An Intelligent Reliability Centered Maintenance Analysis System

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An Intelligent Reliability Centered Maintenance Analysis System

Based on Case-Based Reasoning & Rule-Based Reasoning

Zhonghua Cheng, Department of Management Engineering,Mechanical Engineering College
Xisheng Jia, PhD, Department of Management Engineering, Mechanical Engineering College

Key Words: Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM), Case-Based Reasoning (CBR), Rule-Based Reasoning (RBR),

SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS RCM program is highly dependent on the experience and
skills of the RCM analysts.
To aid RCM analysts in conducting efficient RCM To ensure the proper use of RCM, two efforts have been
analysis on specific equipments, some Artificial Intelligence made in our application: 1) to strengthen the training of RCM
(AI) technologies, such as case-based reasoning (CBR) and group to ensure that the analysts have consistent
rule-based reasoning (RBR), were successfully introduced into understandings of RCM terms and principles; 2) to develop a
RCM analysis process, and an intelligent RCM analysis computer aided RCM system (CARCMS) to ensure the
system (IRCMAS) based on CBR and RBR was developed. consistency of the RCM procedure.
The idea for such an intelligent system is based on the Even though the CARCMS is a favored tool for RCM
fact that the historical records of RCM analysis on similar analysts, it is not an intelligent system. RCM practitioners
items can be referenced and used for the current RCM analysis were surveyed and responded noting the need to access RCM
of a new item. Because many common or similar items may cases of similar equipment or similar items for their reference
exist in the analyzed equipment, the repeated tasks of RCM in conducting RCM practice. A good RCM case reflects not
analysis can be considerably simplified or avoided by means only the reliability data of the analyzed equipment, but also
of the improvement of similar RCM cases in the IRCMAS. the principles and right understanding of RCM concepts.
The application of the IRCMAS reduces the skill Based on the above considerations, case histories of
requirement of RCM analysts, shortens the development approximately seventy RCM cases conducted in past ten years
period of RCM program, and therefore enhances the cost- were compiled. These RCM cases covered the wide range of
effectiveness of RCM process. We believe that the IRCMAS ground weapon systems.
is a powerful tool for the development of RCM programs of A RCM case includes all historic records in the RCM
physical assets, and has a potential future in the RCM market. process, such as the listing of functionally significant items
The IRCMAS is substituting the traditional computer aided (FSI), the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
RCM system (CARCMS) within China’s military industry, information, and the RCM decision information. Apart from
and is becoming the new generation RCM analysis tool for this, the basic reliability prediction information in current
weapon systems under development. industry standard is also collected. At the same time, some
This paper describes the framework of the IRCMAS Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, such as case-based
based on CBR and RBR, and discusses critical techniques in reasoning (CBR) and rule-based reasoning (RBR), are
the system. explored and successfully introduced into RCM analysis
process, and an intelligent RCM analysis system (IRCMAS)
1. INTRODUCTION was developed, in which RCM cases and the basic reliability
data of electrical and mechanical items are integrated, and
Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) is a process to RCM analysis conducted by expert for specific equipment
identify preventive maintenance (PM) requirements for becomes the adaptation or check process of the RCM analysis
complex systems, and has been recognized and accepted by result of similar equipment and the repeated analysis work can
many industries, such as aviation, military, energy, offshore be avoided or reduce.
oil production and management. The countries applying RCM
include the United States, Britain, France, Canada, Japan, and 2. CBR PROCESS
Norway. RCM was introduced into China in the late 1980’s,
and the first RCM standard GJB1378 was published and put CBR is a methodology of problem solving in AI, whose
into use in 1992. Since then, RCM is a required methodology fundamental idea is that a solution is obtained by reference to
widely used in China’s military to identify PM requirements a catalogue of previous problem solving experience.
of weapon systems. Numerous RCM programs of the In general, the CBR process includes case retrieval,
servicing equipment have been developed. The major adaptation, evaluation and learning. The following process
problem met in the application of RCM is that the quality of may describe a general CBR cycle:

