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Chapter 10: 】The appointment in March (Part 2)

<br>     "But I want to challenge you!"<br />

   Xuantian's eyes tightened, and he shouted: "After March, in the Outer Sect
Disciple Ranking Competition, I will defeat my opponents one by one and face you,
Zhang Long, can you dare to fight with me?"<br />
Xuantian first spoke out to be strong, and directly delayed the time until after
March, when the time coincided with the annual Outer Sect Disciple Ranking
Competition, which happened to have a legitimate excuse to challenge Zhang Long,
which prevented Zhang Long from staying within these three months. , Trouble
him.<br />
At this moment, the outer disciples had gathered nearly a thousand people in the
square. Xuantian had chosen to fight Long Zhang in the Outer Disciple Ranking
Competition. Zhang Long, as a disciple of the tenth realm of martial arts, was
among the top three disciples of the outer disciples. His identity is detached, and
if Xuantian troubles him within these three months, then he will obviously be a
little bit weak and angry.<br />
   Therefore, Zhang Long had to agree with all eyes.<br />
   was squashed in advance by Xuantian, Zhang Long's eyes twitched slightly, and
he said coldly: "Okay! I'll wait for you for three months. I hope you don't lose
too early in the ranking contest, hum!"<br />
   After saying this, turned and left.<br />
   The many elite disciples from the outer sect who followed Zhang Long gave Xuan
Tian a fierce look and left behind Zhang Long.<br />
   Zhang Hu clenched his fists and waved at Xuantian: "Huang Tian, you wait, in
the ranking contest, my eldest brother will beat you like a dog."<br />
   Zhang Long came and went fast, and soon led the crowd and left the
square.<br />
   "It's only been three months, how could he be Senior Brother Zhang Long's
opponent?"<br />
"Yeah, Brother Zhang Long was in the top ten last year, and now he is ranked in the
top three. Except for Brother Bai and that pervert, no one among the outer
disciples can match it, and Brother Huang Tian is terrible. !"<br />
"Dare to make an agreement with Senior Brother Zhang Long for three months. Even if
he is eliminated in the ranking competition, Senior Brother Zhang Long will not let
him go? He must be cleaned up in the ring. "<br />
  ……<br />
  As soon as Zhang Long left, the outer disciples on the square started to talk,
and from time to time they looked at Xuantian.<br />
   "Let's go!" Xuantian turned a deaf ear to the discussion of the disciples and
patted Lin Dong on the shoulder.<br />
   Lin Dong followed Xuantian and walked out of the square, saying: "Senior
Brother Zhang Long is indeed very powerful. I felt breathless when I saw him just
now, as if he was pressing a mountain."<br />
   Just now, Lin Dong was standing beside Xuantian, Zhang Long's aura and
coercion rushed towards Xuantian, Lin Dong was greatly affected.<br />
  Xuantian said: "The heart is like a mirror, keeping the original mind, and the
mind is affected by foreign objects. It is not good for you to practice."<br />
   Lin Dong seemed to realize something, and said, "Oh, I remember, Brother
Huang, I won 10,000 taels of silver from Senior Brother Ma Huang. Let's split the
half, 5,000 taels each."<br />
   said, Lin Dong took out the banknote in his arms.<br />
   "No need!"<br />
   Xuantian waved his hand and said: "My cultivation base has broken through two
levels in a row these days. The sect has rewarded me with a lot of medicines, and
there is no shortage of medicines for the time being."<br />
For each level of cultivation base, the sect will reward ten corresponding pills.
Xuantian's cultivation base has been raised from the fourth stage of martial art to
the sixth stage, and he has won the reward of 20'Top Grade Body Tempering Pill'.
For at least two months, there was no shortage of medicine pills.<br />
   In the past, Xuantian cultivation was slow to improve. The lack of medicine
was also a major reason. The Huang family had just established itself in Beimo
City, and the development of the family business was just in its infancy.
Therefore, there was no extra money to provide for the younger disciples to
practice.<br />
Xuantian's status is special. The training cost provided by the family is twice
that of Huangshi, and he cannot maintain the pill cultivation every day. Until this
year, the Huang family's industry gradually expanded and earned more money, and it
got better. Now, Xuantian’s monthly training cost is 5,000 taels of silver. This is
calculated based on the cultivation base of the fourth stage of the Xuantian
Martial Dao, plus the pill issued by the sect, which is enough for his one month of
cultivation.<br />
The cultivation base he stepped into the six levels of martial arts was the matter
of the past few days. Huang Jiayuan is in Beimo County thousands of miles away, and
he still doesn’t know about it. Otherwise, the monthly training costs for him will
increase. .<br />
Seeing Xuantian didn't want it, Lin Dong touched his head and felt a little
embarrassed. He said, "Brother Huang, these 10,000 taels of silver were won because
you defeated Senior Brother Niu. Don't you, can I accept it? "<br />
Xuantian said: "You place the bet, and you win it back. It is naturally yours. If
you feel embarrassed, if I am not here in the future, if Huangshi lacks the pill
for cultivation, lend him some first, and I will pay you back when I return.
"<br />
"okay!"<br />
  Lin Dong nodded, and took the banknote back into his arms. Suddenly he was
surprised and said, "Brother Huang, where are you going?"<br />
   Xuantian couldn't help but smiled, and said with a slight smile: "It's not
necessary for the time being. When I reach the seventh stage of martial arts, I
will go out to practice."<br />
   After the seventh stage of martial arts, the physical body has gradually
cultivated flesh, bones, and internal organs. If you continue to refine it, you
must refine the bone marrow and the qi and blood, and you need to take two kinds of
