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Holy Angel University

School of Business and Accountancy


END OF TERM PAPER: Clark Data Center Inc.

Presented to:
Ms. Amelynn B. Corpuz

Presented by:
Group 5 MA-440

Atienza, Michelle Chabelita
Bustarde, Jerald
Cardinio, Patricia
Carreon, Hannah Nicole
Peña, Patricia
Pineda, Aries Gerald
Tayag, Jeanina
Submitted on:
November 18, 2021


















Clark Data Center Inc. is a corporation registered with the Securities and

Exchange Commission and operates under Philippine Laws.

CDCI is owned by a group of Filipino and foreign investors. The major

stockholder is SVI Information Services Corporation, which is turn the business services

arm of Software Ventures International Group of Companies. CDCI was incorporated in

October 1, 1996. It is located at 7374 Gil Puyat Avenue, Clark Special Economic Zone,


CDCI is a company engaged in general electronic data processing and computer

services such as, but not limited to the conversion, translation and transfer of source

data as well as voice data into computer media, technical consultation and/or

management services in connection with electronic data processing problems, needs

and requirements, computer programming, procedures, systems analyses and designs,

computer training and other related computer use problems.


According to Howarth (2005), a mission and vision statement provides a clear,

concise, and long-lasting declaration of reasons for an organization's existence. A vision


statement provides a future outlook for an organization's aspirational existence that it is

working toward. CDCI’s Mission & Vision statement is as follow:

Mission and Vision Statement:

CDCI’s mission and vision is to provide high quality, reliable, timely and

cost effective transcription/encoding services to client companies.

According to Mrs. Carreon (CDCI’s HR Senior Manager), the mission and vision

that is stated is carried out through the Company’s Commitment to pursue excellence

and utilize advanced technologies and equipment in order to ensure high volume of



CDCI’s Values Statement:

We value honesty, integrity, trust, passion and efficiency.

Values are the ideals and principles that drive an organization's thoughts and

activities and form its character. According to Howarth (2005), the list is usually between

three to five values, CDCI possess five values which are honesty, integrity, trust,

passion and efficiency this corporate values defines the company’s effectiveness. When

it comes to data security, CDCI ensures that all information is kept private and will never

be disclosed. Employees at CDCI value its clients, and by practicing the five corporate

principles, they assist the company achieve its goal and vision.


CDCI uses a divisional structure, as there is a parent and subsidiary company,

each of it has different HR. The divisional structure is an organizational structure in

which each organizational function is divided into divisions.


Employees have always been important part of any business success. They are

a valuable asset that a company must cherish and give importance. Their performance

is critical to the overall success of the company. If the Employee is determined and

have the drive to work for the company. It will bring a many benefits for the company.

They also achieve significant contributions for the company. One of these contributions

are achieving different goals for the company that will help the company to reach higher

than where they are right now. They are also the internal customer of the company that

takes care of the work inside of the company for the external customers to be satisfied

of the products and services of any company. Without employees that are determined

and dedicated the company is bound to fail and lose all of their customers. That is why

employees are a vital part of the company and a company must invest in their

employees because it is like investing for the company itself. (KEAY, 2018)

Employees are important as we said but finding the right person for the job is

difficult. Managers or employers might have difficult time choosing the person who can

fit into the company’s goal and also a person who has the drive to keep the company

growing. It is necessary to have the right employee for any company that is why

Recruitment and Selection process is important. Recruitment is the process of

searching for candidates to interview and hire for open positions within your

organization (Kinsey, 2019) Selection on the other hand is selecting the best and most

fitting person among all of the candidates. If a company have an effective recruitment

and selection process. The company will be able to choose the right candidate for the

job that meets the requirements, needs and competencies that the company is looking

for, for its employees. It ensures that the company will maintain the effectiveness of

their workplace and the commitment of the employees for the company. The company

will gain lot of benefits with the right employee while the right recruitment and selection

process encourages the professionalism for each and every one of the employees that

wishes to enter the company.

CDCI or Clark Data Center Inc. also gives importance to their employees but

they also make sure that the employee fits for their company’s goals, mission and

vision. The company recruits and selects its people by first with technical knowledge for

computer purposes because employee should have the right amount of knowledge with

the specialized or specific field of job that they wishes to enter into because without the

right amount of knowledge the company will waste its time and resources for its

employees. The company also requires the person to have at least 2 years of college

degree or because of the K-12, at least Senior High School Graduate. This will keep the

professionalism within the workplace. The company will let the person take a test, these

are the speed and accuracy test. These tests are need so the company will know if the

person can manage to at least do its job properly. The company will evaluate their

performance. A person that the company wants is that the person have 10000 words

keystroke per hour but 8000 keystroke is still considerable. And lastly the person will

take a written exam that will show its knowledge about the company and its

professionalism. These are the processes that CDCI or Clark Data Center Inc. do for its

recruitment and selection process. The company mostly prefer people with enough

experience but the company also hires fresh graduates if a mass hiring occurred.


