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Guess Paper Computer inter-I AI·Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan

Obi ective .v nc r

Computing and Computing and Computing and Computing and
Information technology is a combination
mechanical electrical

.." communicatio

5 Graphics tablet
The software that is designed and
6 developed for particular customer is Packages
The term that refers to all input. output ~ internal
7 Peripheral
I '_-W~~~!y'!!~~~~~!.:_+-c::::e~nt:..::ra~1
I-- and device is called: U. . - .~1'1

850ft copy refers to: Screen -"t" OCR Printer



of software?
bits are in one .~
The combination of four binary
=' 2
~ "Y program Drivers



12 -:: is to: .~ 20 bits 24 bits 30 bits

13 Collection of 4 bits is call~d: .... ~ 1 KB 1MB Nibble
14 Smallest unit of IS ~It,~ Byte Nibble KB
15 One MB is equal to: . ftjff Il.·;.11~~~~~~~~t~10~0;K~B~~~~~~t~1-0~2;4;b-y~t~e~~~~t~1-0~2;4;K~B~~~~j
16 Smallest unit of ~ 'iii,;', Bit Character Word

Testing all program 56. ~ Composite
is ca lied: ~ ~~V:..:O~I.::_U ----l
Testing of a program coi I~ Isolation
18 '. Pilotteaing :__ System testi ng Unit testing
called tesn u"
System are created Development
19 ... ~
Analysis Design Preliminary
20 Gateway Browser EFT
HOW.~~ ®om ,t." can
21 si )J~s,y'commu ication an 1 2 3 Multiple
Ethernet I Ai;f,:'1>1
A device used for optical-character
22 Wand reader Curser Pen MICRreader
is a:
Point at which
The last Any
Device to give data enters or
23 Terminal is a: instruction in a input/output
power supply leaves the
program device

Prepared by: M.Qadlr Raflque Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 2

_L C:::,_: A
_,. IV Mallian " ..1.
GI~~~~CI IItor inter -I
An internet software that is used for
24 transferring files from one complete to FTP ELD Token Ethernet
Copying data from internet to computer
2S Uploading Downloading Transferring None of these
is called:
The process of transferrin g a file from
26 remote computer to local computer on Downloading Browsing Uploading __ :asting
network is called: ~I "I
Copy data from internet to computer is
27 called: Downloading Downsizing
I _.. :__
~t ~

28 Which device does physical connection !~, YO,cwoy

29 A connection for similar network uses: NIC ~ intenacecard

30 NICstands for:
Network Ne ~'i'iI.. ., . '" Network
Internet Card COl ~'~ Interface Card
Which of the following is not a network
31 Router NIC
communication device?
The standard protocol for the Internet


The set of rules to exchange dat~,M. '11'r.",~ Procedure

38 Protocol Token
communication network is ~ '~'fi'ay
39 'J the LAN1''' .~ • ,,'c, TCP/IP HTTP FTB
Two different vi.1.ii' v~e~Ir"'G Network
40 by: '\l!R. ~..._, ateway Bridge interface card Cables
41 networks ~ outer Bridge Gateway Node

42 Which of.!f:l~following. ;-I'sused Ethernet Arcent TCP/IP SOL



W .~....

A ~~~~ii
connection Network
network Router Bridge Gateway
Router Gateway card

4S A LANis ~COnh6'ilnationof: LANcables application Allof these
adapter cards
How many pairs of computers can
46 simultaneously communicate on 1 2 3 Multiple
Ethernet LAN?

Prepared by: M,Qadlr Raflque Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 3

A~Jr' _L ~,-:
_,. IV Mallian " ..1.
. . Point at which
Devrce to give The last Any
data enters or
47 Terminal is a: Power supp IY instruction in a input/output
leaves the
to computer program device
48 What is not LAN Star Ring Bus Band
Metropolitan Marked area Massive area
49 MAN stands for: arranged
area network network ~etworks

50 Which Is not network LAN MAN WAN~

51 Each on a network is called: Node Bus I ,,~,

52 What 'YI''' of network is the internet? LAN MAN PAN

53 e on LAN can share Monitor Printer CD-ROM
54 Software to ,,,. internet is: EFT ~ ~ ~ - None

wise distance faster than LAN is:

+_'~AlII. -:. ~
'" 'I~ ~~,----",--+N_A_N
_5_5-+_cA.:.:n:::.e:_t=.w::o:or:.:k::th=.a t:::t::ra.:::n,-s:.:m::it.:.:s_cd:.:a",ta:,=o'-ve_r_c_itv_+W_A_N
~ -I
1- 7
f t h
of network? -:fO-::II..,O,..W_i
.:.: n_g...,i-:s
.:.: _e
_N,..o_T_a...,c_a_te_g_o_rv+_W_A_N '~~-+' A.'~ I~ NAN
1- Which layer of 051 model does data "lri'
57 Physica I ~~..., Session Presentation

