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Oral Diseases (2012) 18, 333–345 doi:10.1111/j.1601-0825.2011.01890.

 2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S
All rights reserved


Halitology (breath odour: aetiopathogenesis and

C Scully1, J Greenman2
Department of Oral Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK; 2Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, University of West of
England, Bristol, UK

This article reviews the aetiopathogenesis of halitosis (oral of authors (Rosenberg, 1996; Sanz et al, 2001; Nach-
malodour) and management. Halitosis is any disagreeable nani, 2011), including us (Scully et al, 1994, 1997;
breath odour. In most patients, the odour originates from El-Maaytah et al, 1996; Scully and Rosenberg, 2003;
the oral cavity. In some patients, it has an extra-oral Porter and Scully, 2006; Scully and Porter, 2006; Scully
aetiology and, in a few, metabolic anomalies are respon- and Greenman, 2008) but, in view of several recent
sible. In other patients complaining of malodour, this is advances, we review the subject here.
imagined rather than real. Volatile sulphur compounds
(VSCs) and other elements appear largely responsible for
the malodour. Predisposing factors include poor oral hy-
Prevalence of oral malodour
giene, hyposalivation, dental appliances, gingival and Oral malodour is a common complaint, analogous to
periodontal disease and mucosal disease. The first step in body odour (Lee et al, 2007), often causing embarrass-
assessment is objective measurement to determine whe- ment and affecting interpersonal social communication
ther malodour is present. If present, the oral or extra-oral (Bosy, 1997).
origin should be determined, because the latter requires The prevalence of oral malodour is unclear, not least
medical investigation and support in therapy, as is also the because available epidemiological data are based mainly
case where the malodour is imagined rather than real. on subjective self-estimation of malodour, which is
Oral malodour is managed largely by oral health limited in accuracy and sensitivity. However, studies
improvement, plus use of one or more of the wide range of estimate that 30–50% of the population have oral
antimalodour therapies, and sometimes also with use of a malodour (Tessier and Kulkarni, 1991; Sanz et al, 2001;
malodour counteractive. Emergent treatments include Liu et al, 2006; Outhouse et al, 2006). However, some
probiotics and vaccines targeted against causal micro- studies show a lower prevalence; for example, the
organisms or their products. prevalence in a recent study was only 15%, but nearly
Oral Diseases (2012) 18, 333–345 three times higher in men than in women, regardless of
age and the risk was slightly more than three times
Keywords: halitosis; malodor; volatile sulphur compounds; oral; higher in people over 20 years of age compared with
trimethylaminuria, psychoses, hypochondriasis, tongue, plaque those aged 20 years or under, controlling for gender
toothpastes; mouthwashes; tongue; probiotics, vaccines (Nadanovsky et al, 2007). Oral malodour may rank only
behind dental caries and periodontal disease as the cause
of patient’s visits to the dentist, but the perception of
malodour is different in culturally diverse populations
Introduction (Rayman and Almas, 2008).
Humans can emit a variety of volatile and non-volatile
molecules in body fluids that are influenced by genetics, Types of breath odour
diet, stress and disease. Oral malodour is an alternative
term used. This subject has been reviewed by a number Several terms describe and characterise the different
aspects of oral malodour (Table 1). Causes are shown in
Figure 1.
Correspondence: Crispian Scully, CBE, Bristol Dental Hospital,
University of Bristol, Bristol, BS1 2LY, UK. Tel: +44(0) 203 456 Physiologic halitosis
1170, Fax: +44(0) 117 923 0000, E-mail: Crispian.scully@
Based upon presentations at the CED-IADR, Budapest, 2011. Oral malodour is quite common on awakening (Ômorn-
Received 23 November 2011; revised 7 December 2011; accepted 8 ing breath’ also known as physiologic halitosis) and this
December 2011
Breath odour diagnosis and management
C Scully and J Greenman

Table 1 Terminology related to oral malodour

Terms used Definition

Halitosis Any disagreeable odour of expired air, regardless of origin

Bad breath Lay term for halitosis
Genuine halitosis Breath malodour that can be verified objectively

Physiologic halitosis, also termed transient halitosis e.g. morning breath or lifestyle malodours
Pathologic halitosis Subclassified into (i) oral and (ii) extra-oral

