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Chapter 5: 】Wuji Pavilion (Part 1)

<br>     "How is it possible? Brother Zhang Hu, but the cultivation base of the
fifth level of the martial artist, many of the seniors of the sixth level of the
martial artist, have been defeated by his sword! How can it be impossible to fight
back at all?"<br />
"I heard that Senior Brother Zhang Hu will break through the realm soon and enter
the Sixth Martial Realm. His brother Zhang Long is the cultivation base of the
Tenth Martial Realm. He entered the top ten of the outer disciples last year, most
of the top ten. He has stepped into the innate and became an inner disciple. This
year, Brother Zhang Long will definitely be the top three of the outer disciples.
Brother Zhang Hu was defeated by Brother Huang Tian in the ring this time, but his
face was completely swept away. , Even with Senior Brother Zhang Long, his face is
dull."<br />
"It's really weird. Brother Huang Tian and Brother Zhang Hu fought a ring a few
days ago. At that time, Brother Huang Tian only took eleven strokes and lost to
Brother Zhang Hu. Why did it take a few days? Time, Brother Huang Tian is so
good?"<br />
   "I remember the cultivation level of Brother Huang Tian in the fourth level of
martial arts, and now it is... Brother Huang Tian is really a few days later, you
should look at it with admiration!"<br />
   "It seems that Brother Huang Tian's cultivation level has broken through. In
the past, Senior Brother Huang Tian had the ability to defeat the disciples of the
fifth level of the martial artist. Now, I am afraid that even the disciples of the
sixth level of the martial artist can hardly be his opponent."<br />
"Brother Huang Tian is really amazing. If you step into the tenth realm of the
martial artist in the future, I am afraid that the entire outer disciple will
belong to Senior Brother Huang Tian. Becoming a disciple of the inner disciple will
be a serious matter. How nice to be an inner disciple!"<br />
   "Don't be envious, Brother Zhang Hu is beaten like this, Brother Zhang Long
probably won't give up. I think Brother Huang Tian will not have that easy life in
the future."<br />
"What's the matter, the duel in the arena, the difference between victory and
defeat, is all visible to everyone. Is it possible to allow Senior Brother Zhang Hu
to beat people, but not allow others to beat Senior Brother Zhang Hu? The Heavenly
Sword Sect was not run by their Zhang family? No matter how powerful, Isn't it just
an outer disciple?"<br />
"Brother, don’t talk nonsense about this. If it falls into Senior Brother Zhang
Long’s ears, you will be offended and suffer. Although the Heavenly Sword Sect was
not run by his family, Senior Brother Zhang Long entered the sect earlier than we
knew. People who have a cultivation base are much higher than ours. Some of the
disciples who entered the sect in the same year as Brother Zhang Long have even
entered the inner sect. Those who are worse than Senior Brother Zhang Long have
also reached the level of martial art. Realm, he wants to clean up you, does he
need to do it himself?"<br />
   "Thank you, brother, for your guidance. No wonder Brother Zhang Hu defeated
the brother in the sixth level of the martial artist, and no one is making trouble
for him?"<br />
  ……<br />
   The disciples of the outer sect under the ring were talking a lot, that is,
they were amazed by Xuantian's explosive strength, and at the same time, regretted
that Xuantian had offended Zhang Long, who was in the first rank among the outer
disciples.<br />
   On the ring, under Zhang Hu's begging for mercy, Xuantian stopped beating
Zhang Hu to death like a dog.<br />
   "Zhang Hu, you insulted my cousin. This time I only give you a slight lesson.
