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Chapteo/lachme-Irtepenbnt pkinizabien

lam' 2aticn Cpthozation isa pocgam

taans/comation rechnigue, ahich toies to
hco0e Y maKIny, it wmsume less Desouoles

cPU, memoy and and oeliven high Spee

> a i i atisn Cam e ategooíged mto2 apes

)axhire Ineporrént pnzaicn

In this 9pbimigation the compiea tokes he
mieoediate COde and toamsfoomms
paot o/ the
code thot cbesrot nvoke any CPU vegiskea ca

abe absotufe mèmoay kocaticn

E do
i o lo; /h's cde involves depaakd use
volue valuet item idonefie
hile (value <loo)
> ams/oomed code


veue = uaue 7tem

(vaue e loo)
Ln this rode e have decaoed Lem absid-
the ,
block so, vo epeaticn
Jochine- dependbnt Opbimizotien
>Feoe opfimizatien is dene oes the toageb
code is emeaaed amd he code is 2nsla
-med accoy olino to the taxget
machime aachi

tectuoe i.e machine oeperrbro

Tmohes CPU aegiscoos and uses ahsoute
memoaye/eaonre 2athea thon aelative eekoenr

enoiple Soue l ptiniatien

They ae also roan as rade gatimigation
h e cde optianiaon ecrnig ues should
the eoring othe code and thei cheld
be SOme ement in he_ccde aler the
aPplicaticn other Techonigues
h e code gtimgatien techmig ues
) Commmen subeRESICN eliminabien
2 Dead cod eliminatien
3 code motion
4 cop prgogaton
5nductien vaoiable emimben & heokctian in etergt
8 Constont oldmg
) Corstont olbirg the vaue e an epoess ien
s censtont,use coYstan imteoo o expoecoien.

PI 22/7 PT 3 19
) Conmen Jub
2xp2ession Elimima in
Commen su6
enpoess/on can be
as om CXpeSSOm ahich appeaar
2epeafedy m
the pocqam and poeviously compted
hut the
vatues o The vaoiaber
n n haven
this hiseerigue we oepore the oeskutent
Commen Sub expessiem eachtme i i s

23sa -b+c e a bFC

berose the ad b =bt C
oren = = b+c g ica CSEC=6+c
-2 dd a-d because vaiue db
a ,a/oen
2 Deod-ccde eliminbion, T includes the
elimmatien othog statementr which ae neve
executed 0ieecuted the aufauk bese
ctotemen is eve uNd

Ex a
a *b Y-aKb
2 -ac
2 ac

Code moten It ia ehmigue ashich move

the code oulsiok the leop, i} i osent haue
amy oleoeme exeutes mside oa ccntide
the loop
uhileCi<10) zyt2
z=y+2 ieitl
9 y npagabron. 1 we ave a py stoteme

-nt ike we can use in place ofo

in plare
wheoe eve possibe a/teo the
areuoocne of bh

*b a b
2 akC

Indetiem vaoiobe eliratiom & hedycten

Inducóion vaviable elimimabion h e eliminabien
lccy centool vaaiabes.Ake ijonde.bc
Keakuctien in staergth ic te 2parement coper
opeaahiens aith mpea e
j1; while Ctu
while Cie 1o)


op 4,8, 12, % -

op 4,8, 12,/6-
Znteodetion to lhth- {/ocw Aralyee
l o peoloon (odle
(ooo optimi gabio amdaode
geineation, the cempilea ned b colect m/oom
-atien about entie pocgpa ard dstoibute i?
to cach bock m the b
c e ane peocommg

tanoomabiors i n a
rom as glabeal oh ou oralysi
t ce a0e peo/eomimg toomsyoomalien o r

0niroe Yeu groph lis gobo dati heos omtis

Data ler Saya tien Te dahan lhos info ran be
colected y
ut sJ= gen [s] u (Tmt]-euatien
SSatement 's.
outT->/o at the end s
gen S Iolo gorented by S.

