What happens that contribute to the theme.

End: What happens that contribute to the theme.

Wow! You did great in answering the different questions. One important technique in
distinguishing the theme is to identify the characters, know their characteristics, how the
characters respond to the conflict and what did the character/s learn in the story after
solving the conflict.
Always remember that analyzing and understanding the elements of the story will help
you understand the theme.
Here is the first key as a reward for doing great!

Assessment Card
Title Card
Congrats kiddo! We are now on the second nest. For us to get the next key
you have to read the summary of story about Federigo and his falcon. You
may read the whole text in our learners’ material on pages 202-208.
Sounds interesting right? Read the story comprehensively as you will
discover on what happen to the falcon and the owner.

Federigo’s Falcon by Giovanni Boccaccio

Squandering his wealth in an attempt to gain the affection of a beautiful woman, Federigo
degli Alberighi is left with only a small farm and a magnificent falcon. Federigo loves
Monna Giovanna, a young woman of nobility who is already married and has a son. After
her wealthy husband dies, Monna and her son travel to their country estate near the farm
where Federigo lives. The boy becomes friends with him and covets the prized falcon.
Soon the boy is sick. He has one request: "Mother, if you can arrange for me to have
Federigo's falcon, I think I would get well quickly." Monna is well aware of Federigo's
love for her, but she also realizes how attached the man is to the falcon. Monna makes an
unannounced visit to Federigo's farm. Before she declares the purpose of her call, he
decides to honor Monna with a meal.
Unfortunately, Federigo has nothing to serve her. He catches a glimpse of his falcon on its
perch. He breaks its neck and has it roasted on a spit. Monna eats the bird unaware that
it is the animal she has come to request for her son. After dining, she asks Federigo for
his falcon. All he can do is weep. He then reveals that he sacrificed the creature to
provide a meal worthy of Monna. A few days later, her son dies. After a period of sorrow
and resentment, she marries Federigo.

Assessment 2: Explain the theme of the story based on details in the text on pages 202-208


Great! You’re really good in completing the graphic organizer and

understanding the theme of the story. Through your efforts we now
gained 2 keys, but we still need one more key to set free our friends.
Come on let’s go to the last nest.

Enrichment Card
Title Card

Reference Card
Title Card
English 10 Learner’s Material pages 202-208
Images from google
Logo font generator
Passage and graphic organizers retrieved from:

Title Card
Transcode information from linear to
non-linear texts and vice-versa

Guide Card
Title Card
Annyeonghaseyo! My name is Jungkook
from BTS. I will be your guide in this
Strategic Intervention Material.

This SIM will help you to learn how to

transcode information from linear to
non-linear texts and vice-versa.

I will be your guide as you also learn more

about Korean culture with this SIM to prepare
you for the upcoming KPop Fan Day in SM

Are you ready? Aja!

Activity Card
Title Card

Enrichment Card
Title Card
Daebak! You are amazing while answering the questions with that map!
Jeoneun Kim Taeyung-imnida. Jungkook will take a rest for now so I’ll be
your guide in your next task.

Your next task is to compare and contrast North and South Korea using
a Venn Diagram. A Venn diagram is a graph that is used to represent the
similarities and differences between two concepts. Let’s begin.

Korea, as a whole nation, has a rich history. It was separated into three
kingdoms called Sila, Paekche, and Koguryo. Taekwondo is the national
sport of Korea while Hanbok is its national costume. Both North and South
Korea share the Demilitarized Zone, which is the border between the two
countries. They are both active for investment from other countries. South
Korea is densely populated while North Korea is not as much. North
Koreans are taught to worship Kim Sung while the South Koreans are
strongly influenced by Confucius. K-Pop is a popular music genre for teens
mostly in South Korea while North Korean teens focus more on military
and weaponry.

Enrichment 1: Write the qualities of North Korea in the left square, the
qualities of South Korea in the right square, and the qualities both North and
South Korea share in the circle in the middle

Enrichment 2: Write MOMOLAND if the statement pertains to North Korea, BLACKPINK if the
statement pertains to North Korea and BTS if to both North and South Korea.

