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 Plural form of “medium”
 It describes any channels of communication. This can include anything from printed paper to
digital data.
 Refers to television, radio, newspapers, internet, and any other forms of communication.

 Facts provided or learned about something or someone.
 Stimuli that has meaning is some context for its receiver.
 What is conveyed or represented by a particular arrangement or sequence of things.

 The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry (aims of
human life).

Media Literacy
 Provides a framework of access, analyze, evaluate, create, and participate with media messages
and a variety of forms from print to video to the internet.
 It builds and understanding of the role of media in society as well as essential skills of inquiry
and self-expression needed for democratic citizens.

Information Literacy
 It’s the ability to identify, find, evaluate, and use information effectively. Students learn how to
evaluate the quality, credibility, validity of websites, and give proper credits from effective
search strategies to evaluation techniques.
 Also referred to as “digital literacy”.

Technology Literacy
 It’s the ability to help one to communicate, solve problems, and enhance life-long learning skills
for future progress.
 It’s the ability to effectively use technology to access, evaluate, integrate, create, and
communicate information to enhance learning process through problem-solving and critical


• They’re all similar in terms of • Uses forms of communication
goals. and produces ways of
 They all share common MEDIA LITERACY communication.
goal of cultivating IT’S ABOUT MEDIA CONTENT.
peoples ability to
access, understand, use,
• Using, managing, gathering,
evaluate, and create
media messages, and verifying information. IT’S
using technology.
• They are all similar to the
mastery and understanding of a • Applying new found
thing. knowledge from digital media,
TECHNOLOGICAL LITERACY organizing, and evaluating

• Includes creative works and

creating new knowledge, to
publish and collaborate MEDIA AND INFORMATION
responsively requires ethical LITERACY
cultural and social
• Responsible in using
technology to evaluate and MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY
produce communication LITERACY

•Focuses on the ability to

research, collect, manage,
transform, and exchange TECHNOLOGY AND
information using technologies INFORMATION LITERACY
such as web browsers, email,
word processing, and
spreadsheet software.

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