If there is another time, I will let you understand what is real pain, let me
go..."<br />
   Xuantianyan stopped, kicked out, Zhang Hu's body immediately flew off the ring
and fell onto the square ten meters away.<br />
   At the edge of the ring, Huang Shi looked at Xuantian dumbfounded, with shock
and ecstasy in his eyes. He didn't react until Xuantian came to him.<br />
   "Brother Tian, you--your meridian...your cultivation base?" Huang Shi
stammered because of the surprise.<br />
Xuantian smiled slightly and said, "I was soaked in Yinjiantan that night, and all
the meridian damage in my body was soaked, and the cultivation base was greatly
improved. Cousin, are you okay? Next time, who dares to do it again? To bully you,
I interrupt his dogleg."<br />
   "It's okay. I took Xiaoliu Dan and the wound began to heal. It will be
restored within a few days."<br />
   Huang Shi said excitedly: "Brother Tian, has your cultivation reached the
fifth level of the martial artist? It's too powerful. Zhang Hu has no resistance
under your hand. It makes me so cool to see."<br />
   Xiao Healing Pill is a kind of medicine used by the Heavenly Sword Sect to
heal injuries. Every disciple will give out some, so as not to receive timely
treatment for injuries and cause serious consequences.<br />
   Of course, Xiao Liao Dan is just a very common healing pill. It can only treat
some minor injuries. If you get a serious injury, you need to go to the Zongmen
Pill Hall to use a better pill, or to find a pill master for treatment.<br />
   "Remember, in the future, don't be stupid to be irritated by others. If your
cultivation level exceeds your level, don't go to the ring and give it to others
for repair for free."<br />
   Xuantian flicked Huang Shi's head and said, "I'm going to the Martial Arts
Pavilion to learn new exercises. You and Lin Dong will go back to your residence to
rest first."<br />
   Huang Shi's eyes were startled, and then he exclaimed: "Learning a new
exercise? Brother Tian, have you already entered the Sixth Realm of Martial
Artist?"<br />
Martial artists will learn new techniques only when they reach the third, sixth,
and tenth levels. One way of martial arts, one must progress step by step, and the
cultivation level cannot be achieved. Even if there is a master of heaven and
earth, you must learn. It's difficult to reach the sky, but it's a waste of
time.<br />
   Of course, there are exceptionally exceptional geniuses who have extremely
high savvy and can skip levels to learn exercises, but this is in the
minority.<br />
   Therefore, the Heavenly Sword Sect stipulates that outer disciples can only
learn higher levels of exercises when they reach the third, sixth, and tenth levels
of martial artist.<br />
   Xuantian has already learned the middle-ranking technique of Huangjie, and now
he wants to learn a new technique, obviously stepping into the sixth realm of
martial artist.<br />
   Xuantian nodded slightly, and said, "The middle-rank Huang-rank technique
doesn't do much to me. I have to learn the Huang-rank high-rank technique."<br />
   Huang Shi took a breath of air-conditioning. In just a few days, Xuantian's
cultivation base has jumped from the martial artist's fourth stage, jumped two
levels, and reached the martial artist's sixth stage?<br />
   Xuantian's practice is to reinforce the body, the sword technique is the sword
of chasing the wind, in addition, he also learned the body technique, the spirit of
snake step, the boxing technique, and the technique of reckless bull boxing.<br />
   Ever since he had that small white jade sword in his eyebrows, Xuantian
practiced his martial arts and martial arts very quickly, especially his sword
skills.<br />
Originally, Xuantian only practiced the wind chasing sword technique to the Dacheng
realm, and the rest of the exercises and martial arts were only practiced to the
Xiaocheng realm. Now, he has not only practiced the wind chasing sword technique to
a superb level, but the rest of the reckless cows are strong. , Mang Niu Fist,
Spirit Snake Step, have reached the realm of Dacheng.<br />
If you have reached the sixth level of martial artist, if you want to cultivate
further, you must practice the yellow-level high-grade exercises. Otherwise, the
yellow-level middle-level exercises will be upgraded from the sixth-level to the
seventh level, and the difficulty is ten of the yellow-level high-grade exercises.
