Module 1 Discussion 1

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Question: What is the value of research (i) in your everyday life and (ii) when you are

completing a graduate degree?




What is research?

A research is a systematic process of collecting, analyzing and interpretation of collected data to

improve the understanding of the phenomenon which is of concern (Egon, G. G & Lincoln, Y,
S. 1994). The essence of a research is to establish facts which will inform the solving of the
problem at hand (Alan, B. 2007). Therefore, every time there is a problem that is beyond
people’s comprehension, a research becomes necessary in order to come up with answers and
recommendations to deal with a phenomenon. To carry out a thorough research, certain steps
have to be followed like first observation, then background research then preparing of
hypothesis, eventually conducting an experiment.

What is the value of research in everyday life?

The value of research in everyday life cannot be over emphasized. Wiggin. A, (2018) opined that
research is important in daily life because it provides information that allows us to make
informed decisions. For example: if people in a town are all getting sick with the same illness as
evidenced by the same symptoms e.g. Cholera. We need to find the cause of the illness, how to
treat it, and how to stop more people from getting sick. We might guess what the cause is, like
contamination of the water source; or it could be a contagious disease that will run its course--but
how do we limit the spread? Research can help narrow down the options, identify the treatment
that has been the most affective and rule out what it isn't. When medicines are made, they are
made through research--trial and error and testing.

According to the website “research is to see what everybody else

has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.” Without research, there’s no way we
would be possibly be reading this right now together, also without research, we’d likely be
utterly defenseless to the brutal forces of nature because it would be impossible without
meteorology, to predict the path of violent storms, hurricanes and tornadoes, while a lack of
volcanology research would leave a huge proportion of the world susceptible to the destruction
of volcanic eruptions. Medical technology and discovery would be non-existent – no MRi, no
anaesthetic, no birth control, no X-Ray machine, no insulin, no IVF, no penicillin, no germ
theory, no DNA, and no smallpox vaccination – which, by the way would have wiped out one
out of every nine babies had Jenner not researched and found a cure. So not only is research an
invaluable tool for building on crucial knowledge, it’s also the most reliable way we can begin to
understand the complexities of various issues (Jokinen, E., et al., (2015). It helps us to maintain
our integrity as we disprove lies and uphold important truths; to serve as the seed for analyzing
complex sets of data; as well as to serve as ‘nourishment’, or exercise for the mind. “Aside from
the pure pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, research is linked to problem solving,” (John, A.
2017). For example, through research, companies like Johnson & Johnson and others have been
able to come up with a vaccine for Covid-19. This shows how important research in everyday

Why Research is Important when completing a graduate degree?

The research is important for the students because it helps them to have a detailed analysis of
everything (Almendra, R. (2012). When you have proper in-depth analysis on any topic, the
result comes out to be fruitful and also the knowledge is enhanced.

Other benefits of research to the students are as follows:

i. Enhances the knowledge: When you do research on any topic, you get to know detailed
information about that topic.
ii. Clarifies confusion: The research helps in clarifying the complicated facts and figures
that the student might have.
iii. To have a proper understanding of the subject: To understand the subject, one needs to go
in depth of the lines. The scanning of the content will never do any good for the students.
iv. Understand the published work: Research is done through the work already published.
See what others have already done and then challenge the status quo. 6. Learn to create a
balance between the collaborative and individual work: When the students do research,
they get to learn how to create a balance between the collaborative and the individual

Almendra, R. (2012). Educating critical thinking in design research. Proceedings of the 14th

International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Design

Education for Future Wellbeing, 717–722.

Bhattacherjee, A. (2012). Social science research: Principles, methods, and practices. Tampa,

FL: University of South Florida.

In Text Citation https:// 

Jokinen, E., et al., (2015). Learning within research, development and innovation projects: Case:

The MACICO project. Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Interactive

Collaborative Learning, 877–883

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