Tesda Circular No. 074-2019-Praise

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SUBJECT: Page 1 of 16 page/s

Revised TESDA — Program on Awards and Number oi-I Series of 2019

Incentives for Service Excellence (TESDA-PRAISE)

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

February 14, 2019 As indicated All other related issuances

Pursuant to CSC Memorandum Circular No. 01, series of 2001 providing for
the revised policies on Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence
(PRAISE), the TESDA-PRAISE is hereby revised.



To encourage, recognize, and reward employees, individually or in group,

with no discrimination on account of gender, sexual orientation, civil status,
disability, religion, ethnicity, and political affiliation, for their suggestions,
innovative ideas, inventions, discoveries, superior accomplishments, heroic
deeds, exemplary behavior, extraordinary acts or services for the public interest
and other personal efforts which contribute to the efficiency, economy and
improvement in government operations, and/or acts which lead to the
productivity of the organization.

1. To provide incentives and interventions to motivate employees who have
contributed ideas, suggestions, inventions, discoveries, superior
accomplishments and other personal efforts;
2. To identify outstanding accomplishments and best practices of employees on
a continuing basis;
3. To recognize and reward accomplishments and innovations periodically or as
the need arises; and
4. To rationalize the use of employees in the recognition of significant
contribution of human resources in relation with the goals and objectives of
the organization.
SUBJECT: Page 2 of 16 page/s

Revised TESDA — Program on Awards and Number 0'19 Series of 2019

Incentives for Service Excellence (TESDA-PRAISE)

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

February 14, 2019 As indicated All other related issuances


• AGENCY — refers to the Technical Education and Skills Development

Authority (TESDA)

• AWARD — is a recognition which may be monetary and/or non-monetary

conferred to an individual or group of individuals for ideas, suggestions,
inventions, discoveries, superior accomplishments, exemplary behavior,
heroic deeds, extraordinary acts or services in the public interest which
contribute to the efficiency, economy and improvement in government
operations which lead to the productivity of the organization.

• CAREER — are positions in the civil service characterized by (1) entrance-

based merit and fitness to be determined as far as practicable by competitive
examinations, or based on highly technical qualifications, (2) advancement
opportunities to his/her career position, and (3) security of tenure.

• CONTRIBUTION — is any input which can be in the form of ideas or

performance (see also performance type of contribution).

• DISCOVERY — is the uncovering of something previously existing but found

or learned for the first time which will improve public service delivery.

• EMPLOYEE — refers to all TESDA officials and employees up to Deputy

Director General. This includes regular, temporary, casual and contractual

• IDEA TYPE CONTRIBUTION — refers to an idea, suggestion or an invention

or discovery for improvement to effect economy in operation, to increase
production and improve working conditions.

• INCENTIVE — refers to monetary or non-monetary motivation or privilege

given to an official or employee for contributions, suggestions, inventions,
SUBJECT: Page 3 of 16 page/s

Revised TESDA — Program on Awards and Number nil Series of 2019

Incentives for Service Excellence (TESDA-PRAISE)

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

February 14, 2019 As indicated All other related issuances

ideas, satisfactory accomplishments or demonstration of exemplary behavior

based on agreed performance standards and norms of behavior.

• INVENTION — is the creation of something previously non-existent which will

benefit the office or the government.

• NON-CAREER — are positions expressly declared by law to be non-career

service, or those whose entrance in the service is characterized by (1)
entrance on the bases other than those of the usual tests or merit and fitness
for the career service, and (2) tenure which is limited to the duration of a
particular project for which purpose employment was made.

• PERFORMANCE TYPE CONTRIBUTION — refers to performance of an

extraordinary act or service for the public interest in connection with, or
related to one's official employment, or outstanding community service or
heroic act for the public interest, or sustained work performance for a
minimum period of one year which is over and above the regular duties and
responsibilities required of the individual or group.