_______1. Hanbok is its national costume.

_______2. It is active for investment from other countries.

_______3. It is strongly influenced by Confucius.

_______4. K-Pop is a popular music genre for teens.

_______5. It is is densely populated.

Assessment Card
Title Card

Reference Card
Title Card
K to 12 English Curriculum Guide, page 155
Google Images
Title Card
Lubao North District ICT Coordinator - San Miguel Elementary School

Explain Illustrations from Linear to Nonlinear

Texts and Vice Versa
Title Card

Hi! I’m Ash Ketchum. Together with Pikachu, Misty, and Brock,
I will be your guide as you go through this Strategic
Intervention Material.

This SIM will help you to learn how to explain illustrations from
linear to nonlinear texts and vice versa. (EN10RC-IIb-11.2)

Once we are finished answering the activities in this SIM, we will catch
more Pokemons to gain more badges in our next gym battle. Are you
ready to catch ‘em all? Let’s go!

Activity Card
Title Card

Linear text refers to traditional texts that need to be read from beginning to the end.
Novels, poems, short stories, letters, educational texts, and all those we read from
beginning to end, are linear texts.

Non-linear text, on the other hand, is non-sequential. Unlike linear text, it

does not follow a step by step process when reading it. Some examples
include flowcharts, charts, graphs, and graphical organizers such as
knowledge and story maps.
Activity 1. Observe the picture above and identify the following details.

1. Lowest contributor - ____________

2. Total UN budget - ______________

3. 5th highest contributor - _______________

4. Countries with the same percent of contribution - __________________

5. Non-Asian country contributor - ______________________

Activity 2. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the graph about? ___________________

2. Is the Philippines a high contributor or a low contributor? Why? _______________

3. Based on the graph, what makes Cambodia, Laos, Bhutan in common? ____________________

Activity 3. What do you think are the reasons why Japan, China, Australia, and South Korea the highest

Enrichment Card
Title Card
Good job! You did great explaining that graph. Now, let’s see if
you can explain the message of a song.

Your next task is to read a song lyric then try to understand its message.
Analyze the questions provided then answer them. Good luck!

Imagine there's no heaven I hope someday you'll join us

It's easy if you try And the world will be as one
No hell below us
Above us only sky Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
Imagine all the people No need for greed or hunger
Living for today (ah ah ah) A brotherhood of man
Imagine there's no countries Imagine all the people
It isn't hard to do Sharing all the world
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
Imagine all the people I hope someday you'll join us
Living life in peace And the world will live as one

(Imagine by John Lennon)

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
1: Answer the following questions.

1. What is the song about? ________________________

2 – 5. What is Lennon’s vision of peace? Give examples.


7. What will happen if we will all live life in peace? _____________________________________

8. What do you think does Lennon mean with the lines “You may say that I'm a dreamer,
But I'm not the only one”?

Enrichment 2: TRUE OR FALSE

_______1. If there are no division of countries and division of religions, we will leave in peace

_______2. The mood of the song is sad.

______3. The song likes to send a message of hope and positivity.

_______4. The song is entitled Imagine because it shows an impossible goal.

_______5. If we want peace and harmony, we have to live as one.




Assessment Card
Title Card
Awesome! You made that song even more beautiful with your explanations.

Now, your final task is to explain a linear text using a non-linear text.

Tuesday, 7th March, 1944

Dear Kitty,
I don’t think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains. This is one of the
things that Mummy and I are so entirely different about. Her counsel when one feels
melancholy is: “Think of all the misery in the world and be thankful you are not
sharing in it!” My advice is: “Go outside, to the fields, enjoy nature and the
sunshine, go out and try to recapture happiness in yourself and in God. Think of all
the beauty that’s still left in and around you and be happy!”
I don’t see how Mummy’s idea can be right, because then how are you supposed
to behave if you go through the misery yourself? Then you are lost. On the
contrary, I’ve found that there is always some beauty left – in nature,
sunshine, freedom, in yourself; these can all help you. Look at these things,
then you find yourself again, and God, and then you regain your balance.
And whoever is happy will make others happy, too. He who has courage and faith will
never perish in misery!
Yours, Anne
Assessment 1: Fill in the diagram with the ideas of Anne and explain each lines.