Oral malodour Pathologic halitosis originating from the oral cavity Foetor oris
Foetor ex oris
Extra-oral malodour Pathologic halitosis originating from outwith the oral cavity
Pseudohalitosis Breath malodour that cannot be verified objectively (the patient initially thinks that they have malodour but
there is no objective evidence of it. Patient eventually accepts that they do not have malodour)
Halitophobia Breath malodour that can not be verified objectively (the patient persists in believing they have malodour
despite evidence to the contrary (a monosymptomatic delusional hypochondriasis)

smoke (Stedman, 1968) but tobacco also predisposes to

Malodour hyposalivation and periodontal disease – other causes of
malodour. Alcohol intake may predict oral malodour
Pseudohalitosis Genuine halitosis
(Rosenberg et al, 2007). The avoidance of these habits
and foods is the best prevention.
Halitophobia Physiological Pathological
halitosis halitosis Pathologic malodour
Halitosis from oral causes
Foods, Oral Extraoral In most patients with persistent malodour (about 85%),
poor oral
the odour originates from the oral cavity (Delanghe
Respiratory Non- et al, 1997; Eldarrat, 2011) mainly from bacterial
etc activity (Allaker, 2009). It is probable that several
bacterial species (mainly Gram-negative anaerobes) are
responsible, because no single-specific species has been
Metabolic Hepatic Renal
associated (Box 1). Solobacterium moorei has been
Figure 1 Causes of oral malodour found to be present in all subjects with malodour but
not controls, suggesting some distinct bacterial species
malodour is transient, probably related to normal are associated (Haraszthy et al, 2007). The tongue
nocturnal hyposalivation and is rarely of any special dorsum is the location of many of the bacteria impli-
significance. (Scully et al, 1994; Sanz et al, 2001; Out- cated in oral malodour.
house et al, 2006; Porter and Scully, 2006; Fukui et al, Bacterial interactions with specific substrates, such as
2008), probably resulting from increased microbial cysteine, methionine, tryptophan, arginine and lysine,
metabolic activity during sleep. Malodour is also biotransforms them into odiferous hydrogen sulphide,
aggravated by menstruation (Kawamoto et al, 2010). methylmercaptan, indole, putrescine and cadaverine,
Starvation can lead to a similar malodour. respectively (Greenman, 1999). These, other amino acids
Physiologic malodour forms can usually be readily
rectified by eating, toothbrushing and tongue brushing Box 1 Main micro-organisms associated with halitosis (in alphabetical
or scraping and rinsing the mouth with fresh water order only)
(Faveri et al, 2006). Tongue cleansing with a scraper
appears unable to prevent morning breath in the Bacteroides loescheii
absence of tooth cleaning in periodontally healthy Centipeda periodontii
Eikenella corrodens
individuals (Haas et al, 2007; Allaker et al, 2008). Enterobacteriaceae
Fusobacterium nucleatum nucleatum
Fusobacterium nucleatum polymorphum
Lifestyle oral malodour Fusobacterium nucleatum vincentii
Oral malodour at other times may be the consequence of Fusobacterium periodonticum
Porphyromonas endodontalis
lifestyle habits, such as smoking tobacco or drinking Porphyromonas gingivalis
alcohol, or the ingestion of odiferous food and drinks Prevotella (Bacteroides) melaninogenica
(e.g. garlic, onion, durian or spices, cabbage, cauliflower Prevotella intermedia
and radish (Suarez et al, 1999). Tobacco smoke contains Solobacterium moorei
Tannerella forsythensis (Bacteroides forsythus)
volatile sulphur compounds (VSC), which are at least Treponema denticola
partly responsible for the oral malodour of people who

