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Keith Fry

Quorum Business Solutions, Inc.

1420 West Mockingbird Land, Suite 700
Dallas, TX 75247

INTRODUCTION owners still needed assurances of the integrity of their

measurement processes. The industry’s response was to
Auditing evolved as a business practice as owners began standardize the electronic gas measurement process,
to realize a standardized form of accounting must exist to resulting in the American Petroleum Institute’s Manual of
prevent fraud. Financial audits made their way into Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 21.1 – Flow
businesses during the late 1700s. The industrial Measurement Using Electronic Metering Systems (API
revolution brought about the separation of job duties 21.1). This standard provides the framework for auditing
beyond what a sole proprietor or family could oversee. electronic gas measurement systems.
Managers were hired to supervise the employees and the
business processes. Businesses began to expand American Petroleum Institute’s Manual of Petroleum
geographically where previously they were all local. Measurement Standards Chapter 21.1 – Flow
Owners, who could not be in more than one place at a Measurement Using Electronic Metering Systems (API
time or chose to be absent, found an increasing need to 21.1)
monitor the accuracy of the financial activities of their
growing businesses. Owners responded by hiring people API 21.1 is an international standard which describes the
to check their financial results for accuracy, resulting in minimum specifications for gas measurement systems of
the process of financial auditing. In the early 1900s and hydrocarbon and other related gases. It attempts to
at the request of the Securities and Exchange practically minimize the uncertainties associated with
Commission, the auditors’ reports of duties and findings electronic gas measurement. It applies to both production
were standardized. Financial auditors developed methods and custody transfer applications using industry-
of reporting on selected key business cases as an recognized primary measurement devices.
affordable alternative to examining every detailed
transaction. It was found with auditing that the evaluation There is a great deal of information contained in the API
of both financial risk and financial opportunity was 21.1 standard and it has proved vital to ensure the
improved. integrity of electronic gas measurement. One of the
topics covered within API 21.1 is a description of an
The fingers of the financial audit began to reach into other electronic gas measurement system, including its various
areas of business operations. Owners became interested components, the algorithms necessary for adequate
in the integrity of the financial transactions and began to calculation, specifications for equipment installation and
look at the values used to generate them. Business commissioning, and data security requirements. The
owners began to understand that not only are the numbers standard also describes the minimum necessary data to be
important, the neutrality and consistency of their made available in order to allow for a thorough audit of
derivation is important as well. This most recent wave of the system. Of particular interest to the auditor is Section
fraud protection in auditing practices culminated in the 1.6 - Audit and Reporting Requirements. The gas
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX). measurement audit process should consider all aspects of
this standard as it details at great length the necessary
Decades prior to SOX, the auditing process reached into steps for a thorough, complete audit; much of which is
gas measurement. Auditing of gas measurement is touched upon in this paper.
particularly relevant because gas measurement can be
directly tied to the monetary value of natural gas through Audit Programs
both the quality and the quantity of the gas. However, the
gas measurement process is made complex because the The process of auditing can be looked at from many
commodity is hazardous, invisible, compressible, and different perspectives and approached in various ways
measurement is often made inferentially. and with differing objectives. The same questions that
apply to any business process need to be asked as part of
Advances in technology throughout the last half of the developing a formal audit program within the company.
20th century led us from the pneumatic / analog age to the
electronic / digital age. While these advances allowed the Why do we need to audit electronic gas measurement? In
industry to improve the accuracy of gas measurement, a word: Economics. The benefits of electronic gas
they also brought additional complexity. Managers and measurement audits have been proven to justify the costs.
However, prudence should be used in focusing audit damaged or reversed orifice plates. Check meters allow
resources. Valuable lessons can be learned from the for accurate replacement of missing or erroneous
financial accounting profession. Just as they migrated measurements and can carry tremendous weight in audit
from verifying every transaction to developing a reporting adjustment negotiations.
system on selected key business cases, the gas
measurement auditing process should develop selected Key process indicators (KPIs) are another means of
key measurements to audit. focusing audit resources. Certain metrics apply to the
healthy operation of a business. Gas measurements that
Redundancy, used wisely, can be an extremely effective can be directly associated to those key process indicators
way to focus audit resources. Some redundancy should are good candidates for audits. Beyond KPIs, just as in
be built into the business processes of all natural gas the financial profession, Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) can
companies. The two most common uses of redundancy in be developed which help the business know when and
gas measurement are balances and check meters. where to expand audits. KRIs are metrics which apply to
changes in the industry or the company’s environment
Balances compare volumes, energy and / or mass going which have shown to be related to measurement errors.
into a system against what goes out. The measurements
going into the system should match the measurements An effective audit program will also include random
going out within an uncertainty tolerance. Differences audits. The cost effectiveness of these random audits is
outside the tolerance can help to isolate measurement enhanced with a risk-based approach by varying
problems and point to where audit resources can be frequency, scope and depth of evidence required. Risk
applied. A system strategically segmented will aid in this assessment should include total energy measurement, past
process. A good enterprise measurement system will compliance, and the cost of the audit. Revenue recovered
calculate the balance indifferences automatically. is not the only justification for the cost of an audit. The
potential revenue not lost must also be considered, which
is hard to quantify. There is a lot of good to be said about
accountability. Most people perform better when they
know someone may be watching.

