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Intelligent digital twins and the development and management of complex


Article · May 2022

DOI: 10.12688/digitaltwin.17574.1

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1 author:

Michael Grieves
Digital Twin Institute


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Digital Twin Digital Twin 2022, 2:8 Last updated: 27 MAY 2022


Intelligent digital twins and the development and

management of complex systems [version 1; peer review: 1
Michael Grieves
Digital Twin Institute, Cocoa Beach, FL, 32931, USA

v1 First published: 25 May 2022, 2:8 Open Peer Review
Latest published: 25 May 2022, 2:8 Approval Status

The interest in defining and implementing Digital Twins (DT) is at the version 1
forefront of today’s product organizations. The evolution of 25 May 2022 view
increasingly complex systems requires that their information be
organized and managed via digital twins.  In addition, the
1. William Randell McNair , Stichting USPI-
development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will result in an increasing
degree of system complexity. These complex systems will exhibit true NL, Randstad, The Netherlands
emergent behavior as AIs modify system aspects as the result of goal University of South Florida, Muma College of
seeking and learning. DTs will need to increase in capability, becoming
Business, Tampa, USA
intelligent in their approach. This article presents a discussion on how
these Intelligent Digital Twins (IDTs) will evolve and assist in MetaPassageways, Lakeland, USA
developing and managing complex systems.
Any reports and responses or comments on the
Keywords article can be found at the end of the article.
Digital Twin, DT, Intelligent Digital Twin, IDT, Physical Twin, IoT

Corresponding author: Michael Grieves (

Author roles: Grieves M: Conceptualization, Formal Analysis, Investigation, Supervision, Visualization
Competing interests: No competing interests were disclosed.
Grant information: The author(s) declared that no grants were involved in supporting this work.
Copyright: © 2022 Grieves M. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
How to cite this article: Grieves M. Intelligent digital twins and the development and management of complex systems [version
1; peer review: 1 approved] Digital Twin 2022, 2:8
First published: 25 May 2022, 2:8

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Digital Twin 2022, 2:8 Last updated: 27 MAY 2022

1 Introduction side that exists in the virtual or digital world (“the Digital
While the concept of Digital Twins (DTs) has existed for over Twin”), and the communication channel of data and information
a decade and a half (Marr, 2017), it is only over the last few between these two elements (the “Digital Thread”).
years that digital twins have become one of the most critical and
important technologies for product manufacturers. At the same The Digital Twin Model was first introduced in 2002 without
time, products1 continue to become more complex and, with a name (Grieves, 2002). As shown in Figure 2, it was simply
the advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), will also captioned as the “Ideal for PLM.” PLM stood for Product
exhibit emergent behavior. Lifecycle Management and was the concept emerging at the
time of a product-centric versus a functional-centric (engineer-
Digital twins will need to keep pace. DTs will need to become ing, manufacturing, support) approach to product development.
more than information repositories and take on an intelli- It focused on the information about a product being populated
gent role. The premise that digital twins will evolve to include and consumed from a logically centralized source across the four
“intelligence” has existed for a few years (Grieves, 2018). phases of a product’s lifecycle: create, build, operate/sustain,
This discussion will define what intelligence means in this con- and dispose.
text and present the characteristics and capabilities that these
Intelligent Digital Twins (IDTs) will need to possess. This logically centralized information about the product through-
out its lifecycle was in essence the “Digital Twin.” It received
There still exists confusion as to what a digital twin is. As is its current name in 2010 from John Vickers of NASA (Piascik
not unusual for complex concepts, simple definitions do not et al., 2010). However, it remained a high level, undifferenti-
adequately capture the scale and scope of the digital twin ated model until 2016 when it was divided into types (Grieves
concepts. Models are much richer and do much better job of & Vickers, 2017). These types were associated with the different
conveying concepts. This article will provide the latest models and phases of the product lifecycle and are illustrated in Figure 3
their explanations.

2 Digital twins
It is useful to review just what a DT is. The Digital Twin Model
is a concept that, as shown in Figure 1, consists of three main
elements: an actual or intended physical element on the left
side that currently exists or will exist in the physical world (the
“Physical Twin”), the virtual or digital counterpart on the right

Terminology can be very fuzzy around the concept of manmade artifacts. I
have been fairly consistent in my use of “product” over the years to refer to
tangible artifacts such as airplanes, spacecraft, power generation equip-
ment, medical devices, etc. These products can also be considered systems,
although all systems are not products. I will use products and systems inter-
changeably with the assumption these systems are products. The use of the
term “product” is also consistent with the terminology of Product Lifecycle

Figure 2. Original digital twin concept. PLM, Product Lifecycle


Figure 1. Digital twin model. Figure 3. The four phased product lifecycle.

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Digital Twin 2022, 2:8 Last updated: 27 MAY 2022

The types are: DTP may contain links to existing repositories of this informa-
• D igital Twin Prototype (DTP), the prototypical product tion. Current and future Product Lifecycle Management systems
with variants or all the products that can be built may contain most, if not all of these informational constructs.
However, the important aspect is that this information is
• D
 igital Twin Instance (DTI), the individual products linked into a product-centric view.
themselves or all the products that are built

• D
 igital Twin Aggregate (DTA), the aggregation of all Ideally, more and more of the work will be done in this phase
the DTIs or all the products that have been built with this type of digital twin. Our ability to do so marks a struc-
tural change in innovation regimes. We are rapidly moving
2.1 Digital twin types and the product lifecycle from a classic industrial innovation regime to a digital inno-
As Figure 4 shows, the digital twin types are associated vation regime (Lyytinen, 2021). Bits are cheaper than atoms
with the phases of the lifecycle and persistent throughout the and allow us more resources to innovate. Bits will continue
lifecycle. The digital twin begins at the beginning of a new to get cheaper as atoms will continue to get more expensive.
product’s lifecycle and persists throughout the lifecycle, even Therefore, we would like to move more and more physical
extending beyond the disposal phase when the physical twin no work into virtual work, working with the DTP.
longer exists.
The ideal future state is that we would like to design the prod-
2.1.1 Create phase. The product lifecycle begins with the uct, test the product, manufacture the product, and support and
create phase and the development of the Digital Twin Prototype sustain the product all virtually. Once we get it as perfected as
(DTP). This is the prototypical digital twin. All the products we can, only then do we actually go out and move around expen-
that will be built in this generation originate from this source. sive atoms to make it. This is going to get more important as
The DTP is all the information that will be needed to build our products become systems of greater complexity.
this product generation and all its variants.
The ability to fully understand the systems and to physically
The information needed here are usually the requirements, test all of the variations has already become an impossible task.
Computer Aided Design (CAD) models, Bill of Materials It is only if we can use the digital twin in this phase will we be
(BoM), behavioral simulations, embedded software, and any able to sufficiently understand and test these new complex
and all information that would be needed to fully describe the products.
new product. In addition, it would also consist of any informa-
tion needed to build this new product, such as Bill of Process, 2.1.2 Build phase. When we move into the build phase, physi-
Bill of Manufacturing Systems, quality control information, and cally producing these products, we still continue to use the
manufacturing simulations. DTP. If we have done our work in the create phase properly, the
build phase is a matter of executing on the manufacturing plans
It is important to note, the digital twin does not need to be a that we have developed there to realize the physical
separate information repository. Since it is information, the product.