• REWARD — refers to monetary or non-monetary benefit given to officials and

employees in recognition of and to recompense for worthy or special services
or accomplishments rendered along the line of duty or in aside thereof.

• SUGGESTION — refers to an idea or proposal which improves work

performance, system and procedures and economy in operations that will
benefit the government.

• SYSTEM — refers to the agency awards and incentives program for



1. The TESDA-PRAISE shall adhere to the principle of providing incentives and

awards based on performance, innovative ideas and exemplary behavior.
SUBJECT: Page 4 of 16 page/s

Revised TESDA — Program on Awards and Number 011 Series of 2019

Incentives for Service Excellence (TESDA-PRAISE)

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

February 14, 2019 As indicated All other related issuances

2. The TESDA-PRAISE shall give emphasis on the timeliness of giving awards

or recognition. Aside from conferment of awards or recognition during the
traditional or planned awarding ceremonies, the spirit of the on-the-spot grant
of recognition shall also be institutionalized.

3. The TESDA-PRAISE shall provide monetary and/or non-monetary awards

and incentives to recognize, acknowledge and reward productive, creative,
innovative and ethical behavior of employees through formal and informal
modalities. Monetary awards may be granted to any employee or group of
employees for every suggestion, invention, superior accomplishment and
other personal efforts resulting in monetary savings, but in no case shall
exceed 20% of the savings generated.

4. Awards and incentives shall be designed in such a way that there will be
"building blocks" or sub-components for every major category that will be able
to align efforts and accomplishments of individual employees and units
towards the attainment of the major award or incentive.

5. At least 5% of the released MOOE allotment of the Authority shall be allocated


6. The TESDA-PRAISE shall be institutionalized through the creation of a

PRAISE Committee at the National Level (National-PRAISE), Executive
Office Level (EO-PRAISE), and Regional Office Level (RO-PRAISE).

7. The head of agency through the Chairman of the TESDA-PRAISE Committee

shall be primarily responsible for overseeing the implementation of this
program. HRMD shall serve as Secretariat in the National PRAISE
Committee and FASD for the RO-PRAISE.

8. The PRAISE Committees shall be responsible for the administration,

monitoring and evaluation of the awards and incentives system of the agency
including facilitation, and processing of documents. The agency may employ
external/independent body to assist TESDA-PRAISE Committee to
SUBJECT: Page 5 of 16 page/s

Revised TESDA — Program on Awards and Number t)19 Series of 2019

Incentives for Service Excellence (TESDA-PRAISE)

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

February 14, 2019 As indicated All other related issuances

judiciously and objectively implement the system of incentives and awards.

Other awards and incentives that may be developed or improved may be
integrated into system.

9. Separate committees shall be created in coordination with other concerned

offices and shall establish its internal procedures and strategies, identify
criteria and develop guidelines needed to implement provision of this system.
Membership in the Committee shall be considered part of the members'
regular duties and functions.

10.The TESDA-PRAISE, and its subsequent amendments duly approved by the

Civil Service Commission, as enhanced by the PRAISE Committees, as the
need arises, shall be the basis for the grant of awards, incentives and services
due to deserving officials and employees.

11.Issues (in writing) relative to awards and incentives shall be brought before
the appropriate PRAISE Committee which shall address the same within
fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of such report.


The program shall apply to all regular, temporary, casual and contractual
employees in the career and non-career service of the Technical Education and
Skills Development Authority (TESDA) based on parameters that shall be
denied for every provision hereof.