Once the decisions have been made regarding the value of

the audit, then other decisions become easier to make.
The focus of the audit can be narrowed with a discussion
of objective, scope and expertise.

Audit Objective and Scope

Before determining who should do the audit, it is best to

define the objective and the scope. The objective makes
clear to all involved what the purpose of the audit is. The
scope of the audit is the range of activities and the periods
of records that are to be subjected to examination.

The objective should always include an unbiased

examination and evaluation of the electronic gas
measurement. However, the objective will also help to
determine the scope of the audit and the best approach to
take in conducting the audit. For example, if the purpose
of the audit is to confirm pressure bases used in volume
calculations match contractual obligations, an internal
audit may achieve this objective. On the other hand, if
Check meters measure the same gas as another meter,
the purpose of the audit is to support legal action, an
usually a custody transfer meter. Ideally, a check meter
external audit by a reputable third party may be necessary.
has separate, matching primary devices. However, it is If the purpose of the audit is to help minimize the risk of
not uncommon to see shared primary devices, with
errors in reporting critical data, then certain policies and
separate (check) orifice taps and / or secondary and procedures will need to be confirmed. Defining the
tertiary devices. Check meters are not only the best form objective of the audit provides the landscape for defining
of gas measurement redundancy - they are the definition.
the scope.
They are invaluable when failures occur at critical
stations. Besides failures, some types of measurement
errors cannot be compensated for mathematically, such as Scope determines the breadth and depth of the audit and
defines what material, equipment, information, processes,
time periods and business departments / entities will be calibration? The sequence of some tests does affect the
examined. Scoping will define what documents need to accuracy of the measurement.
be reviewed. These documents will likely include
contracts, volume logs, meter configuration logs, event As EGM devices replaced pneumatic devices and chart
logs, meter inspection and testing reports, meter recorders, field reviews became much more valuable.
installation and change reports, and gas quality reports. Although the term “garbage in, garbage out” was coined
However, depending on the scope of the audit, other in the data processing office, it now applies equally as
documents may be required. If the scope of the audit well in the field. Much of the source of flow
includes examination of compliance with procedures, then measurement data and procedures must now be examined
policies and procedures will have to be studied and in the field.
understood as well as any supporting documents that are
referenced by the policies and procedures. If the scope An EGM system audit would include the same things as
includes the calibration of instruments, certification an office and field review. However, it would also
documents that reference the calibration device back to a include any data or measurement from the primary
standard, such as NIST may be required. A well-defined devices to the corrected quantity transaction records,
scope sets the stage for how the audit is conducted. including how that data was derived, is normally derived,
and any supporting documentation. Audits pull in data
Audits vs. Reviews from regulations, tariffs, contracts, as well as standards
and the documents they may reference. Policies and
Just like in financial audits, there is a difference between procedures would be examined for exposure to risk.
a review and an audit. Audits provide a reasonable basis Included in the examination would be the flow device,
for expressing an opinion regarding the gas measurement transducers / transmitters, and the flow calculations.
process as a whole. Reviews do not provide the same Primary, secondary, tertiary and auxiliary devices are
basis, because they are not concerned with internal examined and tested, with supporting documentation. All
control structure; risk control assessment; tests of equipment testing should be comprehensive and fully
measurement data; or corroborating evidence via documented. Transmission, recalculation and storage of
validation, observation or physical inspection. A review the data are also verified and tested.
may include some of these elements, though.
The Auditor
In the gas measurement world a review is almost always
referred to as an audit. It is just an audit with a smaller Knowing the objective and scope of the audit will help in
scope. It confirms the documentation for a certain meter determining who should perform the audit. If the audit is
matches with its final quantity transaction records. These an office review of data, someone with a general
reviews are sometimes called office audits or knowledge of gas measurement and some guidance may
administrative audits. These reviews can be very be able to verify data was correctly applied to final
valuable, and they are much less costly than a fully- quantity transaction records. Field audits require more
scoped audit. Sometimes they discover significant errors, expertise. Field auditors have to also understand how
while other times the review provides direction for an instruments function and interact with each other and the
examination to be expanded. As questionable areas arise process. They require knowledge of the limitations of
during the review, the scope can be expanded to various devices and the ability to recognize when those
investigate certain parts of the review in more detail. limitations are being exceeded.