Times.<br />
   asked Lin Dong to support Huang Shi and returned to his residence, while
Xuantian went directly to the Martial Skill Pavilion.<br />
The martial arts pavilion is where the Heavenly Sword Sect’s martial arts and
martial skills are stored. The lower-grade, middle-grade, and martial arts of the
Huangjie are all entry-level. Outer disciples can learn from the deacon of the
outer sect. Martial arts, you need to go to the martial arts pavilion to
learn.<br />
   The Huang Tier high-grade technique is a technique that hopes to break through
the innate. It is more precious, and it is placed in the martial arts pavilion for
unified storage.<br />
  Wuji Pavilion is relatively far from the outer peak of Tianjianzong. It is
built at the foot of a mountain closer to the inner peak. It is as high as three
stories, and each floor is three feet high. It is very majestic.<br />
   The martial arts pavilion is always protected by formations, and outside the
pavilion has always been guarded by the outer gate elders, and the inner gate
elders live in seclusion on the mountain, and the martial arts pavilion is very
tightly protected.<br />
   Only disciples above the sixth level of the martial artist can enter the
martial arts pavilion.<br />
   "The way of martial arts lies in the essence, not the many. Huang Tian, you
can enter the sixth stage of martial arts at the age of fourteen. You have a good
aptitude. You are expected to enter the innate before the age of twenty, so take it
well."<br />
   It was verified that Xuantian had indeed reached the cultivation level of the
sixth stage of the martial artist, and the elder guarding the pavilion reminded
Xuantian. He gave Xuantian a token in the letter and put Xuantian into the martial
arts pavilion.<br />
The martial arts pavilion is shrouded by a layer of faint ripples. It is the mask
of the formation method that protects the martial arts pavilion. Only by carrying a
special token can you pass through the formation and enter the pavilion. If anyone
wants to enter the martial arts pavilion to steal the secrets of martial arts, It
will be blocked by the formation light, and will be immediately known to the elders
near the martial arts pavilion.<br />
On the first floor of the Martial Arts Pavilion, there is a large hall with a
radius of ten feet. There are a lot of bookcases in it, divided into the martial
arts area and the martial arts area. Among them, the martial arts area is divided
into swordsmanship, light exercises and body techniques, fist and foot techniques.
Four categories of other weapons.<br />
There are dozens of disciples watching the secrets, scattered everywhere. On the
first floor of the martial arts pavilion, all the secrets of the yellow order are
stored, and the secrets of the mysterious order are placed on the second floor. So,
watch the secrets on the first floor. The disciples are basically outside
disciples.<br />
   You can enter the inner door after stepping into the innate, and you can
basically watch the mysterious secrets on the second floor.<br />
   For the outer disciples on the first floor, Xuantian is a new face. After
looking at him a few more times, he turned his attention to the secret book in his
own hand.<br />
  The time in the martial arts pavilion is not unlimited, and nothing is as
important as learning martial arts and martial arts.<br />
   Xuantian's time is also limited, so he took a look at the situation on the
first floor of the martial arts pavilion, and then walked to the exercise
area.<br />
  To step into the Seventh Realm of the Martial Artist, you must first choose a
set of high-grade techniques of the yellow rank.<br />
There are many top-grade secrets in the first layer of the yellow ranks, such as
exercises, sword skills, light exercises, fist and soles, and other weapons-there
are many. The Heavenly Sword Sect is a sect of kendo, and 90% of the disciples are
all Majored in sword skills, and learned few martial skills from other
weapons.<br />
The disciples on the first floor of the martial arts pavilion are distributed in
various classification areas, UU reading, so don’t worry about not
having a secret book to watch. Of course, there are also secret books you want when
you watch it in the hands of others. The time is wrong, the secrets are not allowed
to leave the martial arts pavilion, just stagger the time to come in.<br />
  Pure Yang Gong, Cloud Removal Energy, Golden Bell Cover, Gui Yuan Mind Method,
Innate Gong...<br />
Pure Yang Gong, the Huang-level high-grade exercise method, must maintain the boy's
body, the inner breath will be just to the yang, the yin qi will not be stained,
the poison will not invade, cut off the desire, the essence of the body can be
transformed into a pure yang qi, Comparable to the innocence of an innate
master.<br />
   Cloud Dispelling Power, the yellow-level high-grade technique, suitable for
the free and easy people to practice, the inner breath is surging and turbulent,
like the sea of clouds, endless and endless.<br />
  Golden bell cover, yellow-level high-grade exercises, suitable for people with
strong body and strong body, strong and domineering inner breath, like a golden
bell body, iron bone and copper skin, invulnerable to swords and guns.<br />
   Returning to the Yuan Mind Method, the Huang Tier High-Quality Method,
suitable for the cultivation of people with mild temperament. The inner breath is
endless, gentle and pure, like a sea inhabited by hundreds of rivers, ten thousand
flows into one, vast and unpredictable.<br />
Innate skills, Huang-level high-grade techniques, suitable for the cultivation of
people with extremely high comprehension. The inner breath is atmospheric, pure,
masculine, and surging..., it can be practiced to the extreme, which can transform
a body's internal strength into innate true energy and step into the realm of
innate masters. .<br />
  -------------<br />
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