1 3 Trees p3

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| (1) What Is a Tree? € Read pages 4-5. branches Leaves 1 Write the words. trunk roots branches" 1 2 3 4 2 Complete the sentences. food light branches year plant 1 Atreeisatall__plant. 2 Atree has leaves, _ roots. _,atrunk, and 3 Atree makes its _ the sun. with Light from 4 Atree grows tall so it can get 5 On atree trunk, every ring is one 2) Parts of a Tree € Read pages 6-7. 1 Match. take water from the ground. takes food down the tree and water up the tree. ~make food for the tree. protects the trunk. 1 Leaves 2 Roots i’ 3 The trunk 4 Bark 2 Circle the correct words. 1 Leaves grow on(branches)/ bark. 2 Bark makes / protects the trunk. 3 To make food for the tree, leaves use water, air / roots, and light from the sun. 4 Bark is the wood on the outside of the trunk / Leaf. 5 Leaves, roots, / light, the trunk, and bark are parts of a tree. . i (3) Flowers and Seeds Different Trees : € Read pages 8-9. € Read pages 10-11. | | 1 Complete the sentences. 1 Complete the puzzle. i wind pollen Flowers big uy 2t 3y e °@ i ie es 1 Some trees have flowers. a ° a a | 2 on trees make pollen. 7 | 3 The blows pollen from one ¢ eo e | flower to other flowers. e y, | 4 Insects take to other flowers. ce * | s 2 Number the sentences in order. Then number the pictures. The fruit falls from the tree. The seeds go in the ground. 2 Write true or false. 1 Conifers have flat leaves. false 2 Broadleaves have thin, sharp needles. 3 Animals can eat the sharp needles on conifers. 4 Many broadleaves can’t grow in cold +r “ ~é& ot eee peeeeeeee as New trees grow. | Seeds grow inside fruit. Half a million leaves can fall off a 2@, very, very big tree. (5) What Trees Do (6) Things fromTrees | € Read pages 12-13. € Read pages 14-15. 1 Circle the correct words. 1 Find and write : 1 We use oxygen in the air to Live / eat. ! the words. 1 _rubber_ 2 Too much oxygen / carbon dioxide in the air r|w|o|o|d/a | is bad for us. (clulb|ble[p Za 2 Ww i fe bla|n|pieja | 3 Trees are good / bad for the ground. bipalpelr 69 a 4 Tree roots make the air / ground strong. elsitielylp PESreeeeeeeE ee I 5 The ground / wind around trees doesn’t firjuliltji | dry out. els|n}rjoja SH 3 pb 2 Complete the sentences. 7 2 Answer the questions. rain sun clean play . oxygen carbon dioxide 1 What do we make with rubber? We make car tires and many other 1 Trees the air. : 7 A : things with rubbe is 2 Trees take out of the air. oo . . 2 What parts of a tree give us wood? 3 Trees put _ into the air. 4 Trees protect us fromthe __ and atlas tM Mea ecetm —_—— the light from the ‘ 3 What do we make with wood? 5 Wecan and have fun in trees. Bee eee eee eee ee eee eee SE EMRE i ia a: | oO Homes in Trees Protect Trees! € Read pages 16-17. i € Read pages 18-19. snake insects 1 Write the words. bird monkey 1. Match. Then write the numbers. Le 1 People grow around tree trunks. p 2 Little plants cut down trees. t — 1 2 3 Animals eat tree leaves and bark. % | Bae Be PEE Peete Pe ' 2 Order the words. 2 Answer the questions. 1 trees. / animals /in / Many / live 1 What things are bad for trees? Many animals live in trees. 2 trees. /can/in/ Animals / food / find 2 What makes the air and rain dirty? 3 monkey / leaves / The / fruit. / eats / and 3 How many trees do people cut down every day? 4 lives / tree. / The / a / snake /in — Trees Where I Live 1 Find two trees near where you live. Complete the charts. Tree1 1 Doesit have... leaves? needles? 2 Isit.. a broadleaf? aconifer? 3 Does it have ... flowers? leaves? fruit? 4 Inthe tree, can you see... other plants? — animals? Tree 2 1 Doesit have... leaves? needles? 2 Isit... a broadleaf? aconifer? 3 Does it have... flowers? leaves? fruit? 4 Inthe tree, can you see... animals? other plants? 2 Draw pictures of the trees. Then write the words. leaves / needles flowers / fruit leaves / needles flowers / fruit 3 Write sentences about the trees. Tree 1 Tree 2 Picture Dictionary ‘ wee e air animals & sa od | ground grow half insects (dr a a ‘, cutdown different dirty down land leaves light million & & oY a @ factory fall fire plants pollen seeds | OS) : "cant & Wie | fF flat food forest fruit { sharp strong up wood eo OCC eet thy Series Editor: Hazel Geatches + CLIL Adviser: John Cleag Oxford Read and Discover graded readers are at six levels, for students from aye 6 and older. They cover many topics within three subject areas, and support English across the curriculum, or Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Available for each reader: + Audio CD Pack (book & audio CD) + Activity Book Teaching notes & CLIL guidance: www.oup.com/elt/teacher/readanddiscover Subject mesa] The World of Science | The Natural The World of Arts Level & Technology World & Social Studies @ |: * Atthe Beach = at Fruit * In the Sky + Schools Bae | Sices = wa cats reel ties Young Animals @ | cere = camouflage = cities + Piastic + Earth * Jobs 1450___|* Sunny and Rainy + Faims headwords | © Your Body * Inthe Mountains © |: terterate ones] Amainaitineass [= Fess round * Sound and Music * Animals in the ie the Warld 600 _ | * Super structures ule in Raintorests | Free ime Around hreadvords | * Your Five Senses = Wonderful Water the World @ |:earroe All About Deser tite | » Animals in At ‘How to Stay Healthy |» Al About Ocean Life | + Wonders of the Past 750 |* Machines Then and Now | » Animals at Night hneadwords | * Why We Recycle incredible Earth @ |r Meeee ernie: | Aa sds “Y= ones nna “Medicine Then and Now | © animal Lite Cycies the Wore 990 | Transporation Then |» Exploring Our World | Our Wore in Art eatwords | and Now + Great iarations «= Wild Weather @ | Gihanditcotes | about pce * Food Around + Cothes Then and Now |» Caring for Our Planet | the Word 11050 | increaite eneray ¢ earth Then and Now| © Helping ound headwords | + Your Amazing Body | + Wonderful Ecosystems | the Wold ‘Metric measurement Customary measurement | (age 5 110 meters 361 feet

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