•........ is an example of De Facto

A network that places all nodes on a ~~---I~B-a-n-d----+-B-U-S-----1
59 Star
cable is called:
60 FOOl is a: ~~ ~·~~~=ts~t~a~r~ne~tw~o~r~k==~M~e~s~h~n~e~tw~o~r~k=tJB~U~S~n~e~tw~
61 All physical media deals within: ~l Transport layer r, Physical layer

62 The bottom layer of 051 Model is: ~~. Physical layer Transport layer

63 Network standards are .........

~' c"!!o._
4 6 8

What layer of 051 'w; ,
'" I{
cja.t~ _,.
llWtNetwor,k~ Data link Presentation Physical

The layer of 051 ~_~a~

65 connection of user, r ,~.ns it Presentation Application Transport Session
termon ate .t: ~
The layer that is used to a
66 U"-'U' "" ,d~t~ is sent and received Session layer Transport layer Physical layer
over the' ! is -"
67 nn is: 6 9 7 8
for flow
68 Application Session Physical Transport

ThelTU ~~~~k~n~o~w~n~a~s~:======~C~C~I~Tlc======i~'~SO~=======t~'B~M~======~S~N~A~====~
70 Which Is an 'E! of De Facto SNA ISO IBM SNA
Many networks Include a central
71 Server Bridges Gateway Client
"t", called:
One or more computers connected to a
72 Ring network Bus network Star network Mesh network
hub are:

Prepared by: M.Qadlr Raflque Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 4

GI ~CI IItor lIift:r'-1 A~Jr' _L ~,-:
A ... IYMallian " .. 1.

Accord ing to E" f Historical

73 De Jure means: I xtsting acts By nature
aw events
Layer that is responsible for transferring Appl ication Presentation
74 t. Data ink layer t. Session layer
frames is:
What layer of 051 model does data
75 Network Presentation Data link Physical
Cabling on a linear bus topology can be Barrel Medium
extended uc;na which of the .~ Terminator
The Media Acce.ssControl sub layer
77 Physical Data link
resides In which rf '~! "
78 FOOl is a: Ring network Star network .:::,>, Ilfus network
One or more computers connected to a ~or
79 Ring network Node Star network
hub . is a:
~ ~.
Project 802 defines standards for which and Network and
layers of the 051 model? presentation ~s Data link layers
,. ~.

Microwave transmission, coaxial cables

81 Modems Gateways Ring network
and fiber are of:

82 Data communication requires only a: ~~, .~. Transmission

All of the
Physical path that connects the source Communi-
83 Encoder Linear medium

and receiver is known as:
BITS stands for: "'" ;~ " ,~ digit None of these
85 Data communication requires only: ~ ~ Receiver All of these
86 Data processing is also known as:~. "'oIil' Computing Speed Merging
87 The devices that receives data: ~ Sink Transmitter Encoder
88 Text Numeric Audio
Th. muslc and ~"~
89 of numeric data is: Text Numeric Audio
Which of the fol ~... lilt, .<"
90 Video Image Text
used to acti~~~~';;~~ 0
Data shown on
91 ')~or~ Hard copy Soft copy Shared copy Photocopy
audio is
None of the
92 ~ Binary integer Binary digit Binary interva I
BIT _ above
The ., ~ .. over
93 Protocol Medium Single All the above
which a '''''1~ .
94 T'te, ~?L" cable Is: 62.Scm 62.Smicrons 62.5m 62.5mm
VVI ~~ ~in' technique uses
95 Baseband Broadband Bandwidth Topology

Which of tl1~ devices uses

96 .~ Mouse Keyboard Printer Light pen

Important property of fiber optic cable

97 Noise Reflection Interference Attenuation
Most of data transmission over Serial Parallel Digital Hybrid
lines use: transmitted transmission transmission transmission

Prepared by: M.Qadlr Raflque Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 5

IItor Hitt:r'-I A~Jc' _L ~,-: A
_,. IV Mallian " ..1.
Synchronous Digital Asynchronous Analog
99 Data is transmitted block by block in:
transmission transmission transmission transmission
Select unguided media from the
100 Twisted pair Coaxial Fiber optic Satellite
The communication channel can be
101 Fivetypes Four types Three types Two types
divided into:
102 Typically cladding has diameter of 120 122 124 ..dIIol125
microns. ~r~·
this tuno< of transmission: Asynchronous ronous rm'v,,,,
104 n are known as: Broad band Baseband rTreql >n"
tiii ~.h.
105 Transmission mode is: 1 2 if;lJ . ~ 4

106 Which of the following is not a Twisted pair -"'>. ~~M~ Modem
~ __ ~c=o~m~m~u~n~ic=a~t~io~n~m~e~d~ia=?
__ ~ ~ ~ ~ __'~~~ ~~'~~-+------------1
The communication channels can be
107 divided into: Two types Th ~ ';. Fivetypes
Which communication medium requires 1"!:.'61·
108 Ii .< _L.' M·rcrowave r-~
~ -pair. Coaxial
Comn"to~ tjj . ;e~ '" Certificate
109 CBTstands for: None of these
based tR~~~ J!~>r~ based
The benefit of CADmay be summed up .~~ Speed and
as: ~ ~R:~ bility flexibilityof Allof these

