Annex C

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: ANNEX“ co” PROVINCIAL ECONOMIC ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT OFFICE DAVAO DE ORO PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL- LAAK MINUTES OF THE MEETING ON WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Date: May 13 , 2022 Venue: ADMIN Lobby, DdOPH - Lak [_acenba | DISCUSSION AGREEMENTS RESPONSIBLE PERSON | TIMELINE | REMARKS 4. Hazardous | @ The EMBIDENR required | © Must coordinate wth the | potion Control oficer | July 2022 Waste that the HWG of the MB incharge on Generator hospital must be updated Hazardous Weste Managing Head (WG) only by applying different Generator regarting the indicates the hazardous waste being application of the said | agministrative Officer generation of ‘generated by the hospital, | waste generated tys01 towt (¢ Mustfotiow the rules and ‘A. Lead Compounds used lead | regulations pursuant to cid batteries Chapter 3 of DENR ‘Administrative Order B, Mercury and mercury (DAO) No. 2013-22, the compounds: Busted Implementing Rules and Fluorescent lumps/bulbs Regulations of RA 6968. C. Used or waste Industrial Oil eo PROVINCIAL ECONOMIC ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT: OFFICE DAVAO DE ORO PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL - LAAK. 1D. OiF Contaminated materials, T used oil filters E. Pathological/infectious wastes F. Expired pharmaceuticals and drugs, G. Waste Electrical and electronic equipment 2. Used fters | @ Basedon finding bythe | @ The used oil, iy fiters | pollution Control Offer | 2° Quarter ((104)forthe |” EMBIDENR, the hospial | andoiy rags, etc. The om generator set | failed tocomply withthe | used of musi be collected | anagng Head ata were not proper hazardous waste | ina sulable container, pr propery stored | storage and labeling as which sn good cordon. | parinistratve Ofer (Used oi, oily. | prescribed by the Chapter | The container must be fiters, oy rags, | 6 of DAO 2013-22 stored closed except etc) atherwise known as wen wastes being "Revised Procedures and | added or removed Standards for the Management of © tf there are any Hazardous Wastes. suspected hazardous ‘contaminants inthe oi, the label should be PROVINCIAL ECONOMIC ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT OFFICE. DAVAO DE ORO PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL - LAAK ‘marked with possible hazardous contaminants. Ifthe oil is a hazardous waste, it must be managed in accordance to hazardous waste regulations. ‘Needs to conduct Re - Orientation on Hazardous waste generated by the hospital and its proper ‘isposal and treatment. 3, Improper labeling of different waste at the Storage Area or MRF or (Mater: Recovery Based on findings provided by the EMBIDENR staff, it has been observed that the hospital does not observed proper storage and labeling requirements for generated hazardous The hospital must strictly implement the policies ‘and guidelines on effective and proper handling, collection, transpor, treatment, storage and disposal of health care wastes as Pollution Control Officer Managing Head ‘Administrative Officer Facility) PROVINCIAL ECONOMIC ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT OFFICE DAVAO DE ORO PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL - LAAK ‘wastes, in violation of ‘afliculated under DENR- Condition No. 4 of the DOH Joint Administration amended ECC Order No. 2, Series of 2008. © Strengthen good housekeeping and sanitary practices shall be observed at all fimes to all DAOPH - Laak ‘employees especially the Ullity Worker. Noted by: Prepared by: JOSE MARTIN D. ERIONES, MD. FPSMS. Chief of Hospital/Managing Head WASTE uv, awA IANAGEMENT PROGRAM ~SY PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL ATTENDANCE SHEET Date: May 13, 2022 ‘Venue: ADMIN Lobby, DdOPH - Laak DESIGNATION/POSITION | SIGNATURE fers Ge Ore se Seiad vielen Pipl x at ee Corea | Se" ] pur mw Pacis fe Berwin S- GxGode AVARGE & fy S$. Fenandia (Messenger a fej, Dy Matick ; un _ Gym promaist [| 7h | Beands. chUsTeur) : Oe pend (le ARDY 100 eco Wat 1 Pkt = ae Motnse 1 he, No0.074983

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