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Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)

Vocab Quiz every Saturday

Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Easily irritated The professor became petulant and left
Petulant Adj Tetchy, Moody
(Khijha hua) the lecture.
(1) No one can get by without oxygen.
Phrasal Cope with, subsist,
Get by Survive, Manage (2) It is hard to get by on a small
Verb get along, live on
income in metro cities.
(1) Hoarding and black marketing is a Endeavour,
A risky attempt/
Noun/ risky venture (Noun). investment,
Venture business, to take a
Verb (2) A few fishermen ventured into the experiment,
chance (Verb)
stormy waters and lost their lives. adventure
Noun A cover/mask to hide The comedian concealed her sorrow Façade, Camouflage,
Fig leaf
Phrase something behind the fig leaf of a smiling face. Disguise
-1) Begin a journey/ (1) The climbers will set out to scale
Phrasal task with a goal Mt. Everest next week. Begin, Commence,
Set out
Verb -2) To present ideas (2) The college set out a schedule of Declare
facts in formally classes on the notice-board.
(1) Vanity is the quicksand of the
Hubris, High-
Vanity Noun Pride, Arrogance
(2) Her vanity kept her from getting our
handedness, Vain (Adj)
(1) The PM spent the whole election
(1) To gather support/
campaign canvassing for support. (1) Solicit
Canvass Verb votes
(2) The documents relating to the fraud (2) Scrutinize, Probe
(2) Analyze deeply
are being canvassed by the CBI.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Aggravate, Rub
Ruffle Idiom Her statements have ruffled feathers in
To cause annoyance someone the wrong
feathers (Verb) the political arena of the country.
Noun/ revealing (Adj) Revealing, Divulging,
Tell-tale Nervousness is a tell-tale sign of a liar.
Adj A gossiper, Betraying, Giveaway
whistleblower (N)
Freedom and the battles against slavery Authoritarianism,
Totalitarianism Noun Tanashahi and totalitarianism dominate the 20th Despotism,
century. Absolutism
Conservative customs are anachronistic Anachronis
Anachronistic Adj chronologically Obsolete
in a modern society. m (Noun)
(1) We need to reckon with all possible
To consider/ take into
Phrasal hurdles.
Reckon with account something Take into account
Verb (2) She is a tough opponent to be
reckoned with.
To hinder/ prevent a The law enforcement agencies foiled an Thwart, Nip in the
Foil Verb
plan, desire or attempt attack on the President. bud
The Government imposed an embargo
Embargo Noun A ban order Ban, Restriction
on export of vaccines.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
(1) She complained of rigidity in her
Inflexibility, neck.
Rigidity Noun Bullheadedness, Rigid (Adj)
Stubbornness (2) Rigidity of one’s routine may cause
a feeling of boredom.
To take away
Strip someone Verb The court impeached the President and Divest of,
medal/honor as
of something Phrase stripped him of his powers and title. Rob of
A general character or
Mood, theme, gist,
Tenor Noun meaning of something The tenor of the meeting was positive.
The new intern mooted a hitherto
Hitherto Adverb Until now, So far As yet
unthinkable solution to the problem.
Noun/ Advocate for An organization representing MSMEs is Buttonhole
Verb something lobbying for tax relief for the sector. Push for
(1) The thief dashed to the highway.
1. Run quickly (2) People caught the thief and dashed 1. Race
Dash Verb 2. Break into pieces his head against the wall. 2. Crack, Shatter
3. Hit into something (3) All our hopes were dashed when we 3. Hit, Smash
couldn’t find a bed for our uncle.
1. A race (1) He won the 100-meter dash.
1. Race
2. A small quantity of (2) I added a dash of sugar in my black
Dash Noun/ Adj 2. Fraction,
something coffee.
Smidgen, Particle
3. Style, Elegance (3) She married a dashing young man.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Vindictive Adj Tigers are vindictive by nature. Resentful, Spiteful
1. To meet someone
(1) Shalini came across an old
Phrasal photograph of herself in the cupboard.
Come across 2. To be understood or Stumble upon
Verb (2) He comes across as a humble
received in a particular
person during his public appearances.
Our cantankerous neighbours are used
Easily irritated, Petulant, Grumpy,
Cantankerous Adj to picking gratuitous fights with
Petulant Tetchy, Crotchety
The presentation was boring and full of Extra, Repetitious, Redundancy
Redundant Adj Needless, Useless
redundant details. Surplus (Noun)
(1) The team lost because of the
abysmal performance of the batsmen.
1. very poor/ bad (2) Her arguments are full of abysmal 1. Awful
Abysmal Adj 2. limitless (negatively) stupidity. 2. Boundless
3. bottomless (3) Scientists discovered a new species 3. Unfathomable
of fish in the abysmal depths of the
Atlantic Ocean.
Many clairvoyant nations are ramping
up their health infrastructure before Clairvoyance
Clairvoyant Adj/ Noun Far-sighted Visionary
the onset of further waves of the (Noun)
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
In a myopic move, the Government Myopia
Myopic Adj Short- sighted Near-sighted
again increased the tax on fuel. (Noun)

The army claims the rebels are on Enervated, run-

On the ropes Phrase In a state of collapse
the ropes. down
1) She felt that someone was dogging
1) To annoy or bother Hound, Trouble,
Dog Verb
2) Follow closely 2) The allegations of right-wing Plague
nationalism have been dogging the
Ordinary, Most of the famous Indian scientists
Middling, Mediocrity
Mediocre (Adj) Unremarkable, Run-of- had their education from mediocre
Unexceptional (Noun)
the-mill Government schools.
The minister’s statements invited a
Salvo Noun An all-out attack salvo of questions from the journalists Volley, Barrage
Pluto (God of wealth)
The plutocrat had amassed his wealth Plutocracy
Plutocrat Noun + crat (administrator)
from the business of illegal mining. (Noun)
A wealthy politician
1. The accident led to his demise.
1. Death
Demise Noun 2. These losses led to the demise of Death
2. Failure, Collapse
their business.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
1. Something is weighing on/down her
Phrasal 1. Cause anxiety mind.
Weigh on/down Burden
Verb 2. Cause burden 2. Inflation is weighing on/down the
To make a meaningful
Phrasal Each member weighed in with his/her
Weigh in contribution in an Contribute
Verb opinion.
activity or discussion
Deviating from what is
She gets perverse satisfaction from Pervert
Perverse Adj normal or immoral, Abnormal, Depraved
embarrassing others. (Noun)
To formally resign from
The man abdicated his family Abandon, Renounce, Abdication
Abdicate Verb a position of power or
responsibilities and became a hermit. Relinquish (Noun)
The war was marked by a lengthy spell
Blood-shed Noun Massacre, Slaughter Carnage, Gore
of bloodshed.
Prepositio The little girl took an ice-cream in lieu
In lieu of In place of
n of a plastic doll.
Larceny Noun Issuing a bad check is a form of larceny. Plundering, stealing
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
1. To support or (1) The USA patronizes the United
promote something Nations.
2. To be a regular (2) We patronize the nearby Kirana 1. Support, Sponsor Patron
Patronize Verb
client or customer Store for decades. 2. Condescend (Noun)
3. Treat someone in a (3) Feminists argue that men need to
demeaning way stop patronizing women.
The right to life and privacy gives us the
To give form/shape to Design, Carve, Erect, Fashion
Fashion Verb right to fashion our lives in the way we
something Manufacture (Noun)
find suitable.
(1) Fashion changes very frequently.
1. Latest style (2) The question paper was prepared in
Fashion Noun Manner, way, Style
2. Attitude or manner such a fashion that none could score
more than 70% marks.
