Heaven Defying Sword Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: 】Mingzhen Outer Gate (Part 1)

<br>     left the martial arts pavilion, Xuantian had a faint smile on his
face.<br />
Innate skills, leopard shadow techniques, and Jueying swordsmanship are all deeply
memorized in Xuantian’s mind. The only shortcoming is that they have not seen the
patterns of Jueying swordsmanship, and Xuantian feels the kind of selflessness and
loneliness in his heart. The mood of killing also disappeared.<br />
   This made Xuan Tian feel a little regretful, but the time in the martial arts
pavilion is limited. When the time is up, he must come out. If he wants to enter
again, he must wait at least three months later.<br />
   However, he has a super savvy. Although he hasn't comprehended the real ‘fast’
mood from the sword strokes of Jueying Swordsmanship, his comprehension of ‘fast’
has also benefited a lot.<br />
The sword technique of chasing the wind is also a sword technique that emphasizes
speed and agility. Xuantian's understanding of "fast" has improved, and his
comprehension of the sword of chasing the wind has reached a new level. Not only is
he superb, he feels At this point, you can almost integrate the sword moves of the
wind chasing swordsmanship.<br />
   After coming out of the martial arts pavilion and returning the entry token to
the elder guarding pavilion, Xuantian went to the Waifeng mountains where the outer
disciples lived.<br />
   Along the way, Xuantian was still reminiscing about the overbearing power of
Jueying Swordsmanship, and before he knew it, he walked through several peaks and
came to the outer peaks.<br />
   In front is the Outer Sect Disciple Square. Xuantian turned a corner and
suddenly stopped. On the road ahead, more than ten people lined up, completely
blocking the way.<br />
Xuan Tian narrowed his eyes. After entering the Sky Sword Sect, he was chased and
killed by Xuan Ji for several years, so he had always been low-key and cautious. He
had never been in the limelight. He did not know the outer disciples of the Sky
Sword Sect. many.<br />
   However, there are more than ten disciples in front of me, but two of them are
acquainted with Xuantian.<br />
A bandaged body, a blue nose and a swollen face, he was tall and magnificent, and
his face was crying. When he saw Xuantian, his face was instantly full of anger. It
was before entering the martial arts pavilion that Xuantian had a blast on the duel
stage. Fighting Zhang Hu.<br />
  Beside Zhang Hu, one person was only two or three centimeters shorter than him,
but he was very thin, looked slender, and had triangular eyes, all the time,
without revealing gloom.<br />
   This person's name is Niu Zhigao, the son of the head of the Niu family in
Beimo County, so Xuantian knows him.<br />
   Niu Zhigao looks slender, but his strength has reached the seventh stage of
martial arts, much more powerful than Zhang Hu.<br />
  The Heavenly Sword Sect is a six-rank sect, within a radius of thousands of
miles, the number is second to none, and it has a huge power. Only by stepping into
the innate can you become an inner disciple. In the tenth level of martial arts,
all are outer disciples.<br />
  The Seventh Realm of Martial Arts, the physical strength is already very deep,
and he can use sword energy to hurt people. In the Martial Arts realm, he is
considered a master.<br />
Therefore, the Heavenly Sword Sect pays more attention to the disciples of the
seventh realm of martial arts than ordinary disciples of the outer sect. It can
provide more medicines and will have more time to listen to the elders of the outer
sect and teach martial arts experience. .<br />
In    Heavenly Sword Sect, the outer disciples above the seventh realm of martial
arts feel that they are superior. In order to distinguish themselves from ordinary
outer disciples, they are called outer disciple elites.<br />
   Elites are those who have the potential to enter the innate before the age of
20 and have the potential to become inner disciples.<br />
   Among the more than ten people in front of Xuantian, there are five elites in
the Seventh Realm of Martial Arts, including Niu Zhigao, but Niu Zhigao's strength
should be the strongest among the five, and all the disciples are centered on
him.<br />
   The rest also have six levels of martial arts and five levels of
cultivation.<br />
