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English 12: 4th Quarter: 1st Week: Performance Task: My Favorite Movie

Direction: Choose your favorite movie and write a summary of its plot.

Rio (2011)
The film directed by Mr. Carlos Saldanha entitled of “Rio” was a top Brazilian-American
3D animated adventure film in 2011. This film was about an adventure and comedy genre
wherein the domesticated blue macaws were introduced. In Brazilian City of Rio de Janeiro, a
blue baby macaw is captured by dealers and smuggled to the United States of America (USA).
While driving to a certain location, the truck accidentally hits a piece of rock causing the baby
macaw’s box to drop on the road while the driver is unaware. A young girl named “Linda” finds
the baby macaw and raises him with love and passion. The blue baby macaw is named by
Linda as “Blue”. Fifteen years later, Blu is a domesticated and intelligent macaw and lives a
comfortable life with the bookshop owner Linda. However, even if Blu is a living bird with a
perfect and beautiful wings, he is not familiar and does not know how to fly. While living their life
to the fullest, a clumsy Brazilian ornithologist named “Tulio” visits the bookshop and informed
Linda that Blu is the last male of his species and he has the other female blue macaw called
“Jewel” in Rio de Janeiro. He invited the Linda to bring Blu to Rio so that he and Jewel can save
their species. Linda accepted his invitation and travels with Blu and Tulio to Rio de Janeiro.
After the travel, both of the blue macaw is astonished to meet each other and Tulio decided to
leave the birds in a single cage where it is placed in Tulio’s institute. While the Tulio and Linda
were having a great time dining their dinner, the blue macaws were abducted by smugglers.
Before capturing the smugglers red handed by Linda and Tulio, they’ve already escaped with
the blue macaws. The partners are panicking in search of the blue macaw, while Blu and Jewel
are chained together and are struggling to escape from the smugglers considering Blu can’t fly.
Thus, this annoys Jewel that she keeps nagging Blu to fly by simply spreading his wings.
Nevertheless, Jewel compensates and encourage Blu to fly. After a while, while running from
the smugglers, both of the blue macaw jumped from a high building, Jewel was trying to fly and
carry Blu. While Blu was terrified from heights. However, after the encouragement of Jewel, he
opened his eyes and spreads his wings to successfully fly. Both of the macaws were overjoyed
that they’ve successfully escaped from the smugglers, all they have to worry about is to return
from Linda and Tulio. Having an adventurous mission, the blue macaws has strengthened their
bonds and even managed to feel a romantic desire with each other. In addition, they’ve
befriended a group of birds and a dog that help them to break the chains that is keeping them
unseparatable. Keeping in their mind to come back home, they’ve continued their adventure.
After a while, they’ve managed to allocate the bookshop, Blu’s home. The birds were overjoyed,
entering the bookshop they’ve seen Linda surrounded with numerous books along with Tulio.
The blue macaws surprised the partner that they were home. Linda and Tulio were in tears of
joy that they’ve finally have their birds back in their embrace. In addition, they also welcomed
the group of friends of Blu and Jewel in their store to keep them comfortable and being shared
with an equal love. Due to happiness, Tulio accidentally confessed to Linda and it make him
panicked thinking the lady will reject him. However, Linda shared the same feelings with him
and they started a happy relationship just like the blue macaws.
Felizze Joy Basquiñez Ecle

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