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Case Base
Case case base. The FSI of the analyzed equipment are identified
by adaptation of the structure tree of FSI of the similar
user User
Problem Case Case Case Outcome equipment , as shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4.
Description Retrieval Adaptation Evaluation Output

Figure 1: CBR process

(1) Description of the problem to be solved;

(2) Retrieval of the best matching case(s) from the
collection of past cases held in the case base; Retrieval result of the
(3) Adaptation of the selected case to match the new similar equipment
problem situation, as the selected case will not be, in general,
directly applied to the new situation;
(4) Evaluation of a proposed solution fulfilling the
(5) Learning from both successful and unsuccessful
Figure 3: Retrieval of similar equipment case
proposed solutions: if the proposed solution is successful then
it is added to the case base; if it fails then an attempt is made
(2) Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). FMEA is
to explain why it failed.
to identify the functions, failure modes, failure causes and
failures effect of the selected FSI. The system initially
retrieves the FMEA information of the similar FSI from FSI
case base. The FMEA of the analyzed FSI can be completed
The basic input of the system is the description of
by the adaptation of FMEA information of the similar FSI
equipment requiring RCM analysis. The output is the
case, as shown in Figure 4. The above steps are repeated until
preventive maintenance requirement of the equipment.
all the FMEA are conducted for the FSI of the analyzed
Intelligent RCM analysis is driven by an integrated reasoning
process based on CBR and RBR.
The framework of IRCMAS is showed as Figure2, which
depicts the concept of the intelligent RCM Analysis.
``````` User

User and Computer Intelligence Interface

Problem input Outcome output

An intelligent RCM analysis system

Formation of Case Case

Inputting query case Retrieval Adaptation Evaluation
The and
basic Formation of Retrieval of the similar Adaptation of the similar learning
equipment query case equipment RCM analysis case equipment RCM analysis case of Structure tree of
of RCM
Formation of
FSI query case
Retrieval of the similar
FSI RCM analysis case
Adaptation of the similar
FSI RCM analysis case analysis equipment
analyzed case
Formation of Retrieval of similar failure Adaptation of similar failure
failure cause case query case cause RCM analysis case cause RCM analysis case
Storing Data Providing equipment case, FSI Providing
case and failure cause case adaptation rule

Dynamic database Case Base Adaptation rule base

Knowledge Acquisition
And representation Figure 4: Adaptation of FMEA information of
similar FSI case
Figure 2: The Framework of IRCMAS
(3) RCM logic decision analysis. RCM logic decision
The intelligent RCM analysis process has following four analysis ascertains the specific preventive maintenance tasks
steps: and their intervals for each failure causes of the FSI. The
(1) Identification of functionally significant items (FSI). RCM logic decision of the analyzed failure causes can be
The functionally significant items (FSI) are the items whose completed by the adaptation of RCM logic decision
failures compromise safety or mission capability, and have information of the similar failure cause case (Figure 5). The
significant economic effect on the system. The items may be above steps are repeated until all the failure causes are
subsystems, components or parts. Identification of FSI is the conducted RCM logic decision.
first step of RCM analysis. When FSI of the analyzed (4) Combining PM tasks to form a RCM program. When
equipment are identified, the system initially retrieves the RCM analysis case of the equipment, which have conducted
structure tree of FSI of the similar equipment from equipment the above three steps, is evaluated to be true, the new case will

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follows (table 1):

Basic features RCM analysis

Case category
information information
Equipment used environment,
Significant Items
RCM analysis category, and
(FSI) structure
case main structures of
trees of equipment
Name, FMEA information
used state, of FSI , that is,
FSI RCM main function , failure
analysis case characteristics, and modes, and failure
basic structures of causes and effects
FSI of the FSI
Name, RCM Logic
Failure cause
used state, and decision
Figure 5: Adaptation of decision information of RCM analysis
main characteristics information of
similar failure cause case case
of failure cause failure cause
