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the at origin the with chosen is system ordinate Lin and formulation, finite-amplitude a presented

co- a problem hydrodynamics linearized the For also 1991 Magee, and 1990 Magee, and Beck face.
sur- moving the on applied is condition ary bound
Problem Linearized The body- the but linear, remains condition surface
free the which in problem, finite-amplitude called
cases. both so- the to solution a presented 1989 Ferrant,
in used is function Green time-domain The given. 1988. Korsmeyer, and
are problem body-exact or finite-amplitude called 1988, al., et King 1987, King, by followed 1986
so- the and problem linearized fully the namely Liapis, and 1985 Beck, and Liapis with appear to
problems, two of formulations the section, this In began solutions Three-dimensional cylinder. tical
ver- axisymmetric the for 1985 Newman, and ies,
FORMULATION PROBLEM bod- two-dimensional for 1982 Yeung, and 1979
Omatsu, and Adachi by presented were lutions
so- Time-domain 1960. Laitone, and Wehausen
methods. Green-function-based
the to alternative an are domain, frequency the in in developed is method present the in employed
1990, Sclavounos, and Nakos by presented as such function Green The 1948. Brard, by elaborated
methods, based Rankine-source bodies. merged first was surface, free linearized a beneath trarily
sub- for solution numerical a presented 1989, rant, arbi- moving source a of that function, Green
Fer- frequency-domain, the in problems amplitude time-domain the for solution fundamental The
finite- For problem. this for solutions sented
pre- have others several and 1992, Ohkusu, and INTRODUCTION
Iwashita 1982, Bougis, and Guevel 1981, Price,
and Inglis 1977, Chang, speed. forward erate manner. straight-forward a in corporated
mod- with ships for problem seakeeping domain in- be also can autopilot an to due that as such
frequency- three-dimensional the solve to tempts forces, external Nonlinear formulation. amplitude
at- several been have their function, Green quired finite- so-called the in account into taken be
re- the computing of complexity the Despite can geometry unsteady of effects the domain,
1992. time the in motion of equations the resolving
LeGuen, and Coudray e.g., function, Green speed By speed. forward with ship a for problem ing
zero- the of advantages the retaining while effects, seakeep- linearized the being important most the
speed forward the of some capture which tions treated, be can importance of problems several
approxima- to devoted been has work Subsequent method, solution described above the With
speed. forward small for approximations counter experiments. with and methods
en- of frequency so-called the using speed forward
calculation other with comparisons for Transform
of case the to extended first were solutions speed Fourier Fast by domain frequency the into formed
zero- These applications. industrial for suitable trans- are results the and stepping time by solved
state, developed highly a reached have methods is equation This time. of instant each at surface
these on based codes computer and accepted body the on potential unknown the for equation
widely become have speed forward zero at lutions integral an obtain to domain fluid the to plied
so- Three-dimensional theories. strip dimensional ap- is identity second Green's
condition. tration
two- the with beginning frequency-domain the pene- no the satisfy to surface hull the over only
in occurred has development similar A distributed be to need singularities Thus, ditions.
here. presented being con- initial appropriate the and condition, diation
are others still and 1993, al., et Bingham 1992, ra- condition, surface free linearized the satisfies
King, and Magee by presented been has function function Green The motion. arbitrary in source