Reviews can be done in the field, too. Depending on the As the scope expands, so must the auditor’s knowledge.
scope, this is often called witnessing or field auditing. Skills required may include auditing, engineering /
The practice involves confirming that the data from the technical, and business management consulting skills.
electronic gas measurement (EGM) device matches the For large, fully-scoped audits, a team of auditors may be
conditions, settings and sizes actually in use. This required with different members being well-versed in
expands the scope significantly to include observation, different aspects of the audit.
physical inspection, and validity tests of the operation of
the equipment. Reviewing only documentation in the The auditor should be aware of the prevailing regulations
office does not mean the equipment and quality tests were and tariffs which apply to each of the particular
performed properly or in the right sequence. For measurement(s) being audited. He or she should be very
example, some multi-variable instruments require the knowledgeable of the industry standards and common
differential pressure to be verified before the static industry practices. It helps if the auditor has an
pressure is calibrated. Is the sample pulled before or after understanding of the equipment manufacturers’ hardware,
the meter tube is isolated to check the orifice in a single software, and operational specifications as well. Auditors
chamber or flange union fitting? Are verification tests tend to lean upon their background as they diagnose
performed at each of the set points after a field problems. So, it is preferable if the background of the
auditor matches the scope. However, auditors with a
solid foundation of technical skills can quickly gain
proficiency in equipment knowledge. Most likely they As noted above, standards may be referenced in the
will have to gain an understanding of the meter owner’s contract. If not, their contents may still prevail. Industry
measurement policies and procedures. Experience with standards are generally accepted at the negotiating table
various companies’ policies and procedures can help in and in the courtroom. Different standards apply to
finding holes in other policies and procedures. In different areas of gas measurement and some standards
essence, it is good for the auditor to know the gas reference other standards. For example, API 21.1
measurement business forward and backwards. A references AGA Report No.’s 5, 7, and 8; API MPMS
thorough knowledge of how gas is measured Chapter 14.3, Parts 1 through 4; GPA 2261 and 2286; and
electronically provides a framework for the auditor to NFPA 70. When the next revision is released, it will
quickly recognize undesirable practices. likely reflect the growth of the use of ultrasonic and
coriolis meters in gas measurement by referencing AGA
Furthermore, the auditor should be able to act Report No.’s 9 and 11.
independently and be unbiased. He or she should not be
in, or reasonably seen to be in, a position to be influenced Of particular note in standards are the phrases “shall”,
by or in conflict with any commercial interest, duty or “should”, “shall not”, and “should not”. “Shall” and
obligation. The auditor should not be currently or “shall not” indicate items which are required by the
recently employed or contracted by either of the parties in standard. “Should” and “should not” reference preferred
a role which could be viewed as a conflict of interest. items which are not necessarily required. Recently,
sections of standards are being identified as “normative”
The auditor should also maintain an attitude of or “informative.” Normative sections are required.
professional skepticism. He should be very critical of Informative sections are informational only and are not
everything, but be willing to suggest a compromise if a required.
win-win solution is unavailable or an equitable solution
would severely affect the viability of one of the parties. When requesting data, the auditor should make the
Ideally, the relationship between the transacting parties request in writing and be as specific as possible. The
will remain beneficial and not adversarial. Usually errors amount of data requested depends on the scope of the
are the result of simple oversights or misunderstandings. audit. When scoping is performed correctly, the
Disagreements between transacting parties with important information to be requested becomes easier to define.
business relationships can be taken out of the auditor’s Information required for most audits include:
hands. The auditor can always be called back when
expertise is required to gain understanding. • Station Name
• Station Identification
Gathering Data • Station Location
• Meter Identification (if different from the
Once the auditor is chosen, one of his or her first steps station)
will be to gather information. The auditor will want to be • Production Dates (Beginning and Ending)
aware of any regulatory requirements, such as those from • Original (Raw) Data Files
FERC, BLM or BOERME. It is important to understand o Periodic Volume Data Logs
that regulatory requirements may supersede contractual o Meter Configuration Logs
requirements in custody transfer situations. o Event Logs
o Alarm Logs
Copies of contracts are to be acquired and scrutinized.
• Meter Inspection and Test Reports (including the
Contractual requirements can and should include very
report just prior and just subsequent to the audit
important agreements, such as pressure and temperature period)
base conditions, measurement units, contract hour, and
• Gas Analysis Reports (including the report just
the location of the transfer of the custody of the gas.
prior and just subsequent to the audit period)
Contracts should be reviewed for references to industry
• Final Volume and Energy Data
and internal standards and noted exceptions to those
standards. Sometimes references are made to the latest
API 21.1 sets the minimum retention period of the audit
edition of a standard, as standards are amended from time
trail at two years. If there is reason to believe an error has
to time. Other times, a specific dated standard is
existed longer than two years, more data should be
referenced. Gas quality thresholds may be spelled out, as
requested. But, it may not be available.
well as how and when gas quality updates are handled.
Instrument calibration methods and frequency may be
The auditor may also request the following supporting
defined. Any limitations on access to data for auditing
purposes may also be stipulated. Data retention and prior
period adjustment thresholds for amount and time should
be mentioned and are of particular interest to the auditor. • Contracts
• Meter Installation and Facility Design Drawings comply with both. Standards and common industry
and Documentation practices play a role here, too. If the governing
• Flow Diagrams documents are silent regarding standards, the standards
• Standard Measurement Operating Policies and should be followed. If regulations and contracts are
Procedures silent, but procedures conflict with standards,
• Meter Change Reports documentation as to why standards are not followed
• Audit Trail Information should exist.
• Witness Reports
• Check Station Reports