Oral Diseases
Breath odour diagnosis and management
C Scully and J Greenman

Table 2 Odiferous compounds that may cause or contribute towards The microbial degradation of cysteine produces H2S
oral malodour and the sufhydryl anion (HS)), a strong reducing agent
that drops the redox potential (Eh) within the tongue
Group of compounds Examples biofilm (Kleinberg and Codipilly, 2008), favouring the
Volatile sulphur Hydrogen sulphide growth of anaerobes (McNamara et al, 1972), and
compounds (VSCs) Methyl mercaptan activating thiol-dependent enzymes including trypsin-
Dimethyl sulphide like protease, important in the putrefaction process
Polyamines Cadaverine (Smalley et al, 1994) and cysteine desulfhydrase (the
Trimethylamine very same enzyme responsible for H2S ⁄ HS) production
(microbial generation) in the first place).
Short-chain fatty acids Acetic acid Acetone, 2-butanone, 2-pentanone and 1-propanol
Butyric acid are also common to all volunteers with halitosis and
Propionic acid
Valeric acid
appear in both alveolar and mouth air, and indole and
Indoles Indole dimethyl selenide are found in alveolar air (van den
Methyl-indole (skatole) Velde et al, 2007). Most of the VCs appear to be
Pyridiene produced endogenously and ⁄ or in the mouth (van den
Velde et al, 2007).
and sugars, can also be fermented into short-chain Persistent malodour because of oral causes usually
organic acids (Table 2). Salivary mucins may also be a originates from the posterior dorsum of tongue and ⁄ or
source of primary substrates and microbial deglycosy- oral ⁄ dental diseases, including periodontal disease,
lation may be a step prior to full proteolytic digestion being most likely where food and bacterial plaque ⁄ bio-
(Sterer et al, 2002) (Figure 2). film accumulate and anaerobic ecosystems develop.
Two theories of microbial aetiology include a Ôspecific Predisposing factors include poor oral hygiene, hypos-
theory’ (a few Ôsingle’ bacterial species are aetiological alivation, dental appliances, gingival and periodontal
and capable of causing malodour) and a Ônon-specific’ disease and mucosal disease (Table 3). (Scully et al,
theory – many species are involved. Anaerobes, pre- 1994; Yaegaki and Coil, 2000; Sanz et al, 2001; Koshi-
dominantly Gram-negative, are certainly important mune et al, 2003; Outhouse et al, 2006; Porter and
(Scully et al, 1994; Hartley et al, 1996, 1999; Yaegaki Scully, 2006; Sterer et al, 2008; Babacan et al, 2011).
and Coil, 2000; Sanz et al, 2001; Outhouse et al, 2006;
Porter and Scully, 2006). Tongue biofilm
These anaerobes produce malodorous volatile com-
pounds (VCs), which include (Krespi et al, 2006) Malodour of oral origin arises mainly from the resident
(Table 2): microbes on the dorsum of the tongue, and there is a
relationship between the quantity of microbes present
• VSCs, particularly hydrogen sulphide H2S and (biofilm amount) and the degree of odour (Hartley et al,
methyl mercaptan CH3SH, – the main contributors 1996, 1999). Methods to measure the amount of tongue
to oral malodour. Dimethyl sulphide CH3SCH3 is biofilm include (i) aerial density of microbes (cfu cm)2)
the main VSC contributing to extra-oral and blood- determined from tongue scrapes sampled from a mea-
borne halitosis (Tangerman and Winkel, 2007) but sured area of the surface and (ii) a tongue-coating index,
may also contribute to oral malodour. where a judge assesses the amount of Ôcoating’ by visual
• short-chain fatty acids (acetic, propionic, butyric inspection (Gomez et al, 2001; Winkel et al, 2003;
and valeric acids). Lundgren et al, 2007; Kim et al, 2009).
• polyamines (putrescine, cadaverine and [microbially
produced] trimethylamine).
• indoles (skatole and indole).
Table 3 Main oral causes of malodour
products Tongue biofilm coating Poor hygiene, soft diet, appliances and
Bacteria Plaque-related gingival Gingivitis, periodontitis, acute necrotising
sulphide and periodontal disease ulcerative gingivitis, pericoronitis and
Aminoacids H2S
Ulceration Systemic disease (inflammatory ⁄ infectious
e.g. disorders, cutaneous, gastrointestinal and
cysteine, Microbial enzymes Volatile Methyl
Cysteine haematological disease),
desulphydrase Sulphur mercaptan
methionine malignancy, local causes, aphthae and
Methionine lyase
CH3SH drugs
Decarboxylases Hyposalivation E.g. from drugs, Sjögren syndrome and
Microbial cancer therapy
hydrolases disulphide Wearing dental Poor hygiene and candidosis
Debris (CH3)2SH appliances
Dental conditions Food packing and dental abscesses
Amines, acids Bone diseases Dry socket, osteomyelitis, osteonecrosis
and malignancy
Figure 2 Pathogenesis of oral malodour

