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English 12: 4th Quarter: 4th Week: Performance Task: Essay Writing

Direction: Write an essay about the theme “Tapping the Educational Potential of Facebook Guidelines
for Use in Higher Education”.



In Menlo Park, California, Mr. Mark Zuckerberg has originated the Social Networking Service on
February 4, 2004 renowned as Facebook to serve people the power to connect with family, friends, and
relatives for easy access and communication. In addition, to converge with mass communities and
strangers to create companions and business relativity. Facebook has now empowered more than 3 billion
people globally for social connection and influence to other users.

In today’s century, Facebook is still used for social influence and connection. However,
numerous of users has taken the Facebook out of boundary, for instance: sharing dark and indecorous
articles, videos and photos for attention and fame. Through these, young users tend to be brain washed by
cause of these publication of anonymous. Comparing the usage of Facebook from past generation to
today’s generation, the Facebook was more welcoming and positive compare today. By cause of this
negative outcome, the officials of the social network company has taken action against these issues and
negativity by conducting and implementing the protocol of “Educational Potential Of Guideline For Use
In Higher Education” towards the young users and possibly for adults as well. Concerning this guideline,
it implies an appropriate social connection for educational, entertainment and legal purposes. In addition,
this accommodates the users to use this social network as a positive and friendly website for every

Surpassing as the renowned social networking website or application, it is the obligation of CEO
Mark Zuckerberg to conduct an implementation towards his technology conglomerate for its amelioration
and security to tight the welfare of the Facebook users. Through this, a safety measure for users is
implemented to aid the positivity and avoid misunderstanding, false information and other misleading
context that could affect the mindset of the naïve and confused users.

Felizze Joy Basquiñez Ecle

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