in C n)o entas at the tegining Js

KiL nlo kiled by s
oints and laths-
Cuilh in a lhsic bbck B
etoeen eveay
hese is
d,-b 8
point adjacent ,
SB,as point
pathhe palh fom to, is a
Sequence paintr hP,3-- P d -
Such tat foo each betaeon land n-1 eilhe0-
2Ppomt immediately poecediny a statemon
Pit point imnediatel Jollooing that stakewent in
l P:- nd Seme bock
i Staobrng o a UCCesso bock
expaesseom a t b i r
lhaibbde expoession, m
aaibble at a pmg a emtx'

it ene i s peuns q mdilied bbre

thei use
B, , = 4 *i

B Y-x+ 2 B.P-2,3
So , ie expessien *iis avavlabe yo

y henchirg delmitien A deini bon D is 2achina

to a ot krled a
telovehat thepoint

d z =X+2
da =xt
deliraben o is occchinq the bock B, auh
is rteching the pmbat block Ba, because
it iskilled a
At d, the vale
vapiable 'xis hchanged
So the dlretion kikd at d,
damobtio ta-Foar ralyais
hersic questians ohut abta-loos amlyie
thoer wht cixumtmness e iemrve
odata-hw amlysis reect1
) Te oeciceis the hueon baid byhe
it antive agooitan
hatis the meamrg o the sokicn b tbe eqali
he DFA pameaook (D, V, ,E) Conist .
D:Adiecion e the dhabo, eitber foocood co
V-A domain o te values
A-A mret peoatro(V) Joom a semi-attice
A fary ansoo emetins, V-> V. F
includes constant oonsleruncions oo he
EVTERY/EXIT maks as ael
Jane cK heps us 1dertily the
the oeusabe
(omppnents of the ahoithm m auo sa/ tca
oesign ocohce
ameaoaks alo hep u to calirg eoots a
DoqcommirA CO0OOS
Tomiatkice omtlabtireis aaet V ada binag
meet peacdoo 1 Such that foa all r , and ihu.
nx ( m e is idbmpotenb)
Xny =
yAx (meet is ommu tative

xnyn) = y)2(meet is assoclative)

T ruch
>A semilatbice as a o element,donoed
foo allx in V, T X.

Asomilattie y ave a bottom eknt ectd

by ,such tah ab.
o0 all x n V, 1A = 1
Paotial codbaA velabionis a pootia) ooba on a
a set V, i for a l , y cmd z in V such bat

i z< the paotial oubr is eleaive)

ifreyard yex, thn zy (peotio) owbr ig
y and yez, theney (pootial cdka i
Patnl odea foa a seibßoCe e protial oadeo o
Seroilatbice (V, n) fo, all A X ardy in VV
z Sy i ond only zAy =*.

Rellexivi+fm all x, xex

paoo XAx =X SInre meeb is idempotnt
Ardisypmrameay x<y and yex bhen y
poco <y means
zAY=X &
y<X mem YAx=y
By commutativity ef A X=(A) =(AX) =x
Tersitivi xey ard yez bhon ez
pacox<y Lye2 mmans tnt
xAy =2 & YN2=y
then(xn2)=%n)nz)-(xn (ynz)-(xn)-x
lancer rancbianshe fomrily toamsea fonebions
FVV m a dbta -fbcw ameaook has
F h s an identity fumetion i, Such bat l'x)-Ex
foo all i'n V.

F i r cosed undoa compesitien; Joo any 2Jmd

Cnsand g in F be parctonh oe/ined b

hl)-9fx) is in E.

orctenoeuk A dhta -o fameasak (DF V,A)

imenton if oa all x
omd y in V and
z <=y implies fla)e=
Distoibutive f0aearak he mecwsak s dstoihd
x ny)={o)n/(9)Jor all 2 Ay inv
an in F.
he Zerotive Mgoibhn o gnepaomecor
we Com genexalige ahooithm to make it cuk
foo a a Laety daa-lw ppoboms VC

Ag: Shaóive soluben to gerzval dito-/e foak

meul oota -ew omeuok aith be yoowing
oata -{low gaph aith specialhy: abeled. ENTRY
amd EXTT modes
2 A dioectien o the duh-fbw D.
3 A set e values V
4.A meet cpeaatoo A
5A set o JactionE wheae in Fs the
reansleafuretion fo0 bock 8
6A cons tnt alue
EMTERY 0arT n V, epoescntn
the bcndaoy cordi tien fo ovaaod and hok
Outpub: Values in V Joo TNTB) omd OUT T8J
o each
basic bock 8n the centaol ow ganph.
adata leo
ha-loc SDlso on. he meaning
solhion is to fmda iadea)
Solutien foo the pogoan
The ideol sohutisn begins by findmg all the psibe
excutien paths codirg
faom the pocgonn entay b
he beginmin e 8.