Congratulations! You have completed the task. We can now catch more Pokemons and prepare
for our next gym battle. Let’s catch ‘em all!

Reference Card
Title Card

K to 12 English Curriculum Guide, page 155

Google Images
Title Card
Observe Correct Grammar in Making Definitions

Guide Card
Title Card
Hi! I’m Malorie, and I will only say this once. For any reason,
you are not allowed to look at anything aside for this
Strategic Intervention Material.

This SIM will teach you to observe correct grammar

in making definitions. EN10G-IIa-29

Together with Boy and Girl, I will be your guide as you go

through this SIM. Let’s begin.

Activity Card
Title Card
Grammar is the set of structural rules governing the composition
of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language.

On the other hand, definition is a statement of the

meaning of a word, phrase, or other set of symbols.

There are eight parts of speech in the English grammar.

Do you still remember them? Let’s check if you still do.

Activity 1: Search for the eight parts of speech.

Activity 2: Fill in the blanks to complete
the answers.

1. _ O _ N – a name for people, animals, places,

things, or ideas.

2. P _ _ N _ U N – it is used to replace a name.

3. _ E _ B - it tells an action or a state of being.

4. A_ J _ _ T _ _ E – it describes a noun or a
Activity 3: Match Column A to Column B.

Column A Column B

a. adverb ____ 1. it is used to express strong emotions

b. conjunction ____ 2. it is used to describe an adjective and a verb

c. preposition ____ 3. it is used to connect words or phrases

d. interjection ____ 4. it is used to show location or relation

Enrichment Card
Title Card
Stop! Don’t look away yet. We are not yet finish. Malorie
said that you did a good job with the first activities.

She told me that you can help me in my task. Our task is

to identify the correct guidelines in making definitions.

Enrichment 1: Put a check ( √ ) if the given guideline in making definitions is correct.

___1. A definition should contain the information about the word and what the word refers to.

___2. Use terms that are more complicated or more technical than the term being defined.

___3. Use conventional English words in explanations whenever possible.

___4. Define a word with that same word in the definition.

___5. Write with simple grammatical structures rather than complex ones.

___6. Avoid terms that are more complicated or more technical than the term being defined.

___7. Be clear and concise when writing definitions.

___8. Use shorter words.

___9. Include usage notes in a definition.

___10. Use highfalutin or difficult to understand words.

Enrichment 2: TRUE OR FALSE

____1. The more widespread a term is, the more users will benefit.

____2. The purpose of a definition is to clarify meaning.

____3. Use different terms when defining.

____4. Get to the point whenever defining a word.

____5. Use jargons or highly technical terms.

Assessment Card
Title Card

That was awesome! Will you help me in my task too?

Thanks. Our task is to identify if the words that are

unfamiliar are defined with correct grammar and used
correct guideline in making definitions by putting a check
( √ ) in the blank before each item.

Assessment 1: Identify if the unfamiliar words are defined with correct grammar and used correct
guideline in making definitions by putting a check ( √ ) in the blank before each item.

______________1. Arboreal animals are usually herbivorous creature that dwell in large trees.

______________2. An aardvark is an animal that has a long nose and that eats ants and other insects.

______________3. Osteogenesis imperfecta, also called as brittle bone disease, is marked by

extreme brittleness of the long bones.

______________4. Affluence family can afford to send their children to the best schools.

______________5. The situation calls for drastic or extreme measures.

______________6. He is just waiting for his imminence death.

______________7. They will pressure you, and you must try not to succumb or die.

______________8. After being proven that she is crazy, she was sent to an asylum.

______________9. The designer’s bracelets has the vintage or quaint look of 1920s jewelry.

______________10. My brother lost his wallet in a subway, a passage under a street.

Congratulations! You have completed the tasks. You may now look away from this SIM.

