Heaven Defying Sword Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: 】Beat Zhang Hu (middle)

<br>     Xuantian raised his eyebrows, the strength difference between the
Martial Artist's Triple Realm and the Martial Artist's 5th Realm was too far, it
was not the difference between one hand and two hands.<br />
Using one hand, the strength of the warrior is not reduced by half. The strength of
the warrior is unchanged. It is just that one hand is missing and some martial
skills are used less. For a warrior who uses a sword, as long as one sword is in
hand, one The hand is enough to display 80% of all strength.<br />
   Huangshi is far from Zhang Hu's opponent with one hand.<br />
When Xuantian heard this, he understood that Huangshi’s cousin, who had been
aggravated by Zhang Hu, deliberately led him to the ring for a fight. Once he was
on the ring, everyone’s eyes were in full view. You love me. As long as you don’t
get killed, you will be seriously injured. , It can only be strangely inferior to
humans.<br />
   Missing so far, Xuantian was furious, fearing that Huangshi's cousin would
suffer too much. When he loosened his hand, he let go of Lin Dong, and said,
"Senior Brother Lin, take your time, Senior Brother will go first."<br />
   Xuan Tian is strong, exerting his light skills with all his strength, and his
body is as light as a swallow. With one step, he is three feet away, and he rushes
to the duel arena in the Outer Disciple Square.<br />
  ······<br />
   Tianjian Sect, the outer disciple square.<br />
At this moment, on the square, hundreds of outer disciples gathered. The disciples
of the Wuzhe five-layered realm and the three-layered warrior duel, the difference
in strength is too great. Although the result is not suspenseful, it is indeed
rare. It has attracted the attention of many people.<br />
   Of course, it only attracted some disciples who had just started a few years
or had a cultivation level below the sixth level of the martial artist to watch.<br
  The disciples above the seventh level of the warrior are high-end disciples
among the outer disciples. They disdain to watch such boring duels.<br />
   On the ring, Huangshi and Zhang Hu are ‘fighting’. It’s not so much a ‘fight’
as it is a play.<br />
Zhang Hu was also a fourteen-year-old boy. He entered the Heavenly Sword Sect in
the same year as Xuantian. He was an outstanding existence among the disciples of
the same year. He entered the Sect for three and a half years, and his cultivation
has reached the fifth stage of martial arts. Before Tian Qi meets, there is still a
realm higher.<br />
   Zhang Hu was born strong and physically strong. He was only fourteen years
old, but he was about 1.8 meters tall. He was tall and magnificent. At the same
time, he also had a brute force. He was the top existence among the disciples of
the same realm.<br />
   Although he only used one hand, as soon as the sword in his hand was cut out,
Huang Shi's body exploded and his mouth was numb and painful.<br />
   Zhang Hu's swordsmanship changed, and Huang Shi had not yet reacted, and there
was an extra wound on his arm.<br />
At this moment, there are no less than ten wounds on Huangshi’s arm. There are even
several openings on the front, back, and thighs. The blood is flowing and there are
blood stains on the corners of the mouth. Obviously, under the shock of Zhang Hu’s
epee, Internal injury.<br />
Zhang Hu succeeded with another sword, laughed, and said: "Huangshi, you still said
that you are not a waste. I will beat you like a dog with one hand and kill you
like a pig. Today, as long as you admit a mistake and admit Huang The sky is a
waste, and you are the waste among the waste. I will let you go, Master."<br />
   "Hahahaha..."<br />
   There are some disciples under the ring, laughing violently, and some even
have a lot of speeches, vaguely audible, "Sure enough, it's a rubbish," "Senior
Brother Zhang Hu is really amazing"... etc.<br />
Most of the disciples watching below are the lowest level disciples in the outer
sect. They are bullied by others on weekdays, and their unhappiness has nowhere to
vent. At this moment, seeing Huangshi is worse than them and completely forgot
about themselves. It looks like it was repaired.<br />
  Some people are like this. They are clearly at the bottom of a circle, and they
have been oppressed by the upper class, but they still laugh at people who are at
the bottom like them.<br />
"Don't think about it!" Huang Shi took a sip of blood, with red glow in his eyes,
like crazy, and said loudly: "Zhang Hu, you are a waste. One day, Brother Tian will
beat you down. "<br />
   "You dead trash, you dare to be hard-headed. It seems that you are really
mean. If you don't give you a good look, you don't know how good Xiaoye is.<br />
   Zhang Hu was furious and shouted.<br />
He changed his mind: As long as I don’t kill this waste in a duel, I will cause him
to be seriously injured. The elder will fine me at most. I don’t know the severity
of the duel and face the wall for a month or so. Okay, I will stab this waste in
the chest. Sword, pierced a big hole, making you this trash out of bed for three
months.<br />
   Zhang Hu had a bad life, and he just wanted to do it. As soon as his voice
fell, he picked up Huangshi's sword with a sword, and when he stretched his sword,
he pierced Huangshi's chest.<br />
   This ruthless hand drew all the disciples who were watching from the audience.
