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844 © Osciutarors pe Section 16-1 Section 16-2 Section 16-3 Section 16-4 Section 16-5 Section 16-6 © ‘Sinusoidal feedback oscillators operate with positive feedback. Relaxation oscillators use an RC timing circuit. ‘© ‘The two conditions for positive feedback are the phase shift around the feedback loop must be (0° and the voltage gain around the feedback loop must equal I. © For initial start-up, the voltage gain around the feedback loop must be greater than | © ‘Sinusoidal RC oscillators include the Wien-bridge, phase-shft, and win“ Sinusoidal LC oscillators include the Colpits, Clapp, Hartley, Armstrong, and erystal- controlled. © The feedback signal ina Colpits oscillator is derived from a capacitive voltage divider in the LC circuit. The Clapp oscillator i a variation ofthe Colpitts with a capacitor added in series with the inductor, © The feedback signal in a Hartley oscillator is derive from an inductive voltage divider inthe EC ireuit © The feedback signal in an Armstrong oscillator is derived by transformer coupling. © Ceystal oscillators are the most stable type of feedback oscillator. Arelaxation oscillator uses an RC timing cteuit and a device that changes states to generate a periodie waveform, © The frequency in a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) can be varied with a de control voltage. © The 55S timer isan integrated circuit that can be used as an oscillator, in addition to many other applications . KEY TERMS —____Key terms and ater od ters inthe ha are defined in the end-of book glossary. Astable Characterized by having no stable states. Oscillator An electronic circuit that produces a periodic waveform on its output with only the de supply voltage as an input, Positive feedback The return of a portion of the output signal to the input such that it reinforces and sustains the output Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) A type of relaxation oscillator whose frequency can be var- ied by ade control voltage. 164 ‘Wien bridge positive feedback atemation 162 ‘Wien-bridge resonant frequency 163 Phase-shif feedhack sttemation 16-4 Phases oscillator frequency 16-5 CColpits, Capp, and Hardey approximate resonant frequency 166 CCopits amplifier gain Cincurt-Action Quiz + 845, rer p= J opts soa sess 2a ViCV +1 6s emo sont gu Pa re in Senet YOO foeesy wn Sales + RIC Ry + Re 1619 Daye = (BER ne Jims ssa Answers can be found at www. pearsonhighered.comfloyd. ‘Two categories of oscillators are feedback and relaxation A feedback oscillator uses only negative feedback. Positive feedback is never used in an oscillator ‘The net phase shift around the oscillator feedhack loop must be 7er, ‘The voltage gain around the closed feedback loop must be greaer than | to sustain oscillations For start-up, the loop gain must be greater than 1. ‘A Wien-bridge oscillator uses an RC circuit inthe postive feedback loop. ‘The phase-shift oscillator utilizes RC circuits, The twin-T oscillator contains an LC feedback c 10. Colpitts, Clapp, Har AL. The crystal oscillators based on the photoelectric effect 12, A relaxation oscillator uses no positive feedback. 13. Most relaxation oscillators produce sinusoidal outputs. 14, VCO stands for varable-capacitance oscillator, 15, The 555 timer can be used as an oscillator. vena heen and Armstrong are examples of LC oscillators, Answers can be found at www. A, TER, and Ry ave increased to 18K in Figure 16-12, the Fequeney of oscillation will (a) increase (b) decrease (not change 2, I the feedback potentiometer R;is adjusted (oa higher value, the volage gain in Figure 16-12 will (a) increase (b) decrease _(e) not change 3. In Figure 16-14, if the Ryis decreased, the feedback attenuation will (a) increase (b) decrease (e) not change 4 IF the capacitors in Figure 16-14 are ineeased to 0.01 wi, the Frequency of oscillation will () increase (b) decrease (@) not change 5. In order to increase Vip in Figure 16-30, Rs must (a) increase (b) decrease _(e) not change 6. Ifthe capacitor in Figure 16-30 opens, the frequency of oscillation will (a) increase (b) decrease (¢) not change 846 © Osciutarors 7. Ithe value of R; in Figure 16-32 is decreased, the peak value of the sawtooth output wi (a) increase (B) decrease —_(€) not change 8, Ifthe diode in Figure 16-40 opens, the duty eyele will () increase (b) decrease _(¢) not change ELE Sted deere oning Section 16-1 Section 16-2 Section 16-3 Section 16-4 Section 16-5 1. An oscillator differs fom an amplifier because the oscillator (a) bas more gain (©) requires no input signal (©) requires no de supply (@) always has the same output 2. One condition for oscillation is (a) a phase shift around the feedback loop of 180° (b) « gain around the feedback loop of one-third () a phase shift around the feedback loop of O° (@) & gain around the feedback loop of less than 1 3. A second condition for oscillation is (a) no gain around the feedback loop (b) & gain of 1 around the feedback loop (€) the attenuation ofthe feedback circuit must be one-third (@) the Feedback circuit must be capacitive 4, Ina certain oscillator, y= $0, The attenuation ofthe feedback ctcuit must be @1 001 ©) 10 @ 002 5, Foran oscillator to properly start, the gain around the feedback loop must initially be (a) 1 (b) Hess han 1 (@) gresterthan 1 (@) equal to B 6, Wien-bridge oscillators are based on (a) positive Feedback (b) negative feedback (6) the piezoelectric effect (@) high gain 7. Ina Wien-bridge oscillator, i the resistances in the positive feedback circuit are decreased, the Frequency (a) decreases (b) increases _(e) remains the same 8. The Wien-bridge oscillators positive feedback cireit is (a) an RL cient (b) an LC circuit (©) avoltage divider (@) a lead-lag circuit 19. A phase-shift oscillator has (a) three RC circuits (b) three LC cireuits (©) aTrypecireuit (a) a m-type circuit 10, Colpits, Clapp, and Harley are names that refer to (a) (ypes of RC oscillators (b) inventors of the transistor (©) types of LC oscillators (@) types of filters 11, The main feature ofa crystal oscillator is (a) economy (b) celiability_(¢) stability (A) high frequency 12, An oscillator whose frequency is changed by a variable de voltage is known as (a) acrystal owillator @) avco (©) an Ammstrong oscillator (@) a piezoelectric device 13. The operation ofa relaxation oscillator is based on (a) the charging and discharging of a capacitor (b) a highly selective resonant circuit (©) avery stable supply voltage (@) tow power consumption Section 16-6 Section 16-1 Section 16-2 Section 16-3 Prosuems * 847 14. Which one ofthe following is not an input or output of the 585 timer? (a) Threshoié (6) Control voltage (€) Clock (@ Tigger (©) Discharge © Reset Answers to odd-numbered problems are at the end of the book BASIC PROBLEMS. ‘The Oscillator 1, What type of input is required for an oscillator? 2. What are the basic components of an oscillator circuit? Feedback Oscillators 13. Ifthe voltage gain ofthe amplifier portion ofan oseillator is 75, what must be the attenuation ofthe feedback circuit to sustain the oscillation? 4. Generally describe the change required in the oscillator of Problem 3 in order for oscillation to begin when the power i initially tured on Oscillators with RC Feedback Circuits 8. Acenain lead-lag circuit has a resonant frequency of 3.5 kHz. What i the ms output voltage if an input signal with a frequency equal tof, and with an rms value of 2.2 V is applied tothe inp? {6 Calculate the resonant frequency of ead-ag circuit wih the following values: Ry and Cy = Cy = 002 HF, 7. Determine the necessary value of Ry in Figure 16-57 so thatthe circuit will oscillate. Neglect the forward resistance ofthe zener diodes. (Hint: The total gain ofthe circult must be 3 when the zener diodes are conducting.) 8, Explain the purpose of Ry in Figure 16-57, 2 = 62KE, Dd, Dy A FIGURE 16-57 9. For the Wien-bridge oscillator in Figure 16-58, calculate the setting for Rg assuming the inter- nal drain-souree resistance, ry, ofthe JFET is 350 $2 when oscillations are stable. 10, Find the frequency of oscillation forthe Wien-bridge oscillator in Figure 16-58, 848 © Oscittarors > FloURE 16-58 Multisim file circuits are identified q with a logo and are inthe Problems Pe {older on the companion website Filenames correspond to figure umber (e.g, F168) Kn INDI 2Ns G 10Ka = ots ur c ‘oa dae 11, What value of Ris required in Figure 16-59? What if? R a7Ka KG 0.022 uF | 0022 ye] 0022 uF 47K 47K Section 16-4 Oscillators with LC Feedback 12, Calculate the frequency of oscillation for each circuit in Figure 16-60 and identify the type of oscillator Assume @ > 10 in each case > FIGURE 16-59 sits om @ Prosuems * 849 13, Determine what the gain ofthe amplifier stage must be in Figure 16-61 in order t have sus- tained oscillation. > FIGURE 16-61 wv 47 Bro ou Section 16-5 Relaxation Oscillators 14, What type of signal does the circuit in Figure 16-62 produce? Determine the frequency of the output 15, Show how to change the frequency of oscillation in Figure 16-62 to 10 kH 16, Determine the amplitude and frequency of the output voltage in Figure 16-63. Use 1 V as the forward PUT voltage 17. Modify the sawtooth generator in Figure 16-63 so that its peak-to-peak output is 4 V. DP FIGURE 16-62 © a . 0.02 uF sks P FIGURE 16-63 sav Ry 10Ke Ry bv 7. wou, rae 100K . Vn 2K 18. A cenain sawtooth generator has the following parameter values: Vig = 3V,R = 47k, ‘C= 00001 we. Determine its peak-to-peak output voltage ifthe period is 10 us 350 Oscitarors Section 16-6 The $55 Timeras an Oscillator el] 19, What ate the two comparator reference vollages in a 555 timer when Vec = 10V? 20, Determine the frequency of oscillation forthe 55S stable oscillator in Figure 16-4. 21, To what value must Ca, be changed in Figure 16-64 to achieve a frequency of 25 kHa? 22. Inan astable 555 configuration, the external resistor Ry = 3.302. What must Rp equal 0 produce a duty eyele of 75 percent? assv a 1OKD RESET Veo Isc 555 8 og mires our} TRG cont} « xp G | 0617 pF | | 001 we ‘MULTISIM TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEMS ‘These file circuits are inthe Troubleshooting Problems folder on the companion website 23, Open file TSP16-23 and determine the fault. 24, Open file TSP16-24 and determine the fault. 25, Open file TSP16-25 and determine the fault, 26, Open file TSP16-26 and determine the fault. 27, Open file TSP16-27 and determine the fault 28, Open file TSP16-28 and determine the fault

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