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ANNEX“ ©” PROVINCIAL ECONOMIC ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT OFFICE, DAVAO DE ORO PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL - LAAK MINUTES OF THE MEETING ON WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Date: July 7, 2022 Venue: ADMIN Office, DdOPH - Lak construct, since the environment is concemed water pollutants or waste waster affecting the environment or surrounding areas wherein our wastewater such as drains from tilts, sinks, shower, baths, dishwasher, ‘washing machine, waste from laboratory, delivery/operating room and other clinical area that produces waste that necessary drains in a correct/proper drainage system and with proper treatment process, 15 3 ust Provincial Engineering. Office and ‘waiting for more updates and budgets. (© ‘Needs additional Septic vault to construct at the hospital premises because the old septic vault was already full especially during heavy rainy days, and the other septic vault cannot accommodate more Infectious waste due to its smallest capacity. Pollution Control Officer Provincial Engineering Office ‘AGENDA DISCUSSION ‘AGREEMENTS. RESPONSIBLE PERSON | TIMELINE | REMARKS Sewage We Been a huge problem of the | ® The body suggested to re -| COH/Managing Head | Year 2022 Treatment | hospital about STP. or Sewage | construct new Sewage Treatment 10.2023, Plan ‘Treatment Plan, needs to repair orre- | Plant in coordination with the | Administrative Officer A PROVINCIAL ECONOMIC. ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT OFFICE DAVAO DE ORO PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL - LAAK Swaterar [@ The od WRF Te aready ful and needs |} The body suegested to. re ToHIhManasing Head | vere |® Tictional MAF to accommodate more | construct @ new MRF (Materia) quarter Faclty ses Mcastefgeriage to be| Recovery Facity) to | Administrative offer 2022 (RF) Stored, where recyclables are | accommodate more sees ary mored prior 10 being| cassileation of waste with | Pollution Control OFRcer transport to municipal garbage site, proper labeling in coordination carer Comparten for MF for| with the Provincal Engineering | Provincial Engineering finerent wste segregated such as | Office and waiting for more Office Infectious waste, general waste, special | _ updates and budgets waste and recyclable wast. © The MRF needs to have drain/drying/itration especially for diapers and or e- fiter going to Sewage Treatment Plant. SModuiar | © ~bue to iereating COVID-T9 Pandemic | © Walling for the final updates | Chiefof Hospital| Year 2022 Bunting ter | cases from the previous years and due | from the DPWH, since there's | Administrative Officer | to 2023 cova to inadequate bed to be used by COVID | problem regarding the area paentint | - 19 patient, the DPWH offers a| based on survey, no ideal site Pw ectious Jnodular type building intended for | for modular building (The area ward/Patie | Infectious ward (COVID-19), and It is | Is not spacious and not safe for nts) ‘only 6 beds isolation facilty for DdOFH | the construction of new taak building PROVINCIAL ECONOMIC ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT OFFICE DAVAO DE ORO PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL - LAAK construc ['@ Pan to construct waltng area induded | ® The body suggested for the |” Chiefof Hospital | Year 2022 fion/Revise | sharing for OPD and ER watchers near | construction/revised of hospital ‘to 2023 hospital | _ ERand OPD consultation area building including watcher's | Administrative Officer ‘building ‘Medical Record, Dietary, Generator Set | area, and doctors quarter,and other offices and stil waiting oH and other offices at the nearby ar must be transfer to another site with plan already. If possible revised the 2 Storey-builing, must have conference room, including in the ‘Administrative building. Doctor's quarter will be construct at the side of Laboratory area. Halfavay house especialy for pregnant women is stl for further discussion, since the RHU had already a birthing faciity and it operates 24/7 and itis short distance/ takes a few minutes from the hospital in case of emergency. ‘There's a need to update or amend the ECC of Environmental Compliance Certificate of the hospital once the hospital is upgrading the building. for the updates from DOH and Provincial Engineering Office for the final plan, “The ECC must be amend, since It covers the proposed Upgrading of hospital building ‘and the hospital must monitor the project periodically to fensure compliance with stipulations cited inthe attached ECC. IH Halfway house is possible , must secure paging system for ‘easy communication and transmission of messages Must follow - up for fre sprinkler for 2° and 3 building Provincial Engineering office PROVINCIAL DAVAO DE ORO P Tiimprove [© There's a need toimprove access road [@ Needs to have a] Chiefof Hospital | Year 2022 access for the transport and disposal of | recommendation coming from to 2023 scree or| hospital waste. from hospital MRF| Municipal Engineering ofce or |” Administrative offcer transportati | going to waste dumping site, Provincial Engineering Office | seepeser| © 2 transport vehicle use for| regarding the | improvement Polltion Control Officer hospital fransport/disposal of hospital waste | road and waiting for the waste ill be provided by the Province. updates © For further discussion between the 4 DdOPH hospital regarding the scheduling of transportation and disposal of hospital waste © Needs to apply TSD or Treatment, A on Disposal and Pe | re nal ra MARBY JAN, RN. MAN. JOSE MARTIN D. BRIONES, MD. FPSMS. Chief Nurse/ Pollukign Control Officer Chief of Hospital/Managing Head ee movneutn me DAV ON OMIC ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT OFFICE DE ORO PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL -LAAK . ATTENDANCE SHEET Meeting on Waste Management Program July 7, 2022 NAME DESIGNATION oFrice | SIGNATURE SOnMTIN Keryy C. AAcrouch we Pray conn b CUGAML C Dart mend VENILO CHlenon Sere Sos Hicdasd espana BAS I pou Mieke rere &. 5M Pen Lou - cremeo> V. DUMB —m eae |. pon elcat MN - MNGAD = op eee eis 6. PReRO EAT ao ; Jeg _*- FPurcarorh | Dersmen | peo Fiuanwe_f. Qrarr es oe oven Tin Gwe | oi | pe ; cape. fepspwsl | by | oe [= Bers} nes Dau Crahale of ei peo CH =f Ae ; Vv BCH DA oe ie : f PROVINCIAL ECON, BAAD DEON }OMIC ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT OFFICE DAVAO DE ORO PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL. LAAK ATTENDANCE SHEET Meeting on Waste Management Program July 7, 2022 NAME DESIGNATION “OFFICE | SIGNATURI onsen kerr! 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