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Chapter 4: 】Beat Zhang Hu (Part 2)

<br>     "God, you have to be careful!" Huang Shi was worried.<br />
Xuantian experienced an adventure in Yinjiantan. After his cultivation base
exploded, he never told anyone that these outer disciples only stayed at the
physical training, so there is no clever vision to see Xuantian’s Repair base?
<br />
   What kind of cultivation level each disciple has is basically known from the
cultivation level test that is conducted every six months.<br />
Huang Shi knows exactly what his cousin’s identity is. One of the five superpowers
in China, the eldest son and eldest grandson of the Xuan Family Patriarch, although
he is in trouble now, it’s just a horrible victim, Xuan Hong, and all the Huang
family. , It is believed that Xuan Ji hijacked the Patriarch Xuan Xiong, as long as
one day the Patriarch Xuan Xiong can be rescued, he will be able to recognize the
face of Xuan Ji, Xuan Hong and Xuan Tian, and be able to restore the position of
the Xuan Family.<br />
"Hey Hey……"<br />
Zhang Hu's sneer sounded, and said: "Huang Tian, your **** finally appeared. The
**** in Huangshi's **** is too rubbish. I can beat him like a dog with one hand.
It's a bit challenging. No, although you are useless, you are better than him. At
least you can give the little master a snack and show 70% to 80% of your
strength."<br />
   Xuantian's appearance made Zhang Hu startled, but it was absolutely impossible
to say that Zhang Hu was afraid of Xuantian.<br />
Although Xuantian’s sword was extremely accurate just now, it was thrown over
twenty feet away, and it was indeed somewhat magical, but Zhang Husu knew that
Xuantian had extraordinary attainments in sword skills, and Xuantian was in the
fourth realm of martial artists. At that time, he defeated several Wuzhe disciples
of the five layers.<br />
   Therefore, although Zhang Hu was a little surprised at Xuantian's sword
skills, his strength was far from comparable to that of a disciple of the five-
level realm of ordinary martial artists, so he did not put Xuantian in his eyes.<br
   "Zhang Hu, I will fight you, can you dare to fight?" Xuantian yelled, and his
voice resounded across the wild. Not only Zhang Hu, but hundreds of outside
disciples in the square could hear clearly.<br />
   Zhang Hu smiled slightly. He deliberately belittle Xuantian just now, just to
urge Xuantian to fight against him and defeat Huangshi. For him, there is no
challenge at all. Defeating Xuantian gives him a sense of excitement.<br />
   Zhang Hu smiled slightly and said: "Okay, I promise to fight you."<br />
   As soon as Zhang Hu's voice fell, Xuantian's eyes changed for an instant. He
looked at Zhang Hu without expression, as if he was looking at a dead object. As
soon as he raised his steps, he walked towards Zhang Hu.<br />
   Seeing Xuantian did not take the sword, Zhang Hu was surprised: "Huang Tian,
you don't need a sword?"<br />
   Xuantian put his left hand on his back, and said with a chuckle: "I don't have
to use a sword to deal with your rubbish, and I have one hand."<br />
The disciples in the square took a breath of air. Zhang Hu is the highest
cultivation base of the fifth stage of the martial artist. The highest existence
among disciples in the same year, even many disciples a year earlier, are far
inferior to him, Xuantian even said You don't need a sword to deal with him, and
you only use one hand!<br />
   Tianjianmen is a swordsmanship sect, and his major is swordsmanship. Without
swords in his hands, the strength of the disciples of Tianjianmen should be reduced
by half.<br />
   "Hahahaha...arrogant!"<br />
Zhang Hu laughed in anger, and shouted: "I think you made your head dumb in
Yinjiantan. It's okay, I woke you up today, let you daydream there, see sword……"<br
   After saying this, Zhang Hu kicked his legs and shot forward. The long sword
in his hand smashed with one blow. The long sword drew a shining light and shadow
in the air and cut it towards Xuantian.<br />
   Huang Tier middle-grade sword skill-lion-cutting sword skill.<br />
   This set of swordsmanship is based on rigidity and gravity, suitable for the