Oral Diseases
Breath odour diagnosis and management
C Scully and J Greenman

Comparison of these two approaches (Saad and malodour. Tonsilloliths can cause malodour (Castellani,
Greenman, 2008) shows no correlation (R2 < 0.02) 1930; Rio et al, 2008). Cleft lip ⁄ palate may predispose
and biofilms of similar population densities (ca. log to malodour (Doruk et al, 2008). In adults, particularly,
7.5 cm)2) had widely different opacities depending on respiratory infections, such as tonsillitis, bronchitis or
the species present. Thus, some individuals can have a bronchiectasis, or neoplasms may be responsible:
high aerial density, but if most species present are 2-aminoacetophenone in the breath may reflect the
translucent, the biofilm does not appear as a coating. presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Scott-Thomas
Others may have the same density of microbes, but et al, 2010).
because of the presence of more pigmented species (or
staining from exogenous sources such as coffee or Gastrointestinal disorders. Oral malodour is also a fre-
tobacco), they can be observed to have a thick coating quent symptom of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
index. Therefore, the coating index is poor at estimating (GORD) (Moshkowitz et al, 2007; Struch et al, 2008).
the quantity of microbes and the degree of malodour. Bacteria such as Enterococcus faecalis and Helicobacter
Prevention and treatment of infective processes, pylori may be found in periodontal pockets (Souto and
improvement of oral hygiene and sometimes the use of Colombo, 2008) and H. pylori in particular should be
antimicrobial products therapy if necessary can usually considered as a possible cause of malodour (Adler et al,
prevent or manage this type of malodour (see below). 2005; Lee et al, 2006; Suzuki et al, 2008a). Although
some have not found an association between functional
Halitosis from extra-oral causes dyspepsia, peptic ulcer disease and H. pylori infection
Malodour only infrequently has extra-oral causes (Tan- with malodour occurrence or severity (Moshkowitz
german and Winkel, 2010), typically from respiratory, et al, 2007), H. pylori can produce VSCs (Lee et al,
gastrointestinal or metabolic causes (Table 4) 2006), and treatments have improved the malodour
(Kinberg et al, 2010). In one study, triple drug eradica-
Respiratory disorders. Respiratory disorders can result tion of H. pylori infection resulted in sustained resolu-
in odourous gases in the air expelled from the oral cavity tion of halitosis during long-term follow-up in the
and the nose (Table 4), (Castellani, 1930; Scully et al, majority (Katsinelos et al, 2007).
1994; Yaegaki and Coil, 2000; Sanz et al, 2001; Porter
and Scully, 2006; Rio et al, 2008). Children sometimes Metabolic disorders. Metabolic disorders which may result
insert foreign bodies such as small toys into the nose, in odiferous agents circulating in the bloodstream and
and the subsequent sepsis is a common cause of being exhaled into the breath causing malodour (also
known as blood-borne halitosis) are shown in Box 2.
Table 4 Extra-oral causes of halitosis
A number of VCs may be present in breath (Table 5),
but dimethyl sulphide appears to be the main
Respiratory system Antral malignancy
(microbial aetiology) Bronchiectasis
Cleft palate Box 2 Metabolic disorders which may result in oral malodour
Foreign bodies in the nose
Lung infections Diabetes
Lung malignancy Hepatic disease
Nasal malignancy Renal disease
Pharyngeal malignancy Trimethylaminuria
Sinusitis Dimethylglycinuria
Tonsillitis Cystinosis
Tonsilloliths Hypermethioninaemia
Gastrointestinal tract Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
Oesophageal diverticulum
Metabolic disorders Diabetes
Table 5 Volatile compounds in breath in metabolic disorders
(blood borne) Liver disease
Renal failure
Trimethylaminuria Condition Main volatiles
(fish odour syndrome)
Dimethylglycinuria Diabetes Ketone bodies e.g.
Hypermethioninaemia Acetone
Cystinosis Aniline
Drugs (blood borne) Amphetamines Methylacetone
Chemotherapy Propanol
Chloral hydrate Toluidine
Dimethyl sulphoxide Liver failure Hydrogen sulphide
Disulfiram Aliphatic acids
Nitrates and nitrites Ketones
Phenothiazines Methionine
Solvent abuse Renal failure Methyl mercaptan
Psychogenic causes Depression Dimethyl sulphide
Hypochondriasis Trimethylamine
Obsessive compulsive disorder Trimethylaminuria Trimethylamine

Oral Diseases
Breath odour diagnosis and management
C Scully and J Greenman

Trimethylaminuria hypermethioninaemia. Dimethylglycinuria is character-
Liver flavin
ised by homozygous mutation in dimethylglycine dehy-
drogenase (DMGDH) gene, deficiency of DMGDH, a
high concentration of DMG and increased serum
creatinine kinase (Moolenaar et al, 1999).
TMA Cystinosis is another rare autosomal recessive disor-
Gastrointestinal TMA der characterised by the intralysosomal accumulation of
(odour) cystine. Cysteamine removes cystine from the lysosomes
(no odour)
and slows down the progression of the disease but one of
its adverse effects is halitosis as it is converted to
dimethyl sulphide and methanethiol. The expired air of
cystinotic patients then contains raised levels of
Saliva dimethyl sulphide and methanethiol (Besouw et al,
Urine 2007).
Malodour can also arise as a side effect of drugs
Figure 3. Pathogenesis of trimethylaminuria containing a dimethyl sulphide structure (Murata et al,
2003). Hypermethioninaemia may arise in a range of
contributor to blood-borne halitosis (Tangerman and conditions (Mudd, 2011), including genetic and acquired
Winkel, 2007). Patients with severe or end-stage meta- disorders (Table 6).
bolic disorders may also have malodour because of
complicating oral or periodontal disease. Psychogenic malodour
Trimethylaminuria (TMAU; fish odour syndrome) is
the main genetic cause of undiagnosed body odour, Psychogenic or psychosomatic factors may be at play in
characterised by excessive blood levels of trimethyl- some patients complaining of malodour. Anxiety
amine (TMA) as a consequence of an autosomal increases TMA and VSC levels (Calil and Marcondes,
recessive mutation in the enzyme flavin mono-oxygenase 2006). Neurotic patients may often complain of halitosis
3 (FMO3) (Mackay et al, 2011). TMA is excreted into (Suzuki et al, 2011), and depression may be seen in
body fluids and breath, which leads to the persistent oral pathological malodour (Suzuki et al, 2008b).
and body malodour similar to that of rotting fish Not all persons who believe they have halitosis
(Figure 3). Many individuals affected with this rare actually have any objective malodour, and this Ôpseu-
condition present with oral as well as body malodour, do-halitosis’ can be a real clinical dilemma (Seemann
and with dysguesia (Whittle et al, 2007). et al, 2006). In those in whom no objective evidence of
Diagnosis of trimethylaminuria is by a random urine malodour can be detected, but the complaint persists, it
TMA and TMA-N-oxide level assay; choline or marine may then be attributed to a delusion or monosymptom-
fish load test; and FMO3 mutational analysis. Manage- atic hypochondriasis (self-halitosis, halitophobia).
ment is by Many such patients fail to recognise their psychological
condition and never doubt that they have oral mal-
• Diet (avoiding eggs, fish and brassica) odour. Other people’s behaviour or perceived behav-
• Riboflavin (increases FMO3 levels) iour, such as apparently covering the nose or averting
• Clearing the gut, using the face, is typically misinterpreted by these patients as
s Antimicrobials (e.g. metronidazole) an indication that their breath is indeed offensive. Many
s Lactulose patients adopt behaviour to minimise their perceived
s Activated charcoal and copper chlorophyllin. problem, such as covering the mouth when talking,
TMA levels are also increased in some women around avoiding or keeping a distance from other people, using
the time of menstruation (Shimizu et al, 2007) and in a products designed to reduce malodour or excessively
range of other conditions (Box 3). cleaning their tongue and ⁄ or mouth.
Other rare metabolic disorders that can lead to oral
malodour include dimethylglycinuria, cystinosis and
Table 6 Conditions associated with hypermethioninaemia