Tests should be specifically requested as well. Schedules The auditor determines if the measurement system is
may need to be developed for interested parties’ capable of complying with the terms of the governing
representatives to all be present. Tests should be documents. If the measurement facility is not properly
performed on each part of the measurement system within designed, errors may result. If the instruments are not
scope to ensure repeatable and reproducible performance. capable of performing at the levels specified in the
Personnel are observed as they perform their normal contract, this is noted. Sometimes the instruments are
activities. Processes and sequences are documented. properly installed and maintained, but the process requires
When measurement information is transferred from one different or additional equipment to perform
location or machine to another, methods to insure data satisfactorily.
integrity and security are verified.
Common problems are associated with device sizing. For
Examining Information example, if a separator is too small, liquids may spill over
into the gas line causing measurement errors. If a
When all of the information required for the audit has pressure transducer is not sized properly, it can become
been acquired, the information is examined. Information saturated and unable to measure beyond its upper limit. If
comes from many different sources and merges together an orifice plate is too small, it may saturate the
in the form of the final quantity transaction record. differential transducer. If it is so small it is out of beta
Actually, the examination process is usually begun as ratio, it may add to uncertainty. If the upstream meter tube
each process or document is inspected. The auditor may is too short, elbows, pipe fittings, pinched valves,
note items which are suspect and validate these later. strainers, reducers, or expanders can affect the velocity
profile and proper measurement.
An auditor looks for conflicts in the terms of the
regulations, tariffs, contracts, standards, and procedures Other times, equipment is not properly installed.
(governing documents) against what is actually being Excessive pressure drops upstream of the meter can cause
done. If a procedure conflicts with a contract, the terms phase changes. Liquids can accumulate and flow into the
of the contract override the procedures. If a contract meter run. Hydrates can form. Reciprocating
conflicts with a regulation, the regulation will override the compressors can cause pulsating flow and if too close to
contract or the measurement system may be required to the meter, distort measurement.
This begins with the original quantity transaction records.
Equipment should operate within the specifications of the The flow computer manufacturer’s software may be
manufacturer and any applicable standards, such as API required to view the original quantity transaction records
21.1 and NEC. Tests can be made for most of the or generate an ASCII file to be imported into another
processes involved. Although some tests may be system for analysis. If ASCII files are supplied for the
possible, they may not always be feasible. An orifice audit, the auditor understands these may not be the
meter may not be flow tested, but if measurements can be original quantity transaction records. The same applies
made to show it complies with API 14.3, it can reasonably for daily records.
be assumed the calculated flow rate will be correct. Tests
can also be performed on the differential pressure, static All edits to the original data should be traceable from the
pressure and temperature transducers. Ideally, tests will original data to the final quantity transaction record(s).
be made to confirm all values from their source to the Contract information can be matched to the meter
final quantity transaction record. configuration log. Other components of the meter
configuration log should agree with the specifications of
Tests can also be made on gas quality. The equipment the meter, the gas quality, and the calculation methods.
and procedures are reviewed for compliance with Events should be reviewed for parameter changes,
regulations; contracts; and GPA-2166, 2145, 2261, and transducer verification, and calibration adjustments.
2172. Gas samples should be obtained, prepared, and Alarms can sometimes shed light on failure and override
analyzed according to these governing documents. conditions (including no flow conditions), frequent out-
Samples should be obtained during normal flowing of-range readings, power and communications problems.
conditions. Poorly cleaned sample cylinders, sampling Meter configuration logs are reconciled to the final
systems, and gas chromatograph inlet systems, as well as transaction records, adjusted by events, valid edits, and
improper purging, will cause analyses to be gas analyses.
misrepresented. Gravimetrically prepared gas standards
which are traceable to NIST standards can be analyzed as Gas analyses play a big role in volumes. Gas
an unknown gas, with the results compared to the chromatography has replaced almost all physical testing
