A - Argumentative Essay (Ielts 6.5 +)

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Extreme sports such as sky diving and skiing 1.

Analyse the questions

a. Type
are very dangerous and should be banned. To b. Main ideas (topic; subjects): 
Topic: health/ well-being/ sports / legislation
what extent do you agree or disagree with this Subject: players/ participants
view? c. Tenses: present
d. Brainstorm => opinion

1. Introduction

a. Background 
Extreme sport = adventure / action sports 
=> (definition) activities involve a high level of physical exertion: su co gang ve
mat the chat o cuong do cao
Dangerous = activities which are perceived as involving a high degree of risk.
Ban = ban (n) = restrictions = prohibit (v)

<As we move into the new millennium, one trend overwhelms our concerns and
that is the significant impacts of extreme sports on people’s life. While ….> 

b. Thesis statement 
<Introduction sample >
Extreme sports, by their nature, can lead to serious injury or even death.
However, In my view, despite the risks that they contain, people should certainly
not be prohibited from participating in them.

Body 1
• Statement: There are various compelling reason why + Clause/ On the one
hand ><( On the other hand, I firmly hold the view that + Clause)
-Supporting sentences
- Supporting sentences
=> Link back 
Body 1 - not banned

A - Argumentative – Ms Nhi
August 25, 2022
1. Inevitably/ not surprisingly/ Admittedly, A number of (theoretical)
advantages from this type of sport would be the main reasons why it
should not be restricted. 
2. The first benefit would be that  (gain the ability to stay centered) …. 
3. In other words, (Extreme sports can push players to their physical and
mental limits). 
4. When this happens, (the players become more capable of staying calm
and centered during stressful situations). 
5. Enhance Fear Management Skills =>  it could be explained that those
who participate in extreme sports are able to turn their fear into a positive
Linking- back : To some extent, extreme sports can make the rest of a
participant's life easy to manage and help him reduce his fear response.

Body 2- should be banned

1. S1:     On the other hand, I firmly hold the view that ….
On the other flip of a coin, I am convinced that The thrill of
extreme sports draws in many who are looking for a little
excitement but paying back with their risk of life, which could
lead to the restriction for this type of sport.
2. S2:  one of the hazards players are likely to cope with is that (reason
1/ danger 1) 
3. S3: explain / example
4. S4 (expand)
5. S5: another factor that should be taken into account is (danger 2) 
6. S6: explain / example or expand by comparing
7. S7: link back
=> To some extent, extreme sports can make the rest of a participant's
life problematic or even tragic due to the damage caused by mentioned severe
injuries from them.

On the other hand, many supporters of the idea that extreme sports bring great
benefits. All those extreme sports create adrenaline - a hormone that creates a
feeling of achievement and they are easy to express themselves, relieving stress
after a busy day. Furthermore, people don't need to worry about technical
problems or obstacles while playing adventure games because they are always
strictly monitored and people can only play when they meet the criteria and
check the staff carefully, removing all obstacles. Action sports also have their
A - Argumentative – Ms Nhi
August 25, 2022
regulation, procedures, and safety measures and people make sure the condition
is checked as well as well-trained before playing these risky activities. Moreover,
when people overcome challenges from risky games, it is also the time when they
overcome themselves and overcome their fears, which is beneficial not only to
help them become more confident, to conquer themselves but also to improve
their self-esteem. mental health and wellness. Therefore, adventure games are
not necessarily banned because they bring quite a lot of benefits to people's
bodies and minds.


In conclusion, while extreme sports are still dangerous, there are plenty of
reasons why extreme sports should continue to be allowed, such as keeping
players fit and healthy. safety rules and players will not be in danger if they
strictly follow these rules

 To Be encouraged

Useful vocabulary/phrases to open/start the essay: On the plus side

There is no denying that...

These days.../ Nowadays.../ In this day and age...
It goes without saying that...
It is universally accepted that...
We live in an age when many of us are...
People are divided in their opinion regarding...
Whether .... or .... is a controversial issue...
Useful vocabulary/phrases to end the Introduction part:
The following essay takes a look at both sides of the argument.
My two cents go for...
I oppose the view and my reasons will be explained in the following paragraphs.
I will support this view with arguments in the following paragraphs.
Thus the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages...
I wholeheartedly believe that this trend should be changed.

A - Argumentative – Ms Nhi
August 25, 2022
Vocabulary to show an example
Among others...
With respect to...
As far .... is concerned...
To show an example...
To give an example...
To cite an example...
As an evidence...
To illustrate...
To paraphrase...
An example is...
...could be a good/ideal example here
A case...
When it comes to...

A - Argumentative – Ms Nhi
August 25, 2022

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