There shall be two (2) types of awards/incentives identified in the TESDA-

PRAISE: (1) Statutory Category which is given to individuals by virtue of law
and duly authorized agreement, and the other one is (2) Agency Category
which is initiated and administered by TESDA. However, this does not preclude
for the Authority to adopt any other awards and incentives that will later be
authorized by appropriate authorities.
SUBJECT: Page 6 of 16 page/s

Revised TESDA — Program on Awards and Number nil Series of 2019

Incentives for Service Excellence (TESDA-PRAISE)

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

February 14, 2019 As indicated All other related issuances


1.1. Awards

1.1.1. CSC Honor Awards Program (HAP): Lingkod Bayan, Dangal

ng Bayan and Pagasa Awards which are conferred by the Civil
Service Commission during the civil service month celebration in
September of each year. A TESDA employee conferred with this
award shall receive an amount of Twenty Thousand Pesos (Php
20,000.00) aside from the amount to be given by the Civil Service

1.2. Incentives

1.2.1. Length of Service Incentive is given to employees who have

rendered at least three (3) years of continuous satisfactory service
in the same position and which shall consist of step increments in
accordance which the provisions of Joint CSC-DBM Circular no.
1, series of 2012.

1.2.2. Meritorious performance incentive is granted to employees

who have attained meritorious performance during a year and
which shall consist of step increments in accordance with the
provisions of Joint CSC-DBM Circular no. 1, series 2012: Two (2) Step Increments due to Meritorious

Performance may be granted to a qualified official or
employee who has attained two (2) ratings of
"outstanding" during the two (2) rating periods within a
calendar year. One (1) Step Increment due to Meritorious

Performance may be granted to a qualified official or
employee who has attained one (1) rating of
SUBJECT: Page 7 of 16 page/s

Revised TESDA — Program on Awards and Number 0-14 Series of 2019

Incentives for Service Excellence (TESDA-PRAISE)

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

February 14, 2019 As indicated All other related issuances

"Outstanding" and one (1) rating of "Very Satisfactory," or

two (2) rating periods within a calendar year.

1.2.3. Loyalty Incentive is granted to an employee who has served the

government continuously and satisfactorily for at least ten (10)
years. In addition to the loyalty memorabilia/souvenir, a cash gift
which shall not be less than P500.00 but not more than
Php1,000.00 for every year of service shall be given to qualified
officials and employees.

However, those who have received the cash award for their
first ten (10) years in service shall, upon reaching fifteen (15) years
shall only receive the cash award for the succeeding five (5) years
and so on.

Recipients shall be given a certificate of recognition and a

gift certificate/check in the following amounts subject to availability
of funds:
Number of years of service Worth of Gift Check/Certificate
20 10,000
25 15,000
30 20,000
35 25,000
40 and above 30,000


Awards and incentives under this category are conferred by the

Authority in recognition of the excellent achievements and quality services
provided to its stakeholders.
SUBJECT: Page 8 of 16 page/s

Revised TESDA — Program on Awards and Number 191 Series of 2019

Incentives for Service Excellence (TESDA-PRAISE)

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

February 14, 2019 As indicated All other related issuances

The TESDA-PRAISE Committee shall make the assessment and

selection of the awardees.

2.1. Awards

2.1.1. TESDA Model Employee of the Year Award (TMEOYA) shall be

given to any employee who ranks number one from among the
qualifiers based on the criteria set by the National Screening
Committee on TESDA Model Employee Award.

The National Model Employees shall_ be given a plaque of

recognition, a cash prize amounting to ritty—Thousand Pesos
(P50,000.00), subject to the availability of funds, and a token to be
determined by the National Screening Committee.

They shall also be nominated to the Civil Service Commission

Honor Awards Programs such as Pag-asa ng Bayan, Lingkod ng
Bayan, or Dangal ng bayan awards, whichever is most fitted.

2.1.2.Tuklas Kasanayan Award is conferred to employees who have

contributed significantly to Technical Vocational Education and
Technology (TVET) by way of studies, researches, inventions,
ideas, and innovations that have made an overall impact to the
organization as WET authority. Awardee/s for this category will
receive a plaque and cash in the amount of Ten Thousand Pesos
(PhP10,000.00) or more, subject to the availability of funds.

2.1.3.Best Performing Regional Office Award Best Performing

Regional Office Award is in line with TESDA's commitment and
thrusts as a quality-assured and corrupt-free organization.

