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“To Vote is to Exist”

As a part of this barangay, we have a responsibility to vote for a candidate that is

suitable for the position. The most common reason people say they do not vote is, they
feel that their vote will not matter or make a difference. If everyone used an excuse and
did not vote, what kind of government would we have? The choice you make today of
not voting will make a difference in society and influence generations for years to come.
It is unacceptable to believe that anyone with a high school diploma has a chance to
apply as a candidate. Because this is such an important phase, and because these
people, the ones who will be nominated, will be in charge of running our barangay, there
is a reason why it requires so much planning and work. You should first check their
backgrounds, character, interest and their good deeds. Find strong leaders who can
inspire the people of our community. Now and then, being a leader comes with difficult
choices, but it’s your obligation to form those choices. In case individuals can depend
on you to urge them through not as it were the great times, but the difficult ones as well,
at that point you've got the making of an incredible leader. One of the single most critical
perspectives of a great leader is constancy.
To be decided is one of the foremost imperative perspectives of a leader so diligence to
do your best and lead the individuals within the right course is pivotal. Without
inspiration, a leader can crease beneath the weights of the work and let down the
individuals. The final, but not slightest, the basic quality of a great pioneer is diligence.
With assurance and tirelessness, ready to know that our pioneer will keep centered and
get us through troublesome times.
To my fellow people , judgment certifies that our leader has great values to lead us
reasonably, and tirelessness affirms that out unused leader will get us through the
difficult times. On the off chance that the individual you select has all of these qualities,
at that point able to be beyond any doubt we’re making the correct decision.

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