Zhang Long was extremely angry when he learned that his younger brother had been
beaten by Xuantian. However, he was ranked among the top three of the outer
disciples. He has the hope of chasing the first place in the outer disciple ranking
this year. He respects his identity and does not personally take action. Troubled
Xuantian, but sent some men who followed him to clean up Xuantian.<br />
Zhang Long is only seventeen years old this year, and his cultivation has reached
the tenth stage of martial arts. He is a person who has the hope to step into the
innate and become a disciple of the inner sect. The disciple of the inner sect can
learn the mysterious martial arts and martial arts, and is stronger than the outer
disciple. Many people have much more power, and they can recognize the characters
that many outside disciples can only look up to.<br />
   Therefore, in order to catch up with this great backer in the future, many
outside disciples are willing to follow Zhang Long for him to drive.<br />
Xuantian has entered the sixth martial arts realm. It has already been circulated
under Huangshi's propaganda. A small wave has been set off among the outer
disciples. For insurance, Zhang Long sent out the outer disciples of the seventh
martial arts realm. Elite.<br />
   In Beimo County, Niu, Cheng, and Zhang monopolized more than 70% of the
resources and business in Beimo County. Most of the other 30% of resources and
business were owned by the forces attached to the three.<br />
  The Huang family took root in Beimo County. It was necessary to develop a
family business, which required a lot of money. Only when the family business was
big, could you buy the best panacea and slowly heal the injuries suffered.<br />
   The Huang Family was originally a fifth-rank family, and in the Shendao
Dynasty, they were all giants. The master of the Shendao Dynasty, the Shendaomen,
was just a powerful sixth-rank sect.<br />
   However, after the disaster of the Huang family, nine out of ten died. The
main line fled to Beimo County, and everyone was seriously injured. The highest
cultivation level also retreated to the congenital triple.<br />
Especially Xuanhong, who has been fighting hard, the meridians in his body have
long been broken, and only supported by a hard breath, can he protect the main
channel of the Huang family and escape to the sky. When the Huang family settles in
Beimo County, the breath in his heart disappears and his whole body The meridians
were fractured layer by layer, and almost became a waste person, the strength was
only equivalent to the martial artist of the sixth stage of martial arts, and even
the martial artist of the seventh stage of martial arts that released sword energy
was not comparable.<br />
  If you want to recover from your injury, you need a panacea. If you want a
panacea, you need a lot of money. If you want a lot of money, you need to develop a
family business.<br />
  To develop the family business, it is necessary to have a direct conflict of
interest with the three families of Beimo County, Niu, Cheng, and Zhang. In Beimo
County, no forces are allowed to divide their interests.<br />
   Therefore, when the Huang family settled in Beimo County, they had conflicts
with the Niu, Cheng, and Zhang families. The Huang family's development of the
family business touched the interests of the Niu, Cheng, and Zhang families, and it
evolved into an irreconcilable contradiction.<br />
   Unless the Huang family is stronger than Niu, Cheng, and Zhang, and can use
force to control the scene, they will inevitably be squeezed out by Niu, Cheng, and
Zhang.<br />
The three families of Niu, Cheng, and Zhang are all Nine-Rank families, and the
family owners all have innate triple cultivation bases. Compared with the
combination of Niu, Cheng, and Zhang, the Huang family of the former Five-Rank
family is obviously a little weaker now. The disciples were sent to the major sects
of the Shendao Dynasty.<br />
The Xuan family is a second-rank family, the overlord superpower of the entire
Shenzhou. Whether it is Xuanhong or the Huang family, they dare not pass on the
family's martial arts and martial arts to the disciples of the next generation, so
as not to leak them and pass them to Xuanji's ears. Bringing the disaster of
annihilation, can only let them grow slowly in the sect.<br />
Up to now, the Huang family has settled in Beimo County. It has been more than