Do not forget to always look for the beauty of things around you.

Thank you for joining us and always take care!

Reference Card
Title Card
Answer Card
Title Card
Use Modals
Activity #1. Underline the modals used in Activity #2. Identify the function of
the following sentences. each underlined modal
1. You must participate with your group
mates in your activity. 1. should – sense of obligation to do
2. You need to study more if you want 2. must - obligation
to get good grades. 3. need to - necessity
3. You should focus more on your
studies and less on love.

Activity 3.Put a check ( ) before the sentence if the underlined modal is correctly
used and cross (X) if it is not.
1. A student must respect not only the teachers but also the students.
2. We need to follow the school rules strictly.
. 3. You should not be a bully for you can destroy one’s future.

Assessment #1. Identify which modal is being described by each group of words
1. must 2. need to 3. Should 4. shouldn’t/should not have/ought not
Assessmenment #2. Fill in the blank with the correct module to complete the thought
of the sentence.
1. needs to 2. ought to 3. must 4. shouldn’t

Underline the modal in each sentence and identify its function.
obligation 1.must
necessity 2.need to
sense of obligation to do 3. should have
sense of obligation to do 4. ought to
obligation 5. must

Express Appreciation for Sensory Images

Activity #1 Identify the parts of the body that pertains to your senses.
1.sense of hearing 2.sense of sight 3.sense of touch 4.sense of smell 5.sense of taste

Activity #2 Put a check before each number if the group of words appeal to your senses.
1. __2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Activity #3 Underline the word or group of words that appeal to your senses in the
following sentences.
1. A host of golden daffodils is fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
2. The man ran his hand on the lady’s soft, satin fabric.
3. The boy fell with a loud splash on the lake.
4. There lay refuse heaps on their path that were so smelly that it maddened them.
5. The beggar ,whose hard little body and skinny and bare, fell on the pavement
because of hunger.
Assessment #1 Read an excerpt of the Assessment #2 Identify the sensory
poem images used in the following group of
“Preludes” by T. S. Eliot, then answer words.
the questions. 1. sense of smell 4. sense of smell
1. c 3. a 2. sense of touch 5. sense of hearing
2. a 3. sense of sight

Assessment #2
Enrichment. .smell
1. sense of Below is a list of 4. sense of Identify each statement to what sensory
image it appeals. Write your answers on the table that corresponds to each sensory
image.sense of touch 5. sense of
Sense of smell 3. sense of sight
2.He whiffed the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee.

Sense of touch
3. The girl ran her hands on the soft satin fabric of Goblin’s suit.

Sense of sight
4. The couple travelled long distances to watch the seemingly fire sunset in the north.
6. The beacons of moonlight bathe the room with ethereal light.

Sense of taste
5. The fresh and juicy orange is very cold and sweet.
7. The burger, aromatic with spices, made his mouth water in anticipation for the first

Sense of hearing
1. The fans were screaming and shouting when Lee Min Ho appeared.
8. The soft and melodious chirping of birds heralded spring.

Explain the Literary Devices Used


Activity #1
may, would, will, will, will, shall

Activity #2
1. possibility but with a degree of uncertainty 4. used for reported speech in past time.
2. invitation or past possibility 5. futurity, obligation
3. invitation or past possibility

Activity #3
1. would 2. shall 3. will 4. may 5. should


Assessment #1
1. c. will 2. e. should 3. a. may 4. b. might 5. e.

Assessment #2
1. may 2. might 3. will 4. should 5. would


1. will - futurity and willingness
2. may - future possibility mixed with doubt and uncertainty
3. should - past obligation
4. shall - simple futurity and obligation
5. will - futurity and willingness

Scan for Needed Information


Activity #1
1. How to use social media to help prepare for, respond to, and minimize the impact of disasters
2. movers and shakers
No. There is no actual list of the key content from the summit.

