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Albino S.

1-Ab Political Science
Fundamentals of Political Science

Research about Authority

What is authority?
The institutionalized and legal power inherent in a job function or position
that allows the bearer of the job to accomplish his or her tasks effectively is
referred to as authority. It is given to you on a formal and legal basis. A specific
authorization gained from a person's superior officer and based on which a
person is authorized to undertake work in an organization is referred to as
authority. It is necessary for administrative purposes. No one can carry out their
responsibilities with complete responsibility unless they have authority. This
includes the ability to keep an eye on a problem, commit finances, issue
commands, and enforce them. It's followed by taking responsibility for one's
actions and failures to act. Furthermore, legitimate authority frequently implies
that the authority is acknowledged by the goal.

Concept of authority
 The secret to managerial employment is authority. Authority is the
cornerstone of the organization to the degree that an organization is
defined as a system of relationships between authorities. Authority has
a variety of meanings in daily life; it may refer to an individual with
superior expertise and skills in a specific field; it may apply to certain
officials such as a police commissioner, a university vice-chancellor, or
a company's managing director; the word 'registered dealer' also has a
different connotation, that of a legally-constituted relationship.
However, for management purposes, these definitions of authority are
not sufficient. The Authority shall be allowed to make a decision on a
matter given or assigned by the superiors. Taking decisions is not
sufficient. The decisions are made by those given the responsibility of
enforcing the said decision. Authority here becomes a right to order
and even to execute the decision.
In short, the Authority can be defined as:

 A legitimate right to a decision that may be given or assigned,

 Entitlement to command,

 The right to see that the decision is implemented properly and


Characteristics of Authority
 Basis of Getting Things Done: Authority grants the right to do
something in an organization and to control the actions of the other
employees of the organization. It immediately contributes to the
completion of certain activities for the achievement of the stated goals.

 Legitimacy: Authority means a legal right open to superiors (within the

company itself). This type of right exists because of the practice of
authenticity, custom, or norms agreed upon in an institution. Based on
an organizational hierarchy, the right of a manager to influence the
behavior of his subordinates is granted to him.

 Decision Making: A prerequisite of authority is decision-making. The

manager may order his subordinates to behave or not to act. The
manager makes this form of decision concerning the operation of an

 Implementation: Implementation affects the manager's personality.

The subordinates or group of subordinates should obey the manager's
orders as to the execution of decisions. One manager's personality
factor may vary from another manager.
Features of Authority:
 It is an individual's legitimate right.

 It enables staff to be determined by the placeholder.

 This means the right to seek compliance.

 It is practiced in a certain manner to control the actions of

 It moves within the organization from top to bottom.

 It is the ultimate organizing power, and it unites the various individuals

who work in the company.

 It is used to accomplish organizational goals.

 Differentiating authority from power. Power is referred to as the ability

to influence the attitude and behavior of an individual whereas
authority is particular authorization obtained from the higher end.
Elements of Authority
There are 5 elements of authority which are explained below.

 Usage of Power: In other words, there is a power where there is an

authority based on which the authorized person gives orders and
instructions to other persons under his/her jurisdiction.

 Influential Personality: If the power is assigned to a person of

influential personality, he can make successful use of these powers,
easily because his orders are readily accepted by the subordinates.

 Performance: An essential aspect of authority is the need for the

exercise of authority control. Such success can take place in various
ways, such as with the application and issuing orders in writing, etc.

 Effective Leadership: The individual with authority must be an

effective leader so that his subordinates can be guided and his
subordinates can obey his instructions in turn.

 To Influence the Subordinates: The person having authority must

have a quality impact on his subordinates for the successful exercise of
authority to be able to recognize and comply with his orders
Movie review

Movie title: “Macbeth”

In the movie, Macbeth was just your average kickass warrior, until he
won an epic battle and got a prophecy from three future-watching ladies; they
claimed he was the soon-to-be king. So, in his thirst for power, he murders the
current ruler and finds no resistance in getting to the throne, the easiest way on
getting the full vest of authority.
After claiming the former king was cruel and unjust and that his ruling was
meant to be, Macbeth becomes a total maniac, swallowed by a pit of guilt and
shame. In vesting the highest authority as an incumbent king, he, tried to
assassinate anybody who is under the slight suspicion of betraying him, children
Michael Fassbender’s character slowly descends into madness under the
baffled look of his wife, who didn’t know that his new sweet position would rot
his soul. The Movie was great, same as the actor who portrayed as the decadence
of Macbeth. His evil smile contrasts with his mighty fighting skills depicted in the
visually stunning battles. Cinematographer Adam Arkapaw is certainly a master in
his craft.

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