~l~l~l~c~o~m~p~u~te~r~a=t~h~o~m==e~c~a~n~b~e~u~s~e=d~:----.-.~~~tK~~ Watching
Allof these
Computer Computer
112 CALstands for: None of these
~ Making Watching
113 Typically. an ATMcan be used to: None of these
h, movies
Modern computer can 1''''
114 calcul~tions or 1'" c~' ~OO'd Per minute Nino second None of these

... ~ Co.mputerized Computer

Computer axial
115 CATstands for: ~axlal aided None of these
116 denendso :curate collection of data Television Radar Antenna
Magnetic ink Magnetic ink
Magic in
117 character character None of these
character redo
recorder reader
Magnetic ink Magnetic ink
Magic in Magnetic ink
118 MICR ~.- character character
character Redo character Redo
recorder reader
Which of the following is not included in Word Desktop
119 Reprographic E·shopping
document pI publi
Word Desktop
120 Which is not included in OMS? Re graphic E-shopping
pI pub"

Prepared by: M,Qadlr Raflque Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 6

GI ~CI IItor lIift:r'-1 A~Jr'
_L C:::,_: A ... IVMallian " .. 1.

Which of the following is related to . Stock

121 Marketing Banks All of these
122 banks the •. of: CAD CAM ATM CBT
Process of automatic office tasks using Office Data
123 Office support Reprographics
. is aut •
124 •........ is related to business. Bank Marketing All of these

Process of producing multiple copies of Word

125 Reprogra ph ics Jt" ~_~,age
a tlnro, : is called,
126 Typically, an ATM can be used to: Keep records Make budgets .. ~'
. ~

" movies

Most application of robotics are In

127 Cooking "A: ""~, '"
~ Farming
I area?

A ..••..... Is an automatic programmable CA~{5 ~'~

128 CAD Robot
Which Is an automatic programmable r- ••.
129 CAD Robot
~ ~
130 ucts are by CAD CAM ATM

Many industries are designing products '" CAM ATM
by CAD ~
132 The is used in: 'co •.
Education field Car
computer~ ~ Computer Computer
133 CAL stands for: ASSiS~?l ~ :fetedlearning Added Affected
,l learning l
~ Computer Certificate Computer
134 CBTstands for: ~
Based I Based T. Basic I;
Computer based weather forecasting ~

135 depends on accurate collection of 1~ Television Radar Antenna

form: ~
136 CBTsoftware is used in: t;nn Inti, "t .. , E·commerce Business
Which one is an h,•••
in ~'~
Computer based
138 depends on accurat~ Radar Antenna Television
5PARCO .. gives i
139 ROBOT Airline Chatting Weather

about: _.
Data and

A '~~
".., ~o.t
.- used by

'that run the


141 :"- Hardware Document CPUs Software

The ~ -e i~l)at contains instructions Device

142 Device driver Device linking Device system
to ' a-~""" is called:
143 CPU is an of: Software A Hardware An n"t, "t unit
A computer drives Its basic strength
144 Speed Memory Accuracy All of these

Control Perform Perform logical

The arithmetic/logic unit performs the
145 computer arithmetic com pari sons Both Band C
following action. n, functions such i.e.

Prepared by: M.Qadlr Raflque Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 7

IItor Hitt:r'-I A~Jr' _L ~,-:
_,. IV Mallian " .. 1.

as addition and greater then,

subtraction less than
146 Which is a device? CPU Clock ~Innn' disk Bus
Which component is responsible for
147 comparing the contents of two pieces of AlU Control unit Memory None of these

The data of staring a program in
was I by:
John Von
Newton Pascal 'til of these
149 The brain of the computer that executes CPU RAM nMPQa'1 s, ~ unit
the instructions is called: ~

__ -..~Network
and devices is:
CPU includes all of the following Primary ALU t .~ Register

152 AlU has units: 2 3 5

Register that collect the results of Instruction
~~ :.._
__ ...,...,-~~~_I~J'V" .~~ ~A_c_c_u_m_u_la_t_o_r~
Which component of CPU is responsible
154 AlU Bus Register
for ~ !!!L If
Which memory is used to speed up the
155 Cache BIOS FRAM

Which of the fOIlO~ memory needs

to be refreshed?
157 An nt characteristic of RAM is: 16':,+,-:="" , only Nonvolatile Volatile
A set of in~tructions that run the 'I'
&,.,~_~ Document CPUs Software
". IS: ~I '~~
Performs logic
159 AlU performs followings action: arithmetic Both Band C
160 .... ,.... is a device, Clock ~Innn' disk Bus
161 Which one is not a EPROM FROM EEPROM
162 Which one is ~ RAM Cache Hard disk
163 The of the~ler Is: __ Source code code Linked code Encode
The cells of memory arE~IOI
164 8 bits 12 bits 32 bits 4 bits
into group of:

165 Registers ROM RAM HDD

Mouse End marks Courser Eraser

Space Address location Cell

Which of tlie is not the Primary

168 Register Control unit AlU
•0' ;PU? m
169 is made up of: Set of wires Set of circuits Celis BIOS
Random Reading
Road Access Random
170 The RAM stands for: Access Available
Memory Access Mode

Prepared by: M.Qadlr Raflque Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 8

GI ~CI IItor lIift:r'-1 A~Jr'
_L C:::,_: A ... IVMallian " .. 1.

Temporary storage area with in CPU is

171 Register ROMS RAM None of these
Which type of memory is nonvolatile
and cannot be I by the user?
Who proposed a design of stored
173 Von Neumann Blaise Pascal Babbage Sir Rutherford

Which of the following memory is

~ I~'
175 ......... is not kind of register. Flag Segment ~mulator

176 •........ is used for RAM Hard disk H>'::

177 Which is also called secondary storage? RAM

178 CPU includes except: AL~:r~ ~. Register
Data can be erased using ultraviolet rays
Secondary Primary
180 Another name for main memory is: Tape storage
Which of the following media cannot be
181 Hard RAM Zip disk
" ... <1 as ~ -"
182 CPU is also called: ALU ~
Processor Bus
The component of computer that
183 unit RAM Mother board
executes the instruction is called:
~ Operating
Control Unit Main Memory
184 CPU consists of the following parts: I ~~)j system and
and ALU and storage
Which of the following is NOT a type
185 ~ Dynamic RAM Stable RAM Both A and C
186 Which is a of RAM? Jf!!- CRAM ERAM FRAM
187 A bus 64 lines t~2 bits 64 bits 16 bits 64 bits
Which of the fol .IS "
188 System bus Data bus Address bus Times bus
bus? ~
Electric path used to Computer Computer Computer
189 Computer bus
called: architecture on clock
190 CPU Data bus Control bus Address bus ""V" bus
191 HOW~' ~y one line of 1 2 3 4

192 v.:E ~~T'


A set ::.:
aths used to transfer
System bus Expansion bus Data bus Control bus

193 ,,'I Printer Keyboard Monitor Bus

data is
194 Expansion are inserted into: Slot Plays CPU CBT
195 Which one is faster? RAM Cache RpQi<tpr Hard disk
196 The of "t ..r is: Sources code Linked code code
197 errors and detected by: Compiler Linker Loader
198 language translators of .•...•.•• types. 1 3 4 5

Prepared by: M.Qadlr Raflque Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 9

IItor lIift:r'-1 _L C:::,_: A
-'. IV Mallian " ..1.
The operating
The operating An application system or
199 A virus program is usually hidden in: The disk drive
system only program only application

200 A virus that itself is called: Buy Worm Vaccine Bomb

Freely distributed software without Copy
201 ri"ht Share ware Public domain ~ None

is not a biometric technique? Retina Palm ,.., r;),ace
203 Another name for antivirus is: Vaccine Worm
204 Which Is not a biometric technique? Retina Palm
205 horse is .r. Antivirus Virus Hardware

Which of the following is not antivirus
_, N0032 - Logic bomb

A secret word or number to be typed in

207 on a key board before any activity can Password Biometric
take is called?
208 Mac fee is a data: Virus Warm
209 Which is not a biometric Ie? Retina .rdlf'l ,." D. ~. Face
210 Which one is not a virus? I'VJd" Mac fee Redlof
211 Another name for antivirus software is: Worm Vaccine Redlof
A data bus with 32 lines can transfer
212 32 4 bytes Both A and C
which data at a time:
Exchange of High
Viruses are transferred from one ~I~Ito \>" I.t.
213 displaying Dust in room tern perature of
computer to another due to:
screen room
Software that is used to detect and
214 removes the viruses from the COll1PIUt~ Antivirus Trojan horse Virus