Activity #2
1. domestic violence
2. National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS)
3. 37 %

Activity #3
1. Dove’s Hair Fall Therapy System
2. They gently nourish and cleanse your hair.
3. Dove’s Hair Fall Therapy Combing Serum


Assessment #1
1. a. We tear the bridges down and retreat behind our walls and the security of a locked
b. We take love but never share it with those who are so hungry for it.
c. We share our love only with our children and our friends, and refuse it with those millions
around us who need it just as much.
2. love
Assessment #2
1. When we know of the sad plight of people around us and do nothing about it.
2. When we have the courage to reach out first and ignore the raised eyebrows of our friends and
3. When someone else needs him, and he responds with all the power at his command.


1. to build bridges – between heaven and earth, and among men

2. at the Last Judgment
3. bridges

Understand and Explain Literary Devices

Activity #1
1. stanza 2. rhyme scheme 3. rhyme 4. simile 5. oxymoron

Activity #2
1. c. sestet 2. a. octave 3. b. quatrain

Activity #3
1. rhyme 2. oxymoron 3. Simile


Assessment #1
1. a. ababcc 2. d. simile 3. b. oxymoron

Assessment #2
1. c. late 2. c. octave 3. a. sestet 09391487242


1. rhyme 2. oxymoron 3. simile 4. rhyme scheme 5. stanza

Compose a persuasive text of three paragraphs

expressing one’s stand on an issue

Identifying Parts and Features of Argumentative Essays

Explain How the Elements Specific to a Genre Contribute

to the Theme of a Particular Literary Selection

Activity Card

Strength Durability Stamina

1. felicitation 1. B 1. True

2. Religiosity 2. D 2. True

3. Gloom 3. A 3. False

4. Cheerfulness 4. D 4. True

Assessment Card Enrichment Card

Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Enrichment

1. C 1. A 1. C

2. D 2. B 2. D

3. B 3. D 3. C

4. B 4. E 4. C

Differentiate Formal from Informal
Definitions of Words

Activity #1 Activity #3

1. gritty 1. intense
2. babe 2. pleasing
3. mutt 3. accountable
4. pushy 4. tending to argue
5. Bullheaded 5. easily broken

Activity #2

Word Denotative meaning Connotative meaning

1. spare unused extra

2. reverence admiration worship

3. unsoured sweetened have good intention

4. disgrace dishonor loss of respect

5. chastisement scold tell off


Assessment#1 Assessment #2

Positive Negative Positive Negative

1. valuable 1. lazy 1. aroma stench

2. helpful 2. disinterested 2. thrifty cheap
3. strong 3. dour 3. avocation obsession
4. reasonable 4. sarcastic 4. environmentalist tree huggers
5. leader 5. suspicious 5. confident bossy
6. unusual



1. gaudy too bright
2. heart organ in your chest love
3. fire a flame produced by enlightenment
4. chain a series of usually metal slavery
links or rings
5. talkative tending to talk a lot loquacious

Evaluate Literature as a Way of Expressing
and Resolving One’s Personal Conflicts
Activity 1
1) The people of Thebes are suffering from plague which left the fields and women
2) The plague would stop the moment the murderer of King Laius would be captured.
3) The blind prophet said that Oedipus was the his father’s killer and mother’s
4) His father Polybus already died and that his mother, Merope was not really his real
5) It seems that the oracle about him was right.
6) He killed his father and that he would become the husband of his own mother.
7) He plucked his eyes and became blind and was banished.

Activity 2 Activity 3

Assessment 1 Assessment 2
1) MAN VS MAN 1) recognize
2) MAN VS NATURE 2) know
3) MAN VS SELF 3) investigate
4) MAN VS MACHINE 4) solutions
5) MAN VS SOCIETY 5) choose

REAL ISSUE: The teacher adviser seems like angry with me.
CAUSE: I might have done something wrong.
OPTIONS: Ignore her. Give her some more time. Talk to her.
SOLUTION: Talk to her so that I would know what to do next.