1. Reasonable and (1) The police could find no plausible
credible explanation for the murder. Probable, Tenable, Plausibility
Plausible Adj
2. A person good at (2) He is so plausible that fooling Logical, Rational (Noun)
lying and cheating someone is a piece of cake for him.

Enviable Adj Desirable Maria is a woman of enviable beauty. Worthy, Excellent Envy (Noun)

A risky situation that

Indian diaspora in South Africa is in a
Tinder-box Noun can turn into a violent
tinderbox situation.
one at any moment
Phrasal To put an end to Three fire-brigades were called in to Defeat, Crush, Kill,
Snuff out
Verb something snuff out the deadly fire. Stamp out
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
To follow an aimless After the tragedy, her personal life Meandering
Meander Verb Roam, Drift
and curved path started to meander. (Adj)
Meandering, Tortuosity
Tortuous Adj Complicated, Tricky Life is a hard and tortuous journey.
Complex, Twisted (Noun)
1) The welfare of citizens should
override all other objectives in the
1. Dominate, To be the
policies of a State. Overriding
Override Verb most important Supersede
2) The latest ruling of the SC overrides (Adj)
2. Cancel, Annul
the rulings passed by the Delhi HC in
the past.
In the policies of a State, all other
Subservient Adj Inferior, Secondary objectives should be subservient to the Submissive
e (Noun)
cause of welfare of citizens.
To deliberately- (1) The protestors tried to sabotage Vandalize, Hamper,
Noun/ 1. Destroy property electricity supply. Obstruct, To put
Verb 2. Hinder someone’s (2) Her colleagues are trying to spoke in someone’s
work/ plans sabotage her plans. wheel
The news of her failure perturbed her Annoy, Bother,
Perturb Verb Disturbed, Angry Perturbing
deeply. Enrage
Misleading, All claims of the company proved to be Disingenuous, Speciousnes
Specious Adj
Unauthentic, False specious. Spurious s (Noun)
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
(1) To remember the (1) Some old people always hark back
Phrasal past to how things were 30 years ago. Remind, Recall, Be
Hark back
Verb (2) To cause to (2) This new style harks back to the reminiscent of
remember the past fashion of 60’s.
Flirting, Love affair, Bill Clinton was impeached for his Dally
Dalliance Noun Espousal, Nuptial
Brief connection dalliance with a White House intern. (Verb)
A passage or way to do Terrorists use POK as a conduit for
Conduit Noun Pipeline, Canal
something terror activities.
Something that causes Covid-19 has proved to be a health Curse, Bane, Terror, Scourge
Scourge Noun
death or misery scourge. Affliction (Verb)
Something that causes
India’s population has been increasing Alarm
Alarming Adj apprehension or fear, Alerting, horrifying
at an alarming rate. (Noun)
The minister was avaricious for power Avarice
Avaricious Adj Greedy Rapacious
and money. (Noun)
The virus remains dormant until it finds Dormancy
Dormant Adj Asleep, Inactive Inoperative
a new host. (Noun)
There was a casual bonhomie between Agreeableness,
Bonhomie Noun Amicability
the G-7 leaders during the summit. Geniality
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Disregard, To turn a
No democratic state can condone the Condonation
Condone Verb Ignore an evil blind eye to
use of violence. (Noun)
Moral sense that The shopkeeper had no scruples about
Conscience, Principle, Scrupulous
Scruple Noun restrains you from selling defected products even to his
Ethics, Morals (Adj)
doing bad deeds regular customers.
Little kids should be circumspect while Vigilant, wary, Circumspecti
Circumspect Adj Careful or cautious
dealing with strangers. prudent, meticulous on (Noun)
Draw down Phrasal To decrease the Both the parties engaged into parleys
De-escalate, abate
Tamp down Verb intensity of something to tamp down the tensed situation.
To undergo a drastic The flooding river morphed into a giant Change, alter,
Morph Verb
change in form sea and engulfed the city. transform
Her plan to visit Europe during the Audacity
Audacious Adj Bold, Risky Intrepid, Foolhardy
pandemic was audacious. (Noun)
Verb To prove something His bruises lend credence to his Confirm, Justify,
Lend credence
phrase correct/ true statement that he has been beaten. Substantiate
Most island nations survive on
Maritime Adj Relating to sea/navy Aquatic
maritime trade.
Even after enactment, the new law is
Ratify Verb Approve, Accept yet to be ratified by both the house of Certify, Endorse
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Covid-19 vaccines are the result of
Agreement, Merging, Converge
Convergence Noun convergence of many streams of
Concurrence Confluence (Verb)
Bail is granted at the discretion of the Discretionary
Discretion Noun Judgment Wisdom
court. (Adj)
1. Import of goods/
Noun/ Climate change and global warming are Important
Import services Essentiality
Verb matters of great import. (Adj)
2. Importance
You shouldn’t deride the failures of a Derision
Deride Verb Make fun of, insult Mock, ridicule
hard-working person. (Noun)
The blood had left an indelible mark on Unforgettable, Lasting, Indelibility
Indelible Adj Irremovable
her shirt. Enduring (Noun)
Our healthcare workers showed
Courage, Strength,
Fortitude Noun remarkable fortitude during the Valor, Tenacity
Usain Bolt has set a gold standard for Mastery, Dexterity,
Prowess Noun Mastery
athletic prowess. Expertise
After recovering from the illness, he Frailty
Frail Adj Weak Feeble, Delicate
looked frail. (Noun)
Imitate Verb Copy, duplicate Parrots can imitate human speech. Mimic, Ape
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Years of pent-up emotions came out as Constrained,
Pent-up Adj Suppressed
she cried. Restricted
Exceptionally bad and Child- rape is the most abominable Abominate
Abominable Adj Disgusting,
distasteful crime. (Verb)
Repugnant, Heinous
Impulsive decisions can make you Spontaneous, Off- Impulse
Impulsive Adj Unplanned
regret later. hand, Sudden (Noun)
The company short-changed not only
Short-change Verb Cheat its clients but also its employees by not Betray
paying their salaries.
The pandemic has laid bare the poor
Lay bare Expose, Reveal state of health infrastructure of many Unveil, bring to light
Jurist + prudence
The famous case of Shyara Bano has
A set of rules that
Jurisprudence Noun established jurisprudence for dealing Legal philosophy
guide the judgment on
with the cases of ‘Triple Talaq’.
a particular issue
The PM issued a statement to salvage Salvation
Salvage Verb Save, Rescue Redeem
the reputation of the scandal-hit party. (Noun)
Relent + less 1. The rebels surrendered before a
1. Cruel or someone relentless army. Relentless-
Relentless Adj Unyielding
refusing to give up 2. Relentless traffic noise affects my ness (Noun)
2. Never ceasing work.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
To make something Belittle, Diminish,
Phrasal The politician tried to play down his
Play down look less important, Make light of, Make
Verb role in the scam.
Underplay little of
He offered us a help with a bona fide
Bona fide Adj Genuine, Original Authentic
Powerful vested interests are opposing Vest
Vested Adj Hidden, veiled Clothed, latent
the developmental projects in this area. (Adj)
Her job as a secretary encompasses a Encapsulate, Cover,
Encompass Verb To include in scope (Adj)
wide range of responsibilities. Include
Inherent, Immanent,
Integral Adj Inseparable Risk is integral in stock markets.
He was in deep affliction after the loss Afflict
Affliction Noun Suffering, Pain Scourge
of his mother. (Verb)
Dominate, The terrible news eclipsed our Eclipse
Eclipse Verb Outperform, Outshine
Overshadow happiness. (Noun)
A meeting was called to iron out the
Phrasal Reconcile, harmonize,
Iron out Resolve, Settle differences between the management
Verb Smooth over
and the workers.