Green time-domain the using work recent More impulsive an for function Green the of aid the
1990. Ferrant, by treated also was rest from ated with solved is depth infinite of fluid compressible
acceler- body, submerged a of problem The body. in- ideal a in ship a for problem seakeeping The
floating a for time-domain the in motion of tions
equa- finite-amplitude the solved 1990 Yue, and
Method Time-Domain a Using Applications Seakeeping
015.781838 F 015-786873 TsL
Deift CD 2028 2, Mekeiweg
voor Laboratodum
= k
k=4,..6 -(ñV)(ixW) (8) - = t,
7) (:--
(tr)+H(tr)G i\ (i r) Q, G(P,
k=1,..3 _(.V)
k=4,..6 Fxi = by given is problem transient the
k=1,..3 ñ = for function Green The U So U S1 = S where
k mode in velocity applied = (k
k mode in displacement applied = (k =fJds(-_c) JJf(G_Gz)
where, equation. integral an obtain to domain
ôn fluid the to applied is identity second Green's
(10) Vçbi
87 (6) k=1,..7 ast--cc O =
so an
..6 1, =k flkCk+mk(k = ôck
conditions initial the satisfy
are k,
also ..7 1, = k potentials unsteady The
So on applied be to conditions boundary The
(5) k=1,..7 asrco V---0
- uo origin the near originates disturbance the Because
(Qr =0
Jr gJ - (4) --(--U0--) = i7(x,y,t)
¿dQ [dr ia
so J-cc by given is surface free the of elevation The
- L - z=0
dsqí(Q,r drf f 3z 3xj Ot
(3) =0 +g- lLoJ
(9) - - a2 (a
1'\5 (r dsQ L0 condition surface free earized
- 4
lin- the apply we surface, free mean the On
(Q,t dsQ
( (P,t)+f
be to (k=7) potential diffraction the and yaw
found is P fluid the in point a at potential the for pitch, roll, heave, sway, surge, respectively,
to, due potentials radiation six the = çbk
equation integral resulting The 1986). Liapis, (cf. wave incident the = çj
plane O = z and surface hull mean the of section
potential flow
steady the = o + (Icr
inter- the by defined F0 curve the around integrals
line to reduced be can Sj over those and vanish, with,
over (7) in integrals the that shown be can it k=1
function, Green the of properties the Using (2) 'k(z,y,Z,t) ±
0. order
of kind first the of function Bessel the is Jo and t) z, y, h(x, + z) y, o(z, + fJ0x = t) z, y,
ifi>0 i - follows as components
ift<0 fo several into separated is potential total The
function step unit = H(t)
(1) 1T=° VTV'T,
= 6(t)f(t)
fdt then velocity, fluid total the is VT
function delta = (t) If tT. potential velocity total the for problem the
= R formulate can we and governs, equation Laplace
= r, the that so assumed, is fluid incompressible ideal
An domain. fluid the of out defined is normal
unit The S.infinity at surface control a and S0,
= Q surface body three-dimensional mean the S1, face
sur- free mean the by bounded is domain fluid The
z(t)) y(t), (x(t),
= P
0. = Uo setting by recovered be can speed ward
r))e()Jo(R) - sin((t r)=2fdJgk t, Q, Ò(P, for- zero of case The U0. ship the of speed steady
the with translating is origin The upward. cally
where, verti- z-axis the with 0, z wa1.surface calm
C' cJ
= k
forjk bk b non-impulsive. term the of origin the
= k hence displacement, function step a and velocity,
forj=k O b
6function a yields a of limit the Taking
relations the satisfy bk damping of function. Gaussian the of width the governs a ter
coefficients the that showed 1993, Bingham, parame- spreading The zero. to close is ((0) of
value the that so chosen constant a is to Here,
F7} + '{F10 = K7(t) + Ko(t)
I\7} + F{Ko = Fj7(w) + Fo(w) = (14) t0)) - erf((t + (1 = ((t)
= (t)
forces, a(to)2 e
7) = (j diffraction and 0) = (j Froude-Krylov
of sum the as defined forces, exciting the For function error an is displacement responding
cor- the and Gaussian a of form the takes locity
bk)} - (B1k -
+ Pjk) J'{iw(Ak = I<jk(t) ve- input The method. non-impulsive the using
(18) bJk+Fc{JKk} = Bk(w) improved be to shown was 1979,) Ohmatsu, and
Adachi (see frequencies irregular so-called the at
{FKjk} + Pjk = Ak(w) solution the of behavior the addition, In problem.