certificate of analysis. This is one of the best ways to for density and heating value. For this reason,
insure a lab or online gas chromatograph is performing representative component percentages are very important.
properly. Not only must the analysis be representative, it must be
applied and applied correctly. Conversely,
The auditor is concerned not only with the results of the misrepresentative samples should be discarded.
test, but also how the tests are performed. Tests should be Statistical analysis of the component data can help to
done accurately, completely and, where applicable, in the determine which samples are not representative.
proper order. Because good technicians work quickly and
auditors are taking notes, an auditor may ask to see a test Statistical analysis can also be applied to other volume
performed a second or even a third time. data. As volume and analytical data resolution have
increased, statistical analysis of the data has become more
Many of the errors found during audits are the result of important. It can help the auditor focus on anomalies
inadequate maintenance. Accumulation of water, debris, instead of plowing through thousands to hundreds of
salt, scale, sand, paraffin, treating chemicals, or thousands of data records. It allows the auditor to analyze
compressor oil in the primary and secondary devices the individual data records without losing precision from
causes measurement errors. Under extreme conditions, summation and averaging. Statistical analysis can help
these can plug or even damage the primary device. This identify missing, corrupted, static, inconsistent, or
buildup of solids and liquids should be removed during incorrect data. Along with graphical representations of
routine maintenance and minimized where possible. the data, it can help to identify when a problem existed or
Leaks are also a problem and should be tested. Checks began.
are made for leaks in gauge lines and manifolds. Leaking
seal rings cause under-registered flow, while leaking Data can become lost. Sometimes production month
check valves can cause backflow which may not be closing constraints do not allow enough time for data to
registered because of the no-flow cut-off. get into the final volume records and they are closed with
the best available data. When the data later becomes
Rare is the circumstance where an orifice plate is not available, it does not get updated. Other times, records
checked during an audit. Besides confirming its bore can be lost during transmission or accidentally deleted.
diameter, the plate is checked for concentricity, Charging system, battery, device, and circuit board
orientation, thickness, and flatness. The bore should have failures can cause measurements to be lost. If a missing
no nicks or burrs and the bore edge should be sharp. record cannot be produced, check meters are the best
means of reconstructing missing transactions. If a check
All of the information from the various sources should meter is not available and the contract does not speak to
come together to produce the final transaction record.
the issue, an equitable method of estimation can be used unusual practices which could result in poor
to determine the adjustment. measurement. The auditor’s report expresses any
restrictions or constraints in gathering or examining data.
If adjustments to previously calculated volumes were Here, the auditor may note limitations placed on his
made for errors found prior to the audit, the period and opinion by the scope. The report should also identify
amount of the adjustment should be confirmed. areas for improvement and recommended corrective
Adjustment periods which extend beyond the scope of the action where necessary. If the auditor’s opinion is
audit should prompt an automatic extension of the audit adverse, he or she should provide remedies and the likely
through the adjustment period. results if problems are not addressed. The specific errors
found should be documented. If a payment adjustment is
If the auditor sees that all the data is present, the flow recommended, it will include specific volume, energy or
computer is properly configured, the events correspond monetary values. The reasoning behind the adjustment
with physical changes, and the gas analyses were properly should be sound and explained in detail, especially when
applied, there may still be differences to be resolved. subject to interpretation. Any data to support the
Errors can occur in the calculation of the final transaction adjustment should be included.
record if the proper volume calculation, equation of state,
or energy calculation is not used. While allowing for Alternatively, if the audit produced no substantial results,
calculation errors introduced by averaging non-linear there is still great value in knowing measurement
parameters, reconstructing the volume on a separate processes are producing good results. Either way, if the
system may help to flesh out these calculation problems. opinion is not honored, the audit was of little value.