Genetic deficiency Acquired

Box 3 Conditions in which TMA may be increased
Citrin –
Anxiety and stress Cystathionine b-synthase Liver disease
Deficient nicotine N-oxidation (homocystinuria)
Disorders of carnitine and choline intake Fumarylacetoacetate –
Haematological abnormalities hydrolase (tyrosinaemia type I)
Hepatic disease Glycine N-methyltransferase Ingestion of large amounts
Noonan syndrome of methionine.
Prader–Willi syndrome Methionine adenosyltransferase Low-birthweight and ⁄ or
Renal disease I and III prematurity
Turner syndrome S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase –

Oral Diseases
Breath odour diagnosis and management
C Scully and J Greenman

and the examiners should adhere to some instructions to
obtain more reliable results (Yaegaki and Coil, 2000).
In view of the range of conditions that may give rise to a However, a panel increases the standard deviation of
complaint of malodour, a full history and oral exami- mean determinations (because on absolute terms one
nation are required in all cases, and in some, a medical judge is often different from another), but they both
opinion and investigations may be in order. maintain a good enough relative scale.
The first step in assessment is an objective measure- As a general rule, before the assessment, it is advisable
ment of breath odour to determine whether malodour is that the patient abstains from eating odiferous foods for
actually present, because most individuals are poor 48 h before the assessment and that both the patient and
judges of their own breath odour (Eli et al, 2001). Three the examiner refrain from drinking coffee, tea or juice,
objective methods of breath malodour measurement are smoking and using scented cosmetics (Yaegaki and Coil,
available viz, gas chromatography, halimetry (sulphide 2000).
monitoring) and organoleptic (hedonic) measurements. Halimetry and gas chromatography are very reliable,
Gas chromatography (GC) is preferred if precise but not very easily clinically implemented methods, and
measurements of specific gases are required and is usually, the organoleptic measurement is suggested as
considered by many to be the method of choice for the Ôgold standard’.
differentiating and quantifying the VSC and (especially Additional or alternative measurement methods, such
if it runs with a Mass Spectrometer [MS] Detector) can as BANA (benzoyl–arginine–naphthyl–amide) test,
also distinguish other classes of compound (e.g. indole). chemical sensors, salivary incubation test, quantifying
Traditional laboratory GC or GC-MS machines, how- beta-galactosidase activity, ammonia monitoring, nin-
ever, are cumbersome, need inert column carrier gas (gas hydrin method and polymerase chain reaction are
cylinders of nitrogen or helium) and require technicians infrequently employed (van den Broek et al, 2007,
or specialists with adequate training–and are thus 2008).
clinically impractical (Yaegaki and Coil, 2000). How- If no malodour can be found during the initial
ever, a newly developed portable GC (OralChromaTM, examination, the assessment for halitosis should be
Abilit, Osaka, Japan; Envin Scientific Ltd. Technology repeated on two or three different days. Thereafter, if
House, Chowley Oak, Tattenhall, Chester, Cheshire, malodour is still not present, the patient can be
UK) to measure VSCs (Tangerman and Winkel, 2007), considered to be affected by imaginary (pseudohalitosis)
which does not use special carrier gas (using air instead) (Yaegaki and Coil, 2000).
and is highly sensitive yet relatively low cost compared To summarise, therefore, diagnosis of oral malodour
with a standard gas chromatograph, is now available. is mainly clinical made from a full history; examination;
This can differentiate the three major sulphides. Some objective assessment of halitosis, usually by simply
centres are able to objectively measure VSCs using a smelling the exhaled air (organoleptic method) first from
halimeter (Interscan Corp., Chatsworth, CA, USA), a the mouth (with nose closed by pinching nostrils) then
portable sulphide monitor, but this cannot differentiate from the nose (with patient’s mouth closed) or objective
between the different sulphides and cannot detect other measurements of the agents responsible, using a hali-
classes of volatile compounds. meter (Interscan Corp) or a portable gas chromatograph
Assessment is thus generally based upon organoleptic (OralChroma; Envin Scientific Ltd).
assessment of exhaled air, namely the clinician sniffs the Systemic causes if suspected need the opinion of the
air exhaled from the mouth and nose and subjectively relevant specialist and possibly, investigations such as
confirms or denies the presence of malodour (Donald- nasendoscopy, chest imaging, H. pylori serum antibody
son et al, 2007). The intensity of breath odour is often or endoscopy and rapid urease test or biopsy, liver and
rated as follows (Rosenberg, 1996): renal function tests and urinalysis for the ratio of
0 – Odour cannot be detected. trimethylamine to trimethylamine oxide.
1 – Questionable malodour, barely detectable.
2 – Slight malodour, exceeds the threshold of mal-
Management of halitosis owing to oral causes
odour recognition.
3 – Malodour is definitely detected. The management of malodour depends largely on the
4 – Strong malodour. cause but avoiding smoking, drugs and foods that might
5 – Very strong malodour. be responsible is always sensible. Eating regular meals is
Smelling both nose and mouth air is important as important and finishing with a fibrous fruit or vegetable
malodour detectable from the nose alone (asking the may help.
patient to breath while the mouth is closed) is most In most patients, treatment is primarily directed
likely to originate from nose or sinuses, or elsewhere towards treating oral ⁄ dental diseases, reducing accumu-
in the respiratory tract or from the gastrointestinal lation of food debris and biofilm, and malodour-
tract. producing oral bacteria by improving oral hygiene and
For the purposes of fine quantification (for example, reducing the tongue coating and using oral malodour
in clinical trials of the efficacy of antimalodour com- counteractives (OMCs). The patient should use appro-
pounds), it has been suggested that organoleptic assess- priate regular oral hygiene procedures which include
ments should be performed by two or more different tooth cleaning (brushing and interdental flossing) and
examiners (Wozniak, 2005) and that both the subject tongue cleaning and use of antimicrobial toothpastes

