GHI 2 - First Draft - Innaya Zalikha

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Celebrity Endorsement (pros)

TS : Celebrity endorsement is a great marketing strategy because it can influence

consumers, build brand awareness, and attract new users.

1. Influence consumers
- Great amount of people have celebrities as their role model
- seeing celebrities use the product increases the temptation to buy it

2. Build brand awareness

- Celebrities have huge public exposure
- helps the product to reach more audience

3. Attract new users

- Celebrities have big acceptance in public
- a suitable celebrities for the product may increase brand recall and audience’s

CS : In conclusion, celebrity can affect buyers, set brand recognition, and allure new
shoppers for the successful endorsement.

Celebrity branding or celebrity endorsement is a form of advertising campaign or marketing

strategy. Celebrity Endorsement refers to a marketing strategy whose purpose is to use one
or multiple celebrities to advertise a specific product or service. The primary goal, in this
case, is to reach a greater audience, represented by the celebrity’s fan base. It’s no secret
that big corporations are willing to spend a lot of money in order to cut a deal with a celebrity.
This way, they hope to become leaders in their industry. Marketers use celebrity endorsers in
hopes that the positive image of the celebrity endorser will be passed on the product’s or
brand’s image. Non-profit organizations also use celebrities since a celebrity’s frequent mass
media coverage reaches a wider audience, thus making celebrities an effective people in
fundraising. People aspire to the lifestyles of celebrities. Consumers selectively perceived
values and behavior of celebrities they admire, to build and communicate their own identity.
Celebrities exert their influence on consumers through few attributes such as expertise,
trustworthiness, attractiveness, familiarity and likeability. As being said above, celebrity
endorsement is a great marketing strategy because it can influence consumers, build brand
awareness, and attract new users.

First, it influences consumers. The similarity consumers have for certain celebrities can
greatly influence their purchases. People may have the attitude, “if the product is good
enough for her, then it’s good enough for me.” This philosophy is often the encouragement
behind advertisements for makeup, skincare, hair products and attire. Consumers want the
silky hair of a celebrity, for example. Hence, they purchase the brand that celebrities use to
achieve their silky hair. Consumers may also desire the same drink as their favorite idol. For
example, a Korean boy group, NCT, they collaborated with Nu Green Tea. They appeared on
a Nu Green Tea bottle. It’s a bottled sweet tea . Essentially, when their favorite celebrity
collaborates with a certain brand, the testimonial of the celebrity adds instant credibility to a
small company product. Great amount of people have celebrities as their role models.
Whatever their celebrities as their role models have, they must have it too. It’s a feeling they
can’t control because they are their role models. This actively demonstrates that people will
always follow their role models. The particular reason for the circumstance is that role
models influence our actions. Also, seeing celebrities use the product increases the
temptation to buy it. The particular reason for the circumstances is that it’s a simple
psychological effect. Subconsciously people believe that purchasing a product that’s
promoted by a celebrity they admire, will allow them to imitate the celebrity’s desired traits or
attract similar people into their lives. They will associate the celebrities’ success, beauty,
athletic, skill and many more.

Second, it builds brand awareness. Celebrities in advertising build brand awareness, they
build it much more quickly than traditional types of advertising. Brand awareness measures
the percentage of people who are familiar with a particular brand. Small businesses spend
lots of money and time for exposure to incrementally increase brand awareness among
consumers. The use of a celebrity can do much to enhance consumers’ awareness and
understanding of what a small business offers. Finding indicate celebrities who have
likeability, popularity in the target market, personality, positive image, capability to add some
value to the brand can enhance brand awareness. Celebrities have huge public exposure.
This actively demonstrates that using a celebrity to represent the brand helps to differentiate
their brand from competitors. It also can improve ad recall, making consumers remember
the brand ad and that their brand is connected to the consumers’ favorite celebrity. When
they sign on a celebrity to endorse their brand, they sign on to everything that comes with
them. Celebrity endorsement also helps the product to reach more audience. Celebrities are
well known people, most people know this certain celebrity. When a celebrity promotes a
product from a certain brand, people are most likely to know it. Whether they are a fan or not
of the celebrity, they will know when a celebrity promotes something from a certain brand. A
brand tends to choose a celebrity that is known from all ages, from young to old people.
That’s why celebrities help the product to reach a larger audience.

Third, Celebrity endorsement attracts new users. One challenge small companies face is
finding new users for their products. Celebrities in advertising appeal to consumers as well
as those who have never tried the brand. The latter may be users of competitive brands.
However, those who continually see the celebrity in a commercial for a certain product may
be convinced to try the product. Celebrities have big acceptance in public. Celebrities are
people who are well known to the public and have charm. This actively demonstrates that
with the support of celebrities will have an impact on the sale of a brand's product.
Celebrities as brand ambassadors to attract new users will give the celebrity brands that are
constantly remembered by customers. Celebrities use their status and their followers on
social media to promote the product. It helps attract new users and increase brand name
recognition. A suitable celebrity for the product may increase brand recall and audience’s
curiosity. When used appropriately, celebrities can play a valuable role in developing brand
equity and enhancing a brand competitive position. Brand equity involves managing the
constellation of meanings associated with the brand. Celebrity endorsers represent one way
in which meanings can be transferred to a brand or product. This actively demonstrates that
when a brand wants to use a celebrity as their endorser, try to find a celebrity with a good
In brief, celebrity can affect buyers, set brand recognition, and allure new shoppers for the
successful endorsement. That will prevent the company from being in a situation of bad
reputation or bad publicity which is not good for the business.

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