Enzyme Simulation - Observation - Aldi and Adam

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Enzyme Simulation

Name: Aldi Pratama & R. Adam Zasya Y.G.

You will be examining enzyme-mediated reactions involving amylase and maltase.

Go to the enzyme simulation on Biology Simulations.

Background Info:
Reactions involved in this simulation:

1. Identify the following:

Substrate starch

Product Maltose

Enzyme Amylase

2. Identify the following:

Substrate Maltose

Product glucose

Enzyme Maltase

3. Run the simulation with only starch and amylase present.

a. What happens to the amount of starch over time?

With 0,5 Starch and 2 Enzym of Amylase there is no changed in 1 minute of observation.

b. What happens to the amount of maltose?

No, because there is no Maltose in this observation.

c. What happens to the amount of amylase?

No Change, because Enzym will never changed.

4. Run the simulation with only maltose and maltase present.

a. What happens to the amount of maltose over time?

With 2 Maltose and 2 Enzym of Maltase there is no changed in 1 minute of observation.

b. What happens to the amount of glucose?

There is no, because there is no Glucose in this observation.

c. What happens to the amount of maltase?

No changing, because enzym will never change.

5. Run the simulation with only amylase and maltose present.

Describe what happens.

We put 1.5 amylase and 1.5 Maltose, then the result is no changing in 65 second obsservation

6. Run the simulation with only starch and maltase present.

Describe what happens.

No Change, because Enzym will never changed.

7. Based on the results, write a statement about the specificity and reusability of enzymes.

Enzym work specifically. In this observation we already put the enzym and the product correctly
(starch – amylase & Maltose – Maltase) it didn’t work probably because the Ph is really low.
Temperature also give impact for the speed of substract

8. Run the simulation with starch, amylase, and maltase. Make changes to the temperature and
observe what happens.

a. At what temperature do these reactions seem to happen the fastest?

At 55 temperatures, those reaction is happened the fastest. The higher temperature, the faster the
reaction happened.

b. Describe what happens at low temperatures.

Based on the observation, The lowest temperature, the lower the reaction happened.

c. Describe what happens at high temperatures.

Based on the observation, the reaction will react faster.

9. Run the simulation with starch, amylase, and maltase. Make changes to the pH and observe
what happens.

a. At what pH do these reactions seem to happen the fastest?

At Ph 7 the reaction is the fastest reaction.

b. Describe what happens at an acidic pH.

In this acidic ph there is no changing.


c. Describe what happens at a basic pH.

At basic Ph which is 7-8 the reaction is the fastest reaction. For maltose there will be
changing into glucose

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