Oral Diseases
Breath odour diagnosis and management
C Scully and J Greenman

and ⁄ or mouthwashes. Toothbrushing can reduce mal- sodium chlorate (NaClO2), are effective in the inhibition
odour (Table 7). Gentle and regular tongue cleaning of both H2S and Eh (Kleinberg and Codipilly, 2008).
(Danser et al, 2003) aimed at dislodging trapped food,
cells and bacteria from between the filiform papillae can Oral malodour counteractives. Cosmetic non-pharmaco-
decrease VSC concentration and should be done at night logical methods, such as chewing gums may reduce
using a tongue scraper or a hard toothbrush and cold maldour (Tanaka et al, 2010) and have the added
water (as done early during the day may induce advantage of stimulating salivation.
retching). There is weak and unreliable evidence of a Parsley, mint, cloves or fennel seeds and the use of
small but statistically significant greater short-term proprietary Ôfresh breath’ preparations, usually merely
reduction of VSC levels when tongue scrapers or provide a temporary odour to mask the malodour (oral
cleaners are used rather than toothbrushes (Outhouse malodour counteractives) (Outhouse et al, 2006).
et al, 2006).
A wide range of antimalodour therapies is available, Antibiotics. In recalcitrant cases, the specialist empirically
and Table 7 shows a comparison of various oral may use a 1-week course of metronidazole 200 mg three
malodour therapies or treatments made on the basis of times daily in an effort to eliminate unidentified anaer-
objective reduction of VSC or component gases (by gas obic infections; this may reduce tongue microbiota and
chromatography, halimeter or sensor) in comparison malodour levels (Hartley et al, 1999).
with appropriate controls (trials where N > 10 sub- To summarise, the management of oral malodour
jects). includes:
The effectiveness of active antimalodour ingredients
• Patient education.
in oral healthcare products is dependent on their
• Treatment of the cause: medical help may be
concentration, and above a certain concentration, the
required to manage patients with a systemic
ingredients can occasionally have unpleasant adverse
background to the complaint.
effects (van den Broek et al, 2007, 2008).
• Avoiding habits such as smoking, and foods such
as onions, garlic, durian, cabbage, cauliflower and
Toothpastes. Toothpastes containing triclosan and a
copolymer (Colgate Total Toothpaste; Colgate, Man-
• Eating regular meals and finishing meals with
chester, UK) provide effective control of breath odour at
fibrous fruits ⁄ vegetables (e.g. carrots and pineap-
12 h after brushing the teeth (Niles et al, 1999; Sharma
et al, 2007). Stannous-containing sodium fluoride denti-
s Ensuring good oral hygiene – dental prophylaxis,
frices can also reduce malodour (Feng et al, 2010).There
toothbrushing, flossing and tongue cleaning.
is significant immediate antimalodour activity for a
s Using oral healthcare products; there is evidence
0.454% stabilised stannous fluoride sodium hexameta-
of benefit mainly from the use of toothpastes and
phosphate dentifrice (Farrell et al, 2007; Chen et al,
s Using chewing gum and oral deodorants (oral

malodour counteractives [OMC]).