Receive (Verb)
Open and welcoming The team was not very receptive to the Amenable,
Receptive Adj Reception
to something new ideas of the management. Responsive
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
A group of A contingent of media channels was
Contingent Noun Sect, Mission
representatives attacked by the Taliban yesterday.
The project overshot its budget Unforeseen,
Contingent Adj Uncertain but possible
because of contingent expenditures. Incidental
Dependent upon, Dependent on
Contingent on Adj phrase Our success is contingent on your help.
Determined by Hinged on
All software companies of 90’s tried to Imitate, Emulation
Emulate Verb To mimic, try to match
emulate Microsoft. follow suit (Noun)
Her father won’t countenance her Approve, Support, Countenance
Countenance Verb Give consent to
marrying a foreigner. Advocate (Noun)
Something that cannot Nowadays, CCTV footage is considered Incontrovertible,
Irrefutable Adj
be refuted/denied irrefutable evidence of the crime. Undeniable
Rural hinterlands are still insulated Insulant
Insulate Verb Separate Isolate
from the effects of urbanization. (Adj)
Silence (Gala ghotna, The new law enacted by the Gag, Suppress,
Muzzle Verb awaj dabana), Government aims at muzzling the Choke, Stifle,
Suffocate freedom of speech. Restrain
My American friends have a strong Proclivity,
Penchant Noun A strong liking
penchant for Indian food. Propensity,
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
After an argument, the tensions in the Discernible, Evident, Palpability
Palpable Adj Noticeable, Apparent
room were palpable. Perceptible (Noun)
Exuberant, High-
The writer was ebullient over a good Ebullience
Ebullient Adj Very excited, Enthused spirited,
reception of the novel. (Noun)
Showing lack of Fatuous, Mindless, Vacuum
Vacuous Adj The movie had a vacuous story.
intelligence Blank, Empty (Noun)
Ruling, Decree,
Finally, the SC has issued a verdict on
Verdict Noun Judgment, Decision Adjudication,
the matter.
To frame and Some laws can’t be enacted without Decree, Sanction, Enactment
Enact Verb
implement a law the accent of the President of India. Approve, Implement (Noun)
- Your actions have made our contract
Adj- Empty, Sth.
Adj/ void.
Void without legal approval null & void
Noun - The party needs a new leader to fill in
Noun - Vacuum
the leadership void.
- The book has come in for a lot of
Phrasal To be entitled to/ criticism for its hateful content. Achieve, Get,
Come in for
Verb deserving of something - She will come in for a huge property Acquire, Bear brunt
after the death of her parents.
Indian Navy ensures the maritime
Maritime Adj/ Noun Relating to sea/ navy Naval
safety of our coastal States.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Nothing in this world is insurmountable
Adj Difficult to accomplish if you possess the desire and Impossible
To give a depiction/ A businessman’s bank statements (Adj)
Illustrate Verb Elucidate
example of something illustrate his success. Illustratively
To free/rescue
The boy extricated the bird from the Liberate, Disentangle, Extrication
Extricate Verb someone from a
netting Emancipate (Noun)
To indulge excessively Binging on your favourite food Splurge + on Binge – party
Binge + on Verb
into something frequently can make you fat. Gorge + at (Noun)
The quality of being Her assertiveness has helped her Determination, Assertive
Assertiveness Noun
assertive/determined progress in her career. Willpower, Firmness (Adj)
Einstein gave a seminal view on the Semen
Seminal Adj Original Fundamental, Novel
laws of gravity. (Noun)
His insightful ideas helped the
Insightful Adj Intelligent, Smart company become a leader in the Knowledgeable
The economy is plunging into a severe Nose-dive, Decrease, Plunge
Plunge Verb To drop sharply
recession. Tumble, Fall (Noun)
Great players see opportunity in every
Mettle Noun Courage Heart, Nerve, Daring
challenge and prove their mettle.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
His work profile is laden with great Loaded down,
Laden Adj Filled with, Burdened
responsibility. Fraught
1. A warning or special
The man sold cheap second-hand Forewarning,
Caveat Noun condition
products with a caveat of no warranty. Provision, Caution
2. A restriction
To keep something She anchored her hope on her friends’ Anchor
Anchor Verb Stabilize
firm and fixed help. (Noun)
o To find something
Most people are hard put to
Be hard put Adj Phrase difficult Hard-pressed
understand the theory of relativity.
o To be under pressure
The Government is seized of the
To keep something in Keep under
Be seized of Adj phrase situation at the LAC and more troops
notice, consideration consideration
have been deployed.
Prevalence of poverty is higher among
Prevalence Noun Popularity, Dominance Pervasiveness (Adj)
illiterate sections of the society.
Prevail (Verb)
Back-to-back, She was absent for 10 consecutive days Consecutively
Consecutive Adj Sequential
successive from the class and was suspended. (Adverb)
Tasteless (Feeka), The audience were disappointed with Insipidity
Insipid Adj Banal, Trite, Bland
Uninteresting the insipid performance of the team. (Noun)
Infiltrate or invade and Casteism continues to permeate the
Permeate Verb Penetrate, Diffuse
spread through Indian society.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
(1) The noise of the traffic made it
difficult for me to concentrate. Consolidate,
1. Focus Concentrate
Concentrate Verb (2) The company is planning to Combine, Accumulate,
2. Gather, Unite (Noun)
concentrate its several branches into Centralize, Amass
one subsidiary office.
The companies used their clout to Clout
Clout Noun Influence, Sway Authority, Power
influence the policy. (Verb)
A group of similar
people (by age, The initial cohort of patients have
Cohort Noun Regiment,
profession or other safely recovered from the disease.
Phrasal To surrender We had to fork out Rs. 500 in penalties
Fork out Shell out, Cough up
Verb something to someone for not wearing a mask.
Subtle difference A good teacher should know the Nuanced
Nuance Noun Subtlety, Refinement
(Bareeki) nuances of his subject. (Adj)
The film portrays MK Gandhi as a divine Portrayal
Portray Verb Describe, Characterize Showcase, illustrate
soul. (Noun)
The company had to suffer a Significant
Far-reaching, Consequence
Consequential Adj consequential loss of revenue because Ant: In-consequential,
meaningful (Noun)
of rising competition. Beside the point
The situation in Afghanistan is a Enigma, Mystery,
Conundrum Noun A puzzle
conundrum. Riddle, Paradox
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
o One of the parts of o Every Indian state is a constituent
the whole part of the nation. Component, Constitute
Constituent Noun
o A voter of a o His constituent voted him in power Ingredient, factor (Verb)
constituency for the fourth consecutive time
The Centre and State governments have In tandem,
Co-ordinated and Concertedness
Concerted Adj started a concerted campaign to Synchronized,
preplanned (Noun)
encourage people to get vaccinated. Collaborated
Something very strong Daunting,
Three people lost their lives while
and impressive because Intimidating, Formidability
Formidable Adj accomplishing the formidable task of
it is very difficult and Fearsome, Terrifying, (Noun)
scaling this mountain.
fearsome A tall task/order
To take something in-
o The sand absorbed all the water.
o Literally Assimilate, Consume, Absorption
Absorb Verb o A good student aims to absorb
o Metaphorically Suck in, Sponge up (Noun)
everything he/she reads.
Deal with
Phrasal Contending with failure and turning it
Contend with Deal with, Put up with Grapple with, Tackle,
Verb into success is the art of living.
