Slaughter On The Procyon Express

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Stella Condrey

The Prototypes Bites How a red eye train ride became a

Small grubs crawl around in the innards of any Any Z Class Prototype bite is infectious. When a
–Z Class Prototype (5 in storage)–
crewmate is bitten they make a Body Save.
• On a success they have 1d10+3 Minutes until they Slaughter o
The most humanoid of the prototypes. Purple veins pulse
under the skin.
are zombified.
• On a fail they have 1d5 Rounds instead. the n
>> Unthinking, Hungry –Preventive Measures–
>> React primarily to sounds, Not prone to waiting If the bitten crewmate amputates that limb before
>> Wounds: 2 (10) they are zombified the infection will not spread.
>> Combat (35) Instinct (10) If the limb has blood flow restricted the infection will
be prevented from setting in for 5 more minutes.
>> Attacks: Bite 1d5 Bleeding
Upon death roll 1d10, on a 0 they get back up in 1d5
rounds with 1 Health Outside the Train
When killing a human they convert the human into a Z It is currently winter on this side of Tsade so much of
Class the trip is icy. It is snowing heavily and far too cold to be
outside without layers.
–D Class Prototype (2 in storage)– At 1 1⁄2 hour in, the tracks transition to mountainous.
Shaved dogs, all the light and joy gone from their eyes. Falling off the train will be a fall to the death.
>> Acute sense of hearing and smell. The roof of the train can be reached via the gangway.
The speeds of the train make it so you would need to find Tsade 4 is a backwater planet. While technically
>> Bloodthirsty a tether yourself to the train. The atmosphere doesn’t have a core world by location it has not been developed in
>> Wounds 1 (15) enough oxygen to allow you to breath for more than 5 any meaningful way. Terraforming has only just
minutes or so. recently begun so all life is lived under massive
>> Combat (40) Instinct (20) climate controlled habitation domes. Procyon City
>> Attacks: Bite 1d10 Bleeding has the largest space port on Tsade.
Cover Up The Procyon Express is a high speed maglev line
–T Class Prototype (1 in storage)–
No matter what happens the media will not report run by Blackflame Galactic Transit. It connects some
Hulking abomination, skin taunt and stretched. what happened on the train. of the largest habitation domes. The final stretch of
the line is from San Vicente to Procyon City and takes
>> Relies primarily on vision If the train is derailed via EMP the story will go that roughly 5 hours.
recent cold damaged electronics and that Blackflame
>> Quasi Intelligent promises to invest in updating and safety proofing their Notes For Wardens
>> Wounds 4(20) lines.
>> Combat (50) Instinct (15) If the train makes it in station Blackflame Security Unless you have a Corporate Firearm License like a
>> Attack: Smash 3d10 Blunt Force will quarantine the train and say that a terrorist cell of Marine you are required to forfeit any dangerous
some sort has released a biological agent upon the train. items as they are placed into storage for the trip.
–The Horde– Blackflame will never find the supposed terror cell despite
claims to be working very hard to do so. At 1 Hour: The storage pods open releasing The
The mass of Zombies on the train. Prototypes.
>> Wounds: 2x Number of Z Class (1) At 2 1⁄2 Hours: The train is derailed via EMP.
>> Combat (45) Instinct (15) The Media will cover this up.
>> Attacks: Consume: 1d5 Wounds Gore
This product is based on the Mothership® Sci-Fi Horror CW: Dog Death, Gore
Takes Quintuple damaged against weapons with an area Role Playing Game, published by Tuesday Knight Games.
of effect (ei. explosives or flamethrower) This product is published under license.
MOTHERSHIP® is a registered trademark of Tuesday
Knight Games. All rights reserved. For additional
information, visit or
The Train Passengers A woman wearing a massive set of sunglasses despite
Listed from most forward to lead forward. /90 Remain Alive the darkness outside. In the Flat Sleepers
–Control Room– –Generic Passenger– >> Tics: Constantly paces around.
Clean, controls everywhere, security feed of the entire >> Stats: As Pilot
>> Wounds: 1, Combat 15, Instinct 10
train. Manned by a rudimentary android. Anyone paying >> Dead:____
attention will notice a small ticking sound. Light –Amanda–
searching of the area will reveal that the communications –Mikhail–
An incredibly nervous woman wearing a large flannel
systems have been sabotaged. Extensive searching of the shirt over a graphic tee. Seated in Second Class. A strong young man wearing a unfirom for the private
room will uncover a EMP device set up to a timer.
military company Blackstone & North. In the Sleeper Car.
>> Tics: She is always tugging at her shirt collar.
The android will try and stop any attempt to stop
anyone from stopping the EMP. >> Stats: As Void Urchin >> Tics: Reflexively calls everyone sir
>> Weapon: Hidden pocket knife (as scalpel) >> Stats: As Bodygaurd
–First Class– >> Weapon: Revolver.
>> Dead:____
Spacious, and luxurious. It appears that not on soul >> Dead:____
booked a first class seat for this trip. No one is seated here. –David–
The man working as ticket checker. Wearing a blue
–Diner Car– shirt and white tie. Sitting in the Diner Car A fridge of a man wearing a rugby jersey. In the Flat
Most of the car is taken up by a robotically operated >> Tics: Constantly checks his communicator.
kitchen with a few chairs. There is an animatronic >> Tics: Laughs when uncomfortable.
>> Stats: As Teamster
waitress designed for titillation that takes food orders.
>> Dead:____ >> Stats: As Teamster.
–Second Class (Start Here)– >> Dead:____
Cramped and coated with an ugly grey carpet that –Riley–
A talkative teenager with vibrant pink braided hair. In
has seen much better days. Luggage racks sit above the the Sleeper Car.
seats. 40 people are seated in this car. A person dressed in standard goth attire. In the Flat
>> Tics: Mindlessly whistles when stressed.
–Flat Sleepers– >> Stats: As Surgeon >> Tics: Stares into empty space an excessive amount
A set of flat open unpadded platforms to sleep on. >> Dead:____ >> Stats: As Blank
Passengers provide their own blankets and pillows. 40 >> Weapon: If Applicable
people are sleeping here. –Erika–
>> Dead:____
A woman in her late 40s covered with tattoos that is
–Sleeper Car– constantly listening to music. Seated in Second Class. –Zarjan–
20 lockable and closed off rooms, bed included. The >> Tics: Uses lots of profanity. A businessman in formal attire. Seated in Second
doors would not stand up to a serious attack but do Class.
provide privacy. >> Stats: As Asteroid Miner
>> Dead:____ >> Tics: Talks over people.
–Caboose– >> Stats: As Corporate Fixer
A dingy unheated room. Here is where all weapons >> Dead:____
An older man in an incredibly large winter jacket.
are being stored along with the containment pods for the Seated in Second Class.
Prototypes. The pods have been hidden but extensive
search will reveal them. They bear the logo of Blackflame >> Tics: Chastises anyone who who uses profanity.
Galactic Biotechnics. >> Stats: As Therapist
>> Dead:____


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