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Planning in Sports

● Planning
○ Meaning : Process of putting thoughts together and organising activities
■ Setting goals, strategy, schedule
■ Mitchell - strategy to achieve desired objectives
■ Allen - trap laid to capture future
○ Objectives [PCCMECP]
■ reduce pressure immediacy
■ Good control
■ Proper coordination
■ Reduce chances of mistake
■ Inc efficiency
■ Enhance Creativity
■ Sports performance
● Various Committees
○ Under Organising committee
■ Publicity
■ Transport
■ Lodging
■ Decoration
■ Equipment
■ Refreshment
■ Reception
■ Entries
■ Officials
■ Announcement
■ First aid
■ Finance

● Tournaments
○ Importance
■ Skills
■ Propaganda
■ Selection
■ Integration
■ Social qualities
■ Recreation
○ Types
■ Knock out
● Adv:
○ Less exp
○ Enhance standard
○ Less time
● Disadv:
○ Good team elim
○ Bad team finals
○ People lose interest
■ League/Roundrobin
● Adv:
○ Strong wins
○ Max oppor
● Disadv:
○ Time
○ Expensive
○ Low morale
■ Combination
■ Challenge
● Procedure to draw fixtures
○ Byes and seeding (KO)
○ Cyclic and staircase (League)

Sports and Nutrition

● Balanced diet
○ Diet which consists of all essential constituents
● Nutrition
○ Science of food and its relationship with health
● Macronutrients
○ Carbohydrate
○ Protein
○ Fats
○ Water
● Micronutrients
○ Vitamins
■ Water soluble(bc)
■ Fat soluble (adek)
○ Minerals
■ Micro
● I,Fe,Cr,Cu,Co
■ Macro
● Ca,K,Na,Mg,P
● Non nutritive components
○ Fibre/Roughage
○ Water
○ Colour comp
○ Flavour comp
○ Plant comp

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