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2022 年上海市徐汇区初三下学期线下复课英语自评卷

(时间 90 分钟 总分 140 分 )

Part 1 Listening
(第一部分 听力)
I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共 25 分)
A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (5

1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根
据你听到的对 话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (5 分)
6.A.At 10:00. B.At 10:30 C.At 11:00 D. At 11:15.
7.A.Above the television. B. On the wall.
C. Beside the bed. D. On the shelf.
8.A.£100. B.£200 C.£300. D. £400.
9.A.Husband and wife. B. Mum and son
C. Teacher and student. D. Boss and secretary.
10.A.Jane's parents are musicians.
B. Jane can't afford the violin lesson.
C. Jane wants to give up music.
D. Jane's sister is a violin teacher.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or

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false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”
表示): (5 分)
11.Sally worked as a part-time art teacher after her daughters were born.
12.Sally prepared a little show for their daughters’ fifth birthday.
13.Though it was not easy to do the show,Sally managed to do everything by herself.
14.Stories about lions and tigers were especially loved by little children.
15.Organizing daughters’ birthday party was a nice surprise that changed Sally's life.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列

内容,每空格限填一词): (10 分)
16.You can enjoy a really _______ _______ of the countryside in a hot air balloon.
17.If there is too much cloud, your flight will _______ _______ and we'll rearrange
the trip.
18.Wear boots because you may have to walk in _______ and _______ fields.
19.The direction that the flight takes usually _______ _______ the wind.
20.The season starts _______ _______ and the last flights are in October.

Part 2 Grammar and Vocabulary

II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共 15 分)
21.Amy made a surprise visit to her parents’ house _______ Mother's Day. C.on D.for
22.It's necessary to give___ example to children when they learn something new
A.a C.the D./
23.I wouldn't mind staying at home or going to the movies. _______ will do.
A.Both B.None C.Either D.All
24.Lin became fond _______ skiing after she watched the Winter Olympic Games
A.of B.with
25.Believe in yourself. You can do just as _______ as the others on the team.
A. rood B.well C. better D. best
26.Jeffery has had many Chinese friends since he _______ to China two years ago
A. has come B. comes C. would come D.can
27.Mobile phones aren't allowed in the school _______ there is an emergency.

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A.if B.unless C.although D. when
28.-Excuse me, can I have a word with Doctor Smith?
-I’m sorry, Doctor Smith _______ on a patient at the moment.
A. is operating B. operated C. has operated D. will operate
29.To improve his English, he planned _______ part in a training program in London.
A.taking B.taken take D.take
30.The small town was completely destroyed in the earthquake. There is _______ left.
A.something B.nothing C. everything D.anything
31.Fans of adventure are looking forward to _______ the film Uncharted( 神 秘 海 ),
which is adapted from a computer game.
A.see B.saw C. to see D. seeing
32.Space is beautiful and full of mystery. I can't tell you _______ amazing it is. B. what C.what a D. what an
33.We _______ close the windows and stay inside our flats when a typhoon is
A. can B. may C.should D. would
34. Sam gave his phone number to his close friends, _______ they can keep in touch
all the time. B.or C.until D.since
35.--_______ is the nearest underground station?
--It's about ten minutes’ walk from here.
A. How long B.How far C. How often D.How soon

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each
word or phrase can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填
一词,每词或词组只能填一次):(共 8 分)
A.directions B. part C.signs D.easier
Every now and then, you may hear satellites sent into space.Why do we need so
many satellites? What do they do for us?
At present, there are more than 3,000 ___36___ satellites
moving around the earth. Satellites have all kinds of roles, from
transmitting TV signals giving you ___37___ on the road,to
helping scientists with their research.

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For example, the 22 satellites China sent up on February 27 are ___38___ of the
BeiDou Navigation Satellite System. Shared bikes that use BeiDou chips can provide
more accurate positioning. It will make them ___39___ to find Drowes (无人机)can
also use BeiDou to fly.

A. predict B.united C.disasters D.block E.distances

Before we have satellites, TV signals didn’t reach very far. Mountains or tall
buildings would ___40___ the signals. Phone calls to faraway places were also a
problem. Setting up telephone wires over long ___41___ is difficult. With satellites,
TV signals and phone calls can be sent directly to the satellite and back to different
locations on Earth.
Satellites can also provide information about clouds,oceans,land and ice. They
help scientists ___42___ changes in weather and climate. By monitoring wildfires and
volcanoes(火山) satellites help deal with natural ___43___ Farmers can use satellite
images to decide the best time to water their fields. Some satellites fly near other
planets. They may look for water on Mars or take close-up pictures of Saturn's rings.

IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中
所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词): (共 8 分)
44. Lisa's wish is to become a doctor when she grows up while ______ is to be a pilot.
45. The film festival is celebrating its ______ season. Many film stars are present.
46.More public ______ for young readers will be built in the following years.(library)
47.Many people ______ making friends with those what are rude and dishonest.(like)
48.Taking a walk in the park on a ______ day is always enjoyable and can help you
49. I don't think she won the first prize for the singing contest simply by good
50.Listen carefully and you will find what he says is ______ very encouraging.
51. Researchers often ______ that students spend more time doing outdoor activities.

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V. Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求改写下列句子。
62 —67 题每空 格限填一词): (共 14 分)
52.The architect took many photos of ancient buildings in Beijing.(改为一般疑问句)
______ the architect ______ many photos of ancient buildings in Beijing?
53.People will move the contents of Stephen Hawking’s office to the Science
Museum in London.(改为被动语态)
The contents of Stephen Hawkings office will ______ ______ to the Science Museum
in London.
54. I hope that I will receive a letter from Henry soon.(保持基本句意不变)
I hope that I will ______ ______ Henry soon.
55. That little boy hardly talks to people he doesn't know.(改为反意疑问句)
That little boy hardly talks to people he doesn't know, ______ ______?
56.“Why does Simon leave the office early every Friday?”he wondered(改为间接引
He wondered ______ Simon ______ the office early every Friday.
57.Lily is the most hardworking student in her class.(保持基本句意不变)
Lily works______ ______ anybody else in her class.
58.yourself,the problem, why,try to,not,work out,by(连词成句)

Part 3 Reading and Writing

(第三部分 读写)
VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解): (共 50 分)
A. Choose the best answer (根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案) (12 分)

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59.The theme for the 2022 Short Film Competition is “______”.
A.Camera B. Chance C. Future D. Love
60.The length of the film is ______.
A.1 minute B. between 2 and 3 minutes least 4 minutes D. from 1 to 12 minutes
61.Only ______ can take part in the Short Film Competition.
A. students B. teachers C.parents D. readers
62.Contestants can know whether they win or not ______.
A. from the Internet B. from
C.from their schools D. from the Junior Magazine
63.Which of the following statements is True according to the advertisement?
A.Short films must be submitted before September 1st, 2022.
B.All the contestants must make short films by themselves.
C. Contestants should also write a brief description of the film.
D. All the winners will be voted by readers through the Internet.
64. The main purpose of the competition is to ______.
A.encourage young creative filmmakers
B.get students to know more about films
C.introduce new technology of film making
D.protect traditional film making industry

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B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单
词或短语完成短文):(12 分)
Monday, 12 March
I was out in the Rose Garden neighbor when I received a radio call telling me to
___65___ an accident nearby.A taxi driver had knocked down a cyclist on the corner
of Hill Road and Green Street. The cyclist suffered back injuries and was sent by
ambulance to the nearest hospital. The taxi driver was in a state of shock when I tried
to interview him. ___66___ there were no passengers. This has been another busy day.
We police officers never know what will happen, so there's no chance of getting
Tuesday, 13 March
A five-year-old boy fell into a pool in the Green Park neighborhood.Fortunately,
an elderly man Terry Lim was passing by when the incident took place and he called
110. When I reached the ___67___, I wasted no time and jumped into the pool right
away. I managed to save the boy in tho nick of time.When I took him home, his
mother was so ___68___ and she gave me bags of food and drink for my lunch!
Wednesday, 14 March
I saved another life today. This time it was an eighty-year-old man who had
stopped ___69___ When Officer Max and I received the emergency call, we quickly
took our first aid kit(急救包) and drove our patrol car there. We immediately started
CPR and kept it up while waiting for the ___70___ to arrive. Five minutes later, when
they came, the man had started to breathe and he was taken to hospital right away.
Over the past couple of days,I had saved two people’s lives and that for me, is the best
part of a police officer's job. B.investigate C.prevent D.attend
66.A.Luckily B.Sadly C.Finally D.Recently
67.A.station B.goal C.boy D.scene
68.A.frightened B.excited C.thankful D.angry
69.A.eating B.breathing C.smoking D.exercising
70.A.street cleaners B.bus drivers
C.ambulance workers D.chief editors

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C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填
入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14 分)
Most people think of education only in terms of formal classes. When people
graduate from high school or college, they usually think their education is c___71___.
But it is possible to continue learning after finishing school. And making the effort
pays off personally and professionally.
On a personal level, learning can be fun and.It can deepen your conversations by
giving you something i___72___ to talk about. Its’ also good for your brain.
H___73___ such as playing the chess that require thought can help you keep your
mind sharp as you age.
Being a lifelong learner can also help your career. Becoming an expert(专家) in
an area outside of your present job gives you freedom. It allows you to take a job in
a___74___ field if you want to. B___75___, knowledge in other areas can help you
develop creative ideas in your present lob.
So how do you become a lifelong learner? You need to keep making the effort to
learn when it isn't easy.Try finding time to learn throughout your day. Carry a book
with you, and r___76___ when you have to wait. Audiobooks and podcasts are
helpful resources,too. You can listen to them while traveling.
Finding ways to use what you learn can help you remember things. If you want to
learn how to fix appliances, try fixing some at home. If you’re learning G__77___
find someone who speaks that language to talk to. If you’re learning facts about
science, explain what you're learning to someone else. Then you can help that person
be a lifelong learner, too!

D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题): ( 12 分)

Most of the time, our book review section focuses on a novel or a short story.
This month is a little different. Instead, How to Lie with Statistics( 统 计 数 字 ) is a
simple little book that teaches readers to tell good and bad statistics.
At the heart of the book is a problem Statistics provide a powerful way to
strengthen an argument or an opinion. Unfortunately, statistics are also both easily
misunderstood and controlled. That is a problem because many people are not able to
understand when numbers are used to give wrong information.The easiest way to
solve this problem is to give people the ability to understand statistics.

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How to Lie with Statistics tries to do just that.Often used as a textbook for math
classes, it is surprisingly easy to read and understand.It’s also very useful. Each of the
books ten units focuses on one way that people use statistics incorrectly or
How to Lie with Statistics has a light and fun tone. It teaches with both simple
explanations and fun examples. It includes a lot of cartoon pictures.Written in 1954
the book quickly became popular. Despite its age,the examples in the book are still
useful and easy to follow.
Readers should also be aware that this book isn't really a textbook. Although the
book gives important ideas about statistics, it doesn’t actually teach you math. The
author, Darrel Huff, wasn’t a mathematician(数学家). Instead, he was a journalist.
The book is a wonderful resource for readers. Traditionally it has been used as an
extra text for students from many different subjects. It also proves useful for anyone
who wants to develop their critical thinking.

78. Is How to Lie with Statistics a novel?

_______, ____________________________________________________________.
79.What can readers learn from How to Lie with Statistics?
80.How many units are there in the book How to Lie with Statistics?
81.What is the author Darrel Huff, a mathematician or a journalist?
82.What makes How to Lie with Statistics a popular book?(List at least two reasons.)
83.Will you read How to Lie with Statistics after reading this book review? If your
answer is yes, please explain what attracts you. If your answer is no, please explain
what makes you lose interest(3 分)

VII.Writing(作文):(共 20 分)
84.The school newspaper is going to use the given photo in the culture section. It's a

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photo of two exchange students from America.Please write a short news article
entitled "Exploring Chinese Culture" based on the given photo for the newspaper.
的简单报道。不少于 60 词。
剪纸 paper cutting 书法 calligraphy

Exploring Chinese Culture


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Part 1 Listening
I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共 25 分)
A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (5
1. Our puppy loves to see her vet and they always have a good time together. (E)
2. John got cold feet on the stage and totally forgot what to say to the audience. (C)
3. Look! Xiao Hai is helping her mum make the bed. What a helpful boy! (F)
4. A repairman was called to fix the dripping tap in our bathroom yesterday. (A)
5. Observing how plants grow can help students know more about nature. (B)

B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你
听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (5 分)
6. W: When is the next train to Tokyo?
M: I’m afraid you’re just too late for the ten thirty. The next one is a quarter past
Q: When does the next train leave for Tokyo? (D)
7. M: Where’s our photograph gone? I remember putting it on the shelf above the bed.
W: Oh, that photo. It didn’t look good there. I put it on the wall next to the television.
Q: Where is the photograph now? (B)
8. W: Joe, will you take part in this writing competition. The winner can have 200
M: Sure. I’ve saved a hundred pounds for my holiday, but I need 300. So if I win, I
can go.
Q: How much will the holiday probably cost Joe? (C)
9. W: Oh, Tom, you’re home. Did you do the cooking?
M: I’m going to take you out for dinner. Today is our 10th anniversary, love.
Q: What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers? (A)
10. M: Are you going to your violin lesson, Jane? You seem unhappy. I think you like
W: I’d be happy if I could stop my violin lessons, but my parents won’t let me. I don’t
think I’m going to make music my future job like my sister.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation? (C)

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C. Listen to a longer conversation and tell whether the following statements are true
or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的对话, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”
表示): (5 分)
M: Sally, tell us how your shows for children started. You studied art at college,
didn’t you?
W: That’s right. But I stopped painting when my twin daughters were born. I thought
about teaching art classes part-time, instead I started making toy animals for my
daughters. I love acting, so I often invented little plays for the toy animals, doing the
voices myself.
M: And when did you start doing shows for other people?
W: When our daughters were five, I wanted to do something different at their birthday
party. I wrote a little show and built a mini-theatre. My daughters and their friends
loved it. As a result, other parents asked me to do the show at their children’s parties.
That’s how it all began.
M: It must be a lot of work for you?
W: Yes. I needed someone to help me. Luckily, my neighbor Linda, was keen to
perform with me. Her husband records the music to go with the shows. It would be
impossible to do everything on my own.
M: Have you ever had any problems?
W: Only once. I did a show for a group of three-year-olds, and I’d written a story
about a lion. Unfortunately, the children were really afraid of the lion and started
crying. The experience taught me that I had to find out beforehand what children
M: And the shows continue to be successful?
W: They do. I love every minute of every show, and so other people love them too. I
certainly didn’t realize when I organized that birthday party for my daughters all those
years ago that it would change my life so much.
11. F 12. T 13. F 14. F 15. T

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内

容,每空格限填一词): (10 分)

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If you’re looking for an extra special present for yourself or friend, why not book
a flight in a hot air balloon! These exciting trips give you the chance to enjoy a really
unusual view of the countryside.
For a successful flight, we need light winds. It’s also important that there’s no
rain and that we have a clear sky. If there is too much cloud, we’ll cancel the flight
and your trip will be arranged for another date.
The temperature in the air is similar to that on the ground, so you should wear
causal outdoor clothes. Also, you must remember to wear boots. That’s because you
may have to walk in wet and dirty fields at the end of the trip!
The direction that the flight takes usually depends on the wind. The pilot will
choose a suitable landing place which may be between 5 and 30 kilometers from the
airfield we start from. But don’t worry because transport is provided – a mini-bus will
collect you.
All our flights take place in the evening and departure times depends on when the
sun sets. The season starts in March, and in May, for example, the flights would be at
6:00 p.m. The last flights are in October, and after that we close for the winter.
If you would like to book a flight or to receive more information about hot air
balloons, just feel free to call us. It will be a trip you never forget.
16. unusual view 17. be canceled 18. wet…dirty 19. depends on 20. in March

Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary

II. 21. C 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. B 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. C 30. B 31. D 32. A
33. C 34. A 35. B
III. 36. E 37. A 38. B 39. D 40. D 41. E 42. A 43. C
IV. 44. mine 45.tenth 46. libraries 47. dislike
48. sunny 49. luck 50. actually 51. suggest
V. 52. Did…take moved 54. hear from
55. does he 56. Why left 57. harder than
58. Why not try to work out the problem by yourself?

Part 3 Reading and Writing

VI. Reading comprehension
A. 59. C 60. B 61. A 62. D 63. C 64. A
B. 65. B 66. A 67. D 68. C 69. B 70. C

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C. 71. complete 72. interesting 73. Hobbies 74. another
75. Besides 76. read 77. German
78. No, it isn’t.
79. They can learn to tell good and bad statistics. / They can learn to understand
80. There are ten.
81. A journalist.
82. It’s easy to read and understand. It’s useful.
83. (言之有理即可)
84. 略

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