The Auditor’s Report

The word “audit” comes from the Latin root word
Audit resources, including the expertise of the auditor,
meaning “a hearing.” It is the same root word we use to
can be applied with various objectives and scopes to
get our words audible and auditorium. The idea is all of
capture the bulk of measurement errors and potential
the information is presented so everyone involved can
errors. Tests are administered, data is validated, and
hear and understand what has taken place. The auditor
information is examined from the regulations and
provides a bird’s-eye perspective to the story to help all
contracts to the final transaction records. Problems and
parties with this understanding.
errors encountered are documented in an auditor’s report,
with remedies and recommendations.
The audit culminates in an auditor’s report. This is the
main medium used for communicating the auditor’s story.
All sides to the stories of the transactions are heard and, if
It represents his or her comments and assertions
necessary, equitable adjustments can be made. The final
pertaining to the company’s, system’s, or station’s gas
result of this entire auditing process is an assurance of the
measurement. The auditor’s report consists of three main
integrity of an organization’s electronic gas measurement
sections: objective, scope and opinion.
business process.
The first two sections reiterate the objective and scope
API 21.1 is the backbone of the auditing process for
assignments of the auditor. Although the auditor may
electronic gas measurement. It provides the guidance
have clearly understood the objective and scope of the
necessary to ensure the integrity of electronic gas
audit, the documentation of these is still important for
measurement values. Its guidelines can be used to
other uses. For example, other interested parties may
develop an effective electronic gas measurement program.
desire to review the results of the audit. Before they can
API 21.1 helps the auditor to transform the complexity of
fully understand the auditor’s opinion, it is necessary for
electronic gas measurement into an effective means of
them to be able to gain an understanding of the objective
evaluating financial risk and financial opportunity.
and scope. Also, the audit may be reviewed again months
or even years later. Proper documentation of the
objective and scope help to recollect the intent of the

The section which contains the auditor’s opinion is what

most people think of when the term “auditor’s report” is
used. It may begin with a statement such as, “It is my
opinion…” and is just that; an opinion. However, it is an
expert’s opinion. The auditor’s opinion should indicate
whether the measurement processes comply with
contractual obligations and industry standards. The
auditor’s opinion should also draw attention to any

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