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Macaulay's method Article Talk sb Ww F Macaulay's method (the double integration method) is a technique used in structural analysis to determine the deflection of Euler- Bernoulli beams. Use of Macaulay's technique is very convenient for cases of discontinuous and/or discrete loading. Typically partial uniformly distributed loads (u.d.I.) and uniformly varying loads (u.v.I.) over the span and a number of concentrated loads are conveniently handled using this technique. The first English language description of the method was by Macaulay.'"! The actual approach appears to have been developed by What is the crippling load? WOME MCU RMR UC to have lateral displacement or tends to buckle is known as buckling or crippling load. What is strength of the shaft? CAT 2 - 3rd QUES ee Rae aad can be transmitted by a shaft is referred to as the strength of a shaft, yaar) eee MMA ths RU ACA maximum deflection (because of bending) and maximum twist (due to torsion) of the shaft is within the allowable limits. ae Maximum shear StVeSs, Tax Lot 5 Sy | 16M | tem nes tea= yy 16 My Tax = a ge 412, SPRING INDEX (s) Spring index i +++ (3.2.28) s defined as the ratio of the mean diameter of the spring to the diameter of the spring wire. oii Mean diameter of Spring index = ring _D Diameter, of thewire 3213. FORMULAE USED ie sue Closed coil helical spring: gWD 16WR R | 1. Shear stress, T = zs Or Nimo" nd Td We wee a — Diameter of wire, mm § = 439mm s Differentiate between close-coiled and open-coiled helical springs, . Lanna © Univ., May ‘02, Madras Univ., Oct '97, mt 98) Adjacent coils are very Large gap between close to each other. adjacent coils. Only tensile load can carry. 2. Tensile and compressive — : loads can carry. | Helix angle is negligible 3. Helix angle considerable _| i. Give shear stress and deflection relation for close-coiled helical spring. - Nov2 [Anna Uni Problem: A steel beam is simply supported at the ends on a span of § metres, and carries a uniformly distributed load of 8kN/m on the whole span. In addition, a connection made to the beam at 5 metres from the left end exerts a downward hload of 80 kN together with a clockwise couple of 60 kNm acting in the plane of bending of the beam. Determine the location and magnitude of the maximum deflection. i,, for the beam section = 79% 10° mm* arid E=200kN/mm? - ory Solution: ‘ Ba/m | 6OKNm. 9 pacoonenn acannon AoA —— ee 3m vestsom Fig3? TT Ne=B9.50KN Fig, 646(a). Taking moments about the right end B, ¥, x8+60 = (8x8x4)+(80x3) The equation to the deflected shape of the beam is given by 25, D2 BM, de 7 ay at = 54.50 x-4z"|+60(x - 5)? = 80(x 5) ye we po, Integrating, we Be 7 i” ; vei dope 5)~ 400 5)? ly Intograting agian, we not, 40 ; eheg]e 306-57 =O Ely slat 3 Mxetysd “6250 Atx=dmy=0 4 Sey 4270-360 cep =-399ANT Aauuming the deflection to be maximum 11 the range AC and equating the slope to oro, we et, 0=27.25x" -4y -399.417 Solving by trial and error, we get x= 4.31m, ‘Whe value of x obtained is lesa than 5 m and is therefore in the range AC, Hence the positon of maximum deflection determined is correct. Putting x6 4.3/m in the deflection equation, 7 = Wom = 2225 (4.31) 434. 399.417 4.31 = 1189-271 _ 189.271 10? 200% 4.79108 11-58.nm & Sear = ~ wus ms 1031 te 13:3. A solid steel shaft has to transmit oi rp.m. Taking allowable shear stress as yaw ae ind suitable diameter for the shaft, if the ay Nf a transmitted on each revolution exceeds yin ane by 30%. ; Solution. Power to be transmitted = 75 kW speed N= 200 rp.m. Allowable shear stress, = T= 70 MN/ m2 Tare = 13 Tpcan ‘ a 2nAT An electric motor ha: where the electromag ing the relation: =———__, we vet sl 60x 1000" “8 = 2nx 200xT the shai 60 x 1000 (py 15 60x 1000 T = (Tyan) = sme) = 3581 Nm Tyas = 1-3 x 3581 = 4655-3 Nm n 3 T=tx Te * D} 4655:3 = 70 x 10°x = xD D= 4055-3 x 16 70x 10°x D=0-0697 m or 69.7 mm (Ans.) 7 ; | | Also, = 338-7 x 10% ae a fotos poole d= es tp4_a) fea] 1eP - a 4 7 are — op) = 0-1b413 PB? ooh. = ons) x Toxto® ea are ©. cou” d= 0.06% m-6n) GFmm Problem 3.6. The stresses at a point in a bar are 200 Nimm® (tensile) and 100 N/mm? (compressive). Determine the resultant stress in magnitude and direction on a plane inclined at 60° to the axis of the major stress. Also determine the maximum intensity of shear stress in the material at the point. (AMIE, Winter 1984) Sol. Given : Major principal stress, 0, = 200 N/mm? Minor principal stress, 0, = - 100 N/mm? (Minus sign is due to compressive stress) Angle of the plane, which it makes with the major principal stress = 60° Angle 8 = 90° - 60° = 30°, Resultant stress in magnitude and direction First calculate the normal and tangential stresses. Using equation (3.6) for normal stress, 100 Nimm* a= 21402 , 21-99 5 99 200 + (- 100) | 200-(- 100) = 200+ (100) , 200 - (= 100) « 5 2 — E cos (2x30) § __, _ fe § ( 0=30) 8 ‘so g. 200-100 , 2004100 . “ Imepr sens = OE 205 100 os 60 =504+150x4 (+> cos 60° Soom? = 50 + 75 = 125 N/mm? Fig. 3.6 Using equation (8.7) for tangential stress, a o, = 222 sin 20 = 0-6 109) sin (2 x 30°) = 200+ 100 in, 60° = 160 x 0.866 = 129.9 Nimm?, Using equation (3.8) for resultant stress, Op = Jo,” + 0,7 - 125? + 129.97 = 15625 + 16874 = 180.27 Nimm®. Ans. ‘The inclination of the resultant stress with the normal of the inclined plane is given by equation [3.8 (A)] as ee tang = C- T95 = tan 1.04=46°6'. Ans. = 104 Maximum shear stress Maximum shear stress is given by equation (3.9) 01-2 _ 200-(-100) _ 200+ 100 (gas * EG = AS = 150 Nimm?, Ans. j Atifness Q ering = W Hw Spry | : cE aes i @ = cledtecton x apis: ohw eh ed" 8 cars y Wo Gumern § cal ame os _——__—~ | ote ts) nen | ee eee ae \owR er CAT 2 - 7th SUM lab = [bxurx 2 Aya? - e- \26xT x A3 LEXA Za lw Ley th. g the ang . had = uh mm ub a n= paws ah fon") < oe 2x10 " wrt) or dh ere 4X (OB EPR ‘Ais Aone — (5.5mm 2 = on Gov) De a KIG-thE Blo ow.

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