cultivation of natural strong people, and it fits Zhanghu.<br />
   Zhang Hu relied on the ‘lion-cutting sword technique’, among the disciples of
the five levels of martial artist, invincible, even the disciples of the sixth
level of martial artist, some were defeated by him.<br />
   Xuantian showed no signs of evading Zhang Hu's "Lion Sword Technique".<br />
Now Xuantian has practiced the'Wind Chasing Sword Technique' to an extraordinary
level. He has an extraordinary understanding of the sword technique. The'Lion
Slashing Sword Technique' that seemed to be powerful in the past is full of flaws
in his eyes. And, the speed seems to have become extremely slow.<br />
   Xuantian did not retreat, but moved forward. He stretched out his arm and
pointed out two fingers.<br />
   clang...<br />
   With a loud noise, Xuantian's **** penetrated Zhang Hu's sword shadow and hit
the side of the sword tip accurately.<br />
   Zhang Hu was shocked, a powerful force came from the sword, light and shadow
flashed, and the long sword shot out ten feet away.<br />
   Zhang Hu was still in shock, Xuantian's body went further, and the palms of
the **** were closed, and he slapped Zhang Hu's face fiercely.<br />
   Seeing Xuantian's palm twitching, Zhang Hu obviously wanted to hide, but when
the thought came up, a sharp pain came from his face. Xuantian's palm was already
printed on Zhang Hu's face.<br />
what……<br />
   With a scream, Zhang Hu felt that a mountain had collapsed and hit him on the
face, his body slammed, and Xuantian slapped him to the ground.<br />
   "Who is the waste?"<br />
   Xuantian shouted, stepped forward and stepped on it.<br />
   Zhang Hu just fell to the ground, still crying, Xuantian stepped on his face
with one foot.<br />
   This foot is extremely heavy, and with the sound of ‘咚……’, a hole in the
hard ring broke, and Zhang Hu’s head was directly stepped into the hole.<br />
Zhang Hu was first slapped to the ground by Xuantian slap, and then Xuantian
slammed his head through the ring and slammed into the hole. The whole person was
beaten up, only knowing the instinctive howl. Too late to react.<br />
   Right leg tightened, Zhang Hu's head and feet were lifted up by Xuantian. UU
reading www.uukanshu. com<br />
   Now Zhang Hu's head was pulled out of the hole, and finally he was a little
more sober, with great fear in his heart, and screamed: "Brother Huang, please
forgive me!"<br />
   However, as soon as Zhang Hu's voice came up, Xuantian screamed again, and
overwhelmed his voice: "Who is trash?"<br />
   While talking, Xuantian slammed Zhang Hu's right leg.<br />
  嘭……<br />
   Zhang Hu's body traversed an arc of 180 degrees in the air and fell heavily on
the ring.<br />
   Click, click, click...<br />
   The ring shattered in an instant, and numerous cracks appeared, which shows
that Xuantian's forceful fall!<br />
Wow……<br />
   Zhang Hu spouted a big mouthful of blood, his body was severely hit, and there
were also many broken wounds with blood flowing.<br />
   "Who is the waste?"<br />
   There was another burst of shout, and Zhang Hu's body once again traversed an
arc of 180 degrees and fell heavily on the ring.<br />
   Click, click, click...<br />
Where    hit, the ring broke down, and Zhang Hu squirted blood again.<br />
   "I am trash...I am trash...Brother Huang is forgiving-I am trash!"<br />
   Zhang Hu held back the pain and screamed loudly. He was frightened. He felt
like a mosquito in Xuantian's hand, and Xuantian could pinch him to death at any
time.<br />
   The disciples from the outer sects under the stage were silent, each of them
widened their eyes, their mouths opened into an'O' shape, and their eyes were full
of shock.<br />
   No one expected that this would happen in the ring?<br />
   Zhang Hu was in Xuantian's hands, and he didn't even have the slightest
ability to resist. Like a dead dog, he was thrown around by Xuantian.<br />
  ----------<br />
  The growth of the new book is inseparable from everyone's support. I am
heartbroken to ask for recommendations! ! ! ! !<br />
  <br />

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