Face, Cope with
1. A huge snow-slide
1. Many tourists are trapped in an
2. A sudden
avalanche. Avalanche
Avalanche Noun appearance of Land-slip, Snowslide
2. We received an avalanche of (Verb)
something large in
inquiries for our new course.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
The actor will make his foray into Foray
Foray Noun Attempt Endeavor
politics in the upcoming elections. (Verb)
Famous wrestler Dara Singh earned
Moniker Noun Nickname Byname
himself the moniker “Rustam-e-Hind”.
The governments of India and the UAE
Extremely difficult, have set a herculean goal of bringing
Herculean Adj Formidable
strong and powerful their bilateral trade to $100m in 6
The people of the nation have shown Absolute,
Categorical Adj Clear-cut their categorical support to the elected Unequivocal,
Government. Unqualified
(1) India is believed to be an emergent Emerge (V)
1) Appearing global force. Appearing, Emergency (N)
Emergent Adj
2) Urgent (2) The patient needed an emergent Emerging Emergence
surgery procedure. (N)
Make up for,
Offset Verb Counterbalance Your virtues cannot offset your vices.
Compensate for
Out of place, A huge shopping mall in the middle of a Incongruence
Incongruous Adj Inconsistent,
Incompatible village looked incongruous. (Noun)
Formula, A rule of Our world follows a simple dictum – Axiom, Adage,
Dictum Noun
thumb what goes up, eventually comes down. Theorem, Rubric
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Under Trump’s tenure, the US started a Reign, The term of Tenured
Tenure Noun A period of time
cold-war with China. office (Adj)
The economy finally caved-in to the Give in, Yield,
Cave-in Verb/Noun Surrender
prolonged recession. Give up, Give out
Phrasal Increased exports can rev up the Expedite, Quicken,
Rev up Speed up, Accelerate
Verb economic growth. Hasten, Fasten up
On the Our world is on the brink of an On the verge of
Phrase Kagar par
brink of irreversible climate change. On the cusp of
Adj/ Something unique and The SC has issued a landmark verdict Milepost, Watershed,
Noun historical on the matter. Turning point
The whole session remained
To trade/ To make pointed unproductive with the ruling and Squabble,
make barbs comments opposition parties trading barbs with Recriminate
each other.
It is difficult to envisage the
Envisage (Verb) Visualize, Picturize Imagine, Assume
consequences of another pandemic.
Paytm IPO crashed on the day of listing
Live up to Fulfill, honour and failed to live up to the expectations Deliver on
of the investors.
The ability to bounce Indian economy’s resilience helped us Resilient
Resilience Noun
back cope with the recession of 2009. (Adj)
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
- To have within - The book contains 10 chapters. - Comprise, Consist Content
Contain Verb
- To limit something - Police are trying to contain the riots. - Control, Arrest (Noun)
The mother coaxed her little daughter Entice + into
Coax + into Verb Persuade to
into taking her medicine. Cajole + into/to
The Government’s forthright refusal to
Forthright Adj Frank and honest roll back the law made the protestors Candid, Blunt, Direct
Tactics, Manoeuvre The party was accused of several
Machination Noun Plotting, Cabal
(Danv-pech) machinations to secure the elections.
Noun/ An essential or urgent It is an imperative that politicians Necessity, Imperatively
Adj duty should be articulate in their speech. Obligation, Exigency (Adverb)
Rash drivers are often not cognizant of Cognizance
Cognisant Adj Aware, Informed Conscious, Knowing
the danger cause to the lives of others. (Noun)
The clamour for the minister’s
Clamour Noun Loud cry resignation is getting louder after the Commotion, Ruckus
Phrasal The companies are hard put to stave Fend off, Ward off,
Stave off To avoid
Verb off bankruptcy during the slowdown. repel
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
1) Most religions posit the existence of
god and devil.
Verb/ Assume Postulate, Suppose,
Posit 2) Many scientists have posited the lab
Noun Present Assume, Put forward
leak theory of Covid-19 virus from a
Wuhan lab.
To go through a
Reel from/ Phrasal Our economy is still reeling from/under
difficult time because Falter, Stagger
under Verb the Covid-19 pandemic.
of something
Hyperexcited, The new law has been accused of Overzealous-
Overzealous Adj Fanatic
Hyperactive overzealous surveillance of the citizens. ness (Noun)
The Government retaliated by
To fight back, give a Strike back, (Noun)
Retaliate Verb throwing the violent protestors into
counter reply Pushback Retaliatory
(1) The government has placed an
Complete, Direct (Adj) outright ban on the export of vaccines.
Unconditional, Down-
Outright Adj/ Adverb Completely, Directly, (2) I asked him about the incident
right, Absolute
immediately (Adverb) outright.
(3) We bought the car outright.
The divergence between the incomes Deviation,
Disagreement, Diverge
Divergence Noun of the rich and the poor seems to be Dissimilarity,
Difference, Discontent (Verb)
increasing. Departure
Markets took a downturn following the
Down + turn Noun Worsening Fall
news of “Omicron” breakout in SA.
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
The world is still divided over eventual Concluding, ultimate, Eventuality
Eventual Adj Final
outcome of global warming. inevitable (Noun)
Spying, the act of
The Government is facing the charges Surveillance,
Espionage Noun watching over
of wide-spread espionage. Snooping
Support, Confirm, The witness gave no evidence to Substantiated
Substantiate Verb Corroborate
Prove substantiate his story. (Adj)
Phrasal Universal vaccination is the key to
Weed out Eliminate, Wipe out Eradicate, Uproot
Verb weeding out the virus.
1. A thing that spreads
Noun/ over into another area. Increased fuel costs have a spillover Ramifications,
Verb 2. An unexpected or effect on other consumer goods. Implication
indirect consequence.
Comparable in size, Her salary is not commensurate with Proportionate, ability
Commensurate Adj
degree or extent her work responsibilities. Commensurable Proportion-
ality (Noun)
(1) The volcano has been dormant for
Latent, hidden, Dormancy
Dormant Adj Inactive, Sleeping (2) All of us have dormant talents that
Ulterior (Noun)
need someone’s encouragement to be
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
The car of the drunk driver was Impoundment
Impound Verb Seize, Confine Imprison, Incarcerate
impounded by the traffic police. (Noun)
The Indian PM is to launch an
Ambitious Adj Aiming very high ambitious $2 billion PLI scheme to give Aspirational, Earnest
boost to small exporters of the nation.
Covid-19 has caused the world
Get worse, go back to Deteriorate, Retrogression
Retrogress Verb economy to retrogress to where it was
bad behaviour Retrograde, Regress (Noun)
a decade ago.
The fair was full of temptations for Allurement, Tempt
Temptation Noun Attraction
little kids. Enticement (Verb)
Uncontrollable, The allegations of rampant corruption Unchecked, Excessive, Rampantly
Rampant Adj
Unrestrained made the minister resign. Unbridled (Adverb)
Recessions can put thousands of jobs in Jeopardize
Jeopardy Noun Risk, Danger Peril
jeopardy. (Verb)
The new law on data privacy might run
Run afoul of To disregard or Defy, Fly in the
Verb afoul of the right to privacy enshrined
something contradict something face of
in the Constitution.
Historically, stock markets have yielded
Unparalleled Adj Unmatched Unprecedented,
unparalleled returns.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
It’s a moot (arguable/ debatable)
Arguable, Unresolved,
Moot Adj Debatable question when will the pandemic be
The UPA Government mooted (thought
To discuss or think Deliberate, Weigh,
Moot verb carefully) the idea of a GST system and
carefully Consider
the NDA implemented it.