be retained to case-base by learning mechanism and output as
a new RCM analysis outcome in the form of preventive Table 1: Category and content of case
maintenance program.
There are many representation methods for case, such as,
4. CRITICAL REALIZATION TECHNIQUES OF SYSTEM First-Order Logic, Predicates, Semantic Nets, Frames, and
Object Oriented Knowledge Representation etc. As Frames
The critical realization techniques of the IRCMAS representation can make basic features information and RCM
include case acquisition and representation, formation of analysis of case combined, Frame representation is used in
query case, case retrieval, adaptation, and learning. These this paper.
techniques are discussed in detail in the following section. Frame is made up of frame name and slots which
represent the features of case and include facets. Frame
4.1 Case Acquisition and Representation representation of equipment RCM analysis case is showed as
table 2.
The scale of case-base and the method of case
representation have bigger effect on the efficiency of Case Number:
reasoning. At present we have gathered and captured RCM Frame Name: the name of equipment RCM analysis case
analysis resources and records of about seventy kinds of Slot1: the description about equipment category
equipment, including artillery, armor, etc. Those data are facet1: equipment category (artillery category,
arranged, classified, summed up and form case base by armor category, …,other category)
knowledge expert and domain expert (Figure 6). Slot2: the description of used environment of equipment
facet1: used environment of equipment (island,
RCM analysis case base desert ...)
Slot3: the description about main structures of equipment
Airplane Armor Artillery Naval ship Others facet1: main structure 1(feature 1, feature value1,
weight 1; feature 2, feature value2, weight 2...)
facet2: main structure 2(feature 1, feature value1,
weight 1; feature 2, feature value2, weight 2 ...)
122 MM howitzer type xxx

artillery RCM analysis case

122 MM multile rocket
type xxx analysis case

xxx type antiaircraft
RCM analysis case

RCM analysis case

xxx type cannon

facet n: main structure 2(feature 1, feature

value1, weight 1; feature 2, feature value2, weight
2 ...)
Slot4: collection of RCM analysis information
facet1: FSI structure trees of equipment
Figure 6: Structure of RCM analysis case bases Table 2: Frame representation of equipment RCM case
A whole RCM analysis case = basic features information 4.2 Formation of Query Case
+ RCM analysis information.
Some RCM analysis cases and their contents are as

RAMS 2005 547 0-7803-8824-0/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE

Query Case is the collection made up of basic features Case Adaptation is a process of transforming a RCM
information of the analyzed equipment, FSI, and failure cause. analysis solution retrieved into the solution appropriate for the
Formation of query case is to abstract the basic features current problem. The technique used for case adaptation is
information of the analyzed equipment (system), FSI, and rule-based reasoning, which solves the problem by rules in
failure by user and computer, and then put them into dynamic rule base.
database and form the equipment (system), FSI, and failure Rule consists of a condition part and an action part. If all
query case. According to these features information, the cases expressions within the condition part evaluate to true, the rule
in case-base matching query case may be retrieved quickly. fires and the action portion is executed. The general form of
The basic features information abstraction of the analyzed the rules is as follows: IF <Condition> THEN <Conclusion>.
equipment is to get the name, used environment, category, and The adaptation for similar case will cost many steps
main structures of equipment. The basic features information reasoning. For example:
abstraction of the analyzed FSI is to get name, used state, Initialized fact: will the loss of function caused by this
main characteristics, and basic structures of FSI. The basic failure mode on its own become evident to the operating crew
features information abstraction of the analyzed failure caused under normal circumstance?
is to get name, used state, and main characteristics of failure Target condition: preventive maintenance task of similar
cause. failure cause case retrieved is adapted from scheduled on-
condition task to scheduled restoration task.
4.3 Case Retrieval The adaptation rules and their orders used are, Rule1—>
Rule2—> Rule3.
Case retrieval is the process of finding the case(s) that are Rule1: IF (the loss of function caused by this failure