Figure 4. The digital twin model through the lifecycle. DTP, Digital Twin Prototype; DTI, Digital Twin Instances; DTA, Digital Twin

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Once we start building actual instances of the plans, we will be However, there are good business reasons to focus on this phase
producing unique physical instances or the “Physical Twins”. and apply the digital twin concepts. It is in this phase that the
It is at this stage that we are creating the Digital Twin Instances specific physical twin ceases to exist. There is very little reason
(DTIs) of the individual physical products. It is critical that for the digital twin to suffer the same fate. The cost of main-
we capture this information, because this provides the as-built taining the digital twin after its physical twin has been disposed
of the individual physical products that we will rely on as of is close to zero.
we make product changes for the rest of the physical twin’s
lifecycle. There are two primary reasons for the digital twin in the
disposal phase. First is that the information needed to dispose of
Because we now have an actual physical twin, we no longer the physical twin safely and efficiently would have originated
have a tolerance of the geometry that we want to build. We actu- in the create phase. This may have been years, decades, or even
ally have a physical measurement of what we did build. We up to a century or more before. Information should reside in
will capture what we actually built, the testing we did on that the digital twin and guide the disposer into disassembling and
specific physical twin, the serial numbers of important assem- safely disposing of the components, especially toxic ones.
blies and components that have gone into that particular physical
twin, and the software versions that we have embedded into that The Circular Economy has a goal of recycling as much of a
instance. We still want to couple the information of the DTP product as possible (Zeiss et al., 2020). Even if the interest is
with that DTI and not duplicate information that we do not need not environmental, the capability to recycle the material of prod-
to duplicate. ucts and reuse them in new products generally makes good
economic sense.
2.1.3 Operations/sustainment phase. When the product is
The second reason is that there may be interesting design and
completed and put into use, we obviously move into the
product features that exist in this product that has reached its
operations/sustainment or usage phase. The DTIs are connected
physical end of life. Without the continuation of the digital
to specific physical twins and will remain connected throughout
twin, this information will be lost with the disposal of the
the entire life of that physical twin.
physical product. The ability to use this information informs
future designs and saves the expense and time of “reinventing
We would not only want to capture physical changes to the
the wheel.” Again, information is a replacement for wasted
product, but, for complex products, we would like to capture
physical resources. Losing the information that might prove
behavioral profiles. How did the product perform in actual use
useful for new products is unfortunate and a cost that could
given the inputs that this system, our product, received? For
be avoided.
aircraft, what were the various flight profiles, and how did that
aircraft respond and perform?
2.2 The “digital twin exists ONLY after there is a physical
product” fallacy
It is in this phase that we create our DTA, which is all the prod-
There is a fallacy2 that the digital twin does not exist until
ucts that we did build. Collecting, aggregating, and correlating
and unless there is a physical product3. Along with a simple
input information with performance output will allow us to
lack of understanding the digital twin concept, this may be an
assess and predict performance. Collecting sufficient infor-
attempt to over specify the “twin” metaphor.
mation about the correlation of certain sensor readings with
subsequent component failures will allow us to replace compo- Metaphors are extremely powerful in invoking complex mental
nents when we see that same pattern of sensor readings. If we constructs and even entire mental spaces in humans. Metaphors
can capture a pattern of component and performance degradation, are not simply comparisons, but generative devices that allow
we can feed that into a learning loop for future products. rich understandings, new perspectives, and generative ideas
that open up areas of opportunities that had not previously
While the concept of the digital twin encompasses the entire been thought of (Grieves, 2000).
product lifecycle, it is these individual product types that line
up with the phases of the lifecycle. The value of the digital The twin metaphor has only two key attributes: duality and
twin, especially for complex products, is that it is product cen- strong similarity. With respect to this fallacy discussion, there
tric rather than functional centric. Information from these prod- is no metaphorical requirement for timeline simultaneity or
ucts will be populated and consumed over the entire product’s for the precedence of one type of twin before another type of
life and not siloed in any single function. twin. That is, there is no requirement that a twin only exists if
its counterpart exists simultaneously. Nor is there a requirement
2.1.4 Disposal phase. The disposals phase is an often over- R
looked part of the product lifecycle. Interest in the disposal 2
See for example, the AIAA Digital Twin Position paper (https://www.aiaa.
phase ebbs and flows primarily with the activity of government org/docs/default-source/uploadedfiles/issues-and-advocacy/policy-papers/
regulation. When there is high government regulation interest, digital-twin-institute-position-paper-(december-2020).pdf).
the disposal phase gets a great deal of attention. Conversely when 3
In fact, Digital Twins are beginning to be proposed for constructs where
there is low regulation activity, this phase gets far less attention. there is not a distinct physical object, such as supply chains, financial
(Grieves 2006, pgs. 106-109) systems, process systems, logistic systems.

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that one type of twin, the physical twin, must exist before there While the digital twin has value across the product lifecycle,
is the other type of twin, the digital twin, can also exist. The the DTP is especially valuable in the create phase. It is this
only requirement is that a twin’s counterpart exist at some point phase of the lifecycle that work can be moved from the physical
in the twin’s lifecycle. This means the digital twin can exist world into the virtual world. If virtual products can be modelled
prior to there being a physical counterpart and can also exist and tested in a virtual environment, replacing physical proto-
after the physical counterpart ceases existence. types and testing, the potential for a reduction of wasted physical
resources is substantial. These wasted resources include material,
The requirement that there must be an actual physical thing energy, and labor time, but also elapsed development
before there can be a digital twin is simply a wrong perspec- time.
tive. The key differentiator of whether a digital model and
associated information is a digital twin is that it is intended that Even though the create phase may be short in comparison
this model become a physical product and that its physical to the entire lifecycle of a product that may span decades,
counterpart is realized. decisions in this phase have a major impact in determining
future product costs. Estimates of product cost determination
It is that intention and the work that goes into the realization of during the create phase are as high as 80% (Iansiti, 1998).
that intention that differentiates a digital model from a digital There is an increasing ability to perform virtual testing at a
twin. If the physical counterpart is never realized, then the fraction of the cost and in less time to replace physical test-
digital model was never a digital twin. A digital model of a flying ing. This has the potential to reduce costs, improve quality, and
carpet will never become a digital twin because there is no reduce time to market.
intention, let alone ability, to make it a physical product.
A major problem with renaming the DTP to something differ-
From its inception, the digital twin has always been intended ent and not having that something in the digital twin framework
to exist in all four phases of the product lifecycle: create, build, is that it encourages and maintains functional siloing. If this
operate/sustain, and dispose (Grieves, 2006). It is embod- different named thing exists in engineering prior to manufactur-
ied in the saying that “no one goes into a factory, pounds ing having a digital twin of the instance of a physical product,
on some metal, and hopes an airplane will come out.” A then this information will tend not to be shared between
tremendous value of the digital twin is that it does exist before engineering and manufacturing.
there is a physical product.
The powerful aspect of the digital twin is that it is product
Dispelling these misperceptions of the “twin” metaphor, there centric throughout the entire product lifecycle. Information is
are five major reasons why the digital twin does not require a populated and consumed irrespective of the functional area.
physical product before the digital twin exists. These reasons For the digital twin to exist only after moving to manufacturing
are: diminishes greatly its effect. A substantial amount of the infor-
• T he DT framework should cover the entire product mation for a specific Digital Twin Instance (DTI) is contained
lifecycle in the DTP.