the solve to used discretization temporal and tial
forces, spa- finite the within resolved be cannot frequency
radiation For transform. Fourier by related are high very of waves since and problem, keeping
forces exciting and radiation of functions sponse sea- the for interest little of is frequencies high
re- impulse the and coefficients force exciting and very at response the since signal, the of content
damping mass, added frequency-domain The frequency high the limit to order in input, locity
ve- non-impulsive a of choice the proposed 1987,
function memory or impulse-response the is Kjk King, frequencies. all at amplitudes equal tains
con- input This time. in velocity 6function a
force restoring hydrodynamic the is Cjk
of that is choice obvious most The here. sidered
damping frequency-independent the is bk con- is (10) in conditions boundary of choice The
mass added frequency-independent the is Pjk Functions Response
Impulse- and Inputs Non-Impulsive
co so
(17) (13) dSPn = Fjk
_JdrKjk(t_r)k(r) J
Cjk(k(t) - bjkk(t) - /1k(k(t) = F(t) from
found are k mode the in condition boundary plied
as written be may waves radiated to due body ap- an to due j mode the in body the on forces The
the on forces the that shows 1962, Cummins,
1988. al, et. =
(12) p(---+WVç)
King, see inputs, nonimpulsive using calculations
from derived are functions impulse-response the
how of details the For problem. diffraction the in equation Bernoulli linearized the
used also are inputs Non-impulsive frequencies. from found is pressure hydrodynamic The
high- the of damping exponential the shows which = z onO
O +g-- U6
(16) .*.0,
eeZì = 2
tent S0 on ôn
con- frequency the gives Gaussian, a also is which (11) U0n1 =
function, input the of transform Fourier The =
(15) = 1'f(w) = f(t) problem
JJ(w)e1 Neumann-Kelvin classic the to solution the is o
f(t)e = f(w)=f(t)
J_t Uoi+Vo = W
as pair transform Fourier the Define flow steady the to due velocity the is W and
func- Green time-domain same the employ can we (23)
Thus, points. observation and source the of sition I,
po- the of regardless same, the is function Green - Fjk
8k pIfds
the of form the that note We linear. remains tion
written be may force the Thus,
condi- surface free the but surface, body neous
instanta- the on applied is condition boundary r'
body- the which in problem, finite-amplitude ri(Ïxii).' d1
so-called the formulate to us leads This fJdS[mj+nj(W.V)]
required. be not may solution nonlinear fully the gradients the take to need the avoiding
whereas, cases, these in applicable be not may ries while body the on force the calculate to employed
theo- Second-order waterline. the near flare large be can 1969, Tuck, and Ogilvie in derived theorem
with structure a or waves, moderate in neuvering The potential. unsteady the of gradient the quires
ma- ship a surface, free the to close but beneath, re- (12) in pressure the of calculation The
operating submarine, a of example, for case, the _U0T1O). U0n3, (0,0,0,0, = ifi
be would Such slope. mild of waves only tains have we approximation, this With rn-terms. the
con- surface free the on disturbance the that but obtain to potential steady-flow the of derivatives
time, over dramatically changes portion mersed second required the compute to having of ficulty
im- the of form the that such is motion body's dif- the avoiding thus, order, higher of be to tial
the that arise may it cases, certain In surface. poten- perturbatin the assuming î, U0 = W as
body the of position mean the about expanded approximated been often has flow steady The
been has condition body-boundary the because U0. velocity
small be must motion the of amplitude the flow, stream free the about condition surface free the
steady the about assumptions the to addition In of linearization the justify to order in so be must
This small. is o potential disturbance steady the
Problem Finite-Amplitude The that such are speed forward and geometry body
the that made is assumption implicit the problem,
below. discussed be boundary-value linearized this developing In
will and here retained been has which approach
the is This difference. finite by derivatives face Terms Interaction the of Discussion
sur- required the obtain to one allows panel, each
over linearly least at varies potential the which in
panels, order higher using of possiblity the nally, _[PJfds.Vk)nj]
Fi- obtained. be can velocities the distribution,
from found are cients
this From distribution. potential same the give coeffI- force restoring hydrodynarnic The
will that strengths source the for equation tegral - ( is problems these for function Green The
in- the pose to (10), equation to solution the given
is, that distribution, source equivalent an use to is - = k
possibility Another theorem. the to resort to need (2k ffdS
not do we and directly available are gradients the
case this In 1986. Liapis, in given is distribution (20) = k Pj
source a using problem linearized the for lation PffdSlkfli
formu- The equation. integral the solve to used
be can formulation source a Alternatively, S0 on an
calculations. 32k
structural for useful be can which pressures, cal S0 on
Io-. the not and body, the on force total the only = an
gives theorem the addition, In flow. steady the for a1
stream free the only using such, as theorem, the (19) as 0 Vt'1k,2k
apply to incorrect appears it Thus, integral. face O
= 1k,2kIonz=0
sur- the in remains surpress, to hoped we which
gradient the contains which and retained, one the
as magnitude same the of term extra an satisfied,
not is hypothesis the If hull. the penetrate not problems value boundary simplified
does flow steady the that requires theorem this of the to solutions the from found are bk and jij
hypotheses the of One 1991.) Magee, (See der. terms The speed. forward with bodies for zero
or- higher of be to appear terms line-integral The general in not are terms off-diagonal the Hence
uses method The panels. over derivatives normal -
(30) .vd+gz]
their and 1/r' and 1/r integrate to used is 1986,
Rehbach, and Cantaloube of method The = P
employed. _P[(+.V+Vd.Vd
being panels flat the for truncation of order tent written
consis- a gives which dipoles varying linearly and be may equation Bernoulli nonlinear The body.
sources strength constant of consists singularities the on point a following by numerically by culated
of distribution corresponding The multiplication. cal- easily most is body the on point a at pressure
matrix simple by replaced is decomposition LUD The A. Appendix 1986, Liapis, by given form a to
of step back-substitution usual the so 1986, aI., et reduces (30) equation plane, horizontal the in ver
Press decomposition, value singular by solved is maneu- unsteady an executing body a For sition.
