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Which of the following statements about changing requirements in software

development, are correct?

Organizations must adapt to rapidly changing market conditions to stay relevant in


agile manifesto has values and principles


The agile approach to documentation is

do sufficient documentation

Match the framework to its author in the order of listing:Scrum, crystal, extreme

Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland; Alistair Cockburn; Kent Beck

who owns the product backlog

the product owner


munnabhai knows the four values of agile manifesto by heart

agile phases

what does not match with agile manifesto

Processes and tools over individuals and interactions

agile teams need to comply by the agile values and principles but have flexibility
to choose appropriate value (A&D)


the reason for holding regular sprint retrospective is

provide an opportunity for the scrum team

who owns quality in a scrum team

scrum team

sprint itself is an event in scrum


Who manages the team's work during a Sprint?

The Scrum Master manages the people so they can complete the work

Lee joins a project team that attempts to build a consumer device with embedded
software. The team is adopting 2-week sprint. Lee notices that the
project must produce an outcome that will be highly adoptable by the users to
become successful. After every Sprint Review, the
Apply design thinking first for initial phase and then bring in Agile later

Which of these are agile estimation techniques?

planning poker and T shirt sizing

What is a Kanban board?

A visible chart depicting the work to be done, work in progress and work done

The Scrum team Is using the Kanban board to make worK visually available to all
What CANNOT be Interred from the board?
Percentage completion

Which one is a popular tool used in agile software development?


Industry survey show that in traditional approach. users do not use near1 60% of
the features delivered What do you think ere the probable causes
These features were developed based on initial assumptions about
the user requirements but assumption turned out to be wrong

Which of these following best represent the scrum approach to planning?

whole team & only planning

there are two product development teams team toyzon

team zon

what does not match with agile manifesto

Processes and tools over individuals and interactions" and Contract negotiation
over customer collaboration.

time box for daily scrum


How is the Agile value “Responding to change over following a plan” addressed
During the Sprint Planning, Development team has all the authority to choose
anyProduct Backlog item to work on & Product Owner can change the plan for next
Sprint based on latest market conditionsand feedback from last Sprint

Product Owner and Scrum Master can be same person


daily scrum team members share progress with

scrum master

The Scrum team Is using the Kanban board to make worK visually available to all
What CANNOT be Interred from the board?

B percentage

Noors scrum team had a great sprint review of a new


What is the purpose of Sprint burndown chart?

.It is used to measure how much work is yet to be done to reach Sprint goal
Agile principles can be only used for software development


martin is from tcs bps team. as part of tcs agile vision he was recommended

martin is right

Why were the practitioners of alternative

software development methods not satisfied
with the traditional waterfall method?


Only these people are allowed to attend Sprint Retrospective

on the last day of the sprint a scrum team named almost done

extend the sprint

How is the Agile value responding to change over blowing a plan addressed In Scrum

D.Product Owner can change the plan for next Sprint based on latest market
conditions and feedback from last Sprint
E.Product Owner can change the Product Backlog any time

daily scrum is not recommended for collocated teams


providing additional feature without clear understanding of the business need

over processing

which framework prescribes user story as the format for backlog items


Agile for Beginners course is intended towards motivating you to learn more about
agile so that you can become

Agile practitionar

Agile principles can be only used for software development


why is the Daily Scrum held at the same time and same place?

The consistency reduces complexity and overhead

What is the purpose of Sprint burndown chart?

It is used to measure how much work is yet to be done to reach Sprint goal
What do all Agile frameworks have in common?


Which of the following statements BEST describe why Agile is winning?

Products produced by an agile approach are cheaper than those produced by any other

Increasing number of tcs customers are moving to the agile way of working :

There are double digit increment in number of Agile project (pee IPMS)year on year
for last year .ln 90%ofexecutive conversation,customers bring in "Agile"as a topic
of conversation

which of the following statements about changing requirements in software

development are correct


eric has been working for a customer who has been following agile


Charles is very knowledgeable on scrum he joined scrum team where the scrum master
is magneto.

Be prepared to face such

mannar and company kickstarter a major cross company project that involved working
with multipple businesses

Agile is based on trust and collaboration so that consensus can be arrived at

quickly. This scenario did not have that atmosphere

Manifesto by heart. However, he was confused

when a customer spoke with him highlighting Agile characteristics of short software
development cycles or iterations. He could not recollect anything about short
iterations in Agile Manifesto. What did he miss to learn about?
Agile Principles

Industry survey show that in traditional approach. users do not use near1 60% of
the features delivered What do you think ere the probable causes

These features were developed based on initial assumptions about

the user requirements but assumption turned out to be wrong

Which of these is a benefit of Agile?

All of these

improves the flow of business idea through its development and release to users
Beta release

Charles is very knowledgeable on scrum he joined scrum team where the scrum master
is magneto.

Be prepared to face such anti patterns and work together with the team to
continuously improve and eliminate anti-patterns

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which of the following statements best describe why agile is winning

Products produced by an agile approach are cheaper than those produced by any other

A team is having first sprint planning meeting what are the activities that the
team must perform

Each member of the team should bring their own copy of the plan.

Only these people are allowed to attend Sprint Retrospective

Scrum team

which one of these is not an xp practice

Extreme reviews

Design Thinking is another name for Agile Manifesto


.Agile principles can be only used for software development


agile teams need to comply by the agile values and principles but have flexibility
to choose appropriate value


scrum defines roles events and artifacts


The Scrum team Is using the Kanban board to make worK visually available to all
What CANNOT be Interred from the board?
Percentage completion

which framework prescribes user story as the format for backlog items

Who owns the Product backlog?

product owner

in daily scrum team members share yesterday's progress and the plan for next 24
hours with

scrum master
TCS Agile vision ‘100% Agile by 2020’

A &D

eric has been working for a customer who has been following agile

A good Agile team must exhibit the following qualilities.

Must be self-organising & Must be cross-functional

Juaraz is a TCS Delivery Partner of customer ABC, having an Agile Team in one
location. He plans to expand this Agile Team. He arrives at a plan to set up the
expanded team in another location For an effective distributed agile between
different locations what is recommended
Leverage the guidelines from the TCS Point of View on distributed agile (Location
Iddt Ail)

The Agile way is:

To produce working software of high business value and of the right quality, early
and incrementally

Which of these are Scrum anti patterns?


which of the following best describes the approach for determining the sprint
length in scrum
The team should agree on the length of the iteration (timebox) taking the size and
complexity of the project into consideration

the product owner in a scrum project

B ,C ,D

daily scrum is not recommended for collocated teams


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