The Opposition had a full arsenal of
Arsenal Noun Armory, Weaponry arguments to prove the inefficiency of Storage
the Government’s welfare programs.
The management has issued precise Well-defined, Precision
Precise Adj Exact, Accurate
directions for the workers. Unambiguous (Noun)
Stand to do To be eligible to do All ticket-buyers stand to win a car in
Phrase Get to
something something the lottery.
Despite ample evidence against him,
Ample Adj Plentiful the accused denied having murdered
Copious, Sizeable
the victim.
Discussion to solve a
The USA and the Taliban are engaged Negotiation, Talks, Parley
Parley Noun dispute or
into fruitless parleys. dialogue (Verb)
Uncompromising and Everyone requested him to change his Stubborn, Unyielding,
Adamant Adj
rigid mind, but he remained adamant. intransigent
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
The youth are fan of whimsical fashion Eccentric, Weird, Whims
Whimsical Adj Moody, Full of whims
nowadays. Arbitrary, Bizarre (Noun)
- Even as a child, he was a genius.
Conjunction At the same time + on - The party failed to form a
Even as Just as
/ Adverb the other hand government even as it had popular
The governments around the world are
Ramp up To upgrade spending billions to ramp up their Level up, Scale up
health infrastructure.
The world’s investigative agencies are
In tandem Adverb In close co-operation working in tandem to figure out the collectively
origin of the Covid-19 virus.
Verb/ To state express/ Articulate speech is a major Enunciate Articulation
Adj something clearly requirement for a leadership role. Ant: Inarticulate (Noun)
Quibble, Squabble,
The election will end months of Bicker
Bickering Noun Nok-jhonk Altercation, Wrangle,
political bickering. (Verb)
The recent elections have ended in Ignominious
Ignominy Noun Dishonour, Shame Disgrace
ignominy for the ruling party. (Adj)
Phrasal Start spontaneously (a - Violence broke out after the elections.
Break out Erupt, Set in
Verb negative phenomenon) - Winters have set in early this year.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
- Even after 13 rounds of discussions, no
Agreement b/w all Consensual
Consensus Noun consensus could be reached b/w India Unanimity
stake-holders (Adj)
and China on the border issue.
The pandemic has snowballed into an
Snowball Verb To get out of control Spiral
international disaster.
Very strict or Army schools are known for their Stringent, Rigid, Rigour
Rigorous Adj
burdensome rigorous discipline. Harsh, Stern (Noun)
Talk that looks hi-fi but Despite the rhetoric about reforms, Magniloquence, Rhetorical
Rhetoric Noun
turns out empty little has changed so far. Balderdash, (Adj)
Despite the rhetoric about reforms, Prevailing
Prevail Verb Dominate, Rule Persist, Triumph
poverty and corruption prevail. (Adj)
Something that causes Political parties thrive on divisive vote Alienating, Divide
Divisive Adj
division bank politics. Discordant (Verb)
Launch, Kick in,
Phrasal Bring in, introduce, The cold-war ushered in a new era of
Usher in Ring in commence,
Verb come up with, take off nuclear weapons.
To make matters The medicine exacerbated her Aggravate, Exacerbation
Exacerbate Verb
worse symptoms. Exasperate (Noun)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Considerable, The effects of the lock-downs have Substantially
Substantial Adj Noticeable, Sizeable
Significant been substantial. (Adverb)
The Government has ordered a
Relating to something Substantively
Substantive Adj substantive investigation into the Thoughtful, Pensive
important or serious (Adverb)
Full of dangers,
The world is in a precarious state amid Perilous, Fraught, Precarity
Precarious Adj difficulties and
ever mutating variants of the virus. Shaky, Unstable (Noun)
It would be naïve to believe that wealth Childlike,
Naïve Adj Innocent, Ignorant doesn’t make any difference to your life Unsophisticated,
quality. Ingenuous
Phrasal The skyscrapers of the city can’t paper
Paper over Hide, Cover up Mask
verb over the slums nearby.
To crack any competitive exam,
Concrete Adj Solid students need a concrete preparation Real, Specific
Noticeable and The book presents salient facts of the Salience
Salient Adj Noticeable,
important India’s freedom struggle. (Noun)
At the start of the second wave of the Predicament,
A difficult situation
Dilemma Noun pandemic, tha nation was in a dilemma Quandary, Bind,
over the necessity of lock-downs. Hobson's choice
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Most Introverts behave in a peculiar Peculiarity
Peculiar Adj Unusual and unique Distinctive
way in social settings. (Noun)
Facing the third Covid-19 wave, the
To have a task To have a difficult task
Idiom Government has its task cut out in
cut out at hand
managing the pandemic.
Deprive To prevent someone
Verb Poverty deprives many children of even
someone of from having something Bereave of
Phrase the basic education.
something important
To make someone
Phrasal Raju, our neighbour, roped in everyone Involve, Convince,
Rope in involve with something
verb to help him move to his new house. trap
(with force)
A compensation Compensation,
Noun/ (Noun) The airline will have to recompense the Reparation,
Verb To give compensation passengers for cancelling the flight. Restitution
(Verb) To make amends (V)
Humanitarian aid by the locals has
Succour Noun A small relief Consolation, Cold
provided succour to the war-refugees.
The workers' main grouse is that they
Grouse Noun/ Verb Complaint, to complain Grievance
are not paid on time.
Helpful/supportive in Bhagat Singh had an instrumental role Instrument
Instrumental Adj Conducive, Assisting
fulfilling a purpose in India’s freedom struggle. (Noun)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
In a ludicrous move, some at-risk adults
Ridiculous, Absurd, Ludicrousness
Ludicrous Adj Silly, Foolish have refused to get vaccinated against
Preposterous (Noun)
Our fundamental rights and duties are Inherent, Enshrinement
Enshrined Adj Andar Basa hua
enshrined in our constitution. Embedded, Deep (Noun)
- A port or refuge (N) (1) Panama is a harbour of tax evaders. Haven, Refuge,
Harbour - To conceal something (2) She has been harbouring ill-will for Asylum,
(article/ feeling) (V) her best friend after the incident. Conceal, cherish
Phrasal - The hotel bill amounted to $100.
Amount to To be equal to Equate to
Verb - Her remarks amount to an accusation.
Offspring (Pl) or
We are dooming our progeny by
Progeny Noun descendants of a The young
ruining our environment.
Sustenance Bread and butter, Fishing is the primary susteanance of
Noun Subsistence,
(Sustain) Livelihood the people living near the sea-shores.
The company fired its dawdling Procrastinate,
To delay or waste time
Dawdle Verb employees after giving them several dither, laze, linger,
in taking action
warnings. to drag one’s feet
The Prime Minister’s credibility has Credibleness,
Credibility Noun Trustworthiness
suffered in his handling of the crisis. Believability
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Some obstinate people are still avoiding Obstinacy
Obstinate Adj Stubborn, Adamant Headstrong,
their Covid-19 vaccination. (Noun)
Quicksilver, Erratic,
Fashion designing is a mercurial Mercury
Mercurial Adj Changeable Fickle,
business. (Noun)
Bellicose, Hostile,
A belligerent crowd of thousands Belligerence
Belligerent Adj Highly aggressive Antagonistic,
stopped several trains in agitation. (Noun)
Violent, Contentious
Something noticeable The GST has brought no discernible Palpable, Evident, Discernibility
Discernible Adj
or apparent benefits to the Government’s revenue. Perceptible, Tangible (Noun)
- The GST has brought no tangible
- Something noticeable
benefits to the Government’s revenue. Real, Palpable,
Tangible Adj - Something which can
- The company has tangible assets of Evident
be touched
worth $100 billion.