This results. equations of system over-determined po- body mean the using system coordinate lating
an nodes, than panels more are there Since troids. trans- steadily the in speed forward constant for
cen- the at but corners, panel the at not location (10) equation to equivalent is (30) equation that
col- by performed is equation integral the of side note Also system. coordinate fixed the in changes
hand right the of evaluation numerical The waterplane the of location or shape the whenever
forces. alized values nonzero have integrals line the problem,
gener- the determine to body the over integrated finite-amplitude the for However, 0. = U0 case
turn in is which pressure the determine to (30) or the in contribute not do integrals line the problem
(12) equation Bernoulli the in used are velocities linearized fully the in that noted be should It
and potential the calculated, Once rest. from ping F. on point a of plane O = z the in locity
step- time by proceeds solution The body. the on ve- normal two-dimensional the is VN and plane,
points at potential the of values unknown the for O
= z the and body the of intersection neous
solved is equation integral the and applied is tion instanta- the by defined curve the is F(t) where
condi- boundary given the integrals, singular the
ör 8r r(r) - g
from contributions the account into Taking r) VN(Q, -
r)] [d(Q fdrfd1Q
Ca - 8s n Sb(T) 00
(33) da daba, - -
3 3d 3d
dsQ[d(Qr fdrf
panel each over constant are potential the of 8m r r Sb(t)
- =
derivatives tangential The geometry. triangle the (Q, r
1\3 fi Jds
from determined constants are c and b, a, where
r-r 8m
d(Q,t ds 4
(32) Na(s,t)aa+bas+cat ( f + (P,t)
by given are functions shape the and corners, 1991)
Magee, (see is Sb(t), surface, body stantaneous
triangle the of index the is a panel, the on situated
in- the over formulated is fluid the in potential
coordinates cartesian local the are t and s where
the for solved be to equation integral The
body. the on point a of velocity local the is
(31) 7 and wave incident the represents ç5r Here,
(28) - -t as O
- 0,
triangle each over (27) k=1,..7 ascx Vç-0
linearly vary to assumed is potential The panels.
triangular of number a into discretized is body on 3m 8n
(26) Sb(t) n-- -. -:
the of surface The (30). or (10) equations integral ad1
the solve to used is It 1992. King, and Magee in z=U
described further is SIMSEA code computer The (25) =0
a, o2
are satisfied be to conditions the
body. so rest from starts motion The defined. is tential
the on point a following potential the of derivative po- perturbation single, a and chosen, is system
substantial the represents V + ( term the
V) coordinate globally-fixed a problem this For
and body, the on point a of velocity the is V Here, problems. finite-amplitude of case the in tion
(38) calculation previous the since forces, drostatic
Wn hy- and Froude-Krylov the of calculation the for
z i 1(,t)= needed was modification a Such needed. as dated
up- and modified be can modules force the and
as defined is potential wave incident The
ensured, thus is Modularity body). the on erted
ex- forces the calculate (which subroutines and
x, sin E S,
x, cos E c 1986, al., et Press, Stoer, et Bulirsch of method
C4C S4C5
the using motion of equations the integrate (which
S4C6 - C4S5S5 C4C6 + 548555 S6 C5 = routines driver of consists code The developed.