• T
 he DT is especially valuable during the create phase Finally, it is inelegant and piecemeal to not have the digital
twin encompass the entire product lifecycle. As described
• T
 he DT does exist prior to the physical product –it just
in Section 2, the intent of the digital twin is to have a frame-
has a different name
work that persists throughout the entire lifecycle. That has
• T
 he DT regresses to being functionally siloed if there been the intent since the origination of the digital twin concept.
is no DT prior to the physical product Requiring the digital twin to only exist once there is a physical
product is inconsistent with that approach. Having different
• T
 he DT existing only after there is a physical product types of digital twin, DTP, DTI, and DTA (Digital Twin
is conceptually inelegant and piecemeal Aggregate), allows us to have a consistent framework, yet
differentiate how the digital twin manifests itself at different phases
The practical reality even for those making a claim that the of product lifecycle.
digital twin does not exist prior to there being a physical prod-
uct is that there actually is a digital twin in their organization 3 The digital twin and time
before there is a physical product. This product information One of the least discussed and perhaps most unappreciated
does exist throughout the entire product lifecycle. In all those aspects of the digital twin is its relationship with time. In the
situations, it simply has a different name. It may be called the physical world, we are stuck in the moment. If we want to
digital model, the digital design, the digital systems model, go forward in time, we can. However, we can only do so at the
or some such variation. However, it has most if not all the pace of each tick of the clock. If we want to go to the past in
characteristics of the Digital Twin Prototype (DTP). time, we are simply out of luck.

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The interest in the ability to predict future events has existed life. Tx+y represents a time in the future of the product’s life.
for centuries. The famous mathematician, Laplace, said, “Give We can move back and forth in time from Tx.
me the positions and velocities of all the particles in the uni-
verse, and I will predict the future” (Laplace, 1917)4. However, Modeling and simulation incorporate the physics and assump-
as will be pointed out in a later section, this would apply only to tions that will drive these simulations. In the create phase, we
the inanimate universe. want to virtually create the product, test the product, manufacture
the product, and sustain and operate the product. We would like
In the virtual world, we are under no such time constraint to model and simulate short periods of time as in a crash test
and have made great strides in realizing Laplace’s vision. We and long periods of time as in determining the durability over
can go back in time via two mechanisms. We can simply run decades of an airframe.
our simulations backward from the current time. Simulations
do not care whether they run forward or backward. The time When we get undesirable results, we can step back in time
arrow for simulations runs both forward and backward. The with our simulations to see where the deviation between what
second mechanism is to have captured the state changes as we thought should occur and what actually did occur. We can
our product has gone through time. We can simply reverse then modify our design so as to obtain the desired system
those state changes to our current digital twin to reproduce any outcomes.
point in the past time.
The goal in the create phase is to work out all the issues and
To move into the future, we simply run our simulations for- problems with these complex products and only when we get
ward. We can pick our increment of time and duration. We can it all right, do we want to go and physically make the product.
set the time as nanoseconds and duration in seconds as we do The ability to manipulate time is a capability that will allow
for nuclear explosion simulations or at a little larger time incre- us to better understand our complex systems.
ments for vehicle crash tests. We can set the time increment in
years and the duration in decades for determining the durability 4 Complex systems
and potential degradation of an airframe. We have been referring to complex products or systems, but
what do we mean when we use that term? In defining what
There are two critical requirements here. The first is that we a complex system is the first task is to define what we mean
have an understanding of the physics that take place over time when we say a system. An accepted definition of the system is
and second that we have enough computing power in order to (Grieves, 2012)5:
simulate those physics in the time increment and duration that
we require. Both these capabilities continue to increase at an  system is two or more components that combine together
ever-rapid pace. to produce from one or more inputs one or more results that
could not be obtained from the components individually
Figure 5 illustrates this with the DTP during the create phase.
T0 represents the point in time when we have a complete dig- A system consists of three components: inputs, operations,
ital twin that could be made into a physical product with full and outputs. Inputs are what drive the system behavior. The
functionality. Tx, represent the current time in the product’s three main inputs of systems are materials, forces, and infor-
mation. These inputs are processed by the operations of the
R system. The resulting outputs are then used both internally and
externally to the system.
This is the popular version. Laplace’s actual quote is, “Given for one instant
an intelligence which could comprehend all the forces by which nature is
animated and the respective situa-tion of the beings who compose it—an
A taxonomy of systems lists this hierarchy: simple systems,
intelligence sufficiently vast to submit these data to analysis—it would complicated systems, system of systems (SoS), complex systems,
embrace in the same formula the movements of the greatest bodies of collaborative SoS, adaptive systems, and complex adaptive
the universe and those of the lightest atom; for it, nothing would be systems (Baldwin et al., 2011). For purposes of this article,
uncertain and the future, as the past, would be present to its eyes.”
we will consider the systems beyond complicated systems as
the class of complex systems.

Thus, there are three types of systems: simple, complicated, and

complex. Simple and complicated systems are closely related
and differ only in the matter of scope. For simple systems,
Modified from the original to add that the results could not be obtained from
the components individually. While there are much more detailed descriptions
of systems and their characte-ristics (see Ackoff, R.L., Towards a System of
Systems Concepts. Management Science (pre-1986), 1971. 17(11): p. 661,
Figure 5. Digital twin in time. M&S, Modeling and Simulation. this definition suffices for the points we wish to make here.

