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German American rocket scientist Wernher Von Braun once said: “Research is what I am doing

when I do not know what I am doing.”

1. Explain what he said about research in not less than 5 sentence paragraph.
What German American rocket scientist Wernher Von Braun meant by that quote is when we do
not really know much about a subject or a problem, we normally conduct research. We must
carry out research when we are lost and want to find or seek answers. After all, research is the
only way to figure out what you are going to do after you have come up with a research problem
or topic, and it is an organized method of doing so.
2.. Differentiate basic from applied research.
There are two types of research: applied and basic. Basic research differs from applied research
in that it is motivated by curiosity. It is driven by a desire to learn more and entails the
development of knowledge for the sake of learning. Applied research, on the other hand, is done
to seek ability to apply knowledge, even if the material is outdated, and is intended to answer
questions targeted at solving practical problems.
3. What are the purposes of research?
There are a variety of reasons why we conduct research, and they vary from person to person.
Some conduct study for monetary gain, while others do it for humanitarian reasons. The main
purpose of research is to acquire evidence for ideas and contribute to the development of
knowledge in an area of study. Its purpose is to advance society by improving knowledge
through developing new concepts and ideas. The benefit to students is that it improves their
problem-solving abilities, and it helps them to better understand concepts and theories by
preparing their minds.
4. Differentiate research design from a research method.
Research design and methods are distinct yet similar in that they both ensure that the data you
collect will assist you better answer your research question. However, Research design differs in
that it is a strategy for answering your research question as well as the general plan or structure
of the research. A research method, on the other hand, is a method for putting that strategy into
action, and it is concerned with the numerous research procedures, techniques for acquiring data,
and various methods for assessing it.

Difference Between Research Methods and Research Design | Definition, Features, Comparison.

(2017, January 12).


Zarah, L. (2010, December 20). 7 Reasons Why Research Is Important. Owlcation; Owlcation.


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