46 + C4SC C.i.S6 - S4S5C6 C5C6
been has 1990,) King, (see code simulation ral
E tempo- a problem, this address to order In
manner. straight-forward a in solution transient
by given is
and respectively, z-axis then and V-axis, axis ate the in included be can translations and tations
ro- finite-amplitude to due coefficients drostatic
intermedi- the x"-axis, the about transformations
hy- and hydrodynamic the in changes example,
of sequence a by obtained is T matrix the where
for or, eddy-damping, and viscous fins, stabiliser
X3 I z moving of action the as such forces external ear
(37) y nonlin- contrast, By complementary. are hence
x1+Uot X and transform, Fourier by related are solutions
} z,, {
frequency-domain and time the problems, linear
strictly For analysis. frequency-domain ditional
1990): King, (see by given is system global tra- over advantages several presents time-domain
the in point a to system body-fixed the in point a the in motion of equations the of resolution The
of transformation the then ...x6), (z1, vector ment
displace- generalized the by given is body the of SIMULATIONS MOTION
position the If frame. this in constant remains
matrix inertia the because calculations dynamic centroids. panel tween
for useful is system prime double The respond. be- rule Gauss one-point a by approximated are
cor- systems moving and fixed the linearized, are
panels the over terms wave the of integrals The
movements body the If defined. is body the with elongated. are which panels triangular for ficient
moves which and gravity, of center the at origin
ef- be to appear and used, be also can 1986 man,
its with e», O' system axis an problem, namics New- of formulas analytical The points. field and
dy- finite-amplitude the resolve to order In segment source of separation small and large for
unreasonably. points integration of numbers different with rule
cost calculation the augmenting without theory, quadrature Gauss standard a using computed are
linear to respect with improved be should lation integrals line The here. case the never is which
simu- overall the predicted, correctly be an they cont6ur, the on is P point field the unless gular
If ship. a on acting force total the to butions sin- not are integrands the of choice propriate
contri- largest the give together taken forces two ap- an Given small. too becomes F r where
i. -
former the Generally, theory. linearized the on situation the avoid to preferable is it and panel
based calculated are waves diffracted and diated the of plane the in is F when = have should
ra- to due forces the time same the at while forces, one but arbitrary, general in is of sign The
hydrostatic and Froude-Krylov the calculating in
account into taken be can rotations, for angles ler (36) e±7
Eu- the including movements, finite-amplitude of where,
effects the which in 1974, Paulling, and Oakley of
that to similar is taken approach original The
forces. required the lating
.jln(r_i.rdQ xV) (j r) (i.
calcu- subroutines of addition the by simulation r(ri.) Ic 8nr)
the in included be also can forces nonlinear nal [/i(ixr.dîQ (1 8 fssQ
exter- Other RATANA. rebaptised been has code r(ri. J r r
new The improved. were predictions subsequent (34) +1 - /dsç,
r(.r(ix.d4 FxdÎQ i f
the and panels of distribution three-dimensional
a for exchanged was method strip The seas. head by given are integrals required The edges. panel
in motions pitch for precision lacked efficient, and the around integrals line into panels flat over
simple while which, method strip a on based was integrals surface the convert to theorem Stokes
degrees. in given are forces exciting of phases The 1986. Greenhow, to due velopment
A. amplitude wave the and 121.9nz), = (L ship de- asymptotic an of result the is (42) Equation
the of length nominal the L gravity, of eration
accel- the g, density, the p, by nondimensional known. is mass added
the which for number wave highest the is i
made are coefficients the follows, what In
intro- the in cited references other in and bodies, d I
4/7J f1jkAjk(k)+
Ak() r' 1 1
submerged for 1990 Magee, and Beck in treated
been has problem hydrodynamics amplitude
finite- The hydrostatics. and Froude-Krylov of (41) coswt bk) - dw(Bk(J) Kk(t)
effects finite-amplitude the on and code, namics 2r°°
hydrody- linearized the on is here emphasis The formulae: the with DIODORE as such code
hydrodynamics frequency-domain a of results the
RESULTS NUMERICAL of transform Fourier by or code time-domain a
of results the using obtained be can terms quired
forces. wave incident re- The (17). equation Cummins, of form the in
the calculate to needed re-gridding the in plished written be may force wave radiated the entation,
accom- been already has much course, in still is ori- body changing the of effect the Ignoring
work this While predictions. motion the on forces user. the to open left is option the surface, free
diffraction and radiation the of effects amplitude mean the above known not is pressure the of form
finite- the determine to order in subroutine a precise the Since surface. this to up integrate to
as RATANA into code hydrodynamics amplitude and ij, = z surface free linearized the at starting
large- the integrate to is goal eventual The z coordinate the measure to ship, the to respect
efficient. and accurate proven has method with long are which waves for useful, found been
This steps. time intermediate the over linearly has it addition, In 0. = P1 surface the to up grate
interpolated then are which forces, external the inte- to proposed King 0. = z plane the to up
of values future the predict to used is 1986, al., performed be should integrations the that dicates
et Press, method, all-poles or entropy, maximum in- theory Linearized surface. free mean the above
the values, these From advance. in step time one pressure the about exists controversy Much
predicted are position and velocity the of values panels. flat over analytically integrated
future the time, calculation the reduce to order be can (39) expression the that note We lations.