closest to the current query case from the case base. The mode on its own won’t become evident to
selection of retrieval policy has important role for efficiency the operating crew under normal
and accuracy of RCM analysis. circumstance.)
At present, retrieval policies of case in AI have three THEN(failure consequences is hidden failure
kinds: Nearest neighbor, induction, and knowledge-guided
induction. Here, knowledge-guided induction and induction
are used. Rule2:IF(scheduled on-condition task to detect
The process of case retrieval is as follows: whether the failure is occurring or about to
occur isn’t technically feasible and worth
Formation of Identifying the Retrieving THEN (preventive Maintenance task selected
equipment query category of query according to
case case equipment category isn’t scheduled on-condition)
Rule3:IF (scheduled on-condition task to reduce the
failure rate is technically feasible and worth
Outputting the Nearest Retrieving
similar RCM according to case doing)
analysis case neighbor name
THEN(preventive maintenance task selected is
scheduled restoration task)
Figure 7: Case retrieval process Case learning is a process of adding the new case into
case base, which is also named as case retaining. If the case
(1) Formation of query case E, E=(the name, used adapted is evaluated to be true and feasible, and there aren’t
environment, category, and main structures of Equipment). cases in case base whose similarity measure exceeds the
(2) Identifying category which query case E belongs to threshold provided beforehand, such as 0.9, then the case will
Classify (E, CL), where CL= (artillery category, armor be added into case base. Or else, that case is discarded. With
category, …, other category) and E is query case. the increasing of new RCM cases, the case base will become
(3) Retrieving the case base according to equipment much larger than before and the ability to aid RCM analysis
category (such as artillery category). By doing this, the will boost up gradually.
similar cases are limited within the same category (artillery
category) equipment. REFERENCES
(4) Retrieving the similar case in the same category
(artillery category) equipment case according to case name. 1. Watson, “Case-based reasoning is a methodology, not a
So, quantities of the similar case name are reduced further. technology”, Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 12, 1999,
(5) Nearest neighbor policy. By computing the feature pp 303–308.
similarity and weight sums of matched feature of main 2. Moubray John, (1997), Reliability Centered Maintenance,
structures of between the similar cases and the new query case Butterworth-Heinnemann, ISBN 0750622581.
according to similar algorithm, the RCM analysis cases with 3. SHI Yongsheng, et al, “Application of Case-Based
maximal similarity may be found. Reasoning Technique on Gun Decision”, Computer
Mechanism, vol. 25, (Sep), 1999, pp 55~59
4.4 Adaptation and Learning of case 4. Du Xiaoming, et al, “The Research on Rule-Based and
Case-Reasoning Integration”, Computer Mechanism, vol.

RAMS 2005 548 0-7803-8824-0/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE

24, (May), 1998, pp33~35. and is conducting research in the field of equipment support
5. I. Watson, “Applying Case-Based Reasoning: Techniques theory and application.
for Enterprise Systems”, Morgan Kaufmann, San
Francisco, 1997,pp132-149. Xisheng Jia, PhD
6. JIA Xisheng etc, “The overview on Reliability-Centered Department of Management Engineering
Maintenance (RCM)”, Journal of Mechanical Mechanical Engineering College
Engineering College, vol. 14, (Feb), 2003, pp29~32. 97 Heping West Road
Shijiazhuang 050003 P.R.China
Zhonghua Cheng,
Department of Management Engineering Xisheng Jia is serving on the Department of Management
Mechanical Engineering College Engineering at the Mechanical Engineering College. He
97 Heping West Road earned his Doctoral degree in Operational Research and
Shijiazhuang 050003 P.R.China Applied statistics at Salford University , England, in 2001. He
earned his Bachelor’s in the Mechanical design in 1984 and
E-mail: Master’s degrees in Reliability and maintenance engineering
in 1990 in Mechanical Engineering College. Professor
Zhonghua Cheng graduated from Mechanical Xisheng Jia’s research activities center on his interest in
Engineering College and achieved a Master degree in Material equipment support theory and application, such as Reliability
Management in 2002. Presently, he is studying for his Centered Maintenance(RCM),Battlefield Damage Assessment
Doctoral degree in Reliability and maintenance engineering and Repair (BDAR).

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