Training programs play a crucial role in enhancing employee’s capabilities,

upgrading his existing knowledge and help him acquire new skills and learning’s.

According to the management, training and development is a vital part of the human

resource development. Technically training involves change in attitude, skills or

knowledge of a person with the resultant improvement in the behavior. For training to be

effective it has to be a planned activity conducted after a thorough need analysis and

target at certain competencies, most important it is to be conducted in a learning

atmosphere. The process of their training begins with the assessment followed by the

development. Evaluation is also important for the training program; it is aimed at

analyzing whether or not the training has been effective in achieving the objective

(bridging the competency gap, changing the attitude, developing new skills etc.). In

order for the evaluation to be effective the both the criteria and design for training

program is decided so that there is no discrepancy and the participants are able to

evaluate the benefits effectively for themselves. The evaluation is made on the basis of

participant reaction to the training, their learning and the change in behavior. 

Based on the HR manager, they need to interact more with the team members

and help them in their day to day operations. They let the employees come up with their

problems and what all set of skills would ensure hundred percent performance from

them. They even find out what all additional skills and knowledge would make

employees indispensable resources for the organization. Motivate employees to keep

themselves abreast with the latest developments in the industry and competitors as

well. Employees should have the liberty to speak and express their opinions. There are

some employees or trainees who are unwilling to cooperate and there are times that

they had an issue with an employee during their training wherein they did not meet the

respective quota of the management. No one is perfect and there is always a scope for

improvement. Employees need to be trained on how to interact with their fellow workers

and superiors. Not many people know how to behave at the workplace. Employees

ought to be trained on business etiquette, workplace ethics and how should they

conduct themselves in organization. A good manager should be a good mentor who

stands by his team members, guides them and helps them face tough times with a

smile. Also training and development help managers to encourage their team members

to work in unison for better results. Training people is no cake walk and you really need

to be absolutely prepared to handle even the minutest queries and provide relevant

solutions to their problems.

Every business organization constantly trains, develops and educates its

employees to ensure that each employee is able to perform the assigned duties most

effectively and efficiently. Training and Development is a process of helping employees

grow. It involves all such activities, which aim to provide opportunities to improve job

performance, bring growth in the personality, help to realize true potential and be better



Human capital is key to successful performance, and an organization's most

important asset is its people. Retaining employees in their jobs is crucial for any

organizational productivity and competitiveness. The better pay and benefits the larger

the job satisfaction can attract the big scale of competitive employees and companies

nowadays. Generally, employees are looking for big companies that give competitive

compensation and benefits in the field of job satisfaction of every worker. More laborers

are hoping to recover raises and rewards missed during the downturn and the long

stretches of lukewarm development that followed a period additionally set apart by

medical services charge increments and decreases in representative advantages, the

discoveries recommend. Compensation as a concept according to (Odunlade, 2012)

refers to all forms of financial returns and tangible benefits that an employee receives as

part of an employment relationship. Compensation as it were is divided into two parts

and these are cash compensation which is the direct pay provided by the employer for

work performed by the employee and fringe compensation which refers to employee

benefit programs. 

Employees are the fundamental resources that allow a business to achieve all of

its other objectives. Employees that are contented in their jobs will have pleasant,

positive attitudes. As a result, great job satisfaction will increase an organization's

production, which will increase overall success. Ibrahim and Boerhaneoddin (2010),

stated that compensation encourages competent workers to stay with the company for

extended periods. Furthermore, Ibrahim and Boerhaneoddin (2010) proposed that

generous awards keep employees and, as a result, contribute to job satisfaction,

dedication, and loyalty. Previous research appears to indicate a favorable association

between salary and work satisfaction. Employees believe that by being loyal to the

company, they will receive big benefits that suit their needs. As a result, the majority of

employees believe that their contributions will be recognized and that their efforts will be

continued in order to gain bigger rewards. Any intelligent and industrious person

understands their worth and aspires to maximize that worth in order to receive the

highest wage and benefits package. Employees are more likely to leave if they believe

they are being underpaid or if a rival offers the same monetary remuneration but a

superior benefits package. HR professionals should be aware of their rivals' total pay

packages and strive to match them whenever feasible in order to recruit and retain top