Mouthwashes. Mouthwashes are also widely available
s In recalcitrant cases, the specialist empirically
and contain a range of ingredients. Generally, it is
may use a 1-week course of metronidazole
recommended that mouthwashes should be used two or
200 mg three times daily.
three times daily for at least 30 s. Mouthwashes
containing chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX), cetylpyrid- A combination of treatments typically helps (Scully
inium chloride (CPC) or triclosan, or a two-phase oil: et al, 1994; Roldán et al, 2003, 2004, 2005; Scully and
water chlorhexidine, cetylpyridinium chloride mouth- Rosenberg, 2003; Scully and Felix, 2005; Farrell et al,
wash may be beneficial against malodour (Pitts et al, 2006; Porter and Scully, 2006; Scully and Porter, 2006;
1981, 1983; Kozlovsky et al, 1996; Roldán et al, 2003, Farrell et al, 2007).
2004, 2005; Scully and Porter, 2005, 2006). Good short-
term results have been reported with CHX, essential oils Emergent treatments. Emergent treatments include pro-
and CPC for up to 2 or 3 h. biotics (Teughels et al, 2008), Fusobacterium nucleatum
Metal ions and oxidising agents, such as hydrogen vaccines (Liu et al, 2009, 2010), myrsinoic acid – a
peroxide, chlorine dioxide and iminium chloride, are methionase inhibitor which inhibits VSC production
active in neutralising VSCs. Zinc chloride appears to (Ito et al, 2010) and tea catechins which inhibit Por-
make VSCs non-volatile and also inhibits bacterial phyromonas gingivalis and VSC production (Xu et al,
cysteine proteases, hindering the breakdown of exfoli- 2010).
ated epithelial cells, which are partly responsible for
the production of VSCs (Yaegaki and Suetaka, 1989).
Zinc seems to be an effective safe metal at concentra-
Management of halitosis as a result of
extra-oral causes
tions of at least 1%: a combination of zinc and CHX
in low concentrations seems an efficient way to remove Halitosis as a result of extra-oral causes is managed
the VSC (Thrane et al, 2007). Antimalodour agents through the treatment of the underlying cause and, as
containing oxidising agents, such as zinc (Zn2+) and discussed, medical help may be required.
stannous ions (Sn2+), chlorine dioxide (ClO2) and

Oral Diseases
Table 7 Comparison of various oral malodour therapies or treatments made on the basis of reduction of VSC or component gases (by gas chromatography, halimeter or sensor) in comparison with 340

Oral Diseases
appropriate controls (trials where N > 10 subjects)

significance of
Subjects reduction
Treatments Refs per group Comment Outcomes (measurement method) P

Professional oral health care (POHC)

POHC Adachi et al, 2002 37 Two-year study; test group received 60% CH3SH reduction (electronic sensor) <0.05
POHC every week including tongue
cleaning. Control group (n = 30) did not
POHC Tanaka et al, 2003a, 92 Before versus after clinical treatment at 80% VSC reduction (GC) <0.0001
2003b breath clinic
POHC and mouthwash Richter, 1996 923 Posttreatment assessments following visits 98% showed VSC reductions from NA
to bad breath clinic >180 ppb to <180 (halimeter)
Tongue cleaning Seemann et al, 2001 N = 30 Three hour, randomised crossover study 42% reduction in VSC immediately after <0.001
(3 groups) treatment and still significantly reduced
up to 25 min but not significant
thereafter (halimeter)
Short-term (0–8 h) effects of antimalodour product (single use)
Mouthrinse Zn2+ Schmidt and Tarbet, 62 Three hour, parallel study (3 groups), 70–80% VSC reduction at 1, 2 and 3 h <0.05
1978 Zn2+ versus controls (GC)
Toothpaste Zn + Brunette et al, 1998 11 Three hour, crossover study; five treat 40–70% H2S & CH3SH reduction in the <0.05
ments (+ 1-week washout periods) Zn pastes compared to controls at 1, 2 &
C Scully and J Greenman
Breath odour diagnosis and management

(Silica base dentrifice with 2% Zn) 3 h post-treatment (GC)

