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Ever heard of statements like “hey you’re too fat.

The kitchen is probably your favorite spot in

your house” or “hey you’re too skinny do you even eat”. These are not just mere statements but these
are body shaming statements. Body shaming statements should never be a conversation starter

So what is body shaming?

Body shaming has become a social norm all over the world. It is the act of criticizing your own
body, another person’s body, in front of them or even behind their back.People usually body shame
other people because it makes them feel better. Body shaming goes beyond basic forms like fat shaming
or skinny shaming. We should never underestimate the act of body shaming because it kills the same
way cancer does and most of the time, people do not realize that it could strongly effect the well being
of an individual.

In a lot of cases, body shaming leads to problems and effects such as eating disorders.

When I was in 9th Grade I weighed 85 pounds and by that time I was already obese. I had tons of
stretch marks all over my body: in my belly, shoulder and even on my thighs but still I didn’t think
something was wrong with my body. Until an incident happened during the month of November. I was
added by friend to this group chat where 2 members of this group chat are senior high students. It was
fun talking to them and they even served as my “kuyas”. But one time my friend sent a picture of me in
that group chat and one of the senior high students sent a message on that group chat saying
“dambuhala ka pala” “haha taba taba” “kaya pala nagpapapayat ka kasi mataba ka” “wag ka na umasa
na papayat ka taba” and when I read his statements I felt embarrassed and mad at the same time. I
replied to his statements by saying “Eww body shamer. You’re already a senior high student. Grow up”.
But what I didn’t expect is when my friend replied to his statements with a HAHAHAHA and I was
disappointed on how she reacted because I was expecting her to defend me but she didn’t. She actually
tolerated him to do such thing.

From that day on, I started body shaming myself by comparing my body size to other people’s
body size and my self esteem started to reach the ground. Weeks after that incident the feeling of
embarrassment and shame didn’t leave me so I knew I had to take action. I used my 2 fingers shoved in
down my throat until I vomitted and thus began my battle with eating disorders.

Now that I am on my 11th grade I had another body shaming incident during the month of June
then another incident during the month of August and by that time that’s when I started starving myself
just to loose weight quickly and I did. I lost a total of 6 kilograms on the whole month of September just
by starving myself and I thought again to myself that “woah I already lost 6 kilograms I hope I woudn’t
get body shamed anymore” and for the nth time, I was wrong. Some would tell me statements like “do
you even eat?” “you look sick” “oh wow you’ve lost a ton of weight but the chubby faith fits you” and
with that I ask myself. Where do I really fit in? What do people want me to look like? I’ve already starved
myself just to loose weight but why do people still have something to tell me with my body size.

And so I realized that even if you’re fat or skinny or your body size is on the average side there’s
always something that society tells us we should feel shame about.Body shaming is not an
encouragement or concern. In no way is it tough love or helpful. It is often judgemental health advice.
Its not okay to joke around a person’s body. It does not matter if the statements are unintentional or not
because these are simple words that actually have the power to lower one’s self- esteem. A person
needs to stop body shaming his or herself in order to stop body shaming others. We should not let our
mind bully our own body.

We should not let ourself fall into the trap of sacrificing and acceptance.

Always remember that the next time you think you have the right to express an opinion on
someone’s body. Think twice before you say it. Because your ignorance can create a huge effect on a
person’s emotional and physical health.

Being skinny is okay.

Not being skinny is okay
Having curves is okay
Not having curves is okay

There’s nothing wrong with one’s body, but there is a lot wrong with the messages which try to
convince you otherwise. We should stop body shaming and we should start to be proud of our own
body. We should start learning to love our own body for our own selves and not somebody else’s

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