Present Information Using Tables, Graphs,
and Maps


Activity #1 Activity #2

1. B 1. About 140 customers Both bars fall between 60

2. B and 80. The 19149 bar falls short of the halfway 3.
3. A mark and probably represents 65. The 19136 bar
represents about 75. Add: 65 + 75 =140.
Activity #3 2. 19136 The 19124 bar represents about 40
customers. Look for the bar that is closest to 80
1. About $82
2. 2. CTR stock You are
looking for the greatest 3. Since the end of the bar is near 100, the bar
change in price, not the represents about 95 customers.
highest price.
3. $450 Multiply $90 by 5.



1. $1,125,000 Multiply 4 by $250,000.

2. (4) $1,875,000 The row for basketball players contains 7 symbols more than the
row for football players. Multiply 7 by $250,000.

3. a. False b. False c. True d. True Each symbol represents $250,000, so compare the
number of symbols and see if the difference is less than 1: 5 ¼ - 4 ½ = 5 ¼ - 4 2/4 =
¾ = 0.75


Possible Answers

1. hospitality 5. humble
2. generosity and helpfulness 6. kind
3. strong family ties and religions 7. cheerful
4. love and care 8. strong work ethic

Determine Bias and Prejudice Based on the
Ideas Presented in the Material Viewed
1. one-sided 1.Prejudice
2. fantastic 1. Prejudice 2.Prejudice
3. beliefs
2. Prejudice 3. Prejudice
5. supports 3. Prejudice 4. NOT bias/prejudice
6. bias (shows unity)
4. Bias
7. lucky
8. awful

Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Enrichment

1. a 1.b 1. c

2.b 2. b 2. c

3.a 3. a 3. b

Give Technical and Operational Definitions


1. a- Technical 1. C & 1 1. Technical - A place where God and the
angels live.
2. a- Technical 2. B & 2
Operational- a state of great happiness
3. a- Operational 3. A & 3
2. Technical - the place where the spirits of
the dead are

Operational- Devil

3. Technical - used to express irritation,

Assessment 1 Assessment 2 anger
1. T 1. Problem Operational- sin
2. T 2. A great Enrichment
3. O 3. 1. NO-Operational
3. A crying out of
grief 2. YES

3. YES

Explain How the Elements Specific to a
Selection Build its Theme

1. b
1. The joy of goodness
1. a
2. a
2. A pervasive negative atmosphere
can be dispelled by the presence of 2. b
3. a one infectiously cheerful individual
3. A depressed land 3. c
4. b
4. A boy

Assessment 1

1. a Assessment 2 Enrichment

2. b  1. 1. a
 2.
3. a  3. 2. b

3. c

Compare New Insights with Previous


Activity 3:
Activity 1:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Activity 2: Activity Card
Hardworking Helpful
Assessment 1: graphic
Resourceful Resiliency Enrichment 1:
organizer answers varies
1. True
Respectful Generosity
Assessment 2: making 2. False
inferences varies 3. True
4. True
5. False

Differentiate Formal from Informal
Definitions of Words


Activity 2:

1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A

Assessment 2: Enrichment
1. Connotative
2. Denotative Students may check the dictionary for the denotative
3. Denotative meaning of words, connotative and sentences answers
4. Connotative may vary.
5. Denotative

Explain How the Elements Specific to

a Selection Build its Theme
Activity 1: 1.e 2.f 3.g 4.c 5.a Assessment 1 and 2 Student
6.b 7.d 8.i 9.h 10.j answer varies in graphic organizer
and explanation in assessment 2
Activity 2: to be checked by the teacher.
1. Mr. Dog and Mr. Pig heme
2. Mr. Dog is a giver while Mr. Pig is a greedy one
Enrichment 2
3-7. students answer varies
Student answer varies
Activity 3: Student answer varies
Transcode information from linear to
non-linear texts and vice-versa

Activity 1: Enumerate the Activity 2: TRUE OR Activity 3: Write a 3-

countries that you will FALSE sentence paragraph
pass by if you will fly from about the map shown
Philippines to Korea.
1. Hongkong