It shall evaluate performance of the Regional Offices, identify

areas of strengths and weaknesses which will service as basis for
strategies and appropriate interventions and provide incentives
and recognition for good performance.
SUBJECT: Page 9 of 16 page/s

Revised TESDA — Program on Awards and Number g-114 Series of 2019

Incentives for Service Excellence (TESDA-PRAISE)

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

February 14, 2019 As indicated All other related issuances

A plaque and cash in the amount of One Hundred Thousand

Pesos (PhP100,000.00) will be given to the awardee for this
category. The First Runner-up will receive a plaque and cash in the
amount of Seventy-Five Thousand Pesos (PhP75,000.00), The
Second Runner-up will receive a plaque and cash in the amount of
Fifty Thousand Pesos (PhP50,000.00).

2.1.4. Galing Probinsya Award shall be given to the Provincial Office

that excelled in the effective supervision, coordination, integration,
and implementation and monitoring of TVET programs within their
province. A plaque and cash in the amount of Seventy-Five
Thousand Pesos (PhP75,000.00) will be given to the awardee for
this category. The First Runner-up will receive a plaque and cash
in the amount of Fifty Thousand Pesos (PhP50,000.00). The
Second Runner-up will receive a plaque and cash in the amount of
Twenty-Five Thousand Pesos (PhP25,000.00), subject to the
availability of funds.

2.1.5.Best Training Institution Award shall be given to the training

institution that excelled in the effective implementation of TVET
programs offered within their institution. A plaque and cash in the
amount of Seventy-Five Thousand Pesos (PhP75,000.00) will be
given to the awardee for this category. The First Runner-up will
receive a plaque and cash in the amount of Fifty Thousand Pesos
(PhP50,000.00). The Second Runner-up will receive a plaque and
cash in the amount of Twenty-Five Thousand Pesos
(PhP25,000.00), subject to the availability of funds.

2.1.6.Gantimpala sa Lathala shall be presented to an office or region in

recognition of successful marketing, advocacy and promotion
efforts through newsletters or any form of print/digitized material
that have amplified TESDA programs and services and have
established and increased stakeholders and linkages. A plaque
SUBJECT: Page 10 of 16 page/s

Revised TESDA — Program on Awards and Number 13-14 Series of 2019

Incentives for Service Excellence (TESDA-PRAISE)

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

February 14, 2019 As indicated All other related issuances

and cash in the amount of Fifty Thousand Pesos (PhP50,000.00)

will be given to the awardee for this category.

2.1.7. Perfect Attendance Award shall be given to employees who have

perfect attendance for the immediate past year in each Regional
office and in the Central Office. Leaves such as forced leave,
maternity and paternity leave, special privilege leave, and solo
parent leave, and other leave of absence of the same nature shall
not be counted as absence. However, those have availed of a
study leave or review class shall be disqualified from this award. A
certificate of recognition and cash in the amount of Five Thousand
Pesos (Php5,000.00) shall be given to the awardee for this
category subject to the availability of funds.

2.1.8. Tagsanay Award shall be given in recognition of the contributions

of TVET trainers in the public and private institutions nationwide.
Cash prize of Twenty-Five Thousand Pesos (P25,000.00) will be
given to the Outstanding TVET Trainer. Also, the training institution
where the top three (3) winners come from shall also be recognized
and awarded a cash prize of Twenty Thousand Pesos, Fifteen
Thousand Pesos, and Five Thousand Pesos.