Which one is a secret ~ha~
if ,-"I ",Dl'i,ometrks
,<~ Password C' h B k
215 -+

The measurement
finger prints and.


~~~'v __

,"> __




access IS .

217 .........
iS~ biometric t~ W Finger print
Eye retina Palm print

Noters Redlof Dr. Salman MacAfee

Forwarding of
Backup of data Taking of data Moving of data
Buy Vaccine Bomb Worm
MCA fee I horse Worm Inair bomb
222 Which is lid' II",ul for " Antivirus Virus Free ware Shareware
223 A program that detects the viruses,
Virus Groupware Antivirus Shareware
224 Format C is an example of: Antivirus Logic bomb Trojan horse Redlof
The secret word or number used for
225 Biometric data Backup Password Private files
is called:

Prepared by: M.Qadlr Raflque Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 10

IItor Hitt:r'-I _L C:::,_: A
_,. IV Mallian " ....
226 Which is not cause of virus? E-mail Network logic bomb
Data is
Howa virus reaches from one computer exchanged Exchange of Exchange of Exchange of
to another? between
display screen keyboard printer

Encrypted Copy Public :e~'?sharewa;re

228 Another name for free software is: protected r,,,
software software software ~ If ft>,.
229 Which of the following is not an
antivirus If

230 Horse is a type of: Antivirus Virus :;~. Horse

231 Which of the fol is an antivirus? Redlof I no;r I;>Qmb~ ~L =t-;

235 Password Private word

Putti ng people
What is the most common computer Extortion Software
236 on junk mailing
crime of these listed below? bank funds piracy
Public domain
237 Shareware


239 Software Allof these

"tDr< include: cables
A right of person to . iI~
240 information away " A";"'< lI..J~il "" Privacy Personal issue Assets
unauthorized s~isi; ~ .... _+----,-----1-------+----,-----1---,----1
Which of the fol loss of loss of loss of
241 loss of data .
loss to a hardware software ,r<

242 A person .£\~Ygain Illegal a . 'Y a Hacker Worm Pirates User

"t~~~.. isca~~:-----~------+------+------4-----~
Most ". ~ International Highlytrained
243 -~ Hackers computer Allof these

~!i~;:can be freely
violating copyright Shareware Public domain
A and B both
laws are
Can be stolen Should be free,
A marketable while leaving accord ing to
245 Information is: Allof these
commodity the original the original
behind hacker ethic
Application System Software
246 An operating system Is a: System utility
software software l2e

Prepared by: M.Qadlr Raflque Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 11

GI ~CI IItor lIift:r'-1 A~Jr'
_L C:::,_: A ... IVMallian " .. 1.

As compared to command line operating

247 More efficient Easier to use More reliable All of these
a GUI is:
Application System Software
248 An operating system is a: System unit
software software l2e
Expansion slots connects interface cards Peripheral
249 Ports Mother board System bus
to: device
Explorer Perform Navigate life
Access the
250 Windows explorer is used to:
system "'0" II.~:':
. folder on
resources task (

Under MS-DOS, a used communication

251 Commands Instruction
with the by
Computer cannot boot if it does not i?-, Operating
252 Computer Linker

Windows is the most popular product
Microsoft .~I~~A.' Hewlett
'V Software
254 An operating system is a: System utility
-'" ,gp

255 Add new hardware exists in: Main menu ~ . Task bar Control n

Computer cannot boot if it does not Operating

256 Com Interpreter
257 Which is a mouse event? Left . Key down Button
The process of touching an object with
258 Pausing
~ ,~ Dragging Pointing
~ ,is~ed:

259 Pressing and releasing ,~he left mouse • ~I) Dropping Pointing Dragging

Application System Software

260 An operating system is a: ~ .~ .<.
Software can be removed/installed
261 Recycle bin My documents My computer

The devices that are play Automatic Installed

262 ~ Serial devices
detected by windows devices devices
All files that are d iii"
263 My document Recycle bin Printer port Desktop
are stored in: M ~

A small image that a

264 _0. Menu GUI Command Icon
. or file
265 The~ are stored in: My documents Inter explorer Recycle bin

The 1" us'·' the Device

. ~ Device
266 ,~... ~ is Device driver Device system operating
caltea~ .~
We .. MS-Word to
267 line Sentence Paragraph Document
The folder, '<7 contains
268 Installer Control panel Debugger linker
administrative is:
Which of the following contains the
269 administrative tools in operating Control panel Recycle bin My document

The operating system based on NT

270 Windows 95 Windows 97 Windows 98 Windows 2000
,nln2V Is:

Prepared by: M,Qadlr Raflque Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 12

GI ~CI IItor lIift:r'-1 A~Jr'
_L C:::,_: A ... IVMallian " .. 1.

Used to close
An invalid key Recognized by
271 Ctrl + Alt + Del Is: the active Both Band C
combination wi ndows only
~"v" "
Navigate files
Access the Explore system maintenance
272 Windows explorer Is used to: and folders on
Internet resources on the hard

The maximum number of primary

- the computer

273 partitions that can be created on a disk

Two Three
""'~(:w of these

274 Memory management Is function of: Uti lity program :~ v~_,
The maximum partition that can be

created on a basic disk Is:
How of partition are?
A list of documents waiting to be

Print list
4 .~

Print line
on Is called:
The Insertion print In a document Is ~ "-
278 Mouse ~ !)''' Cursor Eraser
Which of the following Is a word ~~
279 AdObe~o,] ~~~ MSExcel MSWord

The bar that contains the name of

280 Menuba~ Status bar Tool bar
and document Is: ~

By default, windows save the
documents created In MS-Word In At ,_, "
Recycle bin My computer
282 Which Is a word-processor? Photoshop MS-Excel
283 The extension of MS-Word file Is: .xls .doc .bat
Any change to the document
reversed . ~
Do Undo Again do

Which shortcut key ~

285 [~lt+B Ctrl+B Shift+B Alt+C
character bold?
When creating
286 File Word Document .Doc
default name of docu
Moving ~~ down In nv.' ng Line
287 Scrolling Word wrap Pull down
Default S~lnany
288 One Sheet 1 Sheet one First sheet

289 fT
to !CI_; ~
from computer
Downloading Uploading Pasting Downsizing

Which ~ )(lyls used for checking

290 F5 F7 F9 F12
spelling a: In word?
Which of the following feature enables
291 you to reverse the changes you have WYSIWYG Redo Undo GUI
made to the document?
292 Which of the following Is a spreadsheet? MSWord MS Excel Both A& B
Power Point

Prepared by: M.Qadlr Raflque Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 13

_L C:::,_: A
IV Mallian " ..1.
GI~~~~CI IItor inter -I ..J.

Which of the following function is used

293 Month Year Today Exact
to get current data in MS-Excel:
The default number format assigned to
294 Currency Number Text General
a call is:
The function in M5-Excel is used to get
the smallest value is called:
296 A workbook is a arn, ,n of: Tables Formulas Sheets Functions
Which of the following is an absolute
297 Al $Al AS1
The cell range from A3 through G3
298 A3-G3 A3:G3
be as:

The number of arguments in SQRT
function in MS-Excells/are:
One Two
C I"~'l!,j!.p"N'liliige
Equal to
col umn
Calling a cell in MS-Excel by just their ~~~~4
L:~~~ ~~-IAbsolute
L~~~~~~~~~ ~~
300 I.
__ ~
hiScfalled: II I.!I~
301 l
W ic 0 t e 01owing is a correct ce AA I"
302 Which of the following is an absolute
Al A$1$ None of these
303 Formula can only be applied on: Values None of these
304 In MS-Excel, formula beings with: >
Which of the following function is usead,.&1EX21,<t( ~~ayo
305 MonthO YearO
to get the ro, ""- 'i:1 ""
306 DSL Cable modem All of these

307 Who owns the internet?

......... is used to find

308 Website Search engine Web server
World Wide Web?
Which of the fol IV
309 www FTP E-mail All
Who is responsible ,u, LAN Internet
310 User obtaining the
data? administrator service
311 PTCLiS~ Internet ISP Web browser Search engine

312 :~~sto find

Web browser Website Search engine Web server
view and search
313 Web server Web browser Website Web pages

A ~.~ web-pages is
314 called: ~el; www Web portal Website Web server

Web pages are written in which type of

315 HTML FTP Assembly SQL
The computers on internet that contain Central
316 Site computers Web servers
websites are called: computers

Prepared by: M.Qadlr Raflque Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 14

GI ~CI IItor lIitt:I-1 A .... IV Mallian " ..1.
Which of the following protocol is used
317 to access web pages on world wide TCP/IP Gopher HTTP HTML
318 Which of the following is used to find
Web browser Web site Search engine Web server
information on world wide web?
319 Which of the following is an email Internet Outlook

320 The symbol that separates different _L.::_E_)_rer__
$ L
II _l_:G@:_oo_g
le,,-~' None of these
of an e-mail address is:
MCO Answer Keys
I (D) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (C) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7 (C) ~ ~(O) 10 (B)
II (C) 12 (C) 13 (D) 14 (A) 15 (D) 16 (B) 17 (C' • (B) 20 (B)
21 (B) 22 (D) 23 (D) 24 (A) 25 (B) 26 (A) (A·' A:), 29 (B) 30 (0)
31 I' 32 T\ 33 :A 34 'I' 35 36 (A)~ :B' 40 B
41 42 43:A 44 :A 45 4( 1<:iJI'I'~ :A 51
'A :2 :C ;4 :5 ell I~ ( 61 'A
D) i2 (B) ( (A ~ « i5 (I ~1?'61 ~ ( ( »
71 CAl 72 (A) 73 (A 74 (B) 75 (B) 7 (, i~t::?2Dd hiB~ tA) 79 (O) 10 (B)
81 (8) 82 (D) 83 (A) 84 (B) 85 (D) ~ay I rtf(" 88 (D) 89 (D) 90 (8)
91 (B) 92 (B) 93 (B) 94 (A) 95 6 &L is) 98 (C) 99 (A) 100 (0)
101 'n 102 (0' 103 :A 104 B) 105 (B' !((i»11a-J, :A 108 (0 109 :B 110 D)
III 'n 112 (A 113 114 I' 115 (A 11'6 . N2 I' II n 119 :D 120 0
121 122 ;) I 124 12. ~ 12( 12' 12 12' 'A 131 (A
131 (A 132 I 134!jJ ~ 13( A' 13' 13 13' 141 (A
141 (D) 142 A 143 (,::) 144 -m ~14( (C) 147 A) 14 (A 14' 'A 151 (A)
151 (A) 152 (A) 153 (D) 154 (b~" ,5' ~ (A) 157 (B) 158 (D) 159 (D) 160 (C)
161 (C) 162 (B) 163 (S) 164 (I' ~f61 (C) 167 (D) 168 (A) 169 (C) 170 (A)
171 (A) 172 (C) 173 (A) 174 (IJ 176 (B) 177 (C) 178 (A) 179 (C) 180 (0)
181 (C 182 [C: 183 :A IR4 '. (, ®_ 186 (A' 187 (B) 188 189 1" 190 'B
91 (A 192 (A' I ~ ~ I I B I 99 201
11 202 2 ~( 21 2 0' 21
2 I ( 212 21 ~ 21( (A 217 21 21' 'A 221 (D)
221 (A) 222 (B) 22j :C) (C) 226 (C) 227 (A) 228 (C) 229 (A) 230 (B)
231 (C) 232 (8) 21 ~ ')1 ,235 (C) 236 (C) 237 (C) 238 (B) 239 (D) 240 (B)
241 (B) 242 (A) 243 't<C . ?i( '245 (D) 246 (C) 247 (B) 248 (C) 249 (C) 250 (A)
251 (A 25Lt (0 253 (I' ~ 255 (0) 256 [D 257 :A 258 259 :0 260 C)
2,,1 (A 26. ~ 263 (B 264 265 0 261 (A 267 :A 26 269 :A 270 n
2' 1 (B' L '.c ~ ,2' I4,Q. 274 275 (A 2' A 27' 2' 2~9 2:
2:1 (A a:2 ~ 214 285 (B' 2: 2: A 2: 2 2'
2"1 . (C) 2')4 (A 295 (B) 2' IC) 297 A} 2' (l) 2' 'A} 31 C)
