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№ ________________ Date ______________ Customer ____________________________

________________ SALES CONTRACT

This Sales Contract forms the legal and binding contract entered by the two Parties, consisting of the Company
and the Customer, on the Sales Date, under governing law of the Premises.

Whereas, the Company offers to the Customer Goods defined herein, subject to terms of warranty, description,
delivery, inspection, acceptance, and payment schedule.

Whereas, the Customer offers to the Company Payment and Considerations defined herein, subject to terms
of inspection and payment terms.

The Company _________________________________, which is an _____________________ registered in
the jurisdiction of ___________________________________, with principal place of operation and sales,
herafter “Premises” of _________________________________________[full address] is Party to this Sales
Contract, hereafter known as “Company.”

The [ ] Company [ ] Person (check one) named _______________________, which is an

____________________________ registered or residing under the jurisdiction of
____________________________, with principal place of business and place of delivery of
___________________________________________________[full address], hereafter “Delivery Location” is
Party to this Sales Contract, hereafter known as “Customer.”

This Sales Contract is the entire agreement between the two parties, regarding the Goods, Delivery period, and
inspection terms defined herein. Previous agreements regarding these specific Goods, including but not limited
to: oral agreements, pro forma invoices, or other written agreements, are hereby void and replaced in entirety
by this agreement.

The goods, and agreed prices, including all applicable taxes which are charged in accordance with the
Governing Law, are as follows:

No. Name Description Price Qty Unit Ext Price Tax

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№ ________________ Date ______________ Customer ____________________________

No. Name Description Price Qty Unit Ext Price Tax

FOR A TOTAL SUM due of __________________________________, [ ] Including [ ] Excluding Tax of

__________________________________________, and [ ] Including [ ] Excluding Delivery charges of
__________________________________________, and [ ] Including [ ] Excluding Other charges of
__________________________________________ for ___________________________________.

Delivery of goods shall be made as follows:





This Sales Contract is subject to the law of ________________________________, and specific Statutes
Any terms, provisions, whether express or implied, are voided if contradicted by governing law. Parties are not
obliged to comply with any terms that violate any Governing law or cause any illegal action. If any terms are

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№ ________________ Date ______________ Customer ____________________________

voided due to governing law, this does not affect other terms of this agreement, and all other terms of the
agreement within reason shall remain in full effect.

The Acceptance of Goods shall be made within _______ days of the delivery of goods to the Delivery Location.
Customer shall notify the Company in writing, by paper or electronic means, with the following inclusions in
order to NOT accept Goods, called “Rejection:” _________________________________________________



Rejection means that the Customer may elect to nullify this contract and all terms, and the Goods must be
returned to the Company or _________________________________________________________________


If Rejection is not made of Goods within the allotted time, or Rejection means do not comply with the above
required inclusions and terms, then the goods shall be deemed Accepted, and all terms of this contract within
reason shall remain in effect in full as originally defined.

[ ] As-Is. The goods are not subject to any warranty, standard, or certification of any kind by the Company,
except those warranties, standards, or certifications which are granted by Governing Law of this Contract.

[ ] Warranty Provided. Company Warrants that Goods conform to the following Standards, Certificates, and
additional Provisions and Terms: _____________________________________________________________







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№ ________________ Date ______________ Customer ____________________________

Payment shall be made by the Customer to the Company of the Total Amount Due, repeated here as

_____________________________ [numerical],

as _____________________________________________________________________________ [textual],
in the terms defined below:

[ ] Net 30 _____________________________________________________________________________

[ ] Cash ______________________________________________________________________________

[ ] Other ______________________________________________________________________________.

Parties intend to be legally bound, and have caused their legally authorized representatives to sign this Sales
Contract, acknowledging full understanding, authority, and execution of this Contract by the undersigned
Parties, on this Execution and Effective date of the ______________ th/rd day of _______________________,
20 _____, under the Governing Law of ________________________________________________________.

_____________________________________ _______________________ __________________

Company Representative Signature Full Name, Printed Date

_____________________________________ _______________________ __________________

Customer Representative Signature Full Name, Printed Date

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