In calls. function of number reqired the imize trans- and rotations finite-amplitude the cluding
min- to important is it forces, these calculating in- surface body (finite-amplitude) instantaneous
on spent is time CPU the of part major the Since or (linear) mean the over either performed be
solution. the of course the in only determined are can integration This surface. hull immersed the
and przorz, a unknown, are velocity and position over pressures respective the integrate we forces,
the method, predictor-corrector a Using velocity. hydrostatic and Froude-Krylov the obtain To
body the on depend which integrals convolution z=U
includes force wave radiated the while body the of Ot g
(40) = 7/i
position the on depend system equation the of side Odi 1
hand right the in forces hydrostatic and Krylov
is surface free the of elevation the and
Froude- the that Note 1990. King, in given is
solved be to system equation differential The pgz
(39) - p---- = PI
investigation. oc1'
further for point a remains position stantaneous
in- the using calculated is force Froude-Krylov by given is
the while surface, body mean the on force tion pressure hydrostatic the with combined pressure
diffrac- the calculating of ramifications The forces, Froude-Krylov The seas. multi-directional sider
con- to possible is it and components individual
exciting generalized of vector the is PDn where
n the of sum a as considered are seas Irregular
(43) 7]nFDn(Wn,ßn)e number wave the is w/g =
as position) body ing
seas) head indicates ir = (ß x-axis the
to respect with propogation of direction its is ß,
chang- of effects the ignoring (again, manner ilar
sim- a in calculated are forces diffraction The component wave the of amplitude the is r
equa- integral an solving require not does force the and singularities source strength constant and
Froude-Fírylov the since concern major a not is dipoles varying linearly with panels triangular flat
this but panels, of number increasing with rapidly uses SIMSEA above, decribed As terms. action
more converge to appear again SIMSEA of results inter- to due forces the calculate to used is rem
The methods. two the between agreement overall theo- Ogilvie-Tuck The used. are panels lateral
good show which forces, exciting total the of son quadri- fiat and singularities strength Constant
compari- a show to interest less of thus is It ods. 1991. Magee, in described code time-domain the
meth- frequency-domain and time- both in tical is TIMEDV codes. computer different three from
iden- are which forces Froude-Krylov the by nated shown are calculations of sets three Here, 0.275.
domi- are seas head in forces exciting The = Fn at ship same the for shown are efficients
co- force radiation the 4, and 3 figures In
different. are 1) figure of results speed zero the
to equivalent are (which terms, B53 and A53 the waves. short such in movement significant no is
while frequencies, low and high for results domain there since problems any cause not do frequencies
time- the to close appear coefficients B35 and irregular the concerned, are predictions motion
A35 the 4, figure In character. different a quite as far as so 7.5), = (L/B ship slender relatively
show coefficients damping and mass added pitch this for frequency, irregular first the above small
the while peak, distinctive the lack but mass, relatively are seas head in forces exciting The
added heave the for results time-domain the with pronounced. less are frequencies irregular of fects
generally agree DIODORE of results The ef- the calculations, time-domain the in present
value. also While range. frequency higher the in results
mean non-zero a about anti-symmetric are cients the disturbs frequencies irregular of presence the
coeffi- coupling cross the that appears It results. because 5.5 about of frequency non-dimensional of
quadrilaterals than triangles of number different value a to up only shown are calculations domain
a but body, the over distributed nodes of number frequency- The shown. discretisations two the
same the has calculations two the in employed between seen be can difference little and rapidly,
discretization The converged. better are results converge method time-domain the with obtained
the that fact the to due and terms, interaction the coefficients The discretization. of level this at
of treatment the to due be may which cillations, present still are differences numerical slight but
os- fewer show SIMSEA of results the general, In identical, be should results frequency-domain and
1/4. = Uow/g = r number Brard to corresponds time- The coefficient. cross-coupling B53 and B35
which frequency the at peak a is There same. the the for worse slightly but coefficients, pitch-pitch
is curves the of character general the SIMSEA, and heave-heave the for good is results domain
and TIMEDV of results the comparing In frequency- and time- between agreement The
here. formulation show-speed coefficients. hydrodynamic dividual
this use to decided was it Thus, high. relatively in- the on available is data no so measured, were
is cost CPU the and method, slow-speed the as motions Only codes. computer seakeeping of tion
fashion same the in employed be to enough able valida- the being objective one Newfoundland
reli- yet not is method the Unfortunately, hulls. University, John's St. at and LeGuen J.F. by
Wigley modified for 1992 al., et LeGuen, in sented Carènes de d'Essais Bassin the at performed ing
pre- comparisons for used was formulation ter be- are experiments because chosen was ship This
lat- This speed. forward with function Green 2. figure in given are number wave the of functions
the uses which approach, frequency-domain pled as seas head for pitch and heave surge, in efficients
cou- fully the and approximations encounter of co- force exciting the of phase and magnitude The
frequency classical the between somewhere lies comparison. for shown also are DIODORE code
theory The 1992. LeGuen, and Coudray see tails, the with obtained calculations domain Frequency
de- For employed. is function Green domain body. half the on triangles 490 and 792 of tions
frequency- speed zero the but pitch) in (notably distribu- two for shown are figures) the in SEA
speed, forward the to due terms interaction the SIM- (labeled calculations, time-domain the of
of some include to speed forward slow of tion transform Fourier The speed. forward zero at
assump- the with modified are surface body the form hull 0.60) = (CB 60 Series a for frequency
on applied conditions boundary The panels. eral nondimensional the of functions as terms pling
quadrilat- flat over singularities strength constant cou- cross and damping and mass added pitch and
with formulation potential a uses DIODORE heave nondimensionah the shows 1 Figure
potential. the for functions shape the entiating We. frequency encounter the and
w2/g, k
differ- by calculated is potential the of derivative number wave the w, noted is frequency wave The
re- slightly to effects finite-amplitude of tendancv the to due surge in drift to continues and pulse
The codes. seakeeping most of typical is which im- initial an receives ship the autopilot, the out
function, transfer pitch the of over-prediction the With- filter. and spring a of consists and 1990.