medicine: the marrow pill and the qi pill.<br />
   Washing Marrow Pill and Qi Condensing Pill are much more valuable than Body
Tempering Pills. The most inferior Washing Marrow Pill and Qi Condensing Pill
require three thousand taels of silver, which is suitable for martial arts of
seventh and eightfold martial arts.<br />
  The middle grade requires six thousand taels of silver, which is suitable for
the cultivation of martial arts of the nine levels, and the high grade requires
nine thousand taels of silver, which is suitable for the cultivation of martial
arts of ten levels.<br />
   When you reach the seventh stage of martial arts, you need more money for
cultivation, at least sixty thousand taels a month.<br />
  If you don’t take the pill for cultivation, the speed of cultivation should be
at least five or six times slower, and for those with ordinary qualifications, even
ten times.<br />
   The so-called poor culture and rich martial arts, the word ‘rich’ is
definitely not the ordinary ‘rich’. A warrior who cultivates to the innate realm
would consume a few million taels of silver.<br />
   If you have ordinary qualifications, even if you take a pill, it will take a
long time before you can step into the innate. It may take tens of millions of
silver.<br />
   Xuantian and Lin Dong returned to their residence. Someone had been waiting
for him in the room.<br />
   In addition to the injured Huangshi, there is also a young man about 18 or 9
years old in the room.<br />
   "Junior Brother Huang Tian, I have been waiting for you for a long time." As
soon as Xuantian entered the room, the young man's eyes fell on him, his tone of
voice was quite condescending.<br />
   Xuantian frowned. These words reminded him of Niu Zhigao's voice. The man in
the room had a much more friendly expression than Niu Zhigao, but his condescending
tone was quite the same.<br />
   "Brother is..." Xuantian's eyes revealed the meaning of inquiry.<br />
The young man in front of him has the cultivation base of the nine levels of
martial arts, and his strength is much better than Xuantian. Xuantian has always
been low-key, dedicated to cultivation, and rarely interacts with people, except
for the children of Niu, Zhang, and Cheng from Beimo County. , Even if he was a man
in the outer disciples, he didn't know him.<br />
  Of course, there is only one exception. There is one person. Among the outer
disciples, no one knows and no one knows. Even new disciples who have just started
will hear the news of that person in the shortest time.<br />
   Of course, everyone basically doesn’t know the person’s name. The rumor seems
to be Yang, but every disciple of the outer sect talked about him and referred to
him as “abnormal”.<br />
   "Brother Tian, this is Brother Wu Liao, who came to see you." Huang Shi
reminded.<br />
   This brother Wu Liao obviously chatted with Huang Shi for a while.<br />
   "It turned out to be Brother Wu Liao." Xuantian said: "I don't know what to
look for Junior Brother?"<br />
   Wu Liao said: "Junior Brother Huang Tian, I heard that you have a very deep
bond with Zhang Long."<br />
   Xuantian seemed to be confused. This person, either Zhang Long’s subordinate,
came to trouble him, or Zhang Long’s opponent wanted to use him against Zhang
Long.<br />
   smiled slightly, Xuantian said: "Brother Wu Liao is serious. There are some
contradictions between Brother Zhang Long and I, but we are all senior brothers.
Where is the deep Liangzi?"<br />
Wu Liao chuckled and said, "I’m not from Zhang Long. Don’t be afraid. You and Zhang
Long’s three-month appointment. Who among the outer disciples doesn’t know? I’m
from Senior Brother Fengyang. You point out a clear way—"<br />
   Xuantian's eyebrows twitched: "Brother Yang?"<br />
   Huang Shi and Lin Dong also glanced at each other. The brother Yang who was
able to fight against Zhang Long, apart from the ‘perverted’ brother Yang, must be
no one else.<br />
   "Yes, it's Brother Yang!"<br />
   I was a little surprised to hear Xuantian's tone, UU reading www.
has obviously heard the name of'Brother Yang', Wu Liao couldn't help raising his
head higher, with a sense of accomplishment, saying: "Except for Brother Yang, who
can steadily overpower Zhang Long? Brother, Brother Yang sees that your potential
is okay, so he doesn’t want to see you being suppressed by Zhang Long, so he takes
you under his command. From now on, you will belong to Brother Yang, and even Zhang
Long can’t help you..."<br />
   "Not interested!" Xuan Tian said coldly, interrupting Wu Liaoxing and Gao
Cailie's words.<br />
"what did you say?"<br />
Wu Liao was suddenly interrupted, his eyebrows frowned, and he said, "How many
disciples ask God to worship the Buddha and want to see Brother Yang, in order to
worship Brother Yang. It is rare for Brother Yang to appreciate you. This is your
honor... You only need it every month. Pay 3,000 taels of silver to Brother Yang,
and Brother Yang will cover you forever..."<br />
   "Not interested!" Xuantian said coldly again.<br />
   Wu Liao's voice was sharp, and said: "How dare you refuse Brother Yang's
kindness?"<br />
   "Not interested!" Xuantian said, "I don't need anyone to cover it!"<br />
   "Hehehe...hehehehe!"<br />
   Wu Liao laughed and said, "It's a big breath, I will report your original
words to Brother Yang, hum! One day, you will regret what you said today!
Goodbye!"<br />
   After saying this, Wu Liao waved his sleeves and walked outside.<br />
   "No!"<br />
Xuantian sneered in his heart. When he was in school in the previous life, some
people wanted to accept him as a little brother, but he was beaten up by him. In
this world where martial arts are respected, there are people who want to accept
him as a little brother, hehe... What about'perversion'? The leather is cheap, and
he still beats.<br />
  --------------<br />
   Thank you all for your support, and continue to ask for votes, please let
"Jianni" go higher and farther!<br />
  <br />

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