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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Hey my name is adam and I am from class we are going to talk about food additive.

So what actually is food addictive. Food additives according to the textbook mean a natural or
synthetic ingredients edded to the food to prevent damage or to improve the appearance, taste or
texture. As a result of emergence off process food in the industry nowdays, more food additive have
been introduced whether from natural or synthetic source. And according to the WHO(world health
organisation) website, food addictive is a substance that are added to the food to maintain or
improve the safety, freshness, taste,taxture or appearance of food. Some food additives has been
used for centuries for preservation such as salt and sugar.

But did food addictive actually have advantage? So now we're going to talk about the advantage and
disadvantage of food additive. Different type of food additives that we are going to discuss is dyes.

So one of the advantageous of dyes is perception.This is due to The growing popularity of exotic
dishes and fast food demonstrate that consumers’ expectations gravitate towards diverse
experiences. They do not want to settle for bland and boring foods – instead, they prefer products
that are not only nourishing but also have intense taste and flavor. Interestingly enough, it is
possible to manipulate a person’s perception of food by adding dyes that intensify or change its
color. In his review, Spence explains that several studies have shown an association between
coloring and food perception (21). For instance, the participants of one study reported improved
experiences with chicken broth and chocolate pudding after food dyes were added as opposed to
their counterparts that were less intense in color (Spence 21). Thus, food dyes make the process of
eating complete and improve consumers’ satisfaction.

Other then that ,dye also good for the marketing of any type of food.This is beause n general, colors
are an integral part of humans’ complex and intricate experience with their most cherished staple
foods. When a person shops for groceries or takes a look through a pantry or a refrigerator, he or
she already has set expectations for what the most popular products should look like. Color
perception impact choice and appetite and consequently can even change the way a consumer
evaluates the taste and flavor of food. Spence argues that there is an ample body of scientific
evidence that shows how a person’s experience of taste is determined to a large extent by the
expectation that he or she generates prior to tasting (21). Their mind picks up on many cues,
including branding, packaging, labeling, smell, and color. Since the human brain does not like dealing
with uncertainty, coloring helps to make feasible predictions and relieve anxiety over trying a new
product (Spence 21). Hence, food dyes help consumers level their expectations and introduce
themselves to unfamiliar foods without unnecessary stress.

But dye also has disadvanteges such as Allergic Reactions because Excessive consumption of colored
food can lead to allergic reactions, namely, skin rashes and watering eyes.And it has been  reported
that such widely used of carminic acid and carmine can lead to severe allergic reactions, asthma,
dermatitis, and anaphylactic responses (23). According to the FDA standards, consumers who would
like to buy food products, drugs, and cosmetics containing cochineal extract or powder need to be
able to make an informed decision. To ensure this, producers need to label the packaging of foods to
facilitate the consumers’ identifications. Apart from cochineal extract, Yellow 5 commonly added to
candy, canned vegetables, cheese, ice cream, ketchup, and hot dogs is another allergen. It was
reported that ingestion of large quantities of Yellow 5 could cause hives and swelling (Ramesh and
Muthuraman 23). Therefore, it is imperative to check labels before buying a product to avoid an
allergic reaction that can vary from mild to even lethat
Another example of food food additive is sulphur dioxide.

The advantages of this food additive is that it can act as a preservative in a variety of foods and
beverages such as dried fruits and vegetables, pickled vegetables, fruit juices and grape wines. It
inhibits growth of microbes such as yeasts, bacteria and moulds by crossing the cell walls of
microbes and disrupting the normal functioning of microbes. Sulphur dioxide can inhibit spoilage
caused by microbes and extend the shelf life of food products.

Other than its antimicrobial properties, sulphur dioxide is also an antioxidant that prevents browning
associated with oxidation in foods, particularly dried fruits and vegetables. This helps maintain the
appearance and colour of the products. Without sulphur dioxide, light-coloured fruits such as dried
apricots can darken quickly upon exposure to air.

And the disadvantagers of sulphur dioxide is that it may induce allergic reactions such as asthmatic
attacks, headache and nausea in susceptible individuals.

Finally in conclusion,food addictive has a lot of advantage same with the disadvantages..So it is
completely up to the comsumer of what are they choosing to end.

Think that is all from me..Thanks you

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