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av. 11. 12, 13. 14. dd. 16. i. . ae Slaracterisucs (se y-Financing, Mar. 17) (B.Com., Mar, 1§. Diversity as difference : Any two aspects of diversity in the Indian culture. (B.Com., Nov. 2: The rural urban divide. (B.Com., Nov. 2017) (Self-financing, Mar. 2 Dec. 2018) E Concept of diversity asa core strength. (B.Com., Mar. 2018) India’s literacy rates (B.Com., Mar. 2019) Religious diversity in India (Self-financing, Dec. 2018) OR India as a multi-religious nation (Self-financing, Mar. 2019) Discuss the pluralistic nature of Indian society. (B.Com., Mar. 17 Explain the regional variation in India according to rural and ur’ characteristics. (Self-financing, Nov. 201 7) Bring out the linguistic and religious diversity in India. elf-finant March 2018) ; Fill in the blanks with the correct option from the bracket: , Indian society is__in nature. (tribal, pluralistic, rural) (Self-financing, Nov. 2017) The Constitution of India has Tecognized major languag. (22, 24, 26) (B.Com., Mar. 18) Se See i of dian Society & refers to the existence within a nation or society of groups Gainctive in ethnic origin, cultural patterns, language, religion, etc. jversity, Demography, Pluralism) ‘raditional Hindu society was divided into. accupation of an individual. (three, four, five) __— is the holy book of the Hindus. (Ghagavad Gita, Koran, Guru Granth Sahib) _—— consists of satisfaction of bodily needs and enjoyment of Gesirable objects of the world (Nivrtti Marg, Dharma, Pravrtti Marg) _—— consists of developing detachment from materialistic things ofthe world. (Nivrtti Marg, Dharma, Pravrtti Marg) _—— is the most sacred book of Islam. (Bhagavad Gita, Koran, Guru Granth Sahib) ‘The holy book of Christians is (Bhagavad Gita, Koran, Bible) (Self-financing, Nov. 2017) The holy book of the Sikhs is (B.Com, Mar. 17) (Bible, Koran, Guru Granth Sahib) follow the teachings of Lord Gautam Buddha. (Christians, Hindus, Buddhists) The followers of follow the preaching of Lord Mahavira. (Sikhism, Jainism, Islam) The holiest book of Jews is (Koran, Bible, Torah) ‘The follow the teachings of the religious teacher Zoroaster. (udaism, Christians, Zoroastrians) ‘The holy book of Zoroastrians is (ible, Guru Granth Sahib, Zend Avesta) (Self-financing, Mar. 2018) —— is the holy book of Buddhism. ripitaka, Agam Sutras, Torah) (Self-Financing, Mar. 2019) sey the States in India, ‘has the highest gender ratio. ‘erala, Maharashtra, Haryana) (B.Com., Mar. 17) - Among the States in India, ___ asthe lowest gender ratio. (Kerala, Maharashtra, Haryana) inindia. __state has highest literacy rrate. (Goa, Kerala, Bihar) Aelia, —— State has lowest literacy rate. (Goa, Kerala, Bihar) ons the states, has the highest literacy rate. The at Maharashtra, Haryana) (B.Com, Oct. 2018) (senna! People in India are mostly engaged in—__ ‘ces, agriculture, industries) Varnas based on 30. 31 32 3 35. 37. 38. The Eightfold path was given by. Foundation Course : Semester | sector} area ay The urban population in India is mostly engaged in —— cultural, industrial) community occupying a common geographic nd culture. (religion, caste, tribe) Tribes are referred as —— in the Indian Constitution. hheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes) (service. Ae havinga common language (Advisasis, Majority of the tribal population in India are —— (Buddhists, Christians, Hindus) isa belief in the spirit of the dead. (Animism, Fetishism, Totemism) is worship of material things like lea and so on, (Animism, Fetishism, Totemism) is a belief in totem which may be an animal like wolf, haw turtle, etc. oF plant or a natural object. (Animism, Fetishism, Totemisn f, feather, horn, stoy guage in India, is the national (Marathi, Hindi, Gujarati) Majority of the tribals are engaged in (agricultural, industrial, services) In India, the States are formed mostly on the basis of sector. (religion, language, caste) Shwetamber and ‘are the two sects of Jainism. (Digamber, Pitamber, Mahayana) (B.Com, Nov. 2016) Shwetambar and Digambar are the two major sects of (Gikhism, Jainism, Buddhism) (Self-Financing, Dec. 2018) India is the largest country by area in the world, (fourth, seventh, tenth) (Sel/-financing, Nov. 2016) The eighth schedule of Indian Constitution enumerates languages. (22, 26, 29) Self-financing, Nov. 2016, Mar. 2018) OR Eighth Schedule of Indian Constitution recognizes langu: (18, 20, 22) (Self-Financing, Mar. 2019) Lord Mahavir is the 24% Tirthankar of —__. (ainism, Buddhism, Judaism) (Self-financing, Mar. 2017) (Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mahavira) (B.Com, Oct. 2018) Hinayana and Mahayana are the two major schools of thought Gainism, Buddhism, Hinduism) (Self-financing, Mar. 2017) With reference to language, India officially follows a (one national language policy, three language policy, multi policy) (B.Com., Mar. 2019) 4 49 51 52 f Indian Society 33 ne Indian languages belong to —— languag families. 41. 19,8) (B.Com. Nov. 2017) jabu, Kota, Munda, Meena are 12 etles of India, tribes of India, hilly areas in North East India) (g.Com., Mar. 2019) 43, Mongoloids, Negritoes and Austroloids are examples of Indian ups. (rural, tribal, linguistic) (B.Com., Nov. 2017) 44, ——Stateis the home to the largest population of Scheduled tribes ia India. (Meghalaya, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh) 45, The Eightfold Path, the Four Noble Truths and the conce are associated with the religion of (Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhism) 46, Santhal, Pardhi, Jaintia, Naga are (ribes of India, languages of India, textiles of India) 47, Telugu belongs to Janguage family. (Dravidian, Indo-Aryan, Austri-Asiatic) Self Financing, Mar. 2018) 48. Marathi belongs to language family. (Dravidian, Indo-Aryan, Austric) (Self-Financing, Dec. 2018) 49. Kannada belongs to. language family. (Dravidian, Indo-Aryan, Austro-Asiatic) (Self-Financing, Mar. 2019) 50. The most popular symbol of Bahat faith in India is the (Qutub Minar, Synagogue, Lotus temple) (B.Com., Mar, 2019) —— is the largest minority religion in India, (slam, Christianity, Sikhism) (Self-Financing, Mar, 2019) Chandigarh, Lakshadweep, Puducherry are of India. (State capitals, States, Union’ Territories) (B.Com., Mar, 2019) () pluralistic (2) 22 (3) Pluralism (4) four (5) Bhagavad Gita (6 Pravrtti Marg (7) Niortti Marg (8) Koran (9) Bible (10) Guru Granth Sahib (11) Buddhists (12) Jainism (13) Torah (14) Zoroastrians (2), Zend Avesta (16) Tripitaka (17) Kerala (18) Haryana (18) Kerala 20) Bihar (21) Kerala (22) agriculture (23) service (24) tribe py Scheduled Tribes (26) Hindus (27) Animism Ga a Totemism (30) Hindi (31) agricultural (32) language (33) Digam tet cnt 03.07 aon) a) Bao three language policy (41) 4 (42) tribes of India i Madhya Pradesh (5) Baden (46) tribes of india (47) Dravidian ($8) Indo-Aryan (49) Dravidian (50) Lotus temple (51) Sikhism °2) Union Territories pt of nirvana 51 52. Ans;

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