2.1.9. GAD Awards sa TVET shall be conferred to an Official, Employee

or Office (Executive Office, Regional Office, Provincial or District
Office) in recognition of their outstanding achievement and/or
performance in terms gender mainstreaming in TVET and in
upholding the rights of women and for effective implementation of
TESDA's gender-responsive programs. The Most Outstanding Gender-Responsive TESDA

Official/Employee shall be given to one (1) TESDA
Official and/or personnel, who have proven record and
achievements of championing GAD and women economic
empowerment based on the criteria set by TESDA's GAD
SUBJECT: Page 11 of 16 page/s

Revised TESDA — Program on Awards and Number pyy Series of 2019

Incentives for Service Excellence (TESDA-PRAISE)

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

February 14, 2019 As indicated All other related issuances

Focal Point System. The awardee shall receive a plaque

plus reward in cash in the amount of Ten Thousand Pesos
(P10,000.00), subject to the availability of funds. Special
citations may also be given. The Most Outstanding Gender-Responsive TESDA

Office shall be awarded to the Office (Executive Office,
Regional Office, Provincial or District Office) with the most
outstanding performance in gender mainstreaming
through gender-responsive policies, programs, projects
and activities, and efficient utilization of the GAD budget.
The Offices will be ranked 1st (Gold Award), 2nd (Silver
Award) and 3rd (Bronze Award) based on the criteria set
by the GAD Focal Point System. The awardees shall
receive a plaque plus reward in cash in the amount of
Thirty Thousand Pesos (P30,000.00), Twenty Thousand
Pesos (P20,000.00), and Ten Thousand Pesos
(P10,000.00). Special citations may also be given, the
amount of which to be determined by the Gender and
Development Focal Point System Executive Committee.

2.2. Incentives

2.2.1. National Technical Education and Skills Development

Research Agenda (NTRA) shall serve as a supporting document
of the NTESDP in the development and review of policy decision-
making and program development and implementation, backed-
up by fact-based data and information. The NTRA also helps to
generate new knowledge in the identified priority research areas
that are focused on issues that are relevant to the TVET sector. In
addition, the NTRA provides guidance to stakeholders in the
conduct of research and use of research results and
SUBJECT: Page 12 of 16 page/s

Revised TESDA — Program on Awards and Number A Series of 2019

Incentives for Service Excellence (TESDA-PRAISE)

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

February 14, 2019 As indicated All other related issuances

NTRA shall provide funding support to TESDA offices,

TESDA Technology Institutions and researchers who embarked
researches/statistical studies/research innovations on TVET.

2.2.2. Overtime Services Incentive Availment of Dormitory Privileges shall be extended

for free to employees residing far from the TESDA Central
Office who have been required to render overtime,
extended work until 11:00 in the evening or beyond. This
is subject to the availability of rooms and the submission
of a written request and a copy of the signed Request to
Render Overtime to the authorized approving official of
the dormitory. Compensatory Time-off/Day-off or Overtime pay shall

be granted to an employee who has worked beyond his
regular office hours in line of his duties and
responsibilities or on tasks called upon by the
circumstances in the office subject to the provisions
indicated in TESDA Circular No. 15, s. 2016 in the
Policies and Guidelines on Overtime Services and
Overtime Pay

2.2.3. Retirees' Incentive shall be given to an employee who has retired

whether optional or compulsory with at least very satisfactory
performance for the last two rating periods prior to retirement
provided the employee has not been charged with any
administrative case within five (5) years preceding the year of
retirement and must have rendered at least ten (10) years of

Employees retiring under the optional retirement scheme

shall receive Twenty-Five Thousand Pesos (Php 25,000) those
SUBJECT: Page 13 of 16 page/s

Revised TESDA — Program on Awards and Number ply Series of 2019

Incentives for Service Excellence (TESDA-PRAISE)

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

February 14, 2019 As indicated All other related issuances

retiring under the compulsory retirement scheme shall receive

Fifty Thousand Pesos (Php 50,000) subject to the availability

2.3. Rewards

2.3.1.Career and Self-Development Reward shall be granted to an

employee who has satisfactorily completed a course or degree
within or outside the country at one's own expense or have
solicited scholarship grants through his/her own efforts. He/she
must have a performance of Very Satisfactory in the period prior
to completion. A certificate of recognition and cash reward of Five
Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00), subject to the availability of funds,
shall be given to qualified individuals during the TESDA
Anniversary celebration of the year of their graduation.