They were all startled, and there were shouts of exclamation.<br />
   "Zhang Hu...Stop it!"<br />
   At this moment, a loud shout sounded from the edge of the square, and Xuantian
fell into the square with a vertical position, still more than twenty feet away
from the ring.<br />
   Xuantian's voice made Zhang Hu a little startled, and then a sneer appeared on
his face, the speed of the long sword in his hand increased without decreasing, and
he continued to pierce Huangshi's chest.<br />
  咻……<br />
   A dazzling light flashed from Xuantian's hands, and in an instant it drew over
twenty feet of void and flew into the ring.<br />
   clang...<br />
   There was a loud noise, just when Zhang Hu's sword tip hit Huang Shi's
clothes, the dazzling light hit Zhang Hu's sword body.<br />
   A huge shock force came from the sword, Zhang Huhu's mouth was shocked, and
the long sword flew out of the palm of his hand and fell aside.<br />
   After the dazzling light hit Zhang Hu’s sword, UU read www.uukanshu.com and
jumped to the trajectory and plunged into the ring three feet away.<br />
   hum..., the vibrating dazzling white light instantly stopped and turned into a
long sword, which was inserted upside down on the ring, half of the sword body was
inserted into the hard ring.<br />
   When everyone's eyes were attracted by that long sword, Xuantian's body jumped
onto the ring and appeared beside Huang Shi.<br />
   Zhang Hu was shocked by Xuantian's sword just now. He suddenly saw Xuantian
appear in front of him. His body suddenly retreated and stopped three feet away. At
the same time, he picked up the sword that had fallen to the ground.<br />
Xuantian touched the **** acupuncture points in Huangshi's body and stopped the
blood. He saw that although there were many wounds on his body, but they were not
deep, they were just some skin injuries. He felt a little relieved. How can he live
up to the third uncle's request?<br />
However, fortunately, Xuantian came in time. If Zhang Hu’s sword stabbed down, it
would definitely penetrate Huangshi’s chest. Even if Huangshi did not die, he would
suffer extremely heavy damage, and even his cultivation level would not be able to
go further in this life. .<br />
   Missing so far, Xuan Tian's eyes have a little coldness, and the enemy in his
heart-Xuan Ji and Yin Ji are still too strong and too far away from him. The most
important thing at the moment is to solve the obstacle in front of him, the
enemy.<br />
From today onwards, any enemy that harms his relatives, his own interests and
safety, and stands in front of him will be eliminated. As long as all obstacles in
front of him are constantly broken through, and continuous advancement, it is
possible to confront the enemy in his heart— -The qualifications of Xuanji and Yin
Ji to fight high and low.<br />
   sealed the acupuncture path, Huangshi’s wound stopped bleeding immediately,
although his body was weak, it was fine, and he could recover after a few days’
rest. Xuantian said, “Wait by the side and let me clean him up.”<br />
  --------<br />
   Both eyes shine for recommendation! ! !<br />
  <br />

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