three years. Through a letter from his father Xuanhong, Xuantian knew that the
Huang family had established a foothold in Beimo County, and the family business
had grown bigger and bigger. Hundreds of people from the arena have been recruited,
and many of them are innate martial artists who have enemies with Niu, Cheng, and
Zhang.<br />
However, the bigger the Huang family's family business, the more intense the
conflicts with Niu, Cheng, and Zhang. Recently, it has become even more intense and
incompatible with water and fire. Therefore, Zhang Hu has always been looking for
trouble between Xuantian and Huangshi recently. .<br />
"How difficult the family is, now we can all face it. You have to live and study in
the Sky Sword Sect and practice seriously. If the Huang family wants to truly gain
a foothold in Beimo County, you need to rely on the efforts of your younger
generations and want revenge. Being based in Beimo County is just a small
beginning, Tianer, don't live up to your father's expectations of you!"<br />
   Thinking of the words of his father Xuan Hongxin, Xuan Tian burst into anger
towards Zhang Hu and Niu Zhigao in front of him.<br />
Xuantian was angry, and Zhang Hu was even more angry. When he saw Xuantian, he
immediately called out, "Huang Tian is here, it's him--he beat me like this,
Brother Niu, you want to avenge me and take this foreigner The **** killed."<br />
   "Senior Brother Huang Tian, I have been waiting for you for a long time," Niu
Zhigao said softly. Although he didn't growl like Zhang Hu, his voice revealed
coldness.<br />
   Niu Zhigao is the second son of the head of the Niu family. He has an older
brother named Niu Zhiqiang.<br />
  The strength of the Niu family ranks first in Beimo County. It is the main
heart valley of Cheng and Zhang. The owner of the family Niu Zhenshan has the
cultivation base of the innate triple peak and is the number one master in Beimo
County.<br />
   Niu Zhenshan named his two sons Niu Zhiqiang and Niu Zhigao. Although old-
fashioned, the two sons are extremely competitive.<br />
   The second son Niu Zhigao is fifteen years old, and he entered the sect a year
earlier than Xuantian. As early as six months ago, he had the cultivation base of
the Seventh Realm of Martial Arts. He is a small and famous genius among the outer
disciples. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM<br />
The eldest son, Niu Zhiqiang, is also known as the first genius of the descendants
of Beimo County. He joined the other six-rank sect of the Shendao Dynasty-the
Baquan School. At the age of seventeen, he has entered the innate and became an
inner disciple of the Baquan School. According to reports, future achievements will
surpass his father.<br />
   Xuantian looked at the people quietly, without saying a word, Xuantian knew
what they were coming from, so there was no need to ask more.<br />
Seeing Xuantian did not speak, Niu Zhigao felt a punch on the cotton, feeling very
upset, his voice increased a little: "Junior Brother Huang Tian, when you were in
the fourth realm of martial arts, you have leapfrogged to challenge the fifth realm
of martial arts. I heard that you have stepped into the sixth stage of martial
arts, brothers are not talented, and you have to decide whether you are really
worthy of the name, a genius who leapfrogged and challenged, or a mediocrity with a
mere name, you-- Dare to fight me?"<br />
   "Although Brother Niu has only stepped into the martial arts Sevenfold for
more than half a year, he has defeated Sevenfold Invincible. How could he be Senior
Brother Niu's opponent?"<br />
   "Yes, Brother Niu is the elite of our outer disciples. Leapfrogging the
challenge? It's a joke, Brother Niu wants to beat you to teeth!"<br />
   "Senior Niu will defeat him with a single sword. How can he be compared with
Senior Niu?"<br />
   "Whichever sword is used, Brother Niu will crush him to death like an ant with
a finger!"<br />
   "Yes, a genius who leapfrogged and challenged, compared with Senior Brother
Niu, he is just a rubbish!"<br />
  ---------<br />
   During the new book period, the list will be played every Monday, and the
second update time on Sunday will be set at 23:58. Please understand!<br />
   There are not many words in the new book. Readers of the book shortage can
enjoy my old books.<br />
  [Bookid=1991075,bookname="Chunyang Zhenxian"]<br />
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