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the inputs, operations, and outputs are readily discernable. that the system could perform in ways that were not foreseen
There is little or no information needed by a simple system. The by the product developers.
system states are few. A lever and fulcrum constitute a simple
system. The requirement that a system have actual emergent behav-
ior occurs under one of two conditions. The first condition is
Complicated systems have those same characteristics. The common. It involves a human interaction with the system that
major difference is that there are more components that inter- changes something in that system to affect its behavior. How-
act. The inputs, operations, and outputs may not be easily ever, if we view the human as external to the system itself,
discernable, but the system can be broken down into discrete then again this is not really emergent behavior. If a human
subsystems. These subsystems can be readily understood. The interacts with the system in a way that the system design-
interface between subsystems are few and simple. There are ers never anticipated or if the human makes a change to the
more system states, but again they are easily discernable. system, then the system would have always acted in that
manner. The behavior wasn’t so much as emergent as it was a
Complicated systems have little if any information as inputs. deterministic outcome of the human behavior.
What information is entered into the system is entered by
physical material changes – flipping a switch, pulling a lever, Where a system exhibits actual emergent behavior is when deci-
etc. Mechanical systems and complicated systems have a sions are taken, or parameters are adjusted that have not been
high, if not complete, overlap. A watch is an example of a designed into the system. At one end of the spectrum, these
complicated system. decisions could be completely random, as in generating random
numbers to put together different processes. At the other
There is not very good agreement as to what constitutes end of the spectrum is Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) which in
complexity (Ledford, 2008). While complicated systems are an effect is to put humanlike intelligence (goal seeking) into the
extension of simple systems, complex systems are something system to make better decisions to effect outcomes.
very different. Complexity seems to come into play when there
is not a good grasp of the number of states that the system can Systems with this kind of randomness will be the actual
take and/or the number of systems states is too numerable emergent systems. However only systems with AI will have
to calculate. emergent behavior that is goal seeking.

Like complicated systems, a key aspect of complex systems 6 AI and M&S (Artificial Intelligence and Modeling
is that there are numerous components in complex systems. and Simulation)
However, there are also multiple interface points between AI and M&S are two sides of the same digital coin. AI con-
components and many to many communication channels sists of computers replicating only human intelligence. M&S
(Mitchell, 2009). Complexity is also linked to system behav- consists of computers replicating the rest of the physical uni-
iors with systems having more possible behaviors being more verse, except for human intelligence. Together AI and M&S
complex than systems with less possible behaviors (Siegenfeld can provide a form of intelligence for digital twins in a virtual
& Bar-Yam, 2019). world.

It is also proposed that complexity is all about the informa- Both of these capabilities rely heavily on the advances in
tion processing that differentiates complex systems from computing. Since 1970, computing performance which is
simple and complicated systems. The information inputs, both proxied by the number of transistors on a chip has been increas-
into the system and within the system drive system complexity ing exponentially as predicted by Moore’s Law (Moore, 1965).
(Stacey et al., 2017). Sophisticated information processing by As shown in the logarithmic graph in Figure 6 computing
the system also makes predictions of system states difficult. performance has been doubling approximately every 18
months. In 2020, we have reached 54 billion transistor den-
Complexity drives the need for the digital twin. While not sity. If we continue to keep at this pace, by 2030 we will reach
clear cut, at a certain level of possible systems states and infor- approximately six trillion transistors or an equivalent capability.
mation exchange and processing, products are considered
complex. As I have often said, a jet fighter needs a digital It is difficult to comprehend what this level of computing
twin. A paperclip does not. capability will mean. However, we can be pretty confident
that the ideas presented here will not be compute bound.
5 Complex systems and emergent behavior
The complex systems of today are said to have emergent behav- 6.1 AI or Artificial Intelligence
ior (Grieves & Vickers, 2017). However, that is not entirely The term Artificial Intelligence or AI was coined in the 1960s
accurate. Emergent behavior is considered to be behavior that by John McCarthy of MIT for the initiative of creating “thinking
the system did not have initially but emerges over time as the computers” (Moravec, 1988). The term AI is in pretty liberal
system operates. The reality is that, in most man-made systems, use today. Perform a Google inquiry of the term in 2021, and
new behavior did not emerge. It has been in the system from Google returns in the neighborhood of 4 billion results. In
its inception. What actually has emerged is the understanding discussion, AI spans the spectrum from expert systems

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Figure 6. Moore’s Law – logarithmic plot of transistor density.

algorithms to computer-based, self-aware intelligent entities deep-learning systems of today find difficult if not impossible to
(Kurzweil, 2005). reproduce.

I define intelligence as goal seeking while minimizing resources. Take for example the simple statement, “the cat sat on the
Nature does goal seeking in survival of the fittest. However, mat, and it yawned.” Ask any human of even a very young age,
nature does not minimize resource. Nature attempts to produce and we will immediately get the correct answer. A computer
all possible combinations and allows the environment to select currently finds this kind of question very difficult, requiring
the fittest, eliminating all the rest. Nature can take eons of time both extensive ontological and deep learning programming.
and nearly infinite resources to accomplish this. Humans do
not have that luxury. In addition, there is a question as to whether we really want
computers to replicate human intelligence. In fact, there is a
6.1.1 The state of AI. The idea that computers might repli- serious question as to whether computers can replicate human
cate human intelligence has been around since at least the mid- intelligence. What often is overlooked is that the human
dle of the last century. The most famous example of this is brain and computers have very different hardware.
the Turing test, which was proposed by Alan Turing in 1950
(Turing, 1950). Basically, the test proposes that if a human Computer hardware is implemented in digital circuitry. The
observer cannot tell the difference between another human human brain is implemented in interconnected neurons, with
being and a computer by asking a series of questions, the Turing specialized areas for different mental functions (Seung, 2012).
Test is passed. A cognitive science area theorizes that the way humans think is
hugely shaped by its embedded connections with human sensory
The Turing test has been deemed not rigorous enough. It relies and motor processes (Ramachandran, 2011).
on an observer who might rate high on the ability to be deceived,
so other tests have been proposed. The Winograd Schema The intent here is not to have a comprehensive discussion of
Challenge (Levesque et al., 2012) is a test that asks ambigu- what does or does not constitute artificial intelligence, but to
ous questions. This relies on human common sense that the discuss elements that make a digital twin appear to be intelligent.

