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cb (m) = 0.400
Y 2
l (m) = 0.400
b (m) = 0.400
L (a+c)/2
c a top ftn off l' (m) = 0.800
200 b' (m) = 0.800
l' L (m) = 0.800
1 cl 1 B (m) = 0.800
cb D1 (m) = 0.150
X B b' b X
D2 (m) = 0.150
Mx l Mx Dp (m) = 1.350
Depth of foundation 'DF' below
G.L (m) = 1.500
clear cover cx to R/F for forces
da b (b+d)/2
P about X-axis (m) = 0.060
My clear cover cy to R/F for forces
about Y-axis (m) = 0.050
Dp effective depth 'd1' for forces
DF about X-axis (m) = 0.090
D2 D1
effective depth 'd2' for forces
(a+b)/2 about Y-axis (m) = 0.100
Y 2
Unit wt. of Conc.'gc' (t/m ) =
Unit wt. of Soil. 'gs' (t/m3) = 1.800
Self wt. of footing and weight of soil on footing: fy (N/mm2) = 415
Wt. of footing (t) = 0.780 fck (N/mm2) = 25
Net Bearing Capacity 'qnet' (t/m2)
Wt. of soil over footing (t) = 1.166 = 20.4
Gross Bearing Capacity 'qgross'

Footing Wt.+Soil Wt.= (P1 )(t) = 1.946 =(qnet+DF x gs )(t/m2) = 23.087359837

maximum pressure under
Static / : footin 15.13
P (t) etab staad= 7.739 75.922 Joint No. 18
Mx (t-m) or M33 Mz = 0.000 0
My (t-m) or M22 My = 0.000 0
Total Load(PT = P + P1 ) (t) = 9.686
partial safety factor 'fs' = 1.5
percent increase in qnet /qgross = 0

Pressure under footing(t/m2) = PT /(L x B) + Mx x 6 /(L x B2) + My x 6 /(B x L2)

a a bb cc dd
15.13 15.13 15.13 aa15.13
Pressure due to Wt.of footing + Wt.of soil = P1 /(L x B)(t/m2) = 3.04
Taking average of pressure and calculating moment at the face of pedestal :
About 1-1 : About 2-2 :
M (t-m) = 0.19 0.19
Mu = (fs x M)(t-m) = 0.29 0.29
ku (N/mm ) =2
Mu /(l' x d1 ) =2
0.448 Mu /(b' x d ) =
pt = 0.127 0.127
A st (mm ) =
pt x l' x d1 /100 = 91 pt x b' x d2/100 = 101
dia bar 8 c/c spa = 440 8 396

Taking average of pressure and calculating one-way shear force at "d" from the face of pedestal :
At 'd1' from 1-1: At 'd2' from 2-2:
V (t) = 1.06 0.97
Vu =(fs x V)(t) = 1.60 1.45
tv(N/mm ) =Vu/(Lx(D2-cx)+(L+b1')/2x{d1'-(D2-cx)}
tv(N/mm ) =Vu/(Bx(D2-cy)+(BL+b2')/2x{d2'-(D2-cy)}

where b1'=[l'+2x{d1-(b'-b)/2}x(L-l')/(B-b')](m)= 0.800 where b2'=[b'+2x{d2-(l'-l)/2}x(B-b')/(L-l')](m)= 0.800

d1'=[(D2-cx)+{d1 -(D2-cx)}/{(B-b')/2}x{(B-b)/2-d1}]= 0.090 d2'=[(D2-cy)+{d2 -(D2-cy)}/{(L-l')/2}x{(L-l)/2-d2}]= 0.100
tv(N/mm2) = 0.222 0.181
pt = 0.083 0.054
A st (mm ) =
pt x Agross1 = 86 pt x Agross2 = 96

Check for two-way Shear at "d/2" from the face of pedestal :

V(t) = {LxB-(l+d)x(b+d)}xqnet = 8.15
tv = Vu /(po x d) (N/mm ) 2
where po = ( l+b+2d )
tv(N/mm2) = 0.693 tc =(ksx0.25x(fck)1/2) (N/mm2) = 1.250
where ks=(1+E/F)but>1.0

Hence OK

a b c d

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