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In the previous lesson you able to understand the concepts of Psychology and its
importance in our daily lives. In this lesson, you will explore more on the concepts of
Psychology in a much deeper level. This time, you will better understand the three mental
life agencies developed by Sigmund Freud at the same time, you will become much
conscious on your actions and choices in life based on these concepts.

Analyze the basic concepts and principles of the major
social science ideas.
Apply the social science ideas and its importance in
examining socio-cultural, economic, and political
 Identify the three agencies of mental life (id, ego and superego) according to Sigmund Freud.
 Apply the concepts of id, ego and superego in real life situations

Write A if the statement describes “id”, B if it

describes “ego” otherwise write C if it is

1. It motivates the individual to seek pleasure more than taking any responsibilities.
2. Joana chose to play outside instead of doing her homework.
3. It regulates the individual to do moral obligations and operates as the conscience of the
4. It is the mediator between the conscious and unconscious.
5. Alex tried to steal the earned money of his classmates but eventually decided not to do
the action.
6. Elena realized that she made a huge mistake in becoming a different person in front of her
7. It operates in the reality principles of the self.
8. It calls for the modification of the wrong actions done or wrong belief system of an
9. Jack confessed his love to Elena without hesitation.
10. Monica chose to attend a party instead of studying her lesson for the exam tomorrow.
11. Anna thinks she is the smartest girl on earth.
12. Raul refused to ask for help even though he do not know the mechanical troubleshooting
of a computer.
13. It develops the important decision making of an individual.
14. Jose is very hungry, though he saw a roast beef in the kitchen table he refused to eat it
because it belongs to his friend.
15. The baby cried because he is hungry.

1 Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences

Modified Strategic Intervention Material

It is important to understand that the concepts in Psychology helps the individual to shape his
individualism and better understand himself. Therefore, having the knowledge in Psychology,
particular in psychoanalysis helps the individual to better adjust himself in adopting to his changing
Kindly give three application of Psychology in our everyday life.

One afternoon, Hannah received a phone

call from his adviser telling her that she will not
graduate this year because of her back
subjects. If you are Hannah will you tell the
truth to your parents? Why? Who will you
listen to the two characters in the
background? Why?
Hannah, don’t tell the Hannah, the truth will
truth. Your parents will set you free. Just tell the
get mad at you. truth to your parents.

Sigmund Freud, (born May 6, 1856,

Freiberg, Moravia, Austrian Empire [now Příbor,
Czech Republic]—died September 23, 1939,
London, England), Austrian neurologist and the
founder of psychoanalysis .
There are three agencies of human
PSYCHOANALYSIS personalities that Sigmund Freud proposed.
These are the id, ego and superego.

Id, functions entirely according to the pleasure-pain principle, its impulses either seeking immediate
fulfillment or settling for a compromise fulfillment. The id supplies the energy for the development and
continued functioning of conscious mental life, though the working processes of the id itself are
completely unconscious in the adult (less unconscious in the child) Ego, in psychoanalytic theory, that
portion of the human personality, which is experienced as the “self” or “I” and is in contact with the
external world through perception. It is said to be the part that remembers, evaluates, plans, and in other
ways is responsive to and acts in the surrounding physical and social world. Superego is the ethical
component of the personality and provides the moral standards by which the ego operates. The
superego’s criticisms, prohibitions, and inhibitions form a person’s conscience, and its positive aspirations
and ideals represent one’s idealized self-image, or “ego ideal.”

The Three Agencies of Human Personality
1. Id: pleasure principle; unconscious
2. Ego: reality principle; the self; plans, evaluates, etc.
3. Superego: conscience; ethical component

Answer the following

questions based on the
article presented while back.
1. Who is Sigmund Freud?
2. What are the different agencies of human personality? Discuss them fully.
3. Give your own experiences in using the three agencies of the human personality in real life

Write a short essay (2-3 paragraphs only) that talks about how you
can better improve your decision-making skills based on your
knowledge of the three agencies of human personality. (Rubric for
short essay: *Focus of ideas in the paragraph-2 pts, Organization of
thoughts-2 pts, and Correct grammar & punctuation-1 pt).

Draw yourself and answer boxes below based on needed


1 = the way you see yourself 2 = the way other people see you 3 = the way you want to be seen

4 = the real you Draw yourself here.

Answer the following questions below.

1. How are these three agencies of human personality connected to each other?
2. Explain the significance of the three agencies in real life situations.
3. Explain how you can better understand yourself and develop the totality of your personality.

3 Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences

Modified Strategic Intervention Material

The Three Agencies of Explanation Application in real life

Human Personality scenario

1. Id

2. Ego

3. Superego

Write the concepts you have acquired on table 1

and research further on table 2 to learn more on
the concepts of id, ego and superego.

Research further on the three agencies of

Write your learnings below human personality to add on your current
knowledge. Write your answer below.

B. Write your own understanding of the main agencies of human personality based on the
pictures presented below.

1. How does Economics affect your lifestyle as a student?

5 Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences

Modified Strategic Intervention Material


7 Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences
Modified Strategic Intervention Material

9 Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences

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