India’s smaller cities are a reservoir of Pool, Stockpile,
Reservoir Noun A large storage
untapped talent and potential. Repository
Diffidence in taking the required action
Diffidence Noun Lack of self-confidence Reluctance,
can spoil your life.
1. Development This past decade saw a massive 1. Generation Proliferate
Proliferation Noun
2. Growth, increase proliferation of online services. 2. Expansion (Verb)
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Several Afghan nationals were seen
To make a hurried but Scramble
Scramble Verb scrambling towards the airport to leave Rush, Make haste
clumsy move (Noun)
the country.
To make ready for India and China have mobilized millions Deploy, Activate,
Mobilize Verb
action of troops along the LAC. Assemble
Success is the culmination of years of Pinnacle, Zenith, Culminate
Culmination Noun Endgame, Finalization
practice and hard work. Consummation (Verb)
Extremely heavy in The teacher gave an onerous
Onerous Adj burden, difficult to assignment to the students as
perform homework.
IT industry in India offers very lucrative Productive, Fruitful, Lucrativeness
Lucrative Adj Profitable
jobs. Well-paid (Noun)
Our world needs to tap into solar and
Phrasal Tap or Faucet
Tap into To utilize nuclear energy to reduce carbon Exploit
Verb (Noun)
Indian economy is on an upward
Trajectory Noun Path, Graph Course, flight
trajectory since the LPG.
Phrasal The new taxation will bear upon the Bearing
Bear upon To make an impact Impact, affect
Verb industry in a negative way. (Noun)
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
(1) Law is the bulwark of society.
Dependable support,
(2) The France-made Rafale aircraft are Mainstay, Rampart,
Bulwark Noun Defensive boundary
our strongest bulwark against the Parapet, Bedrock
The idea of population control is still Grip, Strength,
Traction Noun Support
not gaining traction in the rural India. Approval
Enshroud/ His background is enshrouded/ Shroud
Verb Cover, Hide Conceal
shroud shrouded in mystery. (Noun)
To make something
The minister tried to downplay his Play down, Make
Downplay Verb look less serious than it
alleged role in the scandal. light of something
actual is
After an argument, the atmosphere of
Bonhomie Noun Khushmijaji Friendliness,
bonhomie was suddenly gone.
Geniality, Amenity
- The reforms are being implemented at
- Slow, Frozen
a glacial pace. - Extremely cold
Glacial Adj - Lacking warmth/
- Inside the party, the atmosphere was - Unfriendly, hostile
- There is a subtle difference between Artful, Clever,
- Indirect, Clever Subtlety
Subtle Adj bravery and folly. Sophisticated,
- Delicate, light (Noun)
- Subtle evening wind is very soothing. Refined
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
- To keep something
o Winning the match buoyed the team. Encourage, Support, Buoyant – Full
cheerful and lively
Buoy Verb o The salty water buoyed her as she Boost, Bolster, of liveliness
- To keep something
swam towards the sea-shore. Undergird, Underpin (Adj)
o Calculate and come
o It is reckoned that India’s economy
Reckon Verb to an understanding Suppose, Estimate Reckoning (N)
will be the second largest by 2050.
o Believe, Assume
o The Government has created a
Catastrophe, Calamitous
Calamity Noun o Disaster special fund to deal with natural
Cataclysm, Tragedy (Adj)
o There is a tenuous difference Fragile, Slim,
Tenuous Adj o Very thin, weak
between a soldier and a terrorist. Delicate, Flimsy
o The latest bail-out package will cost Coffers, Government
Exchequer Noun Government Treasure
the exchequer ₹ 50,000 crore. treasury
- The new discovery may unravel the
- Solve, Become clear mystery surrounding blackholes. - Sort out, Unfold
Unravel Verb
- Become undone - The economy is unravelling because - Ruin, Sink
of the ongoing recession.
- The court has set aside the provision of
reservation for Marathas for State - Strike down,
Set aside Phrasal - Cancel, ignore
Government jobs. Quash, Abrogate
Lay aside Verb - Save for future
- All of us should set aside a portion of - Save
our income for future.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Plain and gloomy, His actions were in stark contrast to his Utter, bleak, Grim, Starkness
Stark Adj
Absolute words. Dismal (Noun)
1. Leave a bad effect
Impinge on/ Phrasal The new law may impinge upon the Impact, encroach,
2. Trespass, advance
upon Verb freedom of press. Trample upon
beyond normal limits
Noun The salesman used his craft and guile Proficiency, Trickery,
Craft and guile Art and cleverness
Phrase to close every deal. Expertise
Relating to farming
Agrarian Adj Indian economy is primarily agrarian. Agricultural
and land
Several glaring errors in your writing Flagrant, Noticeable,
Glaring Adj Obvious, Apparent
leaves a bad impression on the readers. Conspicuous
Stumbling o Impediment, o Corruption is a major stumbling Deterrent, Hindrance,
block Hurdle block in the growth story of India. Obstruction, Handicap
-(Verb) to add detail to
MK Gandhi has elaborated his life - (Verb) Interpret,
- Verb experiences in his elaborate Elucidate, expand on Elaboration
Elaborate - (Adj) Something very
- Adj autobiography called “My Experiments - (Adj) Intricate, (Noun)
complex and detailed
with Truth.” detailed
in nature
To confuse someone Technology is developing with a Baffle, Confound, Bewildering
Bewilder Verb
with complexity bewildering pace. Perplex, Puzzle (Adj)
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
A large uncontrollable
Many people died in a multi-story Hellfire, Inferno,
Conflagration Noun fire or fire-like
building conflagration in Surat. Wildfire
A period of break, She took a 15-day hiatus from work
Hiatus Noun Pause, Interruption
Interval and went on a holiday in the Maldives.
Casual and hasty,
Careless people often work in Perfunctorily
Perfunctory Adj without attention to Cursory, Superficial
perfunctory manner. (Adverb)
To alleviate rising unemployment, the
To pacify, bring small Mollify, Salve, Balm, Alleviation
Alleviate Verb Government has launched a skill
relief Ameliorate, Allay (Noun)
enhancement program.
Phrasal Upgrade or intensify (1) Increased FDI can ratchet up our
Ratchet up Scale up, Upgrade
Verb an activity GDP.
1) With Russia's Ukraine invasion, a
world war seems all the more certain.
All the more Adverb Even more Much
Phrase 2) Her attire made her personality all
the more attractive.
Phrasal Sometimes small incidents spark off Ignite, kindle, Spark
Spark off Provoke, incite
Verb huge crises. instigate (Noun)
Silent, Dis-inclined to The factory manager was a taciturn Reticent, Reserved, Tacit
Taciturn Adj
talk lady who spoke very little. Restrained (Adj)
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Businessmen fund political parties to
Leverage Noun Advantage, Influence Authority
gain political leverage.
A cut in fuel prices may give fillip to the Shot in the arm,
Fillip Noun Encouragement, Boost -
consumers facing high inflation. Stimulation
Defenseless, The poor and illiterate are prone to Proneness
Prone Adj Susceptible
Vulnerable being involved in crimes. (Noun)
Consumption of sweets can exacerbate Worsen, Aggravate,
Exacerbate Verb Make things worse
your diabetes. Exasperate
Most voters think that the result of the Predestined,
Foregone Adj Predetermined
elections was a foregone conclusion. Certain, Inevitable
The world is anxious over the USA’s Ambivalent
Ambivalence Noun Mixed emotions Equivocalness,
ambivalence on the security of Taiwan. (Adj)
Verb/ The minister has been subject to severe Denounce, Rebuke,
Censure Criticize strongly
Noun censure since the scam came to light. Condemn, Deplore
(1) Massive unemployment is the
Noun (Un- Blowback,
Bad consequences, fallout of the pandemic.