for except good, be to appears agreement the all, King, in described is It motions. surge quency
Over- case. auto-propulsed the for available is fre- low the control to used is autopilot An pitch.
information phase No autopilot. the using tions and heave the for present also but surge, the for
calcula- the to closely more corresponds latter remarkable particularly value, mean nonzero a is
The auto-propulsion. under and staff heave a with There behavior. nonlinear show result amplitude
performed: were experiments of sets Two given. finite- the of features several but sinusoidal, fectly
are seas head in 0.2 = Fn at 60 Series the for tions per- is solution linear The condition. steady-state
func- transfer observed experimentally and lated a to down settle motions the start, sudden a
calcu- between comparisons the 9 figure In avoid to gradually augmented are forces wave
reasonable. the which during transient, initial an After
physically seems also amplitude wave increasing 24. proximately
with function transfer decreasing of trend The ap- is \/(2A) is ratio height to length wave the
test. sufficient a not is experiments the in able and response, pitch the in peak the to responds
avail- amplitude single the although encouraging, cor- considered frequency The record. the of end
is surge) for (except model finite-amplitude the the near view expanded an is figures of set hand
with improved is agreement the that and values right- The shown. are options finite-amplitude
predicted of range the within fall results imental and linear the using pitch and heave surge, of ries
exper- the that fact The effects. finite-amplitude histo- time dimensional The 6. figure in sented
pursue to which from base a provide to small pre- are seas head regular in O = Fn at 60 Serie
sufficiently are errors the but respected, exactly the for calculation typical a of results The
not is limit This amplitude. small of limit the in account. into taken angles
ones, linear the to tend results finite-amplitude Euler the with surface, body instantaneous the
the expected, As exagerated. is scale vertical on determined are forces hydrostatic and Krylov
the that Note response. pitch the in peak the Froude- the only calculations, finite-amplitude
near frequency, single a for amplitude wave of
For approximations. finite-amplitude or linear
function a as function transfer linear the shows the with RATANA code the using time-domain
8 figure effects, finite-amplitude the see To the in directly solved are motion of equations
seas. head in speed ward the input, as coefficients force diffraction the
for- without bodies for codes frequency-domain and K, Cjk, bjk, pj, coefficients the Given
of use the justifying precision, reasonable a to ues frequencies. irregular of effects apparent no
val- observed experimentally the with agree sults show results time-domain The solution. the fects
re- The motion. of equations the of integration af- adversely thus and zero to decayed yet not has
and forces radiation forces, exciting of culations force diffraction the where range the in occurs It
cal- the validating accuracy, graphical nearly with shift. encounter of frequency the of because ber
agree do calculations frequency-domain and time- num- wave the of value low relatively a at found
the from obtained functions transfer pitch and is frequency irregular the speed, forward with
heave the However, frequencies. low at affected ship this For frequency. irregular first the before
is function transfer surge the so solution domain just truncated been have results domain frequency
frequency- the in directly included not be not The results. the between seen be can two, factor
can- autopilot the of effects The shown. are a as much as differences, Large 5. figure in shown
data experimental of points three and culations are DIODORE and SIMSEA using 0.275 = Fn
cal- frequency-domain of results the comparison, at seas head in 60 Series the for forces diffraction
For 7. figure in shown are approximations, ear The forces. exciting the of phase the termining
lin- the using RATANA of results the of form de- in role important an play can magnitude, in
