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A Sea \OS19 MOAVATS "D TOL vy unos Sng & | souvyeiuros puv aogepmné ano a0.f | tues oyf Jo UORENFEAA 40 jUDLUSS>sse JayLENy 104 uloneayy pour Jo uorsuedse soy ue|d Aue Jo aO17O sIy UAIOFUT OF Pos Inp¥ yo Yoneaado pur LoRFR OLOGY Mp RULAP INd90 AeUE oR) Sedu [euALMUOAEALA ppd ssauppe 0} Sornsvour uqUEARU Aressos9u_ o/MPNSUE OF PopUNtDAL 9M NOX Ape og aseoje “Toolosd | woUrgeSuvg “SIsey A ‘uyende Asg “Seungery, Onis ye poero1 "elosd An|Med AMox 10) goOe "FL HME ise] L uordoy ~ GWA ‘ANAC 9t) Aq ponsst (0ZZ1-6Z0-CO80-LN-DDA “ON “DOH) WIHAIED oueyduty) eyuSUUOLAUT anos JO uoMUPuOWe poaosdde AMOS st YLMOLOY pasojUy Souq “TY 12K [esc | | ueursesueg, AL) SOMED ULG “aay SEPESO, | Ul ‘SOWIMAVD ‘OD MOH WN | 0102 Ay 2b | if 17 HAY 2010 MR. MEL Posa HOR Q. CABREROS, JR. San Carlos City Pangasinan’ | is Avi | Dear Mr. Cabreros: | Enclosed herewith is your approved amendment of your Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC. No. ECC-R1-0803-029-1220) issued by the DENR, EMB - Region 1 last March 14, 2008 for your Poultry Project, located at Sitio Vaburac, Brey, Capulben, Villasis, Pangasinan | You are rentinded to institute necessary mitigating measures to address alll negative environmental impacts that may occur during the implementation and operation of your project. Please be advised to inform this Office of any plan for expansion or modification for further assessment or evaluation of the same. | ‘ For your guidance and compliance | Very truly yours, | | JOEL G. SALVADOR, CFSO IV TVCTS AU HELIN CEEDOWNEWE LE RINGO CETEA, <.ovra—P10g9L FON WO w a seeps ojsiata Suomuoyy pur pedwuy jeuauiu0 sate] HO NVAALLS4 9 WONVOIN i | IVAOMdaLY DNIUNANWODAY, ropanig jeuorkay, ALOSI) MOV ATVS “9 THIOL HAOUA OUOZ Jip ZL edison #1 “opumusay ues 30 AD am voc Sjaqeypauaur oye oye) treys pue sored powtiosuod je Jo ISa1O}U oY] UE Ponss! 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GEL ‘eot080- YODA “ON da) amon) arueydiuoD feqwAUTTONAL aN ON|INAWY LNAWONAWY 557 DLV IILILYLD TINVITEWOD TVINIWNOUANSD f ae SOLO 1 9 = ~ — Department of Environment and Natural Resources | ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BUREAU | Region 1 | | DATA SUMMARY: FOR DRAFTING ECC / AMENDMENTS { Check approypiote box and Fill-up legibly EC Application | P-4,000.00 OR No. Penalty |p OLR, No, | Ecc Amendment [1,200.00 Major) oR.No.__|CROMY P. 300.00 (Minor) OR. No. \ | | meobmarz0w i 1. Natme of Proponent He abe Qa. CARERS She Type of Project : wOMg — Pou oer Project Location Few] cePuurin , \ | Yao wy 2 3 4. Office of Mailing Address 5. Lot Area a Prepared by Date | | i E-mail address: aN © e+ VA May 07, 2010 ENGR. JOEL G. SALVADOR Regional Director DENR-EMB, Regional Office 1 City of San Femando, La Union Dear Director : The undersigned is herewith submitting an Environmental Performance Report and Management Plan in connection with the request to amend Environmental Compliance Certificate (No. R1-0803- 029-1220), issued by your Office last March 14, 2008 for my Poultry Farm Project , located at Sitio Maburac, Brgy. Capulaan, Vilasis, province of Pangasinan The proposed expansion project involves the construction of additional three units of Tunnel-Vent type poultry buildings having a unit holding capacity of 47,000 birds. Two units of generating sets will also be installed as additional stand-by power source. Hoping you wil find our request in order and looking forward for your favorable action conceming our request. Thank you. 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