Employees in every company are offered competitive programs. In the case of

Clark Data Center Inc, the first thing that can boost an employee's income and benefits

is their length of service with the organization. Employees who have been with the

organization for more than two years have often seen an improvement in their pay

compared to when they first joined. Their compensation can also be improved if they

have a desirable trait. It started from a narrow vision that develops every year to have a

competitive company in terms of compensation and benefits that most employees are

looking forward to in the company. The changes in the Clark Data Center Inc.

framework like the reimbursement benefits and perks help them to be more competitive

during this time that covers their work from home employees. However, Clark Data

Center Inc. is looking forward to improving their compensation and benefits like other

big companies offer to their employees in able for them to compete and hire more




Career management is distinct from the performance appraisal process in an

organization. Performance appraisals that demonstrate disparate impact must be

validated in the same way that any selection technique is. A person's supervisor is the

person who is least likely to rate him or her in a performance appraisal.

The performance appraisal evaluates how you've done your job with the

company, whether you've completed the job description, met the job objectives, and are

excelling (or failing) with the job and the company. It's a terrifying experience that no

one enjoys; however, if you prepare ahead of time, it can go a lot smoother.

Performance appraisals were typically conducted annually to assess an

individual's level of accomplishment and were implemented on a top-down basis, with

supervisors playing a significant role in judging an employee's performance without

soliciting active participation from the employee. Performance appraisals were mostly

dismissed because they were backward-looking, focusing primarily on the employee's

shortcomings and flaws over the course of a year, rather than forward-looking,

identifying and improving the employees' development needs. Traditionally,

performance appraisals were organized in a bureaucratic manner, resulting in

unnecessary delays in decision-making.

Career management is the conscious planning of one's activities and

engagements in the jobs one undertakes throughout one's life in order to achieve

greater fulfillment, growth, and financial stability. It is a step-by-step process that begins

with self-awareness and progresses to occupational awareness. The sole source of an


individual's natural expression of self is one's career. Work, according to one school of

thought, is the purpose of life, the source of one's expression, and the reason for being

or existing. Some, however, believe that there is a significant difference between a

person's career and his life. In any case, one's career is an essential part of one's life,

necessitating the need for career management. Career management is similar to

organizational management; after all, an organization is nothing more than a collection

of people! The process of career management begins with the formulation of short-term

goals and objectives that are intended to be achieved in the short run.

Modern organizations are undergoing a transformation in order to cope with the

changing needs of the environment and excel in business by strengthening their

adaptive capabilities for managing change proactively. The traditional performance

appraisal system did not meet the needs of the changing scenario because it was

primarily used as a tool for employee evaluation, in which managers were compelled to

make subjective judgments about employees' performance and behavior in comparison

to predetermined job standards. The primary goal of the performance appraisal system

was to exert control over employees' activities through disciplinary actions and the

management of rewards and promotions. Supervisors were expected to rate their

employees on a scale of unsatisfactory to outstanding performance, and these ratings

were susceptible to various errors such as central tendency, bias, halo effect, and so


Career management is a combination of structured planning and active

management of one's own professional career choices. Career management is a never-


ending process. Errors in career management may be prolonged and repeated if they

are not continuously, consciously, and actively managed. Career management is a

lifelong process of investing resources in order to achieve your career objectives.

Career management is a continuous process that is required for adapting to the

changing demands of the 21st century economy, rather than a one-time event. Career

management is concerned with both career development and personal development,

which are not the same thing. Career development is the lifelong process of managing

one's learning, work, leisure, and transitions in order to progress toward a personally

determined and evolving preferred future. The study of career development examines

how individuals manage their careers within and between organizations, as well as how

organizations structure the career progression of their members; it is also linked to

succession planning in most organizations.


It is said the environment of the workplaces can be define and describe with how

the management, human resources, employee, and employees work together. Social,

managerial, and technological factors are some of the key indications to describe on

how the company value their employees with regards in benefits, insurance, salary,

work expectation and work-life balance.