301 (0 . i't. )3 '(A) 304 (C) 305 (B) 306 (D) 307 (D) 308 (C) 309 (D) 310 (C)
311 (B) IJ {C 13 (B) 314 (C) 315 (A) 316 (D) 317 (C) 318 (C) 319 (B) 320 (C)

Prepared by: M,Qadlr Raflque Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 15
Guess Paper Computer inter-I AI·Qadir Jinnah Science Academy Mallian Kalan

Subi ective Part

1. Define arithmetic unit and logic unit of CPU. 2. Define the term information technology (IT).
3. Differentiate between PROM and EPROM. 4. What is hardware?
5. Describe the use of control bus. 6. What is software?
7. Define bus. 8. What is
9. Define bus interconnection? 10.

13. How does bus width affect data transfer? 14. Define
15. I/O instructions are used? 16. What is unit?
17. What is DMA? Define it. 18.
19. What are i 20.
21. Define unit. 22.
23. Write tow of
25. How is data transferred from peripheral devices
different components of system.
27. What is the of CPU before use?
29. List some general purposes of registers.
31. What is stack munication.
33. Name two
35. What is code is the internet?
37. Differentiate between AL and AH is extra net?
39. What is counter? What is intra net?
41. State the of Differentiate between intranet and extra net.
43. What is accu mulator What do and download
45. 46. What is e-mail?
47. 48. What does a means?
49. 50. What is network interface card?
52. Write tow of subscriber line.
54. What is ARC net?
55. Define 56. State the of router.
57. 58. Write essentia I of network
59. code and object
60. What do you mean by ISDN?

61. 62. What is ware?

63. Distinguish low level and high level
64. Distinguish between LAN and WAN.
65. Describe level 66. Write the name of three LAN
67. Compare compiler and interpreter. 68. What is a computer network?
69. about low levella 70. Describe
72. What is the difference between server computer and
71. Define interpreter.

Prepared by: M.Qadlr Raflque Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 16

GI ~CI IItor Hitt:r'-I A~Jr' _L C:::,_: A ... IVMallian " .. 1.

73. virus activation in 74. Define the term client.

75. What is biometrics? 76. Write two of model.
77. Identify two biometric methods to prove your
78. What is dedicated server?
y to log on a
79. Define 1''' .,,,u software. 80. Write two uses of server.
81. How pirated software spread viruses? 82. Write the use of server in networks.
83. How does virus spread through email? 84. State CSMA/CD.
85. What is bomb? 86. Define star
87. How does a boot sector virus work? 88. What is ring ~?
89. List some fvnec of viruses. 90. What is CSMA/CR?
91. Write basic functions of antivirus software. 92. ..""~ty errnrnators
. are
93. Write names of four antivirus 94. Define .L

95. it is to ,on data lrity? 96. Enlist wu COl"~ Ij

97. Give three suggestions to protect your computer ~
from virus.
98. State the ,,~ , '"
99. State the ..,u" OfD 100. Write ,. '·Y"'·
101. Explain data security. 102. ""'''I fi1j ~~ layer of OSI model.
103. is data ,or".ih fh'e , •• -, of OSI model.
105. How is <Pro .. it" rnainta ined on r? .~ unication?
107. Define <Pr"ritv violation. ,'1u,' . 'F'"
109. Who is a hacker?
11n w'Wa'fl.s
elements of data communication .
role of sender in data communication?
111. Write any two violations. . ~,'i2. "lo. and decoder.
113. data isim nt? ~ ~ What is serial data transmission?
115. Define software .11";- is parauei data transmission?
117. Define command line operanng data transmission.
119. Give some ofGUI ing ~ '''~What is start <'·,,'I? Write its different states.
121. State the of 01 :s 122. the term "Baseband".
123. What is the m

125. Describe the I'U' I 'n<pAf~(

izz. List out four "'~
of b

X 124. Define bandwidth.
126. Define broadband.

128. Distinguish baseband and broadband.

129. What is my document .-~ 130. Write at least two characteristics of fiber optic.
131. . of windows rfr. 132. What is communication media?
133. Define~~ 134. Define mobile communication.
uter help in ,7
135. ~ .", 136. How can the
137. Ii~ .. .",X'" Mfmouse. 138. What is the use of message handling system?
139. mi' 140. State the of ATM.
mg and multi-
141 ....." .". cu ;" 142, Define desktop publishing.

143. State the use of 144. Define

145. What is meant by I'a' ? 146. Describe electronic
147. What is file ma iagement? 148. Define the term video ~v."'".
149. What is word 150. What is electronic ?
151. List any two uses of word 152. What is a robot?

Prepared by: M.Qadlr Raflque Cell # 03024741124. Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 17

GI ~CI IItor lIitt:.-1 A~Jr' _L ~,-: A
-'. IV Mallian " ..1.
153. What is spreadsheet? 154. Differentiate between CADand CAM.
155. List tow benefits of 156. What is ' ,to, simulation?
157. What is meant by cell reference? 15S. Define moni in ,,~,.
159. How formula is used in Excel? 160. What do you mean by CBT?
161. What are functions in MS-Excel? 162. Write tow benefits of cv, ,to aided '~a"",,~.
163. Write down a formula to add five cell in a row in
164. What is online education?
165. List any four functions of MS-Excel. 166. How comouter can be useful in
167. Write formula for calculating average of three
16S. Explainweatherfcforecasting
169. Write a function that does total of cells Ai to
170. What is stored '" VI>'.