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Intelligence is for our purposes understanding context and Modeling and simulation is about representing physical
making predictions in the support of goal seeking while products and their behaviors in a digital or virtual environ-
minimizing physical resource usage. ment. In this context, a model is a static representation of the
physical product. The current technology allows for this
It may be that AI does not replicate human intelligence, but model to be a three-dimensional replication that has complete
implements goal seeking and problem solving in ways that do fidelity in terms of dimensioning. The behavior is modeled in
not replace humans but augments them. The evidence for this is mathematical form, describing the forces acting on the physical
that tasks that computers find trivial, e.g., multiplying two 9-digit product and the forces the physical product generates and acts
numbers, is difficult for almost all humans. Tasks that are easy upon the environment.
for humans, captcha recognition and ambiguous sentences like
the one above, are difficult for computers (Tegmark, 2017). Simulation is dynamic. Simulation adds the component of time
and describes how the product changes as forces act on it, and
However, the good news is that the actual requirement of AI how the forces the product generates act on the environment.
for the IDT is not to have human like intelligence. We have Simulation shows the changes in geometry as the mathematical
plenty of humans. It is to augment human intelligence by behavior model of forces transforms material. A simulation
processing massive amounts of data and presenting relevant of a vehicle crash test shows at a user defined time scale the
information for consideration. As will be discussed next, the deformation of all components of the automobile as it crashes
digital twin has from its inception proposed that augmenting, into a barrier.
not replacing, human intelligence was a core characteristic.
Simulation relies on two things: an increasing knowledge of
6.1.2 Cued availability. From the earliest stages of the the physics and/or data that determine the physical environ-
digital twin concept, it was proposed that digital twins under- ment and the computing power to calculate the physics at the
stand context and provide proactive assistance to the users of required scale and fidelity. This has meant that there have been
the digital twin. The characteristics of the digital twin from limitations of the products that could be modelled and simulated.
its inception were: singularity, correspondence, traceability, A few decades ago, only simple product systems could be
reflectiveness, and cued availability (Grieves, 2006). simulated. With the doubling of Moore’s Law over time,
today even complex product systems can be simulated.
As a brief refresher, singularity means that there is a
single representation of product information and not duplicate, The question is how do we decide how well we are doing with
inconsistent versions. Correspondence means that products M&S? Over a decade and a half ago, I proposed some Tests
are both physical and virtual. Cohesion means that all repre- of Virtuality to answer that question. The Tests of Virtuality
sentations or views of facets of the product information must were modeled on the Turing Test (Grieves, 2006, pgs. 18–19).
adhere to the laws of physics the same way their atom-based
physical twin does. Traceability means that the digital twin The original formulation of the Grieves Test of Virtuality had
tracks the history of the product through the phases of the three distinct tests: a visual test, a performance test, and a reflec-
lifecycle. Reflectiveness means that, as a physical twin changes, tion test. The format of the tests was similar. An observer was
its DTI changes. All of these characteristics are currently exposed to the physical and the virtual versions. If he or she
part of the digital twin. could not tell the difference between the two versions, then the test
was passed.
What has not been an aspect of the digital twin is the last char-
acteristic, cued availability. This is where the IDT becomes In the visual test, the observer looked at the video screens
relevant. While not the most elegant term, cued availability of a product placed in a physical room and the digital twin
was the concept that the digital twin would provide information version. The observer could ask for any spatial manipula-
to the user based on the task that they were doing. tion to be done. The observer could ask to see the product
from any angle.
Cued availability is simply being able to have the “right infor-
mation and processes when we need it” (Grieves, 2006). The The observer could ask that the product be disassembled and
digital twin would be aware of the information of what the look at any individual component. In the example of a car,
user was doing and provide additional information based on the observer could ask that the doors be opened to look inside
that context. at the interior or that the hood be opened and to look in the
engine compartment. If the observer cannot tell the difference
6.2 M&S or modeling and simulation between the physical version and the digital twin version, then
With apologies to Alan Turing, the critical requirement is to Grieves Visual Test is said to be passed.
have the computer emulate everything in the universe, except
human intelligence. If, as noted above, we can fully simulate The behavioral test was a little more difficult. The observer had
the inanimate universe but only obtain assistance from AI, the same two views of the product, the physical and the digital
we will obtain tremendous value for products throughout twin one. The observer could then ask that forces be generated
the product lifecycle. and/or applied to both the physical and virtual and observe

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the results. For an airplane, this could mean that the two planes compares the two versions. If the states of the physical twin and
jet engine would be turned on, and the planes sent down digital twin are effectively identical, then the Grieves Test of
the physical and virtual runways to take off. This would be Prediction is passed.
an internal force.
6.3 Merging AI with M&S
The observer could also ask that once the planes were flying The natural habitat of AI is in the virtual world. It is much
that they be put into a steep dive and see the forces that better suited in dealing with the information of the virtual world
acted upon them. That would be an external force test. If the than with the tangible structures and environment of the physical
observer could not tell the difference between the physical world. In dealing with the physical world, AI is dependent
and the virtual performance, then it passed the Grieves Test of on sensors to capture the physical world state changes in
Performance. context and relies on physical actuators to cause changes in
tangible structures.
The third test is a test of reflectivity. Reflectivity was defined
as any change to the physical product would be reflected in To provide a simple example, a pilot of an airplane sitting on a
its digital twin. Again, we have the observer and the physi- taxiway waiting for take-off can, at a glance, assess the situa-
cal twin and digital twin versions. In this particular case, the tion they are in: the state of the runway, the position of other
test is that the observer can see no differences between the two aircraft, the state of the engines, the weather conditions, the
versions. Using an example of an oil rig, if the observer were trustworthiness of air control, and numerous other factors. The
to compare every valve setting, every gauge, every pump sensoring and programming required to have an AI system
serial number, there would be no difference between the have all that same information and replace the pilot completely
two versions. If that was the case, then the Grieves Test of is a daunting if not insurmountable task.
Reflectivity would be passed.
That is not to say that AI does not have a role in assisting the
These tests were meant to be ideal test. They were always pilot, even on mundane taxiways. It does. With the informa-
meant to be tied to use cases that would provide value to the tion and assessments AI can do, it could prevent disasters such
user. It was intended that only those things that provided value as the 1977 Tenerife 747 accident that was the result of a tragic
would be the things that were intended to be tested. If there miscalculation by the pilot (Weick, 1990). The AI would have
was no value in disassembling a product and determining if the alerted the pilot that a crash was unavoidable in time for the
physical twin and digital twin versions were identical, then takeoff to be aborted.
that would not be part of the test. If a component of the oil
rig above was serialized, but there was no interest in track-
ing serial numbers, then the physical twin and digital twin Where AI is the most at home is in the virtual world of M&S.
versions not being identical would be irrelevant. In fact, it acts more like nature than like humans. In the
virtual world, AI is goal seeking but with a much-relaxed
requirement to minimize resources. As computing capability
So where are we a decade and a half later? The short answer is
continues its exponential growth, the capability of simulating
that these test of virtuality are easily passed on a daily basis. A
more and more possible combinations and evaluating their
decade and half ago, we were close to passing the visual test.
outcomes becomes faster and less expensive. Crash testing
Today there is no question that the visualization of physical
a vehicle physically is an expensive proposition. Crash test-
products and its digital twins have the fidelity and granularity
ing a virtual vehicle gets less and less expensive over time
that we need for most use cases.
because of Moore’s Law. This means that more and more testing
variations can be done for minimal costs.
The behavior and reflectivity tests were proposed before
Internet of Things (IoT) became so prevalent. Back then, the
issue for these tests was going to be being able to get the appro- 7 Intelligent Digital Twins
priate sensoring data in order to maintain the digital twin The digital twin has traditionally had a characteristic of
version. Today with our smart products, we routinely get the passiveness. The digital twin has been described as a reposi-
sensoring information that we need in order to pass both tory of product information. Information is populated in the
those tests. Again, we need to remember that this is driven by digital twin and consumed from it. The digital twin could be
use cases. The value to the user needs to be there in order to interrogated by its users to use information in order to replace
expend the resources necessary to maintaining the digital twin wasted physical resources.
for all these tests.
The Intelligent Digital Twin (IDT) has these characteristics:
At this time, I would like to propose a new Grieves Test of • A ctive
Virtuality. This is Grieves Test of Prediction. This is a slightly
• O
different test and much harder. In this test version, the observer
asks that the digital twin version be moved a certain amount • G
 oal seeking
of time into the future. The observer then waits that amount of
time. When that time has elapsed, the observer now • A

