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Homeroom Guidance

Week 7
Version of Me 2.0
Options (aspects) to consider:
1. Will go to college if there will be a financial support.
2. Will go to college if there are no health problems
3. Will go work in a hospital

Rights and responsibilities of my future chosen career

1. Provide safe and quality nursing care.
2. Formulate a plan of care in collaboration with clients and other members of the health team.
3. Implement planned nursing care to achieve identified outcomes.

Rights and responsibilities of the employer

1. Provide workplace from recognized hazards that cause harm and death.
2. Employees must be treated with respect by patients, families, colleagues and employees.
3. Fair compensation.

1. How did you find yourself in the chosen career in relation to the expected duties and
I find it interesting.
2. Being aware of your chosen career, name at least three you consider your work principles.
 Compassion and respect
 Communicate openly
 Honesty
3. What/who do you think motivates you to pursue your career goal? Can you explain how?
- My family is my inspiration. They are always there supporting me and willing to do anything for
my dreams.

V. Application
1. Relating to the chosen career, what have you learned from the activity?
I have learned that there are difficulties and struggles.
2. What was your strategy behind that you were able to untangled the knot?
Take time to think the best and clever way to untangle the knot.
3. What difficulty have you encountered while your group was untying that human knot?
The unity of the group.
4. How were you able to cope with difficulties in the process?
Just stay positive and calm.
5. How will you relate this activity with your real life challenges?
By accepting the truth, that everyone has their own battle. It is up to us- on how are we going to
handle and solve it.
V11. Evaluation
Situation No. 1

1. Policeman shows lack of integrity and injustice to the victim.

2. He should not do it without any strong evidence the boy was a drug user.

Situation No. 2

1. The ethical issue in this situation is being not responsible to his work. Using substandard material
may cause harm a death.

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