There are numerous labor law that domestic and international company residing

in the Philippines should and must be follow. Although there are a lots of government

labor laws, a company should comply by all means because it is their legal obligations

to do so. These labor laws are the ways of the government to protect its citizen to those

who abuse their power of authority. The labor code of the Philippines is set to be

guidelines and rules that companies must comply especially those additional bonuses

and benefits which are rationally acceptable. In summary, the Labor Code of the

Philippines ensures that no worker is abused while giving authority to employers to

assign overtime work or work on holidays as long as they pay the wages stated by the


Conflicts and deteriorating relations at workplace have an adverse impact on the

overall productivity of the organization. Apart from increasing legal bills, such a situation

adds to building up an environment of distrust among labor and hampers their

motivation levels. As for the Human Resources Management, the issues that are

frequent within the organization are miscommunications, misunderstanding of

instructions given to subordinates and high expectation of Managers to employees. The

relevancy of this issues may affect the workflow of the work, the working environment

and most importantly the relation between workers. It is responsibility and duties of the

human resources department to solve these issues because it will implicate the

mismanage and misbehavior of the employees within the working ethics.

During the pandemic, there are certain number of people were fired to their jobs

and some stay in the organizations. As human resource managers, it is quite

challenging to cope up and handle such things because they need to provide another

way to provide works to their employee. Some companies provide work from home set

up, giving alternate schedule to employees, and if employees still have leave and have

light load, they can use their leave. But one certain thing remain is the salary of the

employees must need to be provide in accordance of the minimum wage implemented

by the government.


The importance of health and safety in the workplace simply cannot be

underestimated. As well as being the law, it is part and parcel of being a good employer to
make sure your staff aren’t at risk of any injury as a result of the work they do for you. It’s
not just your staff that health and safety is important for, it’s there to protect any visitors,
customers, sub-contractors and the general public who may work for you, do business
with you or come into contact with your organization in any way. The goal of health and
safety is to keep your subcontractors, customers, and members of the public safe while
they are working for you.

The Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974 imposes a responsibility of care on yo
u, but it's also smart business practice to follow health and safety regulations.Businesse
s that break the law risk losing employees, incurring greater recruitment expenses, lowe
ring retention rates, and losing money. Because human injury or loss in any organization
is unacceptable, workplace health and safety is critical for the health and well-being of all
employees across all industries. And also Effective and reliable workplace security is
very important to any business because it reduces insurance, compensation, liabilities,
and other expenses that the company must pay to its stakeholders, ultimately leading to
increased business revenue and a reduction in operational charges incurred.

Good safety programs can improve the public’s perception of your business and help
you attract top talent. Demonstrating that you can competently manage incidents in the

workplace will speak to your ability to manage your business relationships. Just as a
retail customer wouldn’t want to walk into a cluttered store full of rickety shelves and
dangerously balanced goods, B2B customers might be wary of signing a contract with
an organization that they perceive to have an “anything goes” attitude about safety.
Prioritizing health and safety programs that help your employees care for their mental
and physical well-being also demonstrates that you value your people. When
candidates and employees feel valued, they’re more likely to sign or stay with a
company over the long term.

Good health and safety programs can also reduce employer liability for wrongful
death and other civil suits. OSHA estimates that since 1971, when it was founded and
began mandating basic workplace health and safety programs, U.S. workplace fatalities
and civil suits have been cut in half. And this while the labor pool nearly doubled.

According to HR Manager that we have interviewed, they follow all the rules and
regulations when it comes to health and safety protocols especially these days we are
currently experiencing a pandemic. The HR Manager was confidently said that they are
confident that their working environment is safe from any danger and harm. They
always follow the protocols to avoid the spread of COVID 19. They have their own
equipment’s that they use to disinfect their working area. They also follow basic rules
such as wearing face mask and face shield, having a social distancing, always disinfect,
and also avoiding contact to other people, it is important to follow the basic rules and
regulation to be able to avoid the said virus. But before when there is no existing virus
they also have equipment’s for their safe and health. They have the basics like fire
extinguishers, medical kit or the first aid kit and also they have an exit door in case of
emergency or an unforeseen events. And also when it comes to their security they
make sure that they hire a security guard that will help them protect their selves from
any danger, employees are proven safe as for the HR Manager because they did not
experience any harm yet inside the company. They also have CCTV Cameras inside
the company/ facility for their safety as well. It is very important for the people inside the

company to feel secured all the time that’s why having securities will help them develop
a safer place to work. Simple things means a lot for everyone especially when it comes
to their safety, health and, security it is for them to feel same all the time and for them to
keep calm at work without worrying that something will happen.


In today’s world, the Human Resource Management plays a very significant role

in the daily life. It influences the organization and lets them develop rapidly. It also

improve employee’s motivation in a business and pay attention to company’s policy and

law respectively, which can increase the efficiency of company and get higher profits.

There are many areas that human resource managers should look at in their activities.