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7.1 Active meets the requirements set out in the create phase. The disposal
A key characteristic of the IDT is that it is active. A tacit phase goals are the safe and effective disposal and recycling.
understanding of the current digital twin is that it is passive.
It is usually referred to as a repository of product informa- The intent of the IDT is to assist and augment the human in
tion. To obtain that information, users inquire or search for reaching the goals that have always been present. It is not to
information that they need. While predictions are part of the change the goals.
current digital twin, it is usually in the framework of users
initiating the request for specific predictions of their choosing. 7.4 Anticipatory
The IDT is anticipatory. This is something that humans instinc-
The IDT actively assists working with and providing informa- tively do, although sometimes not very successfully. As goal
tion as it is needed. As discussed previously, the intent is to seeking/resource minimizing agents, humans attempt to look
not replace humans and human intelligence. It is to augment it. ahead in time and adjust their current actions to obtain their
future goals. A common example of that is driving. Humans
7.2 Online continually evaluate the surrounding vehicles and adjust their
Referring back to the digital twin model in Figure 1, one of direction and velocity to avoid collisions. That humans do not
the three elements is the communication links between the do a wonderful job is evidenced by the frequency of accidents.
digital twin and its environment and the physical twin and its
environment. The communication goes both ways. We feed The IDT could be of major assistance to humans in at least two
data from the physical side to the virtual side and information major areas: performing complex calculations to accurately
goes from the virtual side to the physical side. model and simulate physical events and preventing human
biases from tainting decision making.
The frequency of the communications between the physi-
cal and virtual is rarely mentioned. When it has been, it is tied I have in previous works discussed this type of capability
to a particular use case. Air bags deploying require instant and given it the name of Front Running Simulation (FRS)
communication. Maintenance updates could be batched and (Grieves, 2019). FRS attempts to anticipate the future and run
could lag for days. out “in front” of the physical twin. FRS is a constant running
simulation using the digital twin of complex products.
However, even the instant air bag deployment communication
is passive. It requires that data be sent from the physical We have discussed the first characteristic of FRS at length in
airbag system to its digital twin in order for some action to the section on M&S. A core characteristic of the digital twin
occur. The communications between the digital twin and its is the ability to virtually model and simulate physical events.
physical counterpart is offline until the physical counterpart It relies on the previously discussed digital twin’s ability to
performs some action. manipulate time.

For the digital twin to be active requires that it be online. What For the anticipatory IDT, what we would like is the IDT to
this means is that the DT continues to scan the PT and its be constantly running simulations of the product as the prod-
environment. The primary initialization moves from the physi- uct performs its duties. Figure 7 takes Figure 5 and adds the
cal side of the DT model to the active DT side. Depend- aspect of the physical twin. At every new defined T0, the physical
ing on the phase of the lifecycle, the physical side includes twin feeds its new, current state information into the IDT.
the environment, the physical twin, and the humans involved.
The DT evolves from a passive repository to a proactive The IDT would then run a new simulation, utilizing not only
repository and constant agent assistance. the history and current state of this physical twin but also infor-
mation from the Digital Twin Aggregate (DTA) of all products
7.3 Goal seeking in this class. The IDT would run this new simulation from
In the current digital twin model, humans provide all the goal
seeking. With the IDT, goal seeking is shared between it and
its human users. This means that a key aspect will be the crea-
tion and articulation of goals throughout the phases of the
product lifecycle.

There will need to be defined goals for the different phases. For
the creation phase, the goals are related to developing products
that meet the defined requirements. In the build phase, the
goals are producing these products using the minimum
amount of physical resources, i.e., time, energy, and materials.
In the operate/sustain phase, the goals are the continued
operations with minimum downtime and performance that Figure 7. Front Running Simulation (FRS).

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Digital Twin 2022, 2:8 Last updated: 27 MAY 2022

that point in time into the future to determine how the product
would perform given this new T0 current state and environment.

This would allow the IDT to predict future adverse events that
would occur if the product continued on its current course.
With the exponential advances of computing power, the IDT
could run multiple scenarios and use Bayesian probabilities
to give probabilities of adverse events, allowing the human
to assess the risk.

The second characteristic of FRS is to prevent human biases

from tainting and even preventing good decisions. Humans
have two biases that often lead to disastrous decision. These
biases are the confirmation bias and the optimism bias
(Kahneman, 2011).

Confirmation bias is the human tendency to only value infor-

Figure 8. Digital twin use cases.
mation that confirms the perception that a person already has.
Optimism bias is the tendency to view optimistic outcomes as
having a much higher probability than they actually have. Exam-
ples abound of disasters that have resulted from these biases, the The reality is that we rarely start from a blank sheet of paper
Tenerife accident discussed above, the Air France 447 accident for a revolutionary new product. The vast majority of the
off of Brazil (Palmer, 2013), the BP Gulf Disaster (Graham time we start with some components that are already in exist-
et al., 2011), and many others (Perrow, 1984). ence and that may be repurposed for the new product. A great
deal of the time we are developing the next generation of a
On that basis, the IDT can provide valuable assistance to previous product.
humans. The IDT can process all the data and information avail-
able to it in an accurate and unbiased manner. It can explore a If as stated previously, we want to create the product
wide variety of scenarios by modifying parameters, calculating virtually, test the product virtually, manufacture the product
probabilities, and providing humans with estimates of outcomes virtually, and support and sustain the product virtually, then
based on current conditions and actions. the create phase is about using as much virtual capability as we
can. It is in this create phase that the IDT, linking AI and M&S,
7.5 Intelligent digital twins throughout the lifecycle can provide tremendous value.
The digital twin’s value is always driven by use cases. The
question always needs to be: can the information from the Our first order of business is to create the requirements that
digital twin replace wasted physical resources of time, energy, we want this product to have. These requirements will drive the
and material? If it can, and the cost of collecting, processing, development of the DTP that will provide the foundation for
storing, and retrieving the information is less than the cost of the physical products to come. This DTP is defined as all the
wasting material resources, then the information should be products that we can make, with all its variants.
created and used.
Once we have our requirements, which in essence is the new
Figure 8 shows common digital twin use cases organized by product system, this forms the basis for our new DTP. We use
product lifecycle phase. This is by no means a comprehen- the tools of the Product Lifecycle Management system (PLM)
sive list, but it shows a scope of the usage of digital twins in that share the characteristics of our IDT. We want this capabil-
today’s modern product organization. ity to be active, online, goal seeking, and anticipatory. We can
almost think of this as an uber digital twin.
Our intent is to move as much work from the physical world
to the virtual world as we can and as makes economic sense. This is where cued availability comes in the play, with an active
Virtual bits will continue get become cheaper at an exponential IDT looking to assist the product developers. It is active. As
rate. Physical atoms will become more expensive, if only at a developer works on a new product, from requirements to
the rate of inflation. full product design and manufacturing realization, the IDT
can assist him or her. The IDT can monitor the work and
7.5.1 Create phase. The create phase is obviously the most present the designer with material that he or she may not even
important part of product development. It is in this phase know that they need. This requires constant online access.
that we start the life of a new product. Theoretically there is
nothing that exists at the beginning of this phase. There is no The IDT can assess shapes and present exemplars of things
digital twin and certainly no physical twin. already designed in order to assist. It can look for designs