Fallout countable)/ Side-effects,
breach in relations (2) The US and China fell out in a tussle
Verb ramifications
over tariffs.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Ubiquitous Adj Universal Plastic bags are ubiquitous. Pervasive,
(1) Most people act out of expediency, Expedient
instead of their principles. (Adj)
Expediency Noun Convenience, Usefulness, fitness
(2) International relations are on Expedite
economic expediency. (Verb)
The pandemic-induced lockdowns and Consequent,
Ensuing Adj Resulting, Resultant the ensuing unemployment have Subsequent,
ruined the whole economy. Following
With Russia-Ukraine war, the prospect Prospective
Prospect Noun Likelihood Possibility, outlook
of a severe recession becomes real. (Adj)
- Her behaviour manifests her
- To give a proof psychological disorders.
Manifest Verb Demonstrate
- To reveal - Her psychological disorders manifest
themselves in her rude behaviour.
The lawyer presented a witness to Underpinning
Underpin Verb To support, Promote Corroborate,
underpin his arguments. (Adj)
Bolster, Shore up
A group of people of The consortium of banks has requested
Consortium Syndicate, Pool,
Noun companies dedicated the Government to intervene in cases
Consortia Cohort
to specific purpose(s) of high NPAs.
Something that cannot Global warming is doing irreversible Irreversibility
Irreversible Adj Irrevocable, Indelible
be reversed damage to our environment. (Noun)
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
The Russia-Ukraine war alludes to a Allusion
Allude Verb Refer, hint Insinuate
larger global military conflict. (Noun)
A perfect example of India is a paradigm of a stable Prototype, Epitome,
Paradigm Noun
something democracy. Paragon, Exemplar
The pursuit of happiness ends with the Pursue
Pursuit Noun Chase, Desire Quest, Aspiration
death. (Verb)
Scammers nowadays are using
Sophisticated Advanced, Sophisticate
Adj Refined sophisticated technology to cheat in
Opp- Rustic Doctored up (Verb)
their examinations.
- Locals were trying to put out the fire
- Blow out, do away
Phrasal - To extinguish a fire in the forest.
Put out with, Annihilate
verb - To publish something - The UN President has put out a
- Disclose, Express
request for ceasefire in the war.
What is your stance on environmental
Stance Noun Position, Stand Posture
Police should not use coercion, while
Coercion Noun Pressure, Force questioning people accused in civil
Intimidation, Duress
Mandarins have hinted at the
Mandarins Noun Government officials Bureaucrat
possibility of another Covid lockdown.
To make someone Disagreements can alienate teenagers Estrange, Disaffect Alienation
Alienate Verb
your opponent from their families. Ant: Espouse (Noun)
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Chinese foreign policy is entirely built
Authority, Command, Hegemon
Hegemony Noun Leadership on the vision of establishing a global
Domination, Helm (leader)
Crackdown Noun The police are running an operation to Clamp down, Curb, Crackdown
Crack down Verb crack down on the narcotics business. Reign in (Noun)
Lacking spirit, half- Competitive Exams of India can’t be Listless, lethargic,
Lackadaisical Adj
hearted cracked with a lackadaisical approach. laid-back, Lacklustre
Photoshop can make your pictures look
Sur + real Noun Dream-like Virtual, Incredible
Financial frauds entail harsh
En + tail Verb Necessitate, Require Call for
punishment in Islamic regimes.
Noun/ The ruling party has launched a Authority, Sway
Sway Influence
Verb campaign to sway the young voters. Domination (Verb)
Approaching, Near and The leaders of the two countries held Impend
Impending Adj Forthcoming,
certain parleys to avert an impending war. (Verb)
The New York police have launched a
To sell or promote Peddler
Peddle Verb crackdown on South American migrants Sell, Pitch, Promote
something immoral (Doer noun)
involved in peddling drugs.
Her dreams of being independent
Materialize Verb Become real materialized with her selection for the Realize, Manifest
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Persistent, Endless,
lasting, Sustained,
The sage was in an eternal/ protracted Eternity
Eternal Adj Never ending Chronic, Perpetual,
quest for truth and Nirvana. (Noun)
Perennial, Abiding,
Prolonged, Long-held
After the Taliban took over Kabul, there Anarchy, Mayhem,
Disorder, Chaotic
Chaos Noun was an atmosphere of chaos on the Havoc, Turmoil,
Pandemonium (Adj)
streets. Upheaval, Uproar
The world economy is mired in the Quagmire
Mired Adj Trapped, Stuck Caught, Entangled
Covid-19-induced recession. (Noun)
A legal tussle has been going on Skirmish, Tug-of-war,
Tussle Noun Fight, Encounter
between Ratan Tata and Cyrus Mistry. scuffle, Wrangling
Developing nations strive to replicate Replica
Replicate Verb Copy, Duplicate Simulate, Repeat
the industrial boom of the West. (Noun)
- The leading units of
an army Google and Meta are in the vanguard
Vanguard Noun Cutting-edge,
- An inspiring first of our technology front.
(1) Most rap songs are full of gratuitous
Uncalled for,
- Needless vulgarity. Gratuitously
Gratuitous Adj Excessive,
- Free (2) We have some gratuitous tickets for (Adverb)
the upcoming match.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Rich people often get away with their Way out,
Loopholes Noun An escape route
crimes, using loopholes in the law. Shortcoming, Lapse
Afghanistan is politically rudderless Directionless,
Rudderless Adj Unguided
since its takeover by the Taliban. Desultory, Aimless
Occurring without any A fortuitous outcome of any pandemic
Fortuitous Adj Accidental,
cause is increased unemployment.
She has fought an uphill battle to Arduous, Strenuous,
Uphill Adj Up + hill = Very difficult
achieve this success. Formidable
A civilized society should eschew Eschewal
Eschew Verb Stay away from, Avoid Shun, Shy away from
violence. (Noun)
Unjustified or The theory was found to be untenable Untenability
Un-tenable Adj Indefensible, illogical
Unacceptable and rejected. (Noun)
Any diet plan should preclude fast Preclusion
Preclude Verb Pre + exclude Rule out, Forbid
food. (Noun)
#Plight your Poland has opened its borders taking
troth = Make a Noun Difficult position note of the plight of Ukrainian
promise of refugees.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Prolonged strikes have debilitated the Weaken, Paralyze, Debilitating
Debilitate Verb Make weak
industry. Cripple, Undermine (Adj)
Increase, Rise, Surge,
Soaring oil prices have posed a Soar
Soar Verb To rise sharply Shoot-up, Quicken,
challenge before the Central Banks. (Noun)
Accelerate, Jump
The long-term prognosis/
Prognosis/ Estimation, Projection, Prognosticate
Noun Pre + diagnosis prognostication for the economy is
Prognostication Prediction, Presage (Verb)
rather disappointing.
Expedite/ To speed up We need to produce more vaccines to Quicken, hasten, rush Expeditious
expediate (efficiently) expediate vaccination against the virus. through (Negative) (Adj)
(1) A miser would not spend money
even when it is expedient to spend. Expediently
Expedient Adj Practical, Suitable Pragmatic
(2) The company is trying to apply its (Adverb)
latest invention in an expedient way.