The ioka solien he cbtaet
hem commpuer the dhla)e
value at the end d each pocsible pabh and
then appiys the
meet proata to these uokuer bo
imd theia geatest locwoo pound

No enecubien o he payon cam pocoee a

mch smaleo value foo that goapint tan
a a posib excuien palh Joon Minit)
staoting to B
r y amswea qoeateo thm LDEAL ave imcoaFt
fmsweas smalea tban amol equal to DEAL doe
Sae ond precise
Constamb 2opmgotin
lonstont poopogalhenis atouteplaciny expessio
ailth censtnts oo values
othe xpeSsLNs
2 % P I = 22/ =314
(2 3.11
n a code the value 3-14 ooks o e
iciently thon 22/, erose divisien isa
cempex opeaabon
(ens tant popagabiom also ellmivates uer
in ihich va/tue aroe
cpiod m one
C Vaoicble to antr able

L is aene by sampy asiping ehe values

y 7-
2 Y (18u +2-
- Here x is assiqmedtoa censtan t and
used foo3 6mes. fo0 im poo vivg the
exerufien o e COM aue bhe vziale

2 7 * (28/u t 2)-19.
aoia Kedumoarey Eliminatn
a camplezophimizathen echmig ue i
itincludes eliminabien o
'7Hobo commen sub-exppessiom elmimaben
oop inasiamt ccde matien.
i.(o Sub-epoession mabion
ACOmmen sub-epaess/©N is
hich is cused aetea dely.

t h i s emmabion ae elimimade the apabas

fexpoession ond oephced aith he okie
the expoesSI©n.

t=b+C tbt
b 2
a - btc a=t
d bt dt
the exppesien b+cis comptufed 3 bme
o 6 emove aedumoorty are hae aphred the
ethe 2 epoecsien aith he value bhe eypersi
oop inarient code mobion In mos be
cases the exeation bime is a2akak A
caeased t h e lines coemAdre incacasad.

avoid this we emove beSome he

co o o he Aoop
and pare i?
umece soy

belcoe he loop

shild ie lo) y+2

while Ci<lo)
ic it

he cxgessin t2 plared ubside the lap

he ode his
to avoid seeabed exeçabien o
Aoops in e pah
Loop (a be toeabed as contob
A lesgooph is a dhoecked gooph , it ontbins
law o (ent imfeomabien o a seb o bosc
la ganph is used to depeb hoco the eego
conhol is bemg done among the bbek
loops islogoeph consis bol domincteo
depth Jhst exdeoing ack edye gaph depth
and deuc jbili by omsand etc
Domirates The mode d is said to ceniat
rode "
rce "
gooph i
pabh to
om mi io) ode goes
bhaough d enly
I n geneaa eveay
mbia eone noode domimm tes
all lhe Oema ming neoks tn a
bew qoaph.

Heoe rece2 ckowninabesO96.

Nakveal lop A mkiaal lop can be fine
y a back edae dsuch ba6 nekes
theis crbs moder tha& con each bo 'n 'cohi
with out going bhocaugh"d"

eae, matraal loop is

epoesenbed by back edge

a cntamt 7
m e r loop- Imea loop is a leop
olhea lecp
oe,@9, hve olhes

lcopSo t is a imerlao

Poe-heaoeo- he poe-headee is a rea bock caeatr

such bhab sucecso this bock is hadeo boc

I added to facilitate lap anomben
Computabren. PDe header

heod e0

YCbeo bbks bock B

T is a echnigue to raveose he
he des
Cby us ig this
this taeose ave m biH
- T i s exoct evese post-codlop ing
post soRh a bre
1o, 9, 8,,65,4,3,2,
Depth-Jiost codesing a tbee
1,13, 4,5, 6,2,1 lo

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