The TESDA-PRAISE Committee shall be composed of the following:


Chairperson • Deputy Director General for Policies and Planning

• Two (2) Executive Directors

• One (1) Regional Director
• Director IV, Administrative Service
• HRMD Chief
• Two (2) TESDA Association of Concerned Employees
(ACE) Representatives and Two (2) Alternates: One (1)
for First Level Positions and One (1) for Second Level
SUBJECT: Page 14 of 16 page/s

Revised TESDA — Program on Awards and Number triLl Series of 2019

Incentives for Service Excellence (TESDA-PRAISE)

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

February 14, 2019 As indicated All other related issuances


Chairperson • Division Chief to be designated by the Executive Director

• One (1) Division Chief

• One (1) Supervising TESD Specialist or its equivalent
• One (1) Senior TESD Specialist or its equivalent
Members • Two (2) TESDA Association of Concerned Employees
(ACE) Representatives and Two (2) Alternates: One (1)
for First Level Positions and One (1) for Second Level


• Provincial Director to be designated by the Regional


• One (1) Provincial/District Director to be designated by

the Regional Director
• Chief, FASD
• Chief, ROD
• One (1) Training Center Administrator
• One (1) School Head so designated
• Two (2) TESDA Association of Concerned Employees
(ACE) Representatives and Two (2) Alternates: One (1)
for First Level Positions and One (1) for Second Level

For continuity of operation, the TESDA ACE may designate alternate

representatives in the TESDA-PRAISE Committee, both for first and second
level positions.
SUBJECT: Page 15 of 16 page/s

Revised TESDA — Program on Awards and Number oil Series of 2019

Incentives for Service Excellence (TESDA-PRAISE)

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

February 14, 2019 As indicated All other related issuances


National PRAISE Committee (National-PRAISE)

1. Ensures the judicious implementation of the PRAISE;
2. Develops, administers, monitors and evaluates awards and incentives
systems of TESDA and submit corresponding report to the Director General;
3. Initiates/formulates/enhances the guidelines for the selection of employees
to the different awards and incentives;
4. Screens/evaluates/validates and recommends to the Authority nominees for
the different awards specified in the Authority's PRAISE;
5. Prepares, plans, identifies resources, and proposes budget for the
implementation of PRAISE on an annual basis;
6. Documents best practices, innovative ideas and success stories on PRAISE
implementation to serve as advocacy materials to sustain interest and
enthusiasm of the employees; and
7. Acts on written issues/clarifications relative on awards and incentives within
fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of report;
8. Develops customized Rewards & Recognition (R&R) programs and
guidelines; and
9. Develops tools that will track the efficiency of the Rewards & Recognition
(R&R) process.

Executive Office PRAISE Committee (EO-PRAISE) and Regional Office

1. Conducts the initial screening and evaluates qualification of nominees to the
different awards and incentives;
2. Submits on time to the National-PRAISE Committee the list of nominees
including documentary evidences;
3. Facilitates processing of travel documents to Central Office (for regional
4. Recommends policy enhancement/modifications based on the experience in
the field; and
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Revised TESDA — Program on Awards and Number nil Series of 2019

Incentives for Service Excellence (TESDA-PRAISE)

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

February 14, 2019 As indicated All other related issuances

5. Acts on written issues/clarifications relative to awards and incentives within

fifteen (15) days from the date of submission.
VIII. Funding
The Authority shall allocate at least 5% of the Authority's released MOOE
allotment for the TESDA-PRAISE.

IX. Effectivity

The TESDA-PRAISE shall take effect upon approval by the Civil Service
Commission (CSC). Corresponding implementing guidelines of the awards and
incentives provided hereof shall be formulated and shall take effect immediately.
Subsequent amendments, revision or enhancement shall likewise be submitted
to CSC for evaluation and shall take upon approval by the CSC.

1 C4,4
Director General


Civil ommission
Nationa pital Region

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