Mouthwash ClO2 Frascella et al, 2000 16 96 h, parallel study with 2 groups: Test 21% and 19% VSC reduction at 2 and <0.01
(ClO2 at 0.1%) and control (water; 4 h, respectively (halimeter)
n = 15)
Mouthwash Rosenberg et al, 1992 19 One day, parallel study with three groups For two-phase rinse, 38% VSC reduction <0.05
Two-phase (essential oils plus (two-phase mouthwash, CHX and at 8–10 h compared with placebo. <0.05
aqueous CPC) placebo) (halimeter)
CHX (0.2%) For CHX, 50% VSC reduction at 8–10 h
compared with placebo
Mouthrinses Carvalho et al, 2004 12 Six-step double-blind, crossover, For CHX (0.12%), a 63% VSC reduction =0.01
CHX (0.4%) randomised study on morning breath in For CHX (0.2%) a 70% VSC reduction. =0.001
CHX (0.05%) volunteers with healthy periodontium For CPC and triclosan, no significantVSC
Triclosan (0.03%) (4-day non-brushing). reductions (halimeter)
CPC (0.05%)
Mouthwashes (5 types of OTC Saad et al, 2011 14 Six-step double-blind crossover For both Listerine, and SB12, marked <0.05
plus 1 control) randomised study in orally healthy VSC reduction at 30, 60, 90 and 180 min
Listerine, volunteers (Odour judge, Halimetry, OralChro-
SB12 maGC)
Zn2+ (0.3%),
CHX (0.025%)
Mouthrinses (5 types containing Roldán et al, 2004 10 Six-step double-blind, crossover, VSC no significant differences at baseline <0.05
CHX and one negative randomised study in orally healthy All significantly different to negative
control) volunteers control at 1 and 5 h
0.12% CHX (CHX), plus At 5 h, CHX + CPC and CHX + Zn
alcohol (CHX + ALC), plus significantly different than other CHX
0.05% CPC (CHX + CPC), formulations (halimeter)
plus NaF (CHX + NaF),
plus 0.05% CPC and 0.14%
Zn2+ (CHX + Zn)
Table 7 (Continued).

significance of
Subjects reduction
Treatments Refs per group Comment Outcomes (measurement method) P

Mouthwashes Wilhelm et al, 2010 42 Single use, single-blind, parallel-group. Significant VSC and H2S reductions after <0.01
1. Amine fluoride ⁄ Measurements at baseline, 30 min and 4 h both ASF and CHX-CPC at 30 min and
stannous fluoride at 4 h. (organoleptic judge & OralChro-
(ASF) plus Zn2+ ma )
2. CHX (0.05%) +
CPC (0.05%) +
3. Water (negative
Long-term or cumulative effects (regular use)
Tongue cleaning plus Faveri et al, 2006 19 Double-blind, randomised crossover study VSC reduction from tongue cleaning <0.05
interdental flossing (4 groups) (Halimeter organoleptic assessments)
on morning breath Interdental flossing had less effect
Toothpaste Zn2+ + Payne et al, 2011 78 Examiner blind, two way crossover on H2S, methyl mercaptan and total VSC, <0.0001
o-cymen-5-ol healthy adult volunteers. Test toothpaste reduction compared with placebo, up to
ZnCl2 (0.6% w ⁄ v) used twice a day for 1 week: Pre- and 12 h (GC)
o-cymen-5-ol post- single treatment measurements
(0.1%w ⁄ v) taken on day 8
(7 day effect)
Toothpaste Sn2+ Gerlach et al, 1998 96 in each Five-day, randomised, controlled, 50–60% VSC reduction for Sn-containing <0.05
(5-day effect) group examiner blind, parallel study paste compared with control (halimeter
Mouthwash Winkel et al, 2003 40 Two-week double-blind parallel study of 45% VSC reduction (halimeter) <0.01
CHX + CPC + test (CHX + CPC + Zn) versus pla-
Zn2+ (14-day effect) cebo control
C Scully and J Greenman

Mouthwashes Wigger-Alberti et al, 174 Three-week, double-blind, placebo Significant VSC reductions after single <0.05
1. Amine 2010 controlled, parallel groups. VSC application and at days 7 and 21 for all
fluoride ⁄ stannous measured at baseline, days 1, 7, 14 and products against water negative control
fluoride (ASF) 21 days (organoleptic & OralChroma)
plus Zn2+
Breath odour diagnosis and management

2. CHX (0.05%) +
CPC (0.05%) +
3. CHX (0.12%)
4. Water (negative
control) 21 day

Exclusions: Trials that have <n = 10 subjects; those that only use organoleptic or hedonic methods; and those where subjects have known inflammatory periodontal disease. OTC, over the
counter; SB12 = Zn, CHX, NaF and acesulfame. Zn, zinc; ClO2, chlorine dioxide; CHX, chlorhexidine; CPC, cetyl pyridinium chloride; VSC, volatile sulphur compounds; CH3SCH3, dimethyl
sulphide; GC, gas chromatography; Sn, stannous.

Oral Diseases
Breath odour diagnosis and management
C Scully and J Greenman

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