trans- Fourier by obtained case, zero-speed the small while forces, diffraction the contrast, In
for functions transfer linear or RAO's The
grid. refined a on coefficients hydrodynamic
components. third-order other the calculating in incurred cost the menting
the for respectively 1% and 1.5% and respectively, aug- without function, transfer the of convergence
pitch and heave for 12% and 7% approximately overall better obtain to hence and force Krylov
are components order second the case, this For Fraude- the calculate to panels of number larger
solution. finite-amplitude the in present also are a use to economical be may It cost. putational
harmonics Higher transient. initial the of effects com- the of part major a not is hence and tian,
141-57. 124: University. Brunel UK: Uxbridge, Waves. in
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applications, industrial for developed highly more
California. are and speed, forward zero for well work also
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15-22. 1: Aerospatiale, Recherche La larités. offers SIMSEA code The forms. modern more
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seakeep- for viable is method time-domain The
l'étude à Introduction 1948. R. Brard,
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Hya'rodynam- Ship Numerical on Conference
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Val-de-Reuil, Bodies. Floating and Waves ter
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and Berlin Flugge. S. by edited 9:446-778, Numer- 1990. Yue, P. K. D. and W.-M., Lin,
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Engineering Marine and Architecture Naval
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toward progress Recent 1964. F. T. Ogilvie,
Technology. of tute
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DC: Washington, 577-596. hydrodynamics,
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axisymmet- Transient 1985. N. J. Newman, Michigan. of University The Diss., Ph.D.
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281-302. Hydrodynamics, Naval on posium
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mo- Ship 1990. Sclavounos, P. and D. Nakos, THe 1992. Ohkusu, M. and H. Iwasbita,
2.5 0.12
SIMSEA NP=792 0.1





0.08 0.1




o 2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8
w IL/g w/L/g

Fig. 1. Added IflSS and d amping versus frequency for a Series 60, C11=0. 6 huh form, Fn().
Fn0. seas, head in
form hull CBO.6 60, Series a for number wave versus coefficients force Exciting 2. Fig.
25 20 15 10 5 0 25 20 15 10 5
-90 0.5
o A V pg
-90 0.5
A V pg
go O NP=490 SIMSEA
2.6 02
2.2 0.15


0.16 pVL2

0.06 'e
. . 000000000
0 02
o 2 4

Fig. 3. heave and pitch added mass and damping, Fn=O.275.

0.6 DIODO1tE
0.6 SIMSEA NP=792 - -
0.4 TIMEDV NP=423 O
pV L
0 -' .
A SIMSEA T'P=?92 - -0.2
-0 4 TIMEDV Nr=423 O
-0 6

-0.4 O B
-0.6 pc7L/g/L
o 2 4 6 o
weJL/g 2
Fig. 4. Cross-coupling a(l (led mass a ud (la unping for heave and pitch, Fn=O.27.
Fn=O.275. seas, head in coefficients force Diffraction 5. Fig.
25 20 15 10 5 0 25 20 15 10 5 O
-180 O
V.4 pg
90 i
180 1.4
o pgV4
180 1.2
Fn=O. seas, head regular in RATANA using simulations Motion 6. Fig.
250 240 230 250 200 150 100 50 0
-0.1 -0.15
-0.06 -0.1
I i I
0 775 0 775
0.04 0.05
0.06 II?IIIILI I'I 0.1
0.1 0.15
5 -0
773 0 773
i L LI L L
1.5 2
-5 -6
-3 f' f! 1ff! f! f f f!
O Tli
f 2
Fn=0. frequency, single a for amplitude Fn=O. freuuency.
wave versus function Transfer 8. Fig. versus function transfer Linear 7. Fig.
À 2A/ ¡g L
4 3 1. o
0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 o
0.595 0.1
0.6 0.2
0.605 0.3 A 2,r
0.61 0.4
0.615 0.5
0.62 AI 0.6
0.625 0.7
4 ç)
0.365 'aa&
4' 0.1
0.375 0 0.3
a 0.4
0.38 A
0.5 '73
Si O
0.385 0.6
0.39 0.7
0.395 0.9
0.38 0.2
0.42 0.8
.4 A
Si 'Il
0.44 1.2
0.46 1.6
0.48 2
Fn=0.2. CB=O.6, 60, Series the for function Transfer 9. Fig.
4 :3 9
- 0.2
/ 0.4
-50 - 0.6
O 'lis N' 0.8 rL
50 .
100 - 1.2
150 1.4
O k3 .4
150 1.4
° .4
- 100 + AUTO BA EXP

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