3. FALSE (Learner’s own

2. Taiwan
4. FALSE sentences)
3. Japan

Enrichment 1: Write the qualities of North Korea in the left square, the qualities of South Korea
in the right square, and the qualities both North and South Korea share in the circle in the
North Korea South Korea
- worships Kim Sung - strongly influenced by Confucius
- focuses more on military and weaponry - K-Pop is a popular music genre for teens
- less populated - densely populated
Both North and South Korea
- Taekwondo is the national sport. - both share the Demilitarized Zone
- Hanbok is the national costume. - both active for investment from other countries

Enrichment 2: Write MOMOLAND if the statement pertains to North Korea, BLACKPINK if the
statement pertains to North Korea and BTS if to both North and South Korea.


Assessment 1: Using a flowchart, sequence the steps in preparing cabbage kimchi.

1. Cut the cabbage lengthwise through the stem into quarters. Cut the cores from each piece.
Cut each quarter crosswise into strips.
2. Place the cabbage in a large bowl and sprinkle with salt.
3. Using your hands, massage the salt into the cabbage until it starts to soften a bit.
4. Rinse and drain the cabbage under cold water 3 times.
5. Add the garlic, ginger, sugar, fish sauce, shrimp paste or water and stir into a smooth paste.
6. Gently squeeze any remaining water from the cabbage and add it to the paste.
7. Mix all ingredients and ferment it for 1 to 5 days.

Explain Illustrations from Linear to Nonlinear
Texts and Vice Versa

Activity 1: Activity 2:
1. Bhutan 1. Asian Countries with the most contribution to the United Nations.
2. $5.6 billion 2. It is still a high contributor. In fact, it is the 10th country with the
3. India highest contribution.
4. Myanmar & Bangladesh 3. Cambodia, Laos, and Bhutan are the top 3 lowest contributors.
5. Australia

Activity 3: Japan, China, Australia, and South Korea are all first world/developed and rich countries
that is why they are highest contributors in the United Nations budget. Also, they have huge
populations and have more manpower.

Enrichment 1:

1. Living in a world as one and full of peace.

2-5. People living together regardless of race or country of origin, living together regardless of
religion, and living together without focusing on material things or possession.

Enrichment 2:


Assessment 1:
1. “Go outside, to the fields, enjoy nature and the sunshine, go out and try to recapture
happiness in yourself and in God. Think of all the beauty that’s still left in and around you
and be happy!”

Explanation: Happiness is a choice. Always have a positive outlook in life.

2. There is always some beauty left – in nature, sunshine, freedom, in yourself; these can all
help you. Look at these things, then you find yourself again, and God, and then you regain
your balance.

Explanation: Always look at the brighter side of things. Instead of being a negative thinker and
thinking of what was lost, be optimistic and be thankful for what was left and what you have.

3. Whoever is happy will make others happy, too. He who has courage and faith will never
perish in misery!
Explanation: We must not lose faith in God and we should spread happiness by making others
happy even if we ourselves are experiencing hardships. Also, we should always keep going in
our lives.

Observe Correct Grammar in Making Definitions

Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3

1. noun 1. d
conjunction, verb, noun,
2. pronoun 2. a
pronoun, interjection, adjective,
3. verb 3. b
adverb, preposition
4. adjective 4. c

Enrichment 2 Assessment 1
Enrichment 1
1. TRUE 1. 6.
1. 6. √
2. TRUE 2. √ 7. √
2. 7. √
3. FALSE 3. √ 8. √
3. √ 8. √
4. TRUE 4. 9.
4. 9.
5. FALSE 5. √ 10. √
5. √ 10.


Lubao North District ICT Coordinator - San Miguel Elementary School


San Roque Dau High School, Lubao, Pampanga

San Roque Dau High School, Lubao, Pampanga

San Carlos San Luis National High School, San Luis, Pampanga


San Roque Dau High School, Lubao, Pampanga


San Pablo 2nd National High School, Lubao, Pampanga

San Pablo 2nd National High School, Lubao, Pampanga


Del Carmen High School, Lubao, Pampanga


Floridablanca West District ICT Coordinator-Dampe Elementary School

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