Extra cash flow in the business will Elbow room, Margin,
Leeway Noun Freedom, Scope
provide leeway to our operations. Headroom
The second wave of covid penetrated Far-flung areas,
A remote and under-
Hinterland Noun even the rural hinterlands of the Wilderness, back-
developed area
country. woods
Hesitant or allergic to Most unsuccessful people are averse to Loath, Unwilling, Aversion
Averse Adj
something change. reluctant, Disinclined (Noun)
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Verb/ The share market rebounded two Rebound
Rebound Jump back, Revive Bounce back, Revive
Noun weeks after the crash. (Noun)
Wane, Die down,
To decrease in The actor’s popularity started to
Subside Verb Peter out, Taper off,
intensity subside after his arrest.
Phrasal Control The tax authorities have started Clamp down Crackdown
Crack down
Verb (Shikanja kasna) cracking down on tax evaders. Rein in, Curb, Control (Noun)
The teacher underscored the need for
Underscore Verb Highlight Emphasize, Stress,
hard work.
An embarrassing and The three farm bills ended in a political Debacle, Blunder,
Fiasco Noun
destructive failure fiasco for the NDA-led Government. Disaster
Forbearance in the face of adversity is a Tolerance, Self- Forbear
Forbearance Noun Patience
leadership trait. restraint (Verb)
Ordinary, People go on holidays to get away from Dull and straight,
Prosaic Adj
Unimaginative their prosaic lives. Commonplace
Accident, Misfortune,
Several workers lost their vision in the
Mishap Noun Mis + happening Disaster, Calamity,
gas-leak mishap last week.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
- The goods train derailed because of a
- To cause or get a
damaged track. Derailment
De + rail Verb train off the track Wreck, Deflect
- Drugs and alcohol have derailed the (Noun)
- To upset a process
lives of many celebrities.
Undefeatable, Economic recessions have the power to
Invincible Adj Indomitable,
Unbeatable bring down even invincible companies.
To place two things
I always juxtapose my past and present
Juxtapose Verb side by side for
to see my progress.
- Predicting the weather prior to
invention of satellites was pure
Noun/ Speculation, conjecture. Hunch, Guesswork,
Verb hypothesis - Experts have conjectured that a #A shot in the dark
fourth wave of the pandemic may hit
India in June 2022.
Get rid of, Shed,
Phrasal To get rid of something - The killers tried to dispose of the body
Dispose of Eradicate,
Verb To settle something by throwing it in a river.
do away with
- The USA is often accused of stoking
Stir up, Fan, Kindle,
Stoke Verb Incite or instigate wars in order to boost its thriving
Whip up
weapon economy.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
1) To make something
- Hammer out,
successful by putting in
(1) New Delhi has forged alliances with Thrash out,
all major western powers. Construct, Negotiate
2) To make an illegal
Forge Verb
copy of a document. (2) He was accused of forging the - Falsify, Fabricate,
3) To shape a metal by property documents of his uncle. Tamper with,
heating and
The soldier was on a clandestine Surreptitious, Clandestinely
Clandestine Adj Secret, hidden
mission at an overseas location. Stealthy, Covert (Adverb)
Pogrom Noun Massacre Civil wars often give birth to pogroms.
Bloodbath, Carnage
(1) The company was accused of
1. To cheat overreaching its customers by selling
Over-reach 2. To fail because of second-hand products. Outwit, outsmart
targeting high (2) By making unwise investments, I
have overreached myself financially.
Shalini had a showdown with her boss
Showdown Noun Confrontation Face-off, Stand-off
over a pay hike.
Noun/ An approach for The PM’s outreach program remained
Out + reach Approach
Verb engagement largely successful.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Appear from
Phrasal Come from, Originate The pandemic has stemmed from the
Stem from Materialize from
Verb from negligence of China.
Emanate from
The evidence may not suffice to prove Satisfy, Serve, Sufficient
Suffice Verb To be sufficient
his innocence. Answer (Adj)
Ingeminate The prisoner ingeminated his request Reiterate, Ingemination
Verb To repeat something
In + geminate for mercy before the judge. emphasize, echo (Noun)
A cloaked meeting of top bureaucrats Latent, Secret,
Cloaked Adj Hidden
was called by the PM. Veiled
The rancor between the two families
Animosity, Rancorous
Rancour Noun Hatred has kept them from talking to each
Bitterness (Adj)
other for decades.
Revolutionary, Radical
Radical Adj Something extreme Radial ideologies invent autocrats.
Fanatic, Hardliner (Noun)
Democracy is the other name of the Tenet, Dogma,
Doctrine Noun Principle, Belief
doctrine of social equality. Precept, Edict, Maxim
Introduction, Drinks were overture to dinner. Prelude, Preface,
Overture Noun
Preliminary advance She rejected his friendly overtures. Precursor
Germinate, Generate,
Phrasal To cause something to Continuous wars brought about a huge
Bring about Produce, Engender,
Verb occur amount of destruction.
Beget, Spawn
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Pre+ Her preoccupation with money irritates Keenness, Mania, Preoccupied
Noun Obsession
occupation everyone. Fixation (Adj)
Children need a wholesome
Healthful, Decent, Wholesome-
Wholesome Adj environment to grow physically and Salubrious, Salutary
Appropriate ness (Noun)
The government must take a decisive Decisiveness
Decisive Adj Conclusive, Critical Fateful, Momentous
action on population control. (Noun)
Hard work is the cornerstone of
Cornerstone Noun Foundation Bedrock, Mainstay
Empirical studies have shown the
Observational, Empiricism
Empirical Adj Practical, Experimental effectiveness of Ayurveda in treating
Pragmatic (Noun)
several life-style diseases.
A wise foe is way better than a foolish Adversary,
Foe Noun Enemy
friend. Opponent
Children with rich parents rarely
Seamy Adj Rough experience the seamy side of life in Harsh, unpleasant
their childhood.
- A very virulent form of the disease
o Extremely Pernicious, malignant,
has appeared in Africa. Virulence
Virulent Adj poisonous toxic, Hostile,
- China is a virulent critic of the (Noun)
o Very harsh Noxious, Venomous
American sanctions on Iran.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Indigenous Adj o Local, Native Kangaroos are indigenous to Australia. Aboriginal, Habitant
s (Noun)
The RBI needs to provide a financial
Crank up Jump-start stimulus package to crank up the Kick-start
recovery after Covid-19.
Omen, Prophesy,
These sales figures are a good augury Augur
Augury Noun Prediction Herald, Foretell,
for another profitable year. (Verb)
Prognosis, Harbinger
Afghanistan and Ukraine fiascos are
Indisputable, Indubitably
Indubitable Adverb Without doubt indubitable failures of Joe Biden’s
Certain (Adverb)
foreign policy.
No one in the staff was able to tolerate Mannerism, Trait,
Idiosyncrasy Noun Special characteristic
the idiosyncrasy of the rude boss. Peculiarity
Unpleasantly loud and The Government has faced strident
Strident Adj Cacophonous,
harsh on ears criticism over the three farm bills.
Law making powers on police and Purview, Orbit,
Ambit Noun Domain, Scope agriculture fall under the ambit of the Jurisdiction, Remit,
States of India. Sphere, Realm
The accused killer remained steadfast
Unyielding, Steadfastness
Steadfast Adj Stubborn, loyal, Firm in his belief that he had done the right
Unflinching, staunch (Noun)
thing to kill a criminal.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
The new law may circumscribe the Circumscripti
Circumscribe Verb Confine, Limit Enclose
freedom of speech for media. on (Noun)
- Doctors have observed piecemeal
Adj/ - Partial and gradual improvement in the patient.
Adverb - Step-by-step - The reforms are being implemented in
a piecemeal fashion.

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