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that are similar in form and function or even the same as parts would like this manufacturing process to as closely as possible
that have been previously designed and present those designs, duplicate the M&S manufacturing process that we developed
so they are not re-created. It can continually run analysis on in the create phase.
designs using the requirements in order to make early deter-
minations of the design meeting the requirements and provide As shown in Table 1, manufacturing facilities exist on a
early warnings when that is not the case. spectrum from simple to complex. On the simple end of the
spectrum, a single machine may be the manufacturing proc-
The IDT needs to be anticipatory. The IDT can look for inter- ess. It may not need a DT, let alone an IDT. On the complex
face problems among different designers and engineers, so as end of the spectrum, where we have a large number of machines
to eliminate problems of parts not fitting together. It can run performing different processes, we need DTs of the machines
early simulations of related components to ensure that they are organized in a consistent system.
interfacing and working the way they are intended. Looking
at the list of use cases, there are always use cases that would In the latter case, the IDT that we want to employ is the IDT of
benefit by an IDT maintaining the information and providing the factory itself. We want that IDT of the factory to be active
analysis as an early warning to product designers and engineers. and online. We want the IDT to be constantly monitoring the
factory floor for issues that will impact either the productivity
Goal seeking at this stage is driven by the requirements. Our or the quality of the products that we are manufacturing.
goal is to produce a new product that meets the characteris-
tics of the requirements, minimizing the use of resources in The concept of factory replication is that information about
doing so. We test that by M&S capabilities that check to see our factory is always instantaneously and simultaneously avail-
if the requirements are met as we go through the test phase and able to any authorized user (Grieves, 2014). Factory replication
model and simulate operation / sustainment performance. requires that the IDT be online at all times. The goal seeking
that we want is producing quality parts as efficiently as
In this phase, we not only need to create a product that meets possible. The IDT, through cued availability, would be
the design requirements, but we also need to create a produc- suggesting improvements in our processes as it determined
tion process that will produce a physical representation of how we actually produce the product versus how we thought we
our digital product. We need to do so efficiently and effec- were going to produce the product.
tively. This means that we will need a digital twin of the factory
production process in order to determine that this production The anticipatory aspect comes into play with FRS. By con-
process will result in the physical product we desire. Again, stantly simulating the future state of the factory, we can predict
M&S of the factory will allow us to determine that our pro- issues such as bottlenecks before they occur and take remedial
duction process will produce the physical twins effectively action to prevent those issues. With the right information, we can
and efficiently. do that at this macro level for the factory and at the micro level
for individual equipment. We want to be able to move
7.5.2 Build phase. In the build phase, the focus is on from periodic maintenance based on MTBF to prognostic
creating a physical twin that as closely as possible replicates a maintenance based on performance indicators. This
variant of the DTP. It is in this phase that we also want to create means that we would fix problems before they occur as
the DTI of the specific physical twin that we manufacture. We opposed to performing maintenance on a periodic basis.

Table 1. Levels of manufacturing.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

Single, independent Multiple, independent Large number of Large number of Multiple interdependent
machines with simple machines limited in machines, both machines, both machines geographically
processes with single number with simple independent and independent and dispersed both within the
material source processes performed in interdependent, with interdependent, with both organization and through
performed within the a static, linear fashion. both simple and simple and complicated a supply network with
machine. Product is Material is limited to a complicated processes. processes. Routing of complicated processes
simple in form with no few sources. Product Routing of parts is parts is dynamic. There is and a wide range of
variants or assemblies. has limited number of dynamic. High volume a wide variety of material. materials. Requires
Only information variants with simple of data. Wide variety of Multiple locations with real-time data exchange
required can be assembly information material. Single location. coordinated material/parts between machines.
visually obtained and can be tracked on flow.
managed/controlled simple paper forms
by a supervisor. Single or single screen apps.
location. Single location.

Simple Complicated Complicated Complex Complex

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This is where the digital twin differs from Industry 4.0. Indus- predict all the system responses. The IDT will be needed to
try 4.0 has as its goal the reduction of time from an adverse provide overwatch capability for these emergent systems. As
event to its remediation (Schuh et al., 2016). If we can collect the AI changes parameters of the system, these changes need to
sufficient information of our factory equipment, we should be transmitted to its DTI. At a minimum, the DTI will have a
be able to predict failures and fix them before they occur record of the changes made to analyze if something goes wrong,
(Nikolopoulos, 2020). and the physical twin is damaged or destroyed. In the ideal situ-
ation, the intelligent DTI will predict the adverse condition
The other anticipatory aspect is to be looking for weak and intervene to prevent it from happening.
signals or anomalies. These are signals that are often ignored by
humans, but an indication that something is going wrong (Weick 8 Conclusions
& Sutcliffe, 2007). The IDT would process this information Digital twins have emerged as a top technological initiative
taking into account that looking for weak signals is important, in the 21st century. The ability to move work from the physi-
so that the IDT can detect conditions that will result in failures cal world into the virtual world will enable products to be
in the future and surface them early. faster, better, and cheaper6. The proliferation of products that
are more complex with emergent capabilities will require the
7.5.3 Operate/sustain. In the operation/sustainment phase, there information capabilities of digital twins throughout the entire
are numerous opportunities for the IDT. The complex products product lifecycle. Digital twins exist from the moment there
of today, modern jet fighters, massive drilling platforms, and is an intended product since the information about a product
sophisticated medical devices, are beyond human processing will always precede its physical manifestation.
capabilities in order to understand exactly what these products
are doing. The IDT in this phase needs to be active in looking Digital twins will need to evolve in order to meet the challenge
for issues of performance, comparing them to the perform- of increasingly complex products. The advances in AI and M&S
ance expected, and either adjusting software to compensate will make possible the Intelligent digital twin. Digital twins
for the degradation, alerting humans to the issue early on, or will move from being an information repository to providing
at least identifying the problem for future generations of the constant guidance to their human users.
product. At a minimum, we want to close the loop between the
operations/sustainment phase and the creation phase. We do this The characteristics of IDTs are that they are active, online, goal
by feeding the data of the actual performance of the product seeking, and anticipatory. This will enable IDTs, enabled by the
to the designers and engineers who create these products. exponential increases in computing capability, to apply their
abilities in moving in time to predict the future by constantly
While the classical digital twin could collect a great deal of this performing simulations of possible futures from current
information, it was on a periodic basis, with potential long lag states. The Front Running Simulations (FRS) of IDTs will
times between collecting the data and transmitting that infor- provide, at a minimum, overwatch of their associated Physical
mation to its digital twin. The online aspect means that we Twins and ideally predict adverse condition so as to prevent
would be collecting information on a constant basis. those adverse events from happening.