The aim of addressing all these areas is to ensure that employees are satisfied by

working in the organization and that these employees are devoting all their efforts in

facilitating the achievement of organizational goals hence the success of the

organization. However, at the present, the employment law gradually becomes the

focus in the world, because it has more restrictive and more favorable to protecting

employee’s benefit.

Clark Data Center Inc. in order for them to provide high quality, reliable, timely

and cost effective transcription or encoding services to client it requires an effective

management on human resources both scientific and a human relations approaches.

The emphasis is both goal oriented as well as human welfare oriented. Any successful

organization must invest sufficiently on HRM aspect failure to which the wrong

organization culture will be developed. In order to effectively invest on the human

resources modern firms ought to institute humane employee relations policies, reviews

on package offered, appraise performance regularly, build motivation-oriented culture

and possibly institute open channels to assist in participative management practices

where employees are deliberately engaged during decision procedures. Conclusively,

HR practices are crucial for organizational general performances levels and any move

to drive the firms towards higher goals ought to be premised on attainable HR strategic

goals. It is usually seen that the HR team has become more of an advocate for

employees. In a time where the spotlight is well and truly shining on company culture, it

is more essential than ever that the employees have the voice and that their

experiences and the concerns are the sought out and listened to more in any



The completion of this term paper could not have been possible without the

participation and assistance of many people whose names may not all be enumerated.

Their help and contributions were sincerely appreciated and acknowledged.

Firstly, we would like to express our deepest gratitude and warmest affection to

our Human Resource Management professor, Mrs. Amelynn Corpuz, for giving us the

opportunity to do this term paper and for being patient with all our endless questions.

Her motivation and dedication inspired us to go beyond our limitations and see what we

can achieve. Without her guidance, we would not be able to make this final paper.

Secondly, we would like to thank our family for their overwhelming love, support

and encouragement throughout this study. Also, we would like to express our sincerest

gratitude to Ms. Jocelyn Carreon, our respondent, who devoted her time in answering

the questions and in taking part in this term paper.

Above all, we would love to show our gratitude to our Heavenly Father for guiding

us and for showering us with His blessing all throughout this research process. He

empowered us with His Holy Spirit to do our best and not give up on this research.

Thank you and God bless!

Appendix A: Approved Letter of Request

Appendix B: Interview Guide Questions



a) What is your company profile?

b) What is your company's mission and vision if you have one?

c) What is type of organizational hr structure you have with your company?

d) What are your company's corporate values?



a) How do you know if the person is capable?

b) What are the requirements and skillset or values that the company is looking into?

c) If there are two candidates which do you prefer fresh graduate? Or people with



a) As a senior HR manager, how do you motivate and encourage your human

resources team and how do you help employees to reach that professional

development goals?

b) In your organization, how do you evaluate the results of training of the employees?

c) Do you encounter an employee or trainee who is unwilling to cooperate?

d) Can you tell us some time that you had an issue with an employee during training,

and how did you approach and resolve the problem?


a) What are the compensation and benefits in the company? Who is eligible for this?

b) How frequently does the company gives compensation and in what form?

c) Is it helpful to the company to give compensation and benefits to the employees?


d) How do the company recommend addressing a situation where an employee’s

compensation and benefits are truly under the market?

e) How does the company manage the rises and changes in compensation and

benefits? And how do you notify the employees?



a) How should employees who are on leave during the appraisal process handle their


b) Will my evaluation be done just by my manager or by others?

c) If career development is part of the process but there is no training budget, what

options are available?


a) What are the frequent issues you’ve encountered when it comes to manager-

employee/subordinates relationship?

b) During the pandemic season, do you reduce employee or offer indefinite leave? If so,

what strategies or offer do you give to those employee?

c) What government compliance do you think is hard to comply with regarding with

labor laws?

d) What strategies you make in order to create work-life balances within the


e) How do you reconstruct the structure of your company hours, wages, employees

number in complying with the health standard issued by the government with minimal

revision to their original salary and original contract?


a) How do you keep your place safe?

b) Is safety equipment always availbale if ever something happen accidentally?

c) Are you confident that your working are guaranteed safe for everyone?

Appendix C: Contribution of Members


ORGANIZATION & HR STRUCTURE - Carreon, Hannah Nicole







PART VII - SAFETY, HEALTH, AND SECURITY - Atienza, Michelle Chabelita

Conclusion - Peña, Patricia

Acknowledgement - Cardinio, Patricia

Appendices - Pineda, Aries Gerald

References - Carreon, Hannah Nicole

Appendix D: Zoom Interview


Appendix E: Logo of the Company

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