~~~~~ I
~ 173. Differentiate between formula and function? 174. What is 'i-t: !f
~1~7~5=.W~h~a~t~is~m~e~a~n~t~bY~~~0~ri~en~t~a~ti~0~n?~.=========tJl~7~6=.~W~h~a~t~f,'v~"~'~3·~~~~ ~ 1
17S. Write the.1,It'i ~~', primary memory and
177. Write two facilities provided by internet. ~

179. What is website? 10n, ~ inn, ,t unit.

ISl. Define web n, t?
IS3. Define www. 1 cun1 of ALU?
IS5. Describe the term web browsing. IS6.~~ ") volatile?
IS7. URL. ' DRAM use more
IS9. How web are created? does SRAMuse less than DRAM?
191. What is a search eneine? ~ is ROM?

193. Difference between URLand website.~ 1'14 PROM?

195. List name of some ,nn, lar web ~!D~if~fe~r~e~n~ti~at~e~b~e~tw~e~en~R~O~M~an~d~RA~M~.

Differentiate between SRAMand DRAM.

1. What is bus t~ ;;m: ~ and .-Ik,
2. .is LAN? '~, uses and adv~'-- -I
3. What is LAN's JCOr , types of ncnk

4. I Area Network.
5. Write~ differences between LANand WAN.
6. iS~ .of in
7. L~ j1):~, ,I,', its four basic of communication network.
S. 1M" ~ its with .-I" also discussits and
9. What is "', lf1~iha? describe different g, media.
10. Define" ~ media? i anv two "no, media.
11. What is computer architecture? different of uter architecture.
12. What is I/O unit? Write in detail two to transfer data from 0', and n.AA I

13. Define bus.• ·,n"'n three different types of buses.

14. Describe bnO",oo of translator. Discussdifferent "mo. of I,no,
15. Define uter n ' cause of .<1, virus and rods to ,-

Prepared by: M.Qadlr Raflque Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 18

Guess Pa er Com uter inter-I AI·Qadir Jinnah Science Academ Mallian Kalan
16. Discuss different types of viruses.
17. Define data security. Discuss any three ways of data security violations.
18. What is data security? Briefly discuss different security threats to data security.
19. Define graphical User Interface and Command line Interface Operating Systems. Give any four comparisons
between them.

Prepared by: M.Qadlr Raflque Cell # 03024741124, Whatsapp # 03024741124 Page 19

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