Goal seeking is built in the requirements for the product, so the The movement of work from the physical world to the virtual
intent of the IDT would be to continually to match the actual world will be a hallmark of the 21st century. AI and M&S will
performance with requirements and make whatever adjust- enable Intelligent Digital Twins and will greatly assist humans in
ments were required to obtain the required performance. This the work with developing emergent products. Intelligent Digital
would also mean that the IDT would learn as the product Twins will not replace humans.
matured in life so that it could compensate for degradation. It
would then feed that information to the Digital Twin Aggregate Data availability
so that it would be propagated to other DTIs. No data are associated with this article.

The emergent aspect of complex systems due to AI being incor- R

porated into these products make IDTs critical. The initial 6
There was a longstanding joke at NASA that went: “Faster, better,
product designers of these systems are by definition unable to cheaper – pick two.”


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Digital Twin Digital Twin 2022, 2:8 Last updated: 27 MAY 2022

Open Peer Review

Current Peer Review Status:

Version 1

Reviewer Report 27 May 2022

© 2022 McNair W. This is an open access peer review report distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

William Randell McNair

1 Stichting USPI-NL, Randstad, The Netherlands
2 University of South Florida, Muma College of Business, Tampa, FL, USA
3 MetaPassageways, Lakeland, FL, USA

The author's tone is authoritative and reflects an in depth understanding of the subject matter
and principles covered in the article. There is high fidelity with the current literature on the topic,
and in each case of author's use of self-citations they are included for brevity and in some
instances to point out that his own perspective is evolving with the maturity of the digital twin
domain. The rapid increase in scholarship on the subject of digital twins is evidenced by the
relatively recent creation of this journal.

I found the author's use of metaphor helpful in communicating abstract concepts and clearly
reflects the most recent scholarship related to evolution of digital twins to higher levels of
maturity and complexity. The illustrations, though somewhat dated as modern infographics go,
are consistent with respect to technical accuracy and alignment with generally accepted academic
standards for published material in peer-reviewed open access journals. 

The citations included accurately reflect the content or arguments made by the author or the
context of the principles described in the article. However, there were a few minor exceptions that
the author should consider revising in the publication in order to improve it potential impact with
respect to its scientific rigor.

Specifically, in section 3, where the author introduces a quote attributed to Pierre Simon, the
Marquis de Laplace. I could not find any translation of that actual statement in the 1902 version of
the essay included as a link in the reference section. A google search included several instances of
that quote being attributed to "Pierre Simon Laplace", but none met the standard of academic
credibility expected for a journal article. My suggestion would be to change the statement as
follows: "The famous mathematician, Pierre Simon de Laplace, has been popularly paraphrased as
saying 'Give me the positions...' (Laplace, 1902)". Then include a footnote that states this adage is
most likely a popularization of the statement regarding "an intelligence sufficiently vast to submit

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Digital Twin Digital Twin 2022, 2:8 Last updated: 27 MAY 2022

these data to analysis" (Laplace, 1902, p. 4) in the first edition English translation of the 6th edition
of PSL's essays published in French during the 19th Century (circa 1814). At a minimum, I suggest
a correction of the embedded link for this reference to point to the 2nd Edition English Translation
(1917) or change the reference to the 1st Edition English translation (1902). 

In a couple instances in section 6, the author indicates present tense when referring to activity
occurring in 2020 ("we have reached 54 billion...") and in 2021 ("Perform a Google inquiry.. and
Google returns...4 billion results"). The actual current google return in 2022 is now over 10 billion,
further illustrating the author's point, however the way it is worded may imply the article was
written over the span of several years.

In the case of the 2020 reference mentioned above, the discussion about the impact of Moore's
law does not account for the fact that there is some debate in academia as to whether Moore's
Law will still be valid in light of quantum computing innovations. This topic is discussed in the 2021
IRDS Executive Summary ( I do not think the author overstated transistor capacity, if
anything it is understated as the scale moves from logarithmic to exponential once quantum
computing processing power dynamics are factored; according to the International Roadmap for
Devices and Systems (IRDS) quantum computing capabilities will just begin to make an impact by
2030 (IRDS, 2021a, p.12). My only suggestion here would be to reference the IRDS 2021 Executive
Summary report as a way of reinforcing the concept of capacity dynamics so that the so called "
Moore more" initiated reader does not get distracted by the potential scaling limitations of
Moore's Law. A simple footnote may suffice. 

There was one minor instance where the link included in the reference section pointed to a review
of the text rather than the referenced text itself. I have already mentioned the issue with the
incorrect link for the article's "(Laplace, 1917)" reference on page 15 but this could be mitigated
easily as suggested above. 

Overall, the author does an excellent job articulating the subject matter of this article and makes a
compelling argument for applying the revised "Grieves Test of Virtuality" to the domain of
"prediction". I agree that the application of AI coupled with Digital Twin technology in the arena of
incident prevention is strong use case for greater adoption of Modeling and Simulation with AI. I
recently attended an interesting presentation at the Connected Worker Summit in Houston
featuring Nigel Packham, Associate Director of Safety at NASA. He made an impassioned plea for
industry to leverage AI and Modeling and Simulation technology to prevent the next major
industrial disaster. He stated that in 1981 the space shuttle assessed the probabilistic risk
assessment for loss of crew (LOC) as between 1:1,000 and 1:10,000. By the end of NASA's space
shuttle program in 2011, more modern analytical tools and data from actual incidents revealed
that the true probability of LOC was 1:12 (Packham, 2021). 

What latent risk is the modern complex industrial facility decision maker missing that could be
exposed by AI and advanced Modeling and Simulation? The author of this article has proposed a
viable technique for assessing that value and strengthens the business case for investing in more
and more testing of assumptions.

In summary, this opinion article entitled "Intelligent digital twins and the development and
management of complex systems" is impactful in that it provides the reader with concise
nomenclature, clearly describes complex concepts in understandable terms, employing relevant

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examples and strong academic rigor in the research conducted to support the author's
conclusions. The author makes the case for full lifecycle management of complex digital twins and
that supports recent scholarship on this matter.

I believe the few minor opportunities for improvement identified here in this review can be easily
mitigated resulting in an influential publication that will certainly be cited by others in this
research domain for many years to come.

Is the topic of the opinion article discussed accurately in the context of the current

Are all factual statements correct and adequately supported by citations?


Are arguments sufficiently supported by evidence from the published literature?


Are the conclusions drawn balanced and justified on the basis of the presented arguments?

Competing Interests: No competing interests were disclosed.

Reviewer Expertise: Digital Twins of Complex Facilities, Information Asset Management, Energy
Transition, Process Safety Information Management, Digital Transformation, Sustainability, 3D
Modeling, Decision Informing Systems, Informing Science

I confirm that I have read this submission and believe that I have an appropriate level of
expertise to confirm that it is of an acceptable scientific standard.

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