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Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

In ancient Greek mythology, the phoenix symbolizes regeneration since it is

associated with the sun. A classical disclosure on the bird also indicates a
potential origin in ancient Egypt.

In ancient Greece and Rome, the bird was associated with ‘Phoenicia a
civilization renowned for its trading product, a royal purple dye extracted
from sea snails.

The phoenix was believed to be very colorful, with vibrant crimson and gold
feathers. A few researchers believed that it had colors like that of a
peacock- with red legs and yellow eyes. Some old texts describe it as
having a crest of feathers on its head and some compare it to a rooster. In
terms of its size, it is generally believed to be the size of an eagle.

The story is that the bird lived for 500 years and at the end of its life it
would build a big fire and burn itself to death. When the fire died a new
phoenix would rise from its ashes and begin its 500- year journey. The
phoenix can be found mentioned in modern-day stories, religious
ceremonies, and even in government symbols.

In different cultures too, a mythical bird resembling the phoenix alludes too.
References to birds resembling the phoenix are found in East Asia, Slavic
fairy tales (Firebird), and India (Garuda).

a. Explain the main idea of the passage


b. List two different opinions regarding the shape and size of the bird as
evident from the ancient text.

c. Sequence the following from the passage.

(i) The phoenix is mentioned in modern-day stories, religious ceremonies, and even in
government symbols

(ii) Phoenix is also associated with civilization.

(iii) Different countries also allude to a mythical bird resembling a phoenix.

(iv) The phoenix would burn itself after 500 years and the rebirth of a new phoenix
would take place.


d. Find a synonym of the given word and frame a sentence.